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Author Topic: Gerik Randi - A Narrative  (Read 96 times)


Gerik Randi - A Narrative
« on: January 02, 2009, 03:22:04 pm »
So the young Man Left his home to wonder the lands of Mistone. He eventually found himself in the port city of Hempstead, which, his only concern at the time was gathering some true to support his travel. this of course, lead to an unlikely adventure through the sewers and a fatal encounter with a lizard man who is responsible for stirring up the rats and clogging the pipes. Both times he was sent through the void, a rather chilling experience for the young Gerik. It was absolutely confusing for him, and he didn't realize that the Orb he had acquired from his father was the source of this binding. He eventually came to understanding, but it was distorting for him nonetheless.... people were only supposed to die "once". He now knew of that power that has kept many adventurer alive in those many stories he heard of as a young child.

After the rough handling from the lizardkin, he decided to try his knowledge of the coast through the maps that were left in his home before he left. He eventually covered his way far north, and with his sense of direction and purpose, managed to find his way across the land, even stopping at curious sites along the way. The last of which was the grove deep in Whitehorn.

Meanwhile, unbeknown to the young Gerik, a little fae dragon felt the connection that quickly adhered to him during one of the Young man's periods of strong frustration. The man was still unaccustomed to his power, so the energy itself bonded with a creature that could give him some understanding. This now-all-of-a-sudden familiar, Fessi, tried pushing away, having a bad experience with a previously, quite unsuccessful wizard, who managed to expertly incinerate himself. Alas, the emotion that drove Gerik's unrefined power latched on, and Fessi became bound to him. So it, or rather, he, followed Gerik, trying to make heads or tails of him, but not being quite the woodsguide Gerik was, Fessi managed to separate himself, and come across many strange folk who kindly directed the odd creature to his master.

Upon reunion, a rather confused Gerik was overwhelmed by the chattering creature known as Fessi, and to an extent, came to terms with what had happened, and even managed to manifest his emotions with unique abilities from each one, ranging from freezing rats, or spilling acid on his own, already quite worn boots. It would be some time before he mastered his power, but until then, he managed with what he had.

The young Gerik stumbled upon a small group of traveler's, and soon became a "partial" acquaintance t them; two rather odd Elves, the First Gerik had ever laid eyes on, and a rather eccentric Gnomish woman with a knack for making quips at the right time. Gerik was glad that he needn't bother with his heritage. none of these people didn't need to know, and there wouldn't be a chance of putting him on a pedestal. He could be normal, so long as a cleric didn't come along to point it out.

This was the first chapter in Gerik's Life, and possibly one of many to come, or even just the first of a few...


Re: Gerik Randi - A Narrative
« Reply #1 on: February 17, 2009, 07:18:40 pm »
What is it that makes a man? Is it his strength? Or maybe his way with words? Is a man always judged by his deeds? or do looks hide the truth of character? Many questions filled the young man's head, curious about the world and what lies in store. Would he make a name for himself? He didn't have the prowess of a great fighter, or the wit of a wizard, or the remarkable fortitude of a dwarven defender. He had his simple tricks and a charming face. He pondered these thoughts, and found no answers. instead, he choose to ignore them, and enjoy the solace he received from traversing the woodlands of western Mistone.

Gerik took his time learning of the elusive Fessi, what he has came to accept as a familiar. He also took time to understand what this power of his was. was it just emotion that triggered these event? of course not, but Gerik would not know this for some time. While they were the manifestations of his will, he lacked the focus to "will" them forth in all situations. His ignorance of such things cannot be held against him, but some might find it amusing.

Not much could be said for what occurred in his life for some time, other that he lived it, and that he enjoyed it. He found living in the outdoors far more pleasant, if not a dangerous, but that did not matter. For some time, all that mattered to him was living in the moment as it was...