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Author Topic: Dreams of a Sun Elf - Elohanna Min A'Litae  (Read 699 times)


Dreams of a Sun Elf - Elohanna Min A'Litae
« on: September 08, 2006, 09:05:30 pm »
Elohanna Min A'Litae
(Daughter of the Light)

Age: 150
Class: Wizard
Race: Elvish
Sub Race: Sun Elf
Eye Color: Pale Blue
Hair color: Copper-Brownish
Diety: Aeridin
Origin: Saida, Voltrex
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Language ears needed: Elven, common
Elohanna stands about 4’9 with copper-brownish wavy long hair that comes to the middle of her back. Pale Bluish that seem to pierce even the farthest corner of your soul. She is about 90 pounds. At first glance the soft features of her face give the impression of one who is kind and of gentle spirit. Her eyes seem to focus on sights far away with the air of a dreamer lost on the winds of her thoughts. Yet when brought to bear upon you they seem to read your own thoughts and reflect a scholarly wisdom that somehow both touches you within and puts you at distance, categorized and kept in the place you belong, just out reach of she herself. Her posture is graceful yet somewhat rigid, like one who orders herself with precision down to the last detail of pose, yet also showing of long hours spent in study over tomes and texts in ancient libraries.

She is a quiet, shy person who prefers people to come to her if they wish to engage her rather than being the first to initiate social interaction. Once engaged in conversation that interests her though she can become rather passionate about her own thoughts on things she has studied and has a firm grasp of. Even in crowds she tends to let others shine more than herself and tends to stay more to the background. She is an observer of society and cultures. She tends to listen more to those around her than try to enforce her views on others but keeps a very open mind for an Elf.

When facing conflict she tends to push her reservations aside and her thoughts become more focused to the moment. While she is intensely loyal to her friends, she usually seeks to protect them through subtle means behind the scenes.

Elwe Lissesul: Father
Enelya Sirfalas: Mother
Nessa Galathil : Nanny
Eli Shamoon: Friend and Mentor after her parents passing, someone she considered much more than just a friend but close family to her.

Elohanna grew up in the Elven city of Saida. She was brought up in a very loving home, leaving her very little reason to leave the fine city. At least until the time where wars began to plague other Elven communities throughout the land and her parents, Elwe and Enelya went to help her distant cousins. Elohanna was left in the care of a trusted friend of theirs while they were away in order to keep their little girl safe.

‘Auntie Nessa’ is what she preferred to be called. We were never as close over the years and grew even more distant when the news finally reached us that my parents had died. For the longest time, she and I had not spoke, Elohanna had not wanted to speak to anyone. She pushed everyone away and became a loner. The last thing she wanted was to become close to anyone again only to lose them. So she immersed herself in books, in fantasy, in legends and worlds that were anything but what was the reality that caused the pain she lived in now. Finally not even Nessa was left to console her heart of her parents passing. She was alone now completely.

She spent many hours each day immersed in the text of the great libraries, seeking to learn all she could about the world around me. It was here she met her one true friend who brought her under his wing, sensing about her the potential for great things.

For many years after her family’s death, she would hide away among the large dusty texts learning their secrets, dreaming of her family, crying alone for many hours. Eli didn’t let her really be alone though. He let her immerse herself in the books and let her stay in the library as long as she cared too. Even at times when she was not paying attention to anything other than the books he would sneak snacks to her discreetly.

Eli Shamoon had been keeping an eye on her. Feeling her pain and sorrow at the loss of her parents and could see how much it tore her up inside. He could see how much she hid from the truth and tried to hide it behind the books, she buried herself in. He also was intrigued by the clarity of thought she seemed to possess, her unique perspective and insight, that allowed her to grasp things in ways that others could not.

Her intelligence and willingness to learn made him approach her and ask her if she would like to become his apprentice. Elohanna was very flattered by such an offer and found herself unable to refuse the opportunity to learn even more.

Eli would stretch her thoughts in new and amazing ways. He was a very stern proctor, but also rewarded her when she exceeded his expectations. He was growing older, weaker though. He wanted to teach her as much as he could while he could. He wanted her to be able to take care of herself and to help her achieve her dreams. He wanted to give her a solid foundation in which to build her future.

On the eve of his death he told her about amazing far away places where she would be welcomed, where she would find her true purpose. He told her how she was not meant to be secluded away in the confines of the city of Saida, no matter how beautiful the city was. She was a rarity even among their kind and her destiny lie far away. She held tightly to him as he faded from their world, she held tightly to his body and cried deeply.

With his passing, she had lost her best and truest friend, her one and only reason for staying in the city of Saida. She no longer had any reason to be here. No one else she truly felt the same kinship and family with. Many people who she had met in passing but none who she dared call family.


It wasn’t long ago I met him, His name is Rain Darsus. At first our meeting so brief, I thought that perhaps he could have been just a dream I was having. Since coming to Hlint most things have seemed that way. Why should I have thought him to be any different.

There was also a strange woman, I am unsure of her name as we were never introduced but she seems a little arrogant. I suppose I shall meet her again if fate determines our paths are meant to cross. It would seem my only friend that seems constant is Fiora, my beautiful familiar. She is a constant companion who watches over me and keeps me safe. I have found in her a true friend.

Although I admit after learning today that Rain was no dream, and having the opportunity to meet his lovely wife. Counting them as dreams has been pushed to the back of my mind as I have come to the firm conclusion that they are indeed very real. That not only are they real, but generous in spirit and heart. Rain and Sonya are two I believe will be good friends, and whom I will learn much from.

Today’s adventures into the crypts, were definitely a profitable adventure, it wasn’t my only adventures I was also to able to help deliver some mail, experience crafting, and cooking. Cooking I must admit I don’t think to be my strong suit. Tinkering and Crafting on the other hand it seems with some practice I could have a genuine knack for. We shall see. For now it is time for sleep.

Elohanna Min A’Litae
Elohanna Min A'Litae, Priestess of Aeridin
Breanna Shadowraven, Wizard/Rogue of Folian S'pae
Cord, Bard of Ilsare
Melaa A'nadivian, Ranger of Folian S'pae


Re: Dreams of a Sun Elf - Elohanna Min A'Litae
« Reply #1 on: September 22, 2006, 12:32:57 pm »
I am not sure what to make of recent events, the adventure to Storan’s Crypt, meeting of so many new friends. When I came to Hlint not long ago, those I first met were Rain and his wife Sonya. As time has past, I have come to know many others. Those that stand out truly in my mind though are Melanna for her amazing generosity.

Although I seek to improve my skills in enchanting. She has taught me that you have to begin slowly. She has taken me to the Haven mines, also out along the High Lands to find precious gems from which to improve my gem crafting skills and money to buy the gem mining piks, and even tinkering tools. She is one among many, that has shown me that I may have something to contribute in these dark times.

Perhaps even an apparently weak Elf, such as myself can grow and learn, and given time learn who we are to become. That if we are to ever become more than we seek to destroy and free ourselves from, we must see the bigger picture and realize that every action we take, every lump of clay is to be molded into our future, and contributes to a more powerful reason for living each day.

There are also others that I have met. Bumblebee for one has shown me that even the smallest of us, can have the biggest hearts. I met him by chance on one of my many trips through Hlint, selling of all things, A newsletter of lands I have not been to or dared to journey to alone. There are many wondrous places to visit. Many things to learn. And hopefully through his newsletters I will seek to learn more and even some day visit such lands I can only read about and dream of seeing.

And then, there is Isendel… I am not sure what to make of him. He has an arrogance that does not betray the confidence that I see when I look into his eyes. Although the arrogance seems only to be shown to other’s mainly non Elvish. Yet…I have seen him sometimes show praise to humans, although it is questionable, if it is praise or not.

There is a gentleness behind the cold arrogance that he sometimes lets shine through. I can see it there, and then today while in the crypts of Hlint. He said something to make me curious what his thoughts are. I am curious to learn more about him. What is going through Isendel’s Mind?

And then there is Mercas, a fellow wizard and Doras. Who I can see as potential friends and teachers, much as Eli once was. It was with them and Melanna and a few other’s that we braved Storan’s Crypt together. Although I missed much of the fighting locked outside the main chamber, I could only hope that my friend’s trapped within would soon be freed. And indeed they were by a few fellow travelers and warriors who journeyed to our aid. And once all freed we traveled through the Crypts trying to liberate them from the undead that plagued them. I was not able too much other than loot the bodies of gold but even that proved fruitful to help further future endeavors. And will help us so that next time instead of just watching from behind I can not only loot but heal my companions as well.
Elohanna Min A'Litae, Priestess of Aeridin
Breanna Shadowraven, Wizard/Rogue of Folian S'pae
Cord, Bard of Ilsare
Melaa A'nadivian, Ranger of Folian S'pae


Re: Dreams of a Sun Elf - Elohanna Min A'Litae
« Reply #2 on: September 25, 2006, 10:06:04 pm »
Someday I might understand the pride of a warrior. The pride of one goes so deep, but can it be so deeply embedded into the soul, that the soul looses sight of that which is important? That it looses sight that fighting should only be the means to defend oneself when all other options are completely exhausted. Would not the braver warrior seek reason before bloodshed? I do understand how there are the occasions when there is no possibility and blood will be spilt, but what if perhaps we, our side, is now only killing because it is what we have done so long?

Today, while going through the Haven mines with my friend Melanna, we had the strangest encounter. Typically I would have though no different, I would have merely fought in defense of someone I have come to consider a good friend. Melanna and I came upon a Ogre, who did not fight us, even when mistakenly shot at by my arrows. He did not attack and had Melanna not stopped to listen to the voice of the Ogre and hear him, he to would have been slaughtered.

My only hope is that those that come after us take the time to stop and listen as well, so that perhaps when we find ourselves again in the caves. We will see our friend still alive. Glurgle was most generous that in exchange for food and drink, that he gave us the iron that we went into the mine to find. There was not the need for bloodshed that would typically be sought after by many.

I only hope that those that come before and after us will hear the story and take to heart that not everything must be stained crimson, to bring about prosperity for us all.
Elohanna Min A'Litae, Priestess of Aeridin
Breanna Shadowraven, Wizard/Rogue of Folian S'pae
Cord, Bard of Ilsare
Melaa A'nadivian, Ranger of Folian S'pae


Re: Dreams of a Sun Elf - Elohanna Min A'Litae
« Reply #3 on: September 29, 2006, 09:27:11 am »
Is it him, could it be? I look into his eyes and I wonder if he is where my heart is. Today Isendel invited me to go with him and a cleric, Luc. To go to the Haven mines together. We met another, Koehlian and set off. I remember Luc from the first day I met him and we went to Spellgard with Ellym. Only it wound up just Luc and I, going by ourselves.
Koehlian, I met briefly with his brother when they were crafting in the inn not much longer before Isendel invited me to go with him.

The trip was going rather well until we came to a group of ogres we had no business fighting. One in our party fell on the lower level of the mines. We eventually even met up with Melanna. Evidently she had been there before us. As the last Ogres fell she stayed. Calling out for Glurgle, hoping the chance to see him again. Her instincts were uncanny. He did appear again. I was so happy to see him. To know he had not fallen like his brothers in combat.

I can’t explain it but since I have met him and his brothers. Thoughts fill my mind, to make me wonder if fighting is right. Is fighting what I should be doing. A beautiful oak bow I use. It’s beautiful craftsmanship by the hands of Melanna. But it doesn’t feel right, or at least it is still growing on me.

We led Glurgle to the caves within the forests not far from Haven mines, and it seemed to go rather well. He likes the caves. It would mean less intrusion from those who seek the ore of the Haven mines. I wish only the best for Glurgle and his companions.

I had to leave though, I couldn’t stay with the rest of the party. Something troubles my heart deeply. I fear that Isendel’s question is not one I can answer so easily. It is not a matter of one thing wrong, but I fear many are.

Mercas’ own question rings in my ears each day. What do I wish to become? Where do I want my focus to be? Is it in enchanting, infusing, gem crafting, or scribing? The gems come at great price but their rewards to those I care about could be great as well. I know that in order to grow though I must focus my own talents. I am getting better at cooking, or maybe the making of hickory scrolls comes easy to everyone? I have taken to chopping my own wood to make them. I had also thought of offering Mercas, to make molds for him in order to not only further my own skills, and perhaps learn more from him.

And then again that leads me back to the confusion that I have felt so strongly recently. I wanted to tell Isendel, more about what troubled me. Instead I am afraid in my frustration of the way he was treating Melanna and their inability to get along. I ran off before I could tell him. Melanna took to following me though. She always amazes me with her kindness, her generous spirit. I think if fate had been different she would have been Elven. And I think more like myself. I think that is why I find myself so comfortable around her. She is like a sister to me. That in itself is odd. I am an only child. I can’t figure that out either. Why mom and dad did not have any more children? I suppose they thought they would live forever, or close to it.

Melanna, I still can’t get over though. After talking for a little bit she offered to show me the way to Aeridin’s temple. For which I am grateful beyond measure. She has done so much for me, but this, I could never ever hope to repay. Perhaps this is Aeridin’s way of showing me where my path lies. In healing, in helping other’s. It is not the gold I seek fulfillment from. It is in knowing that what I do might somehow make a difference.

To see the light shine in the brightness of a little boys smile, when his mother wraps his arms around him, after a war. I wish to see families reunited, not torn apart. I wish to see life given, not taken away. I worry now though that the goblins nearby are gaining in strength and power. They are growing bolder, this is very dangerous. And I hope to see Bumblebee. I know his newsletters reach many and it to get the word out to all that the Goblins are now a growing threat to all of our survival. Not only that they are growing bolder but they are also using magic’s they shouldn’t have knowledge of is a deep concern, especially necromancy. They tried to bring Steven’s mother back as undead.

Would they further their own numbers at the expense of costing us those we love? This is very disturbing, to fight the very one’s we try to save. Although by the time they are risen as undead, they are no longer the one’s we once loved but some twisted abomination of what we once knew.

Isendel, tried to console me. I know he means well and he tries. I know he cares about me. I can see it in his eyes. I can feel it each time he speaks to me in our tongue. His voice gentle towards me. I am fortunate to that he is my friend. He reminds me of home, of Voltrex, of Saida. His brownish golden eyes are so easy to get lost within.  I try to help him and then some how the complete opposite happens. I don’t wish to confuse him, or make him lose his focus. Am I helping or harming him even more? I pray that Aeridin will guide my heart, and guide my steps in the way I should be going.
Elohanna Min A'Litae, Priestess of Aeridin
Breanna Shadowraven, Wizard/Rogue of Folian S'pae
Cord, Bard of Ilsare
Melaa A'nadivian, Ranger of Folian S'pae


Re: Dreams of a Sun Elf - Elohanna Min A'Litae
« Reply #4 on: October 07, 2006, 08:52:12 am »
I see lying on the ground, not one simple beautiful rose but many. I never noticed anyone approach. I never even heard the sound of feet on the wooden floor beneath my feet. Not even the breath of the person responsible reached my ears, yet lying there on the ground. A bunch of roses lay at my feet. I can only wonder who could have left them and in such a mysterious fashion.

It has been about a week now and I haven’t heard from Isendel. I am not sure why. I don’t know what could have happened. I can only hope he is still alive and hope that maybe he did pick up the trail of his brother again. It would be great to see him reunited with his loved one. Isendel and I, though. We are such opposites of one another. I would count him as a pure thinker, while he is devote to our people or race. He is devote to them only. I do not wish to change him but to maybe open his eyes. Perhaps one day they will fully grasp that the world is bigger and life was granted to more than just the Elves, and all life should be cherished and given the same respect.

I pray for many things these days. I pray for Melanna and Isendel to get along, but I am afraid it may not be a prayer answered by Aeridan. Maybe I am being taught a lesson that not everyone will get along. Or perhaps it is my fault? I chose my friends with my heart. I prefer that everyone should get along. Perhaps I have more faith in people than I should. I have only really had Eli in my life though and my parents before him. My studies, my books have been my favored companions for so long.

I know I am a strange Elf, which many of my own might even look down upon me for being so friendly with those of different races. I don’t see them as different. I see them as friends and companions. I see them as part of a bigger plan. Each of them has their own unique insight and internal workings that bring a balance to the world around us.

Mostly I observe them and watch. I hear what is being said. I see what they are doing. Perhaps in a way I judge them too. One thing is clear though. There are people that I know such as Melanna, who I can count as true friends. Rain is another, and his beautiful children.

His children are fantastic and are learning the ways of both his mother and father’s heritage. They will be brilliantly smart and open minded. And I certainly don’t mind polymorphing with them to give them rides around their beautiful home. Once they were settled though and sleeping for the night, Rain and I spent time talking. During our talk though. Sarah surprised me. She woke up for a drink and before heading back to bed. She gave me a hug. She has a beautiful heart, and I hope it always remains so.

Rain believes I should settle down. Find some nice, respectable and trust worthy individual and have a family. Of course he also thinks that Melanna should not have been so harsh on me about being morphed in town. She has a point though that it could frighten the children unnecessarily. They are very contrasting in their opinions and points of view, but at least they get along for the most part.

I admit I have never stopped to think about having a family of my own some day. My mind has been more focused elsewhere recently and indeed maybe a good thing. I visited Maracan’s tower today and managed to make my own polishing oils rather than having to buy them with some items I had collected. I can only hope that Alchemy comes to me as easily as tinkering does, with some time and practice and lots of malachite dust.

I even met a generous and kind man today by the name of Talen, who was kind enough to give me some malachite dust he did not want. In exchange I offered him what fire agate and aventurianite dust, I had also offered to gather yellow mushrooms for him. They are rather easy to obtain with the use of invisibility and weigh a lot less than clay or sand does.

I can’t explain it but he was rather easier to talk to than most people I have met. Although I must admit Ozymandius was also quite easy to speak with. I haven’t seen him though for quite sometime and wound up with my first large acquisition of Glass ingots, I decided to donate them to my friend Rain and his guild. I hope they can put them to good use, and I am sure my ox is also relieved to have them off its back.

And then Omer, what to make of him. I had noticed him around the Crafting hall where the roses were left, and asked him if he could have been the one to leave them. He asked me if I wanted them to be, and if I had liked them. I couldn’t lie. I love roses. I have always been fond of the red roses especially. I have never been able to find more than one or two at a time though. We had spoken for awhile with Melanna there and we were all being rather silly. But I am afraid in our time having fun together, We could have said something to hurt Melanna’s feelings. I will have to talk with her soon and try to make amends, with her. I can’t just let this go. I know she would not let me.

There is something about Omer, or O as he is comfortable being called. It turns out he is the brother of Mercas, and that the reason I haven’t seen Mercas recently is because he has been busy. Omer hasn’t seen much of him lately either. Omer and I, though may turn out to be very good friends and great companions to grow together with in our common studies. We didn’t have much chance to speak. I am sure I will see him again though. I hope and Aeridan willing I will.
Elohanna Min A'Litae, Priestess of Aeridin
Breanna Shadowraven, Wizard/Rogue of Folian S'pae
Cord, Bard of Ilsare
Melaa A'nadivian, Ranger of Folian S'pae


Re: Dreams of a Sun Elf - Elohanna Min A'Litae
« Reply #5 on: October 12, 2006, 11:45:26 am »
Setting out with Eghaas for some mining, we could have expected anything and everything. Only instead we came across, someone I had never met before. A legend, the wisest of all druids. The one to whom all stop to listen when he speaks, in silence we sat. His smile, his presence was humbling and so I sat and listened. I wanted to understand from him the knowledge that he possessed. It wasn’t that he asked me to, it was as if I
felt I needed to. To better understand him, was like opening up the lock to
understanding my own soul.

His wisdom is indeed great and I found the more I listened to him the more I felt like I knew him better than anyone I had ever met. His teachings, his thoughts, even His views were surprisingly and interestingly attune to my own.

He told us of the Great Oak for those who gathered. He had much to say about how those with the will and wisdom to visit the Great Oak or were invited by someone with the will would be able to chance a glance upon it. Those who were not worthy could find they were so far drawn in that they would lose themselves.

He explained how everything in our world was all part of the whole. I could feel in my heart the truth of his wisdom. That there was not one of us who in some way does not touch each other’s life and that we were all connected to the earth around us. Even the air we breath, the earth we walk upon, all sometime in the future come into contact with each another, whether it be a person, and animal or even the foods we feast upon.

He has made me think more profoundly than anyone I have met before, about the path I see myself following. My studies have always been in the school of wizardry but I wonder if perhaps I am following the right path or not?

Rhizome, makes me wonder and question, whether or not, I am meant to walk the steps I have. These are the steps in which the ripples of my predecessors have kindly taken their own steps to ensure I travel mine.  My thoughts, my emotions and feelings will affect those of my kin as well. The lives of those I will touch will effect changes in my own future and even for generations to come. It is surprising that others don’t think about
these things as well. About what impact their actions will have on those around them.
While some do it is the very rare being that takes the time to understand the affect they have upon the weave.

The question most important though is how will I affect those around me. What lessons can I teach them, what examples might I set to change the world around me.  The hopes that I would reach this place at this specific time and learn that I am meant to be where I am. Here and now was the way it is meant to be, just as I was meant to be here to meet Rhizome. I had not intended it, but then there are a lot of things I didn’t intend.

The meeting of Glurgle, Isendel, Rain, Sonya, Mercas, Omer, Kyle, Ferrit, Melanna and many others are just a few I hope to have the chance to share this message with as well. When next I see Glurgle. I would love to tell him also of the wise Great Oak, and Rhizome. I do believe that Glurgle would understand.

When I look into his eyes, I can see that he is much more intelligent than some of the people I know. He is much more compassionate and understanding and worthy of respect and friendship. I trust him as a friend and hope when I have the chance to see him again soon, I can tell him. I hope also we are able to find him and new home so that his kind may have a safe sanctuary. It would be wonderful if I could introduce Rhizome to Glurgle. I think they would see in each other as beings similar to one another.


It has been a while since I have met Rhizome and have not seen him again since. From what I have heard, Rhizome in his service to the Great Oak travels many roads, and it could be that it will be a long time before I see him again. For now I have chosen to concentrate on my studies. I am forth circle in my casting level for my spells. I am also of the a sufficient level of gem crafting and alchemy I may try attempting tougher spells soon.

I have been gathering mushrooms and malachite dust almost constantly except for when I am watching Tristan and Sarah. I have to thank Rain and Sonya for so offering me a place in their home. I hope I will be helpful for them. They have been so kind, and with the new ones on the way. I am sure that Sonya will be happy for the help provided. They even offered me a room in their beautiful home. I had not expected this, but I am grateful.

I have also been spending more time with Omer. We make a great team helping each other with the collecting of malachite dust and mushrooms. We are both learning together and finding there are things we both can teach one another. There are spells that he has knowledge of that I don’t, well not yet.

He has even shown me a place that is free from rats, and although it is cold, it is safer. Raven Watch in the barbarian isles is so beautiful and gives me a greater reason to stay close to a fire for warmth. I admit is not the sun but it still warmth and light.

Melanna, I have tried to give some space too. Even though we are friends and I think that we are always going to be. I try not to smother her with my presence. She hasn’t mentioned that I have but we both also have our own trades. She is a brilliant weapon master and I am a wizard. We both have our own areas of expertise and not always are they going to agree with one another. Anyway for now back to mushroom gather in Raven Watch.
Elohanna Min A'Litae, Priestess of Aeridin
Breanna Shadowraven, Wizard/Rogue of Folian S'pae
Cord, Bard of Ilsare
Melaa A'nadivian, Ranger of Folian S'pae


Re: Dreams of a Sun Elf - Elohanna Min A'Litae
« Reply #6 on: October 18, 2006, 06:30:36 pm »
Elohanna seemed lost in her dreams as she sat upon the hill, a dream or either a memory from a long time ago. Why the dream would come to her now, was much like the feeling of the Gnoll watching on them from the Sielwood, that had a feeling of familiarity to it. She couldn’t fathom within her why it concerned her or should matter to her now. The why of it surfacing held her in her current dream upon the hill. It was more than only a chance encounter. To her it was the day she found out her parents had passed away in battle, or the same time anyway. Those days all seemed to run together for her and passed within the confines of the library. She buried herself under text and tears. Eli frustrated at points because she would hardly eat anything, but understanding the pain that she suffered within her heart at the loss of both her parents.

She tried to let go of those memories, to find comfort in those friends she was making now. She, however, could not forget that day. Saida had been her home for most of her life, and she had been so lost in her studies that she had not heard the animal approaching. She had seen the young Elf only briefly but worried that the wolf may not be alone, she took off back to her home, that had been her intent although she had stayed behind briefly and watched him mend the wounds of the wolf from the shadows. She finally returned home though through another route only to find her Nanna sitting in her home with tears in her eyes.

Both her parents taken from her in the blink of an eye, she was left alone. She never wanted to go home again. Although she was becoming good friends with Melanna and Omer, she still kept pretty quiet. She kept her thoughts to herself. She never truly voiced her opinions out loud although she was full of her own views of things. She thought that if people were truly interested they would ask the questions.

She enjoyed the time spent with Melanna, and the bonds formed with her and Omer. Even Sindor was becoming a great friend to her. They all had fastly become good friends. When they could, they helped each other. Still she remained relatively quiet. Mostly speaking to draw others out when she could sense something troubling them. She would rather listen to them speak about themselves and their experiences.

She supposed that is what happened when she stepped into the castle in Haven and they made their appeal for Glurgle and his friends. She would rather listen and observe. She would rather understand although she believed she had much to say. She didn’t know how to say it. She was grateful that for the most part the others remained silent though and allowed Melanna to make her case before the Lord. Although he seemed unsure that what we were telling him could be true, he did allow us his time and the chance to bring others to bare witness to the events themselves. That was his first condition and the second to find out and prove that the Ogres were not responsible for the raid of wagons recently on the roads to Haven.

Both conditions seemed easy to prove. I believed in Glurgle and his companions to not jeopardize the work that Melanna was trying to do to help reach an agreement between the humans and ogres. We had to ask though we had to be certain, and although Glurgle seemed hurt by question at first. He answered honestly that him and his companions had nothing to do with the recent raids. While his word in my eyes should have been plenty of confirmation, we knew it would not be. We knew we needed to prove beyond a doubt that something else maybe the bandits nearby could have been responsible for such attacks.

When we approached the camp, we were cautious only wanting to trouble them for information, or if they had any information regarding the disappearance of the wagons. They only seemed to want to hear the sound of swords speaking harsh melodies against one another and by the time we were done speaking. Their men had all fallen. We knew there would be more to take their place so we scouted the camp quickly learning what we came to learn and left the same route we came. Back to Haven we went.

Then as we rested outside the keep, a strange encounter, a gnoll crept up near us. His entrance was quiet as if he traveled on the wind and not long after we tried to approach him, he disappeared again. It would not be the last time we would encounter him during our search for answers. As we began our journey along the roads towards Spellgard, we would see him again. This time I saw more clearly the arcane markings on him. They have a familiarity about them but I can’t not remember where I have seen them before.  I had hoped upon our return trip to Haven I could maybe take the portal there to Great Library and find out more information about the symbols.

At least that is my intention. We were blessed by Aeridin to survive our encounter barely and with as few casualties as possible. Although I hardly believe those would have occurred had Lianna, the mischievous pixie familiar of mine, would have kept herself out of trouble. I must admit though it was my own fault for summoning her. Had I kept her only on guard, I do not believe we would have lost those we had. We were able to recover them, Aeridin again blesses those who have faith. Still there seem to be more questions than answers emerging from the quest to prove the Ogres are not responsible for the disappearance of the wagons.

I am also still puzzled by the situation with the goblins in the wasteland. Although I have not heard much since my first encounter. I haven’t had much opportunity. There are very dark magic’s that seem to be at work with both the goblins and gnolls near the Hlint township.

And as with anything there is always the good news to come as well. Sonya has had the triplets. They are beautiful. So much like their mother and father. Two girls and another boy. I feel as though a stranger recently though. I have been so busy I have hardly been able to see them. I was asked to be their Nanny which is an honor, and although I haven’t meant to. I have been very busy. I must make more time and effort to be there for Sonya and Rain. I can almost imagine the little sleep they are getting with the three new bundles of Joy. I think I will offer to take Tristan and Sarah with me on an outing and see how Sonya and Rain feel about it. That is if Sarah and Tristan are also agreeable. Perhaps I can even meet Omer there and the children can meet him as well. I am not sure if he has met them yet, although he had told me he was joining the Angel’s guild after all. I am not even sure if he likes kids. I must ask him the next time I see him though.

Enough for now though It is time to sleep, the morning comes early and with it another day of searching for mushrooms, corn and milk. I will be traveling my way to Leilion and then Port Hampshire. Maybe a trip to Raven’s Watch is in order too.

Elohanna Min A’Litae
(Daughter of Light)
Elohanna Min A'Litae, Priestess of Aeridin
Breanna Shadowraven, Wizard/Rogue of Folian S'pae
Cord, Bard of Ilsare
Melaa A'nadivian, Ranger of Folian S'pae


Re: Dreams of a Sun Elf - Elohanna Min A'Litae
« Reply #7 on: October 23, 2006, 06:09:06 am »
It seems like time has caught up with me. The past is following. I had wondered why I felt the familiar presence of Nessa with me and now I know. It was because she was here. I feel certain that Aeridin and Nessa were guiding her steps to find me. Why? I wish I could say.

A happenstance that we both were in the same place at the same time. I was there to fill my canteen and found her crying beside the well. I could not have known although she seemed so familiar to me. I had wondered why. Then I found out, it was because I knew her. I knew of her. We didn’t spend much time growing up together. Alaria is her name, Nessa’s daughter, my Nanna’s daughter. My Nanny.

Why did she send Alaria to find me? There are so many more experienced, wiser and stronger masters within the arcane arts than myself. I am still very young in my studies and no where near the master that Eli was. I can truly only offer to be her friend but I have a feeling she will learn much more on her own but I will not push her away either. We might yet learn from each other.

We, and I mean Melanna and I, joined up with a older lady, and Alaria for a trip into the Red Light Caves. And then to the Haven Mines. We were even joined by a Halfling, who went by the name of Rose. It was a most interesting trip. So many conflicting attitudes. Stubbornness of the old and
young combined together. I was relieved when we were on our way back out and some of us parted ways. Mainly Rose and Caniel. Perhaps one day they will get to better know each other and they will both listen to what the other has to say.

It wasn’t long after that I met up again with Omer, who I hadn’t seen in a long time. This time I had the pleasure to introduce him to Alaria. Alaria seemed quiet and reserved around him and Melanna, but I just know that once she gets to know both of them better, she will see what I see in them. True friends and companions. My only regret is that in my haste to unite us all as friends.  I had taken Omer up on his offer to see Dregar and asked Alaria if she would like to come.  I wanted her to experience more of the world outside of Hlint. I was foolish though. I had known that Alaria was visible as we traveled and it would not be long before my own spell wore
off. That was when we came under attack. It all happened so fast.

I don’t know what it was about the area, but I felt panicked and scared. It was a most disorienting feeling. Like every time I would come close to getting my bearings I found myself turned around again. I can not blame Omer though although I know he does. I would never blame him for my own mistakes, for my own fears, getting the better of me. Instead I can only ask him and Alaria not to blame themselves. And hope we all can learn from the mistakes we have made.

These ages where the cold seeps quickly into your bones and threatens to freeze you to the core of your being. If there is bright side where evil had not taken root. It is in the heart of Glurgle. He is unique in this world. As a token of Melanna’s friendship today she gave him a chain shirt to help protect him. It made me also think what I might do to also show Glurgle how much I treasure him as a friend. The only thing I could think to do, I could hardly believe I would do. I wish for Glurgle to be kept as safe as possible though. So I gave him the most treasured possession I had. I gave an exceptional amethyst copper ring. It was the only one I have been able to make.  I don’t know if I will ever want to make another but I feel as if in giving the treasure to Glurgle. It is my way of helping to keep him safer.

I can’t explain but when I am around him or Melanna. I feel safe. They feel constant to me. Melanna and Alaria were most generous to mine Alexandrite for me and brought me back quite a bit, unfortunately with my limited gem crafting skills, I was only able to get dust. Unfortunately, while was there I have seen a side of Melanna and Alaria, that I don’t like. They are good friends to me, but not as receptive to others. I don’t think they are very willing. Is there pain inside so deep they no longer see the potential in others as I do.

Lance was concerned, when he heard me cry, they were only tears of happiness. The way he was treated by Melanna and Alaria, though. I would have been surprised if he never spoke with me again. I pray my patience with people some how finds its way into their hearts as well. Aeridin blessed him it seems with a heart of gold, and he was not harsh with me when we crossed paths again. Lance is very protective over his friends, the Angels. I know he is an Angel, and not just a member of the guild, but a guardian. He is afraid, of losing those he cares about. He is right to be skeptical of me. I am concerned about whether or not I would be good for the Angels. Aeridin opens doors and opportunities for a reason. This door though, I am not sure it is meant for me to walk through.
Elohanna Min A'Litae, Priestess of Aeridin
Breanna Shadowraven, Wizard/Rogue of Folian S'pae
Cord, Bard of Ilsare
Melaa A'nadivian, Ranger of Folian S'pae


Re: Dreams of a Sun Elf - Elohanna Min A'Litae
« Reply #8 on: October 24, 2006, 08:31:27 pm »
I don’t know how long I sat upon our hill, watching over the goblin wastelands. I think from here it doesn’t seem like a waste, except that the goblins reside there. That is not to say that I think the goblins are a waste, but it is where they consider home and they are possessive of it. It is painfully clear to see they have no intentions of moving and indeed seem even more determined to gain hold over the territory and grow stronger. They are smarter than they might seem, and not to be underestimated just because of their size.

I suppose I came here initially to observe, but also because it is “our” hill.  It is where we seek refuge when we need a chance to talk alone. When we need to sort out the thoughts that fill our minds. For awhile I sat alone and enjoyed the rain falling against my face, and watched and waited. When next I looked up I could see him coming in the distance. I had to smile, as he seems to sometimes have the ability to read my mind.

For the longest time now I have been alone, and I think even though it may seems strange. To me it is also somewhat of a comfort to know that I can become absentminded without being a detriment to those around me, or a hindrance to be worried about. Or is that an excuse? Perhaps the reason, truly, is that I do not wish to be the one to hurt anyone who gets too close. Or maybe that I am the one afraid to be hurt again losing someone I hold dear to my heart…Aeridin, please if ever there is a moment that I need you, that I need the wisdom of Eli and my parents, of Nessa. It is now.

I can’t explain it though, I know in my heart I crave to be held and loved. Like my father used to when I was very young. Like my mother whose heartbeat I can still hear when I listen close enough. The memories are there just like the leaves blowing in the breeze. I do long for that feeling again.  I just don’t know if I am willing yet to take the chance that I will lose those who I love.

The Angel’s have all been so kind to me, and they offer me home and sanctuary among them. They offer me friendship and more importantly family. They offer me a chance to better my skills and grow stronger. Aeridin surely would not want me to be alone, but this is not a decision I can make lightly. I know the Angel’s wish to have a scribe among their ranks. And this is the path I wish to chose, but as of yet I have no experience. Eggs, anyone can collect eggs. But to have the strength to find the other ingredients needed. I admit I need help. I must do more research on what all the ingredients are that are needed. I just haven’t had that chance recently. Oh yes I have, but I have been spending it trying to improve my gem crafting abilities and alchemy skills.

Components required for Scribing

Eggs – 1 box + 2 Gathered so far
Elohanna Min A'Litae, Priestess of Aeridin
Breanna Shadowraven, Wizard/Rogue of Folian S'pae
Cord, Bard of Ilsare
Melaa A'nadivian, Ranger of Folian S'pae


RE: Dreams of a Sun Elf - Elohanna Min A'Litae
« Reply #9 on: October 28, 2006, 03:24:36 pm »
-Laying down on her bed, with only a candle burning to provide light, she opens her journal and thinks for awhile before finally blotting her quill, setting her quill to paper and writing down the most recent adventures and events she has witnessed. She is thoughtful for a time before she begins, allowing the ink to dry only slightly-

I had not expected things to go as they did between Melanna and Daniel. I can only hope they can see past this and work together. After our trip to the Haven mines, I didn’t not expect, for Daniel to approach me about a mutual friend either. I suppose there is a lot that I am not expecting. Especially that there is someone who has become attracted to me. There is not anything really special about myself. I do what I can to serve the ways of Aeridin even if I occasionally stray as well from the ways I have been brought up to hold dear. –sighs- I must hold dear to what is important to my heart. Serving, helping those in need, watching the great cycle of life and death continue on the way it is meant too. But is there room in the cycle for me to stop and begin to think of a relationship or even a family? I am not sure I am ready for such.

Many unexpected things have happened recently, such as the offer of Omer’s to help me with my spells, or his generosity if offering me feldspar dust in return for helping him to polish these minerals. I think I surprised him though with giving him so many to practice his enchanting on. They will be very useful in his enchanting endeavors, and the experience in gem crafting will help me later as well I think.
Rain, it seems and the other Angel’s would still like for me to join. And I have to admit I am very seriously considering this still. I have seen the future home of the Angel’s in Port Hampshire during my travel’s with Omer, and I am very much drawn to it, to the area. Port Hampshire is a beautiful city, nothing in comparison to Saida but it still holds its own charm.

And what of Minugi, I have seen him again but only briefly. I hope, that sometime in the future we are able to again get together and continue our talks. There is a lot I can learn from him. Sign Language is a very complex language, and I sure appreciate his patience in teaching me. I do believe him and I can only grow as friends.

I have also seen a couple new faces around Hlint lately and I offered what I can to help them along their way. I only hope that they do share what they can with others they meet along the way.

And then there is Eghaas and Alleina, they make me consider the way I look at my own faith in Aeridin. It’s not they try to change my view as much as reinforcing my views. As a follower of Aeridin, I should not be seeking needless adventures that cause the slaughter of many of the worlds creatures under the guise of “clearing roads for traveling and making them safer” which I think is the excuse of most for killing senselessly. There needs to be more thought put behind the necessity of such actions, and if moral and ethically they are right and true of a follower of Aeridin.

Aeridin has provided me with much in my life. Fine friends, a long life, good fortune, food to sustain my health, and a world full of riches. The least I can do is repay in kind by helping those I can along the way. Would that be as a member of the Angel’s? I am not completely certain yet. I would still like to learn more about their ways, and them before I can say yes or no.

Rose, hmm… She is very straight forward and mixes no words in asking me, If I am attracted to Omer. While my heart says to me it is possible. I know where his priorities lie and I am happy that he is such a great friend and I will not change his mind. I respect him far too much for that. I did, enjoy battling him in the Arena though. Even if it did not end in my favor. There is much I can learn from him, and indeed the Angel’s. There is much I could contribute. As an aspiring scribe, perhaps we can benefit those around us, and ourselves.

There is so much to write about and even more to think about. Glurgle and his friends are being forced down into the underground to stay safe from the harm of other Ogres. The Gnolls being spotted within the Haven crypts. The recent attack on Haven. The residents now are in the process of putting up barricades to keep them out. I am not sure if they have found a way into the Haven mines, whether it is through the main entrance or other means that the barricade will be as effective as they believe it will.

Hopefully the Ogres will join with us, and in a decent number that we can push back the advances of the Gnolls and restore the balance of good an evil within the area. I can only pray that Aeridin grants us all the wisdom, patience and strength to persevere. I have faith he will guide my arrows and my heart in the way of giving complete trust over to him.

- yawns as she grows tired and closes her journal. She blows out the candle and lays her head against the soft pillow. Finding sleep to be upon her almost immediately -

May Aeridin bless us all. – she says as she drifts to sleep -
Elohanna Min A'Litae, Priestess of Aeridin
Breanna Shadowraven, Wizard/Rogue of Folian S'pae
Cord, Bard of Ilsare
Melaa A'nadivian, Ranger of Folian S'pae


Re: Dreams of a Sun Elf - Elohanna Min A'Litae
« Reply #10 on: October 29, 2006, 03:21:33 pm »
Elohanna sighed as she sat down to write of the newest adventures, in her leather bound journal, pulling free 2 pieces of parchment. She would send the same message, to the those she knew could spread the word the best. A note to Bumblebee, and also one to Rain. They traveled to more distant lands that she could not reach safely. Maybe through them spreading the word there could be more help brought to Haven to fight the current Gnoll threat. Although she knew there were greater dangers far off, perhaps some help could be spared anyway.

What else was she supposed to feel right now but that the every present dangers between the Gnolls and Goblins were dividing the forces of Hlint and Haven much to thinly, and this weighed on her heavily. She tried to fight the wars along side her friends as much as she could. She wanted to help those who could not help themselves and she laid upon her bed though and struggled to keep her quill steady as she wrote. She fought back her tears at her inability to do much to help.

“It seems to me that even though my own focus and power within the weave is growing, the darkness that resides within the lands of Layonara are growing in strength as well. I want to help, but my magic…it seems ineffective against the newest threats.  This is perhaps the most discouraging of all. Am I of any help, truly or more of a hindrance to my friends?

Recently the Gnolls, have started to attack our friends in the Haven mines as well. Glurgle told us of their presence and attacks on his own. Their attacks upon the people of Haven as well. They seem to be able to ward off my magic, what am I to do. I came close to watching Oyrn fall, and Serissa seems to believe that the arcane markings indicate it could be the druids behind this newest threat. She might be right, that would account for the old markings I am not entirely familiar with.

The Haven Keep is now placing barricades as well as caltrops up to help slow the possible incursion, but truly this will not keep a massing invasion force from still walking in and taking possession over the town, and killing all who get in their way. I fear that the only way to ward of this threat is to gain the support of the locals, not only the townsfolk but perhaps bringing them together with the Ogres, and the great fighters around Mistone, and fighting against the Gnolls. If they wish to keep what they hold dear it is the only way. For that matter the citizens of Hlint could be the next in line to be targeted should Haven fall. We can not wait to see, but neither can we rush headlong into battle.”

She stops a moment, before blotting her quill again and continuing.

“Oyrn and Serissa, charged me with the task to post the notice in the Wild Surge Inn, and so I have. I pray to Aeridin that the message is heard with the seriousness of the situation. I know there are not a lot who know me, but I speak the truth as I have experienced it and hope that Aeridin will help their hearts in believing me.

And what am I to make of the Goblin’s? Hlint has its own problems with the sporadic attacks. It would seem the fight was to be taken to them at last and although I had not been available other than their initial attack against Steven and his mother, I was able to help somewhat in this battle as well. I did not do so well. It was only by Aeridin’s will that I managed to survive at all. I can only count my blessings that Aeridin has protected me thus far.

There is good news though that maybe the destruction of the tablet will help possibly take away some of the Goblins power and they will not be so bold, any more. I suppose we can only wait and see.  Time now to rest, the last weeks have been a bit much and it wears me down."
Elohanna Min A'Litae, Priestess of Aeridin
Breanna Shadowraven, Wizard/Rogue of Folian S'pae
Cord, Bard of Ilsare
Melaa A'nadivian, Ranger of Folian S'pae


Re: Dreams of a Sun Elf - Elohanna Min A'Litae
« Reply #11 on: November 04, 2006, 12:57:59 pm »
The soul mother has visited twice since the last I wrote in my journal. And I believe taken a bit away from me each time she visits. Perhaps what she has not taken though is my resolve to fight evil. To live for Aeridin and serve him in a way I am meant to. She may take a piece of me with her visits but she can’t take away what I love.

I have looked into the eyes, of Lance and found that within them there are similarities akin to my own. He has many of the same thoughts. Fears maybe of being alone. But also fears of losing those we care for. I don’t know if I wish to open my heart so freely to anyone only to find that I lose them, or leave them behind. But then again to love them, haven’t I already opened my heart to them? I had hoped to talk more to Lance again but we have not had the chance in quite sometime. I am not completely sure why but when I look into his eyes, I see someone as confused as I am.

The winds grow a bit colder it seems and with it the distinct impression that evil is growing and time is drawing nearer for a fight that I can only hope we will be ready to fight.

I hope that Haven has not fallen to the Gnolls, but friends have fallen. We should have stayed, and fought, but instead the Gnolls lured us away and took advantage of our absence. Aeridin will watch over and protect. I hope that Melanna was able to find the Ogres and bring them back to us. I pray that Pyyrana was found and recovered and not lost to the Gnolls. Aeridin, please hear my prayers and guide my friends hearts to victory and please reach the hearts of Muireann and Melanna and stop their senseless bickering. It is obvious they have differences but in the middle of a battle and preparing they should be listening to each other rather than arguing. Melanna is a strong, brave and intelligent warrior, Muireann is as well but stubborn and bull headed are they both.

While it is good to question ideas, it is also good to propose options more than talking down those ideas presented. Melanna had suggested that some of us stay behind to defend Haven, and it fell. I was willing to stay. What will happen next. Hopefully soon I will hear word from our friends and I will learn what has happened to Haven.

For now I will try to be patient and learn as much as I can and hopefully be better prepared in the future. Please Aeridin guide my arrows and spells true.
Elohanna Min A'Litae, Priestess of Aeridin
Breanna Shadowraven, Wizard/Rogue of Folian S'pae
Cord, Bard of Ilsare
Melaa A'nadivian, Ranger of Folian S'pae


Re: Dreams of a Sun Elf - Elohanna Min A'Litae
« Reply #12 on: November 06, 2006, 12:55:10 pm »
I have been thinking since the time I have found out that Omer, Ferrit, Kyle, Daniel, and Jako have come down with the plague. I can not sit idly by and wait without knowing. I know that they have all be quarantined, but the Pandorns are with others. Omer, however is alone. He should not be alone. He means the world to me as my friend. I am strong. If I might be able to help him. I can’t let him be alone.

Since the quarantine the Karndor and even Omer’s home. Hlint has become more crowded. The hotels are starting to fill with multiple people in rooms. I woke up this morning and found Melanna not far from me. We were both quite a bit surprised to see each other, but relieved that we atleast knew each other. Evidently she hadn’t heard of Omer being affected by the plague until I had mentioned it to her, and I had just found out myself.

The news is spreading quickly, hopefully more quickly than the Plague itself. I have met a healer, who says he will check on Omer, but still knowing that he may be alone. I will set out soon to see if I might be able to be of some comfort to Omer while he is recovering.

I could sit and saulk about the evil that is surrounding us, or I can provide help to someone I count a true friend. I do believe helping him would help us both. And a small token of Thanks to him for being there when I need him.
Elohanna Min A'Litae, Priestess of Aeridin
Breanna Shadowraven, Wizard/Rogue of Folian S'pae
Cord, Bard of Ilsare
Melaa A'nadivian, Ranger of Folian S'pae


Re: Dreams of a Sun Elf - Elohanna Min A'Litae
« Reply #13 on: November 09, 2006, 09:23:20 am »
The day seems odd as I wake up from a dream, a face there but just out a view. I have been having these dreams lately of something I can not quite recall. I can feel it though, as if someone is watching, waiting. The feeling seems to have me a bit concerned or curious. I am not sure as to which. Perhaps I am growing paranoid with the happenings of late.

The commoner, dead in the middle of Hlint, I know that under normal circumstances he should still be smoldering in a heap outside the Hlint Crypts, but by Aeridin’s will he rises and walks again. I still have the feelings that the instruments of his death are the goblins within the wastelands. I can not be sure, but my instincts tell me it is the case.

This truly bothers me with the happenings of the Gnolls in Haven, that now the Goblins are also growing bolder within the town I call home. Home, because of the amount of time I spend within its walls.

What is next? Will the Orcs start to also invade the confines of Hlint? Will the mercenaries who camp near the city be the next invaders, or the Lizard folk on the moor. Am I seeing enemies and invaders where there are none or is the presence of evil truly starting to gain a good hold over those places we consider home. Is all of Layonara in peril? Is evil about to gain a foothold over the world we have come to love?

Am I chasing shadows in the dark? It is curious running through Hlint with this feeling of familiarity breathing down my neck, but no way to know why I feel this way. The only sense of calm comes from a familiar presence that I hardly expected.

He is there and then gone again and then when all seems quiet he returns. I know he can sense about me my apparent confusion and frustration. He gentle rubs behind my ear, humming softly a melody. A comforting beautiful melody. At first I wasn’t sure why I let him, but I did not pull away, or flinch. I simply let the moment happen. He is unexpectedly able to calm my mind.

While I felt the urge to let my thoughts remained scattered, as the leaves do so often in the wind. It was as if his presence was a shelter that within I could collect my thoughts and sort through them. The familiarity that I felt did no longer concern me the more Ozy and I talked.

A great many things there were to talk about. He is as old and wise as only one other I have ever met. Rhizome himself, even Rhizome came up in our discussions. I had not realized they were such good friends. Nor had I realized or even known until this moment of time with Ozy, some of the hardships he has faced within his long life.

While some things he said startled me, and we laughed together. We also listened to each other. And perhaps both learned a great deal from one another as well. He told me of the beautiful city of his birth, a city still bustling with life and beauty. A city to which I hope someday in my own journeys I will have a chance to see.

We talked about the war of the world, and the reason why Ozy has been fighting. His cause is just, and worthy even if the men and women who fight, do not realize why the war started to begin with.

Ozy’s battle has been waged to give men and women a choice. The choice, however, I still feel was always there and made long before even Ozy even began to fight, thousands of years ago. The choice is made within the hearts of man, not because of logic, but as Ozy has pointed out, the hearts impulses, desires, intuition and self-motivations.

Peace is often the harder road to chose, because it is so hard to follow, when the world around you seeks the easier course of action. Peace is a long road, a chosen road by few because of the time involved. Peace requires an open mind, the ability to comprehend and to listen without letting your heart cloud your judgment. The ability to propose solutions and compromise that is to the good of everyone and a willingness to sacrifice.

What are we willing to sacrifice in the name of peace, and would peace come at a price? Of course just as war comes at a price, so does peace. Would you be willing to sacrifice what you hold prized in your heart, to see peace triumph? I suppose I ask these questions not only of myself but of everyone.

What is my motivation to fight war, and is the cause just? What if the war we fight, is a war we don’t even know the reason behind. What if the war is fought blindly for all without ever knowing why the blade and bow are picked up, or the magic cast? What if we are the one’s who are wrong?

There are a great many things to stop and think about within our minds. In our minds, because our hearts deceive us with temptations, with veiled ideas of loves, of seeking to right what has been done wrong to us, or so in our eyes, our perception of right and wrong.

Ozy’s presence, has as Rhizome’s presence has and will still. Cause me to question the morality and logic of whether or not I should ever pick up my bow again to fight a war, or to harm another, unless it is the cause of self defense.

In Aeridin’s eyes, there is a natural order to the universe around us. All creatures have a beginning and an end to their existence. Should life be prolonged unnaturally or brought to an end? Who are we to determine, as mortals, when that end should come? We are given life, why is it so easy for us to simply take it?

What is it that I fight? To protect those I love. Why is it I dedicated my life to learning magic? To protect those I love. Why is it that I draw my bow? When in my life did I decide that it was necessary to harm another? When my life has been protected and sheltered for so long, why must I chose the bow now? Why did my parent’s make their choice to fight in the battle that took their life. Why is it that I take up arm’s with my friend’s for a rock, a mineral?

Not all the world loves peace, nor can tolerate such a notion. Their must be conflict within the universe. There must be followers of Mist to cause chaos where they travel. There must be obstacles and adversities to overcome. It is the way of life, it is the way we evolve and adapt. The way new life is breathed into the world is through change. The changing of the seasons, the rise and setting of the sun. There must be an order and balance maintained.

If good and evil are to remain in balance, if life is to continue. Then there will be battles fight so that neither side gains an advantage over the other. I just hope that with the happenings of late that evil will not triumph. Perhaps it will for awhile, it will mount and try to drive us from our existence in this universe. Human kind though will prevail.

I have made a decision. I have made my choice though, that I do not wish to battle alone any longer. That as hard as I try to fight it, the Angel’s are family to me. In my heart, they have been since I first stepped into Hlint. So now the choice is mine, and I have accepted their offer to join the Angel’s. That is if they still want me within.

Omer seemed rather happy that I have said yes to their invitation. I was also very glad to see my good friend well again. Plenarius was true to his word, and I am grateful for that. I shall have to thank him the next time I see him. Although he still seemed to be recovering, regaining his strength again. It is so wonderful to see Omer again. It was great to go adventuring with him again, and even nice that Melanna joined us on our trip.

I believe that Omer may have grown tired though from the long trip, as before I had a chance to look up, he was gone again, like the wind. But this time I know I will see him again. I can not only feel it but I know it for a certainty.

Soon after we began our Journey back toward Hlint, only making as far as Fort Velensk. We stopped to rest. It was indeed necessary to do so as we all were worn by our travels by then. And so I showed a member of our party, where he could find chickens, and some corn for the corn meal to feed them.

Omer had been kind enough so long ago to show me, it was only right that I share the knowledge with others who were in need of it as well. After all, if we help others, they will eventually return the kindness to others. At least that is my hope and my dreams.

Farewell for now,
Elohanna Min A’Litae
Elohanna Min A'Litae, Priestess of Aeridin
Breanna Shadowraven, Wizard/Rogue of Folian S'pae
Cord, Bard of Ilsare
Melaa A'nadivian, Ranger of Folian S'pae


RE: Dreams of a Sun Elf - Elohanna Min A'Litae
« Reply #14 on: November 12, 2006, 03:19:16 pm »
 Elohanna sat atop the hills overlooking Blackford Castle, her mind wandering between the various meaning of things, of many people she had met in her journeys and place’s she had been to. She held the quill in her hand but it did not seem to be moving more than just holding her attention with its apparent simplicity, as it traced first the outside then the inside her fingers. What would it be like to simply be the quill with its soul task to allow others to convey their thoughts onto a blank piece of parchment. Life would be so simple then. The leather bound book that sat by her side was merely the receptacle for the quill to convey her thoughts. Finally it found its way to touch upon the grainy surface of the pages held with in its folds. As she focused her thoughts finally. She was not so clear to convey her thoughts or feelings when she was speaking aloud to others. There were some though however that were able to bring her more passionate and philosophical side out, because they took the time to actually try to understand her point of view. The pages of the journal held no opinion either way, but captured her thoughts precisely as they flowed from the quill. The pages accepted all her opinions and never tried to correct her.
  Life is a complicated series of events made even more complicated, often through the chaos of my own mind. Perhaps I see more in people and trust them more than anyone should. It is my nature. It is who I am to give all the benefit of the doubt until I am given a reason why I should not. We are all a product of our environment and each and every day we struggle to understand the world around us.
  Uilliam seems to admire this trait about me. Omer wishes for me to be more cautious though in those I call friend, and to be more weary of their intentions. Melanna, I think wishes to keep me sheltered in Hlint to keep me safe. Her and Omer seem to keep me so busy, with the crafting of Jewelry I barely step outside the outskirts of Hlint.
  Omer’s words still ring through my ears, "We as Elves are slow to trust but loyal friends to the death." Omer is sweet and generous to me always. He is one of my few friends that actually gets along well with Melanna and who she gets along with as well. They seem to have a common respect for each other. They even managed to reside within the same home rather pleasantly too. Which reminds me.
 She looks at the three keys that hang around her neck.One belongs to Omer's home in Fort Llast, one to a home in Krandor and yet the third to Rain and Sonya Darsus' house in Prantz, the later of the two she dares not use while there is a plague that runs through the lands for fear of causing the children to become sick should she somehow manage toget the dreaded plague.
 Omer gave me a key to his home today. He offered me a place within the library to store any scrolls I make. There is a lovely desk, many bookshelves, comfortable couches, and warm fireplace. I don’t think I could ever tire of it, nor the friendly presence of those I care for. To have Omer and Melanna, my two best friends under the same roof, and be able to visit them when I like. It does my heart well.
  Omer also gave me beautiful ring he was able to craft from his impressive skills as an enchanter. A ring only made for wizards. Through the enchantments of the ring I am able to cast a few more spells each day. This will definitely be a bonus when I go adventuring with friends, so that I may help them or maybe even to help me store more spells of invisibility should I wander to Storan’s Crypt nearby.
  It was not long ago either I spoke with Lyta also, a new comer, a lost soul who has been through so much in her short life. She has been through pain I would never wish on any, but sadly is more common than not. Upon her first visit to Hlint, she was attacked and derobed by her assailants. We found her wondering with very little covering in the woods North of Hlint. We could not help but reach out and try to help her.
  I don’t think she expected anyone to stop and help her, that and the events so recent in her mind. I hope that Aeridin protects her and keeps her well. I had taken her to the Great Library for awhile in Saida, a slight detour on our way to Raven Watch. and she seemed to truly be grateful for this. I thought taking Omer up on his idea to hire someone to gather mushrooms for me would help alleviate some work from me and free me to focus more on my scribing, and help her at the same time. I think we have the chance to become friends, it may take a bit to get her to open up though.
  I have also been considering if I should maintain my focus solely on my wizardry. There is more I wish to do to help my friends. I wish to protect them more during battle. I wish to help mend their bodies as well as their minds and perhaps that is the reason Aeridin has put me here. To gain the trust and friendship of many and share with them through that friendship a new understanding of the world around them. It is not always easy to trust a stranger, but maybe if you trust your friends and understand why they may. Those around us can learn too to trust.
  Of course though there is Assa’cam, a new friend, a monk originally of the order of Aeridin, I think he is still of the order, but I can’t quite be sure. He is a much younger soul than myself, and new to the town of Hlint. I am unsure of what to make of the way he smiles at me with those kind eyes. As if he has been watching me all my life, but how can it be when he is younger than me. Perhaps it is all of his own life he has observed quietly never quite revealing himself to me. Since I have met him though the feeling of being watched has gone away, the dreams of the past are not so persistent as they were before. Could it be that they were because of his familiar presence.
  I remember that not long after the incident in the Glade that my parents passed and I never returned again. I left my home behind and I never looked back again. I found my way with Eli as my mentor and studied my magics, and devoted my life to the will of Aeridin, and finding ways to help serve those around me by the gifts I have been given.
  I wonder though had Assa revealed himself sooner, would I have found a cause to stay, or would I have left anyway? I am not sure. I think we were then destined to travel our own ways and discover who we are meant to be. We now have the chance for something beautiful though in a friendship. I hope. It has been a few days maybe more since I have seen him. I trust Aeridin though to keep him safe and that when the time is right he will appear again.
  Aeridin protect and guide me always
  Elohanna Min A’Litae
  Daughter of the Light
Elohanna Min A'Litae, Priestess of Aeridin
Breanna Shadowraven, Wizard/Rogue of Folian S'pae
Cord, Bard of Ilsare
Melaa A'nadivian, Ranger of Folian S'pae


Re: Dreams of a Sun Elf - Elohanna Min A'Litae
« Reply #15 on: November 22, 2006, 08:16:57 pm »
Elohanna sat upon the hill. She was thinking. The thoughts that occupied her mind those of her discussion with Rain. It played over in her mind. She had taken his advice to a point but felt the need for complete honesty with her friend. She had to know if he too felt the same. And what kind of friendship would they have if she wasn’t completely honest with him. She trusted it, she trusted him. They would do anything for each other she knew that. But she also knew they were both terribly dedicated to their professions. Her to her scribing and his to enchanting.

She did love him dearly, but even she had to admit to herself there was more she felt too. She had to know if he felt the same. As she left the house though, she had found her answer. Great Partners it would remain. She knew he was right. Neither of them were ready to settle down. Their friendship would survive this. Even if Elohanna’s heart for the moment felt otherwise. She would remain strong and fight her way past this. Why did it feel so difficult though? How could she deny in her heart what she felt?

When she looked into his eyes it was most difficult but it was okay. She knew she was taking a chance opening up her heart to revealing it secrets to him, but strong friendships such as theirs would still survive. Right? How could it not? If they were true friends. Both of them were far to young to consider settling down and starting a family. He was right. She was being foolish. She was not even acting like a proper Elf should. She was here to serve Aeridin, to serve his will. To see th souls of the undead finally put to rest. She was here to see that life and death were kept in balance as best she could.

And she was here to help the Angel’s. They needed her devotion to her trade. They didn’t need her distracted by foolishness. What had it gotten her before anyway. Loving her parents as deeply as she did, only saw them taken away from her. Being so close to Ely she watched him also pass away into Aeridins arms. Would she be the cause of her friends end?

“Now Elohanna…” She thought to herself. “What kind of friend and partner would you be if you let these silly thoughts override your common sense.” That is what Ely would say to you. You know it. He would tell you to be reasonable and not let your emotions get in the way, and of course he would be right. He is always right.  He believes in you Elohanna. He knows you have the potential to be great. So stop being foolish.”

She was also needed to help Lyle as best he could. There were also slaves she wanted to see freed. It so upset her to see that there were those of her own that were treated so poorly. That slavery in some places was flaunted as much as Muireann flaunted her ability to cause chaos wherever she went.

She also wondered where Assa had gone, and Lance. Where they still alive? They were friends and she was concerned about them. Alaria, she had hoped was safe as well.

I still can’t believe that I am an Angel now. My heart swells with pride to be part of the family. Dalan has been so helpful with acquiring scrolls for my scribing. Sweet Omer, he has been so helpful as well. The hardest part for me actually is the wood working to make them myself. It seems as though the rest of the components I have either already stockpiled or can easily acquire. Except for those silly Eggs… I need to make a trip to Fort Velenske again and maybe to Dregar. My invisibility seems to last longer now as I master more magic that I before could only hope to achieve. I still have a long way to go to in my abilities but I am learning.

Well it is time that I rest, and perhaps nibble a bit on some on some food. I miss the taste of the food touched by the suns rays. I miss my parents, I miss Eli. I miss Nanna. I even miss the beauty of Saida. May they rest in peace and in the warm embrace of Aeridin. Aeridin please protect and guide Melanna’s blade swiftly. She is my sister in heart. We are hardly separable.  Working together to help each other. It is as if Omer, Melanna and I have a partnership of our own as great friends. Please protect them and keep them safe from harm.

Your most humble servent,
Elohanna Min A’Litae
(Daughter of the Light)
Elohanna Min A'Litae, Priestess of Aeridin
Breanna Shadowraven, Wizard/Rogue of Folian S'pae
Cord, Bard of Ilsare
Melaa A'nadivian, Ranger of Folian S'pae


RE: Dreams of a Sun Elf - Elohanna Min A'Litae
« Reply #16 on: December 06, 2006, 06:05:13 pm »
 Sometimes dreams have a way of revealing truths to you that you don’t realize. My dreams although few revealed to me what I already knew. That deep within me I longed to be loved, and within this dream the voice of reason was Rain. "Captain Rain and his army of Raindrops" in my mind I could not help but be slightly amused at the thought of him commanding some fierce storm to victory over his enemies.   I was dreaming of sitting within Moraken’s tower and him listening to me speak of what had recently happened after I had confronted Omer with the truth of how I felt. How even though I felt pained by the truth, and still hurt inside. I thought I knew what I wanted and finally resigned myself to the mutual feeling of friendship that was there between us. I would be happy with this. With friendship, partnership with him and the love of being family regardless.   I have come to realize that our friendship is more family anyway, of Omer being my younger, energetic, corruptible and exciteable protective brother that I have never had. We try to keep each other safe and we encourage each other in our crafts. I am not sure how well I convey this to Capt’n Rain, but he feels I am giving up because right now I won’t persue any others. The trouble is when your heart feels so certain about someone it is most difficult to simply let go and move on. Perhaps, I am just destined to be the Auntie who spoils her nieces and nephews. Who takes them on trips to shop, or outings to simply give their parents time to themselves and brings them back home to their parents who inevitably have to set the children straight again. Since their auntie has let them run amuck.   She laughs at the thought   It is liberating to not hold back so much, to not hide feelings. Perhaps to reveal yourself to others is a weakness seen by some, but I truly believe it only strengthens our family. For a long time I always kept my feelings back and in doing so I think it closed me off to everyone but a select few. I trust the Angel’s, each of them.   And I know that they trust me as well, in fact Rain does enough that not long ago I awoke to find a letter slipped beneath my door, when I opened it. I had found it to be not just an ordinary letter but Rain’s will? Why me? I questioned myself and his motivations. Why should I be entrusted with this above all the others. I know that him and Sonya trust me, but this comes as a surprise not long after Rain asked me to care for his children should the worst happen to them both. I am still not sure how Sonya feels about this or if she knows. I hope they have discussed this decision and that Rain is not holding back from her again. I fear to lose any of my family but I also have to remember that I can not let that fear rule my life either. For if I do it would surely only serve to close me up again away from those I love the most. The children of Rain and Sonya, I love as if they were my own, and I know the rest of the Angel’s feel the same. And that even though Rain asked me to take care of them, it would not be me alone at all but all the Angel’s who take them under their wings and guide and protect all of them until they are ready to set out in the world on their own.   My scribing comes along slowly and truly my successes come few and far between. I was able to complete the first scroll in an order for Erk though, and kindly dwarven mage. He seems very interested in my help to complete his library to so that he may also add to the number of scribes in the land. Perhaps there are many things we can learn from each other as our knowledge grows.  
  Not only has my scribing been growing, and success starting to come more often now, but It was maybe a week ago or so that I met a very sweet Cleric by the name of Lex’or. He was new to Hlint and had unfortunately lost his belongings on the way here. He is a fellow Aeridinite and is he tall! Or I am just that small that I find myself looking up at him. Of course there are lots of others I look up to as well, but I can’t help but look to him, to his eyes and wonder curiously about him.
  He has a kind spirit with a willingness to listen. I don’t know though, I barely know him and I am skeptical about how much of myself I reveal. When he had told me of his situation though I felt compelled to make for him a Robe. It is simple in design and does not afford the protection of the finer armor that I know that Melanna and others can make but it is a small token that I am more than willing to provide to him. He in return gave me a beautifully Lily. And when next we met the gift of a rose and a lily.
 She smiles at the memory,
 Omer seemed very curious of its origin and I told him that a cleric had given it to me. I think he was surprised that I was holding onto it for so long but… I had to admit, it smelled beautiful, and it seems to have grown on me.
  As the time passes and we meet again, I don’t know if it me changing or finding myself curiously drawn to him. Maybe there is something I am longing for. I can not be completely sure. I am not entirely comfortable though with not understanding this feeling.
  I had promised to take Lex’or to see the snow, so we traveled together to Raven Watch. It was a curious trip and I wished I could have spent more time with him, and personally see him safely back but I was unfortunately unable to as I soon had to leave. So I cast invisibility on him so his travels would be safer and he surprised me, with a kiss on the cheek before I heard his feet crunching at a run away from me. Perhaps he just thought he would return my hug with a kiss. A not altogether unpleasant experience, it was actually kind of nice. I am afraid though of where things could be heading and I was most adamant to Rain that my work must come first. I do not wish to hurt Lex’or’s feelings but I truly need to set some boundaries of my own and take things much slower. There is a lot that we have yet to learn about each other and he barely knows me. Even if it is not going where I think it could be it is best to speak up from the beginning to set things straight.
 She sighs as she closes her journal and sets it beside her bed.
 May Aeridin’s blessing be upon my family and friends.
Elohanna Min A'Litae, Priestess of Aeridin
Breanna Shadowraven, Wizard/Rogue of Folian S'pae
Cord, Bard of Ilsare
Melaa A'nadivian, Ranger of Folian S'pae


Re: Dreams of a Sun Elf - Elohanna Min A'Litae
« Reply #17 on: December 10, 2006, 06:19:55 pm »
How could it happen that I fall in love with him? How is it that he could capture my heart so thoroughly with the tenderness of his heart. His generous spirit. He is completely thoughtful and helpful. Many times it is as if we complete each others sentences before even our thoughts have a chance to be thought into existence. I know if he could, he would hold me and never let me go, and I… I feel content to let him do just that.

I do not wish to change him at all but to love him for who he is. My Blessed, as if Aeridin set him down on this mortal plane for me alone to cherish. It is cute the way his confusion plays over his face when I speak in Elven and he has only the smallest idea of what is spoken. They are all good things, blessings to keep him safe. Our love to guide his way when we are apart. Still it tickles me inside to see him curious and grow in his wish to learn my language.

Slowly, I realize though, that I must find my senses again and set my own feet down among the rest of my friends and family again to regain and pull tightly those friendships which may be suffering as a result of my clouded mind.

It is also my duty as a servant of Aeridin to continue to do what I can to help others as much as possible and not lose my senses. There is a mission that I wish to accomplish in my lifetime, however short or long it may be.

I wish to see the slaves of Karthy freed and for that matter, all slaves. I wish to see their spirit and dignity restored and for them to realize that there is a greater purpose in store for them than merely serving the callous wants and desires of those who are better off learning to serve themselves and gain a bit of humility. Perhaps if the Masters where to become the slaves they would better understand.

That is an interesting notion….

Daniel asked me my feelings towards Lex’or and if they were genuinely felt towards him. I could only smile and honestly answer to him that indeed they were and that I find when we are together we complete each others thoughts. I love him very much. And I love Daniel for taking up a role in my life that sadly my own father could not. I miss my father and mother both and wish they could be here to meet the one who has my heart.

I believe that Kyle, Daniel, Dalan, and Rain remain concerned and will always to make sure that I am not hurt. I do not believe that they have anything to worry about. I will not try to convince them though otherwise because I know they will anyway. True friends indeed, but I know that Lex’or is from the same mold as dear sweet Sonya and her precious children whom I love deeply and that as much as she would not cause harm to come to me or any of the family, neither would Lex’or.

Then there is my dear friend Melanna and her ever present concern for my happiness and safety. She brings up many questions that are valid concerns. I could very well out live Lex’or. Should we decide to have children they would be half human and half elven. I truly have not thought of having children of my own though, or has the mention of it came up with Lex’or if he would want his own family. It is not something I have thought about in my youth because I have so much time ahead of me to make that decision and to settle down.

Omer also seems a bit concerned that lately my attention has been focused more on Lex’or than our normal trips to Dregar together, and to him I am the most sorry because I know he would protect me with his life, and has on many occasions.  He is besides Daniel, perhaps the only one to whom Melanna gets along with truly.

I wish that Lex’or and Melanna would come to terms with each other, but they are both stubborn in their beliefs and I can not ask either to change who they are. I would not, it would have to be a mutual decision that they come to, but I do love them both dearly for who they are.

It also bothers me to hear of Melanna speaking of her life being so short though, as I would dearly miss her should she be taken from me to soon. She is the closest to a sister I have ever had and feel her as family. Please Aeridin keep my family safe for me. Watch over them and guide each of their steps each day.  While I know it is your will that no life lives past its time it is also your will that life not be taken before its time either.

Your Faithful Servant,
Elohanna Min A’Litae

Additional Reminder:
- Scrolls waiting for delivery
Fireball – Zergon for 1500 + 2 dozen eggs

 - Send A bird to Lillian to let her know which scrolls I still need.
Elohanna Min A'Litae, Priestess of Aeridin
Breanna Shadowraven, Wizard/Rogue of Folian S'pae
Cord, Bard of Ilsare
Melaa A'nadivian, Ranger of Folian S'pae


Re: Dreams of a Sun Elf - Elohanna Min A'Litae
« Reply #18 on: December 24, 2006, 12:34:03 pm »
The gift was more than I could hope for. More than I could have expected or asked for from anyone. Yet somehow it doesn’t feel right. None of it does. They all have provided for me more than I could ever need. 350 Hickory and oak scrolls and a box of eggs among all he has already done. Aeridin seems to bless me in abundance and with an attention I am not sure I deserve. This kind of devotion I am not used to. All of my friends had a part in this gift. Truly I don’t know what to say or how to feel at such generosity of spirit from them all. Perhaps this is Aeridin’s way of saying that the work I do is important enough that I should continue to grow and help others.

Yet, there is a heaviness of my heart and a longing for something I am not sure of. A confusion seems deep within me about many things and I…I think I need distance to sort out what it is.  There are many things to consider… many things I am not yet ready to even write down here but I know are important to consider. I am not sure how long I will be gone, but I know that it is for the best, that before I cause any one else I love to die because of my foolishness, I figure out what is important to me…That like the mistake that cause Ferrit to fall, or Omer, Melanna, or Lex’or… So many have fallen because of my mistakes. Their lives are far to precious to me to see fall because of my foolishness. So I am planning a trip, an extended trip away. There is only one who can truly show me the clear and true path of where my heart lies and I am afraid that Eghaas has noticed it even if he has not said so.  

I think that it is best that I go quietly least someone try to convince me not to go, and I find it most difficult to say no to my dear friends. Surely though they will all understand. I was blessed that Aeridin and the Soul Mother have not found it my time to perish but how long will the blessings of Aeridin shine upon me until even he grows weary and impatient with me.
Elohanna Min A'Litae, Priestess of Aeridin
Breanna Shadowraven, Wizard/Rogue of Folian S'pae
Cord, Bard of Ilsare
Melaa A'nadivian, Ranger of Folian S'pae


RE: Dreams of a Sun Elf - Elohanna Min A'Litae
« Reply #19 on: December 30, 2006, 06:44:25 pm »
Chapter One
 Sometimes I know not what I am doing. If what I am doing is the right thing. Am I doing right by Lex’or? Am I doing right by the Angel’s? Omer? Melanna? Am I being fair. Am I being honest with myself. Do I love Lex’or as deeply as he does me? When we are alone together I can feel how deeply I care for him. I cherish our time together but can I begin to give back to him what he has done for me. I do not wish to see his life devoted solely to me when as a Cleric of Aeridin, his life should be shared with all the people. There are so many to help that I fear his love for me may make him chose to help me, instead of those that can benefit from his help more.
  Perhaps talking with Lex’or more will help us both to understand what it is our heart desires and that as devoted as he is to helping me. That I alone am not the sole reason for his calling as a Cleric to Aeridin. Aeridin grants us love, understanding and grace. Our grace very much to reach out and help others and ourselves lastly. How might I give back to him to show him how I am grateful for the companionship and love that I have with Lex’or and to show truly to Lex’or how much I care for him.
  By giving back of my blessed attention to where it should be. Lex’or works so hard to help me but I truly wish for him to better understand that it is not me, his devotion is too although I admit that I am truly blessed by his presence in my life. I am not so selfish though to claim every second of his time either. I am solitary by nature. I thrive on doing what I do, on my own.
Elohanna Min A'Litae, Priestess of Aeridin
Breanna Shadowraven, Wizard/Rogue of Folian S'pae
Cord, Bard of Ilsare
Melaa A'nadivian, Ranger of Folian S'pae