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Author Topic: Drnii Khuiedr Tyhuekyra  (Read 1812 times)


Drnii Khuiedr Tyhuekyra
« on: April 21, 2011, 08:25:56 pm »
The old paladin Tarradon told me that when I truly know what the words mean then I will know what I am to be.

I have dwelt on his words of wisdom for many years now. Ever since my first visit to the Cathedral in Westerngate when he filled my head full of tales of his youth. I think he was happy to have someone to speak with. His days were mainly filled with quiet reflection or tending to the worried thoughts of the Knights that served there.

The boat journey took several months to reach the bustling shores of Mistone and the great city of Port Hempstead. It was not unlike Westerngate but much older and far more mercantile. I guess it has to do with the main temples at work in the city.

Given my background it was easy enough to secure a job guarding a wagon train heading to Centre. It was here I was able to first explore and get a taste for this new land.

Within days I had found several sources of work for a soldier like myself, including helping a couple whose wagon wheel had fallen off and were then attacked by kobold bandits led by a most unseemly Orc. I managed to kill the vermin and run off the orc and get the people to town unscathed. Its interesting the people you meet along the way. In this particular incident an odd women also helped, she was strangely soft and I'd almost say absent minded but that would not be a fair appraisal. I think she was more intelligent and calculating than she let on. Certainly her comments seemed to contain several levels of meaning, some of which were only understandable to her. Nevertheless I left Rose, Terrance and his wife to their devices in Centre and went on to seek other job opportunities.

At night I continue to speak the prayers the old paladin taught me. Its odd as I get the deepest sense of satisfiaction in their intonations. They just feel right to me in some deep core of my being. Almost like an anchor I can cling to in a depraved and selfish world.


Re: Drnii Khuiedr Tyhuekyra
« Reply #1 on: April 24, 2011, 11:15:27 pm »
It seems with the war raging in Belinara many young men and women are not available to complete a number of tasks around Mistone. I feel some sense of guilt that I am not serving with those I trained with that went off to serve in Belinara. Many divisions left mere months after I finished my term of service.

I know what they are doing is important, I feel that perhaps I should be there with them. But...I also sense that there is something else that I must first discover, that somehow my probably getting killed in a campaign in a far way land will serve less of a purpose than what I am now trying to discover.

People may think less of me for such, they may well consider it a selfish notion. I cannot say in all honesty that I would not have to agree with them given the circumstances. But...even so, there is, something. Something waiting for me, something calling me? I don't know fully yet. When I know, perhaps then all will become clear.


Re: Drnii Khuiedr Tyhuekyra
« Reply #2 on: April 25, 2011, 07:45:16 pm »
There is so much to be done, I've found my martial skills have been in high demand as I have travelled this wide and varied nation of Mistone. Probably one of the most civilised lands in the world and yet still there is so much trouble, so much to be done, so much darkness in peoples hearts.

I found myself finally reaching Fort Vehl. It certainly was an eye opener, such a large and bustling city with such an undercurrent of greed and corruption. And yet, within it lies the heart of one of the largest Rofireinite temples in the world. At first I did not understand this paradox but when I entered the temple for the first time it came to me.

Where else could it be? It truly was the perfect place for it, constantly striving for justice, constantly striving to instill the virtues of law and order in those whose hearts and minds are closed to such concepts. I have no doubt that if the temple did not exist here the extent to which the city and indeed the entire nation of Co'rys would have sunk to.

Truly we are the tip of the sword trying to maintain order and common decency in a world full of those who would subvert it and bring it down to their levels. Evil acts and thoughts, words and deeds are so easy, the righteous path is the high road, the path less understood, the path less tolerated. It takes strong men and women to take such a path.

I thought about these things as I sat in the pews of the temple watching the hustle and bustle going on around me. The commoners, to beggers, those seeking a better lot to their sorry and miserable lives. They wished better for themselves and yet their hearts and minds were weak. Give them what they want, some would realise it for what it is and change their lives, most would take it, waste it and then demand more...and they would be given it, again and again while the innocent suffered. But, what else could one do, a continual hope that someday they may be truly rescued against a life of abuse and squander ending in sad and mierable tragedy.

Here finally, within the walls of the temple, watching the suffereing of those around him did he begin to truly see a path opening up before him. A reason for the madness, the suffering, the deprivation, the chaos of the world. Only then did he start to realise the overwhelming need for those who are willing to do something about it, willing to stand forth and be the voice of the people, to inspire then, to give them courage to cast aside the bonds of negativity that has become their lot in life. To show them there is a better way, a way for all to live in peace and harmony, for all to share in the wealth and be equals.

The law, not just any law, but the Divine Laws gave them that opportunity. He just had to think about the place where he grew up. The Dragonsong Code and the Divine Law reflected each other well. He was proud of his nation and what it had achieved since the bad days when Blood had taken over them and destroyed so much. Everything they had achieved was due to the Code and the Divine Laws. A civilised society where strength and honour were more than just words said in haste. They carried a weight of responsibility.

For the first time in many months since he had left his homeland and come to Mistone he finally felt that he was starting to realise himself and to find a place where he could serve. Sure, he could have make a small impact as a soldier in the army, then again, he might have been killed in his first battle. but now, as one of the Stonebound, a sudden realisation of lifes true purpose, he could see a future, not an easy one of course, in fact it would be hard and unrelenting, but a future nonetheless, one that he would be honoured to serve.

He glanced up at the Great Dragon Statue in the temple. Its long neck raised its head high over those bustling around beneath it, almost oblivious to its heavy gaze. But he saw it, saw it for what it was, a desperate reminder of what needs to be, what can truly save them from themselves. If they could only look up and see what he could see, they would know.


Re: Drnii Khuiedr Tyhuekyra
« Reply #3 on: April 30, 2011, 12:32:52 am »
Ive spent some time now on Alindor, travelling to different regions. it seems there is a distinct lack of stonebound in the other lands at present due to the wars going on in Belinara and thus when you make yourself known there are a myriad of tasks people want you to complete for them.

During my travels here I have carried with me the books that Sir Tarradon had given me. Histories of the Faith, the stories of the Knights of the Wyrm, The book fo Divine Law, all light reading to be sure. I have found as I have read them that they are so close to everything I have held true my entire life, that my father has taught me and that my tutors and intructors in the Dragonsong army also taught me about the Code.

I find within their pages tenets of belief and Faith that are ingrained natrually on my own psyche. I am feeling more and more that this is the right path for me. I am starting to see the path laid out before me and have just to commit to my service to Rofirein in order to begin my journey. My only hesitation to that committment is whether I am truly worthy. Many men and women say they are but in their heads they have doubt and lack conviction when they are truly tested. I believe I have the necessary determination and conviction to stay true to what I set my heart to, but always there is that little doubt in the back of the head. I am still a young man, what if I falter? I cannot see the future. One the other side of the argument I think, well, I cannot see the future so rather than fearing what might never happen, commit and show by word, deed and example your true merit.

I have already booked passage on a ship bound to return to Westerngate in the next few days. I shall seek out Sir Tarradon once more and speak to him about my feelings and intentions. He is a wise man, a trustworthy man, someone who may share someof his own wisdoms with me so I can once and for all eliminate these small niggling doubts and step forth with strength and conviction.


Re: Drnii Khuiedr Tyhuekyra
« Reply #4 on: May 05, 2011, 10:34:20 am »
And now I wait. I have put forward my claims, stated my case and must wait upon the decisions of those with greater knowledge and wisdom in these matters.

Should they accept my applications for membership of the faith officially then I sense that within me I have what I need to carry that forward. Time and the will of the Great Dragon himself, will tell.


Re: Drnii Khuiedr Tyhuekyra
« Reply #5 on: May 07, 2011, 01:52:10 am »
And so I wait. I should not be suprised, the Rofireinites have not become one of the most esteemed organisations in the world by improper record keeping or by cutting corners. This I can truly appreciate and would expect no less.

What it has given me time to do is to visit my family once again. My father for the most part seems happy with my choice and it seems my great uncle was another who forsook an opportunity to serve in the Dragonsong army and instead chose a life of service with the Rofireinite church. Sadly he was killed several years ago in the Rael-Dark Elf war. My mother was also pleased with me for he most part, although I sensed that she had some doubt still of my candidacy for such a role.

Many of my friends however thought me mad, they can't understand how I could choose a life of service to Rofirein over a life of service the the Code and the Domani of Dragonsong. An illustrious military career for certain. Oddly I found their comments did not bother me as I thought they might. I am set on my path now, I just have to convince the authorities of that fact. In fact I am hoping my time spent with the old paladin and former Umbra might add some weight to my claim.

Speaking of which I plan to return to Westerngate in the next few days after visiting my family and try to see the old paladin again. I value his wisdom and his stories and it would be a nice way to pass the time in waiting while my claims go through the proper channels.


Re: Drnii Khuiedr Tyhuekyra
« Reply #6 on: May 07, 2011, 02:07:36 am »
How quickly the days pass but I found myself soon under the feet of everyone at my home and decided to take my leave a day early and return to Westerngate.

Within hours of securing lodgings I made my way to the Cathedral and spent some time in quiet prayer before heading to the drill fields and watching the young knights, guardians and even priests training. I must say the numbers were far greater reduced than my last visit with many having left some time ago to join the war in Belinara.

It was mainly very young men and women or older, retired ones and many that carried prior injuries that would prevent them from joining the war effectively. It wasnt long before I was asked to join in the sessions by an eldery Knight. He seemed content to sit back then and instruct us rather than participate himself. I sparred for several hours under what turned out to be his excellent tutelage. His body might have been tired and weary but his mind was sharp as a pin and his knowledge of weapons and combat would have rivalled many of the drill sergeants in the Dragonsong armies.

After I had cleaned up back in my rooms in the city I returned for evening services at the Cathedral and afterwards sought out the old paladin. I found him in one of the many quiet courtyards reading a worn text. I seem to recall always seeing him with some sort of book in his hands when I thought about it. He seemed pleased to see me and I genuinely felt welcome. I told him about my family and such, the information rattling off my tongue easily without inhibition such was the calm nature of the man.

Eventually our conversation turned to other things and before long I had asked him what he was reading. A book he said, a book of collected knowledge. Naturally I asked what sort of knowledge and he promptly smiled and cryptically told me I was not ready for it just yet. Rather than feel afronted by the remark I found my self agreeing with him and accepting his calm observation with no malice but instead a profound acceptance and knowledge in my own heart that when the time was right I would know.

Thus, the difficult moment passed and we talked late into the night on other matters.


Re: Drnii Khuiedr Tyhuekyra
« Reply #7 on: May 13, 2011, 07:56:35 am »
It has been over a week now but it matters not. I have found amny things to occupy my time, including joining the prayer sessions in the mornings and evenings in the Knights Chapel, a smaller area in the Cathedral. Here I have spent time speaking with some of the older knights of the Wyrm who were unable to join the battles in Belinara and instead assigned rolls back in the Cathedral to oversee things and see that the running of the Cathedral continued.

Word arrived just yesterday that the fleet had arrived safely in Nith and had begun marching north to wards Westgate. Many of those who had remained behind had seen a lot of action in their years and there was always a tale or two to be heard.

I was also grateful of the time the retired Umbra, Sir Tarradon took to speak with those who gathered in the temple every day. He seemed to be familiar with just about everyone and always had a kind word or a word of encouragement.

He asked me the other day if I had considered the words he had given me to think about. Drnii Khuiedr Tyhuekyra. They echo in my mind and fill my heart when I speak them as if they have some power of their own. I will continue to dwell on their meaning as I wait to hear word of my claims. In the meantime I talk, I learn and I pray and I find myself day after day growing closer to Rofirein in both my heart and my mind.


Re: Drnii Khuiedr Tyhuekyra
« Reply #8 on: May 14, 2011, 07:44:05 am »
Its funny that as you find yourself with time on your hands the things you start to ponder and think about. Now, as I pass the days in prayer and drill practice in the Cathedrals martial yards, in quiet study or sharing stories with others in the Cathedral I can remember that from a young age I have always had a fascination with dragons. In fact I remember readily several stories my father told me as a child. It is these sorts of memories that are flooding into my mind now and in fact are helping me to understand and focus on what believing in Rofirein means to me.

It has certainly helped that Sir Tarradon has been so forthcoming with his ideals and knowledge in what it means to truly serve the Great Dragon in mind and in heart. He has also introduced me to many others who live and work in the Cathedral, men and women who believe the work they do makes a difference.

In deep prayer I find my mind drifts always at some point to my very first visit to the Cathedral so long ago with my mentor and tutor Sir Bernhard. Truly it was the most profound experience I have ever had; it was like something that had been lying dormant within me was awakened the first time I set eyes upon the great golden dragon in the main temple. At that moment nothing else in time mattered, I could not hear anything but the sound of mighty wings beating the air with powerful thrusts. I remember too being startled back to reality by Sir Bernhard calling to me to enter another section of the temple with him. I did so and found myself bending knee and praying at the altar in the Knights Chapel with him. At the time I do not think I truly appreciated what was before me but now asd I remember I see the signs that before when my eyes and mind were closed I did not see.

Even now in moments of soulful prayer I am experiencing a feeling of peace and purpose filling me as if I had been a dry field yearning for nourishment. I kept asking myself questions like; what is happening to me, what are these feelings filling me, why? Is it like this for everyone?

When I Sir Tarradon what was happening he just smiles at me and says that Rofirein calls each of his followers to serve him in their own special way. Over the last week or so I have at times left the cathedral confused and yet instilled with a sense that there is more out there that I need to discover. I am finding a greater awareness in those around me, in the fragility of life and starting to find a sense of purpose to protect that fragility of life. At this stage I am unable to fully grasp what I am feeling but I am patient enough to continue and let the process happen naturally.

Of course there have also been dreams, sometimes I can hardly sleep. Every time I closed my eyes there were either dreams of huge flights of mighty dragons flying through clear blue skies, or more often dreams of them fighting and dying in clouds of fire and brimstone, dragons of all colours battling again and again, killing each other until I could take it no more. Sir Tarradon claimed that in his youth he also experienced such dreams and that the events currently going on in the world seem to reflect some of that chaos. I took his advice on the matter and at times when the dreams seemed the most intense I returned to the Cathedral where quiet prayer in its surrounds calmed my heart and mind.

Thus I spend more and more time praying in the Cathedral and most particularly the Knights Chapel, and talking with the clergy there, increasing my knowledge and ultimately my faith in the Great Dragon. It is truly in these times where I find myself most at peace.


Re: Drnii Khuiedr Tyhuekyra
« Reply #9 on: May 21, 2011, 09:52:10 pm »
My last conversation with the old paladin Sir Tarradon decided for me what I would do. He said to me that there was no real need for me to wait at the Cathedral for a response for I would know in my heart of Rofirein has decided to call me specifically. Knowing the thoughts and feelings I had already felt in the last few weeks at the Cathedral his words resonated a truth within me.

Thus I booked passage not long after on a ship and have returned to Mistone once more. I am spending my time finding out more about the nation, travelling around, meeting its people and carrying out odd jobs and tasks as required to pay my way with food and accommodation.

On  a number of occasions already I have given some of what I have earn't to those in need and have found a deep sense of gratification in doing such. I had never really considered it before my time spent at the cathedral in the company of men and women far wiser than myself, who had led lives of service to the Great Gold and experienced so much.

I feel grateful and deeply humbled by their readiness to talk to me of their learnings, to share their knowledge and experiences in their service to Rofirein. It fills me with a deep sense of belongingness to the great ideals and beliefs of what his servants are trying to do in the world and I realise now that whether they accept me or not its what in my heart, my words, my deeds that count. I also realise now I have always known this since the first day my father read to me the Code of the Dragonsong.


Re: Drnii Khuiedr Tyhuekyra
« Reply #10 on: May 24, 2011, 04:24:25 am »
I have now read my acceptance letter several times and yet I find just words on the parchment. Words that simply reiterate what was already in my heart. I see now what the aged paladin was speaking about when he said that when the time was right I would know in my heart where my future lay. In truth I have always known its just that my vision was clouded.

Thus I stride forth in confidence, fearing nothing, as now I know in my heart the truth, I am content and secure in my love and service to Rofirein and the duties and ideals he represents. I will be a beacon of honour and virtue, a model for those whose hearts may know the truth of what Rofirein demands but not know the way to make it so. My future begins now.


Re: Drnii Khuiedr Tyhuekyra
« Reply #11 on: May 31, 2011, 07:29:03 pm »
For the last few weeks I have journeyed often with my friend and comrade Naldin and at times taken lessons with the Master Dwarf Kromlek, a most seasoned and capable warrior who has served in the war in Belinara for some time now. Others have crossed our paths also like the mage Vincent. Although when we last parted ways it was after heated words when he changed his shape into an undead creature. He saw no problem with the form however I did on the principle of the matter. He left after a short heated discussion and I have not seen him since. I am willing to aplogise for the manner in which I portrayed my opinion of his appearance but I will not change my decision that if he travels with us he does not use the offensive form. Some principles are too important to cast aside.

I have raised the idea of joining the Knights of the Wyrm with Naldin. We talked at some length about it in Center the other day. Its interesting how the title of Knight seems to some to automatically discount them from the position. Naldin was one such in this case. I explained to him that the Knights need all sorts of people, especially after the losses incurred in the war in Sederra and Belinara. We talked about how Sir Drais enlisted a wide variety of people to his cause when the Knights were first founded believing that such diversity gave them a distinct advantage in dealing with evil and the Ancient Enemy in many different ways. I too believe this philosophy.

By the time we finished talking about it Naldin agreed to at leat consider the notion. My hope is that together we can join and perhaps form our own group to further the cause against chaos.


Re: Drnii Khuiedr Tyhuekyra
« Reply #12 on: June 17, 2011, 06:53:30 pm »
Every day it seems a new journey begins. I have recently spent come to know myself better and had to test the limit of my convictions and my knowledge of my Faith in several ways.

Its almost as if this world knows I serve Rofirein and is determined to test the limits of this service. I had not realised that so many would reject the care and ministrations of a God who wants nothing more than to provide peace and comfort for all through law and order. How could anyone not want that is almost beyond me. Alas I see weak hearts and minds every day in all areas of society and thus I see how it can be so. I wish it were not so and I know my lifes path is set out for me and it will not be an easy one.

Thankfully I have met brave and dedicated followers of Rofirein who feel the same as I. With staunch comdrades such as these we can go far.  There is Naldin the dwarven ranger, solid, reliable, dependable, no nonsense, straight down the line. He has agreed to join my in putting forward applications to the Knights of the Wyrm. And there is also a young Protector called Samantha, determined, honourable, dedicated. I can see why she has been called by the Great Gold. As I write this now I wonder if I had not asked if she wished also to join Naldin and I rather than be our sponsor. But, she still has not yet chosen a course for herself through the faith. Whether to pursue a life through serving law or bringing law to those out in the world. Still, the polite thing would be to ask her. I will do so, next time I see her.

I almost forgot about the strage blue skinned elf who has attached herself to us as well. Naldin seems to understand her a little bit and I think Im getting her odd landuage at times but then I really have no idea at others. Ele is all we call her but she is a fine user of the Al'noth and proven herself highly useful in our endeavours to date.

For now, I have a task to complete. It seems servants of the enemy Xeen have been trying to abuse the law in Fort Vehl. I intend to see this remedied immediately with my comrades alongside me.


Re: Drnii Khuiedr Tyhuekyra
« Reply #13 on: July 12, 2011, 10:01:05 am »
It warms my heart to know that I have found such staunch and reliable comrades while working around Mistone. In fact I could not have asked for better travelling companions from the Lord Dragon himself.

Every day when I finish my prayers I know my feet are on the right path, that I am doing what the Great Gold would have me do. I understand as well that whether I receive the knighthood I have applied for or not matters little because it is how we believe we serve the Dragon and his ideals in our hearts that truly matters.

I must also remind myself at times that I am a servant of the Great Gold and as such my first duty is to see to the protection of the Protector. Since she often chooses to travel with Naldin and myself we have agreed that we would do what we can in the absence of any Guardian or Knight protection to undertake that role ourselves. As such my first priority must be to see to her safety and care however I am finding as us companions live, travel and work together I am seeing the Protector more as a friend and I have to remind myself that she is first and foremost my charge.


Re: Drnii Khuiedr Tyhuekyra
« Reply #14 on: July 30, 2011, 07:48:32 am »
Thus is has come to pass. Paladin of the Light of the Dragon, Knight to walk in the light. I feel honoured and humbled both at once. My lifes course opens before me, I am gaining a sense of the road that lies just beyond the doors of my room.

Returning to Westerngate for the ceremony seemed a journey that would never end and yet when I arrived it felt that it was so short. I arrived at the Cathedral just in time for the beginning and met the other candidates including Naldin. We were both honoured that Protector Samantha had returned as well to share the day with us.

The ceremony itself passed in a blur, my mind focused on the task at hand, one with my heart and faith.The answers to the questions during the trial fairly sprang into my mind so ready where they to pour forth from what my heart felt was true and right. And then, then it was over and we were clapping each other on the back and issuing congratulations. What followed was a blur, of grateful and happy memories with new brothers and sisters.

I dont recall much until the next day when after morning prayers and a short talk to Sir Tarradon who truly embarrased me with his praise on our achievement. It was for lunch when Protector Samantha invited me to dine with her and her mother at their house in Westerngate.

Shortly after we walked through the city to get a better look at what we glimpsed on the way in. There seemed to be a distinct worry and fear in the air that had not been there last time I visited the city. Something that had grown and was festering beneath the surface and showing through here and there. Further investigation revealed the worries about the rising number of dragon attacks going on around the islands, the destruction of crops, the theft of cattle, the hardship such things were producing.

What we discovered was of grave concern and when we parted company I felt that pending further orders from the Cathedral then I would begin to investigate these troublesome matters. Somehow in my heart I knew that my investigations may lead me to the Ancient Enemy's followers, but I had to try.


Re: Drnii Khuiedr Tyhuekyra
« Reply #15 on: November 25, 2011, 08:30:27 pm »
Time passes so quickly, that's an understatement I guess. Things have been so busy over the last few months even Sir Naldin and Protector Samantha have had their own chores and tasks to attend to preventing us all from journeying together. I have had to postpone my journey to Westerngate with the Protector just because of the requirements of our separate positions. Life is never dull most certainly.

I know in this time the Protector has proven herself to be most dedicated and a rising star amongst the other priests currently around Fort Vehl. I am glad to see her succeed so well. I always suspected she would even if she didn't have the confidence to think it of herself. Sir Naldin however has remained aloof, often disappearing for long times on various duties. He can be dark and brooding at times and I sense an inner disquiet within him. He says little whenever I see him but I believe he is harbouring a great anger towards the many criminals on the streets of Vehl. He takes things very seriously and I wonder that his anger may cause him to take things too far one day. I must try to guide him and calm him when I can.

I too have not rested during this time. My recent promotion came as a surprise to me. I had returned to the temple to report on a situation I had investigated near Stormcrest. The place was far busier than usual for no apparent reason and the few priests and such available were stretched thin. In fact before I walked in the doors to the temple I had to speak with three fellow Knights arguing heatedly just outside the temple in a most unseemly display. It felt as if the usually well organised place was being truly tested. Adding insult to injury the High Justicier had taken ill and with the Divisional Commander away at the time and the next senior clergy meeting with the city court judges, things were almost...chaotic. Dare I say it. Thankfully the powerful procedures in place meant that things still ran, just nowhere near capacity or as effectively as they usually did. Manpower was a real problem that day.

It took me almost an hour to speak to Miss Delila whom, it was fair to say, looked a bit frayed around the edges. I had barely had chance to speak several words when she pushed me through to the corridors leading to the receiving rooms and said to go and help out. Dutifully I went as requested and found lines of people in the hallways waiting for audiences with various clergy including the High Justicier. Several squires, drafted from the training areas as well as a number of first year acolytes were trying to maintain order. It was to my surprise to find myself for the moment the most senior member present. I hastened to the chamber at the end to find the High Justicier's personal adjutant speaking with several Guardians, Knights like myself and also several Protectors. Even as I entered they dispersed to different chambers along the passageway as I approached the adjutant.

He greeted me with a frown and then a nod pausing momentarily to ask my name. That was the limit of the formalities and he set me to the chamber we were currently in to receive those waiting outside and deal with their requests. I was startled at first but quickly regained my composure. Little did I know at the time I was to then meet with several people amongst those on my list, who were personal friends or acquaintances of the High Justicier himself.

The rest of the afternoon was a blur, attendee after attendee flowed through the room and I dutifully dealt with each matter in turn. I remember a young boy whose mother turned out to be a close friend of the High Justiciers family. He was the youngest of 4 and she hoped he would be taken into the Knights so he might make a life for himself but the boy was worried about it all. I spoke to him at length from the heart and I believe I had an impact on the young man.

Weeks later I was summoned to the Temple once more where Divisional Commander Sir Breten called me into his office. There he congratulated me on how I had handled the day and also on several other matters that had crossed his desk of other matters I had been involved with. It was there he granted me a promotion to Captain to report to none other than Section Commander Jennara, the Heart of the Dragon. I was humbled. Often as squires we would jest about what was needed to be selected to her command, which only the most able got to serve the Heart. Now I reside, under her command. I feel the pressure most keenly now; to ensure everything I do meets with hers and the Great Dragons approval.


Re: Drnii Khuiedr Tyhuekyra
« Reply #16 on: February 11, 2012, 07:42:46 pm »
Almost a full year has passed now, things have been very busy. With regular duties, patrols and travel to various places, investigations and so on its a wonder we get any time to ourselves. Still, I serve the people, I do not resent for one moment any of the word I undertake.

I have chosen to sit and write today to try and clarify several thoughts that have been going around in my mind for some time. Firstly I am concerned over the mental strain our work is having on Sir Naldin. He has been away for long periods of time and grows more morose and seemingly frustrated over time at our efforts to bring justice and law to troubled regions. I have tried to give him some space but perhaps in hindsight I should have taken time to show him the positive work we are accomplishing. I will speak to Protector Samantha, she at least seems to be able to have some clarity in determining peoples thoughts. She will no doubt have some wisdom based advice in how to approach my friend.

Which brings me to my next area of thought. I must profess to having thought far more about the Protector since sharing a meal with her at the Temple Commons than is perhaps appropriate. I find it odd that in the field I feel totally in control and know my path and direction, clear in my sense of duty whereas for a time I found myself acting like a fourteen year old boy back home simply sharing a meal with her. I fear nothing in the field except perhaps a great sense of need to protect those around me from danger but I would not class it as fear in any sense of the word. I must say I feel trepidation when I know I am soon to see the Protector and a greater sense of need to protect her when she is around. That is even considering I am fully aware she is well supported by the Dragon and can protect herself well enough. I think soon I may have to return to Dragonsong and perhaps seek out my father or someone at the temple to discuss these things. The old paladin may be willing to give me some advice on this most curious, pleasant, and equally troubling and indeed delicate matter.

This may indeed be a wise move, returning to Westerngate for a time as I want to see if I can find the old priest High Protector Quintayne. It has come to my attention that he was in possession of a number of documents that could help me in my further discovery of the ancient tongue of the Great Dragon.I have kept the papers given to me by the old paladin and have begun a study of words with the bardic skald Torroc to try to distinguish sounds and letter combinations. He has told me he can sing songs in other languages even if he has no idea what the words mean by studying the letter combinations and listening to the rhythm the words make. He is slowly teaching me the same process to help me interpret the sound and intonation on the letter combinations of the words. With time, and the knowledge passed onto me already of a couple of words I am confident I can expand this knowledge. If I can rediscover this lost language it can greatly benefit our order in the future and perhaps give us a greater insight into the return of the dragons and their intentions for the future.


Re: Drnii Khuiedr Tyhuekyra
« Reply #17 on: March 16, 2012, 11:39:18 pm »
Thus as I plan my trip to Westerngate I find myself in a strange mix of emotions. My duty to Rofirein is still bright and clear in my mind and heart but something new has entered. Since my meeting for dinner with Protector Samantha I have been unable to shake the feeling that our relationship within the eyes of the great Gold is some more than a simple acquantance and work in common form. Somewhere in the back of my mind I recall a conversation I had with the old Paladin in Westerngate before I took my vows on the nature of companions within the Faithful. If the contents of that conversation are indeed accurate then I have a great deal of consideration and thought to give the matter.

I find that on top of my usual duties I have enhanced concern for the Protectors safety, her general wellbeing and happiness. Thus I was greatly concerned and was mildly uncertain of the emotions that I felt when she informed me of her impending posting to the Taur'en kingdom. I must admit that I found it difficult to properly identify exactly what it was that I was feeling.

I decided to ask the Protector to meet one last time before she departed, I found it hard not to see her go without a chance to further explore the feelings and thoughts I have inside. I think perhaps the distance and separation might be good for both of us, it will give me the chance to focus on work and duty without conflicting emotions, to consider the will of Rofirein and my place in his service. Even in writing this I feel a sadness at such a separation over such a length of time. Confusing times indeed.

Perhaps, in Westerngate I can find some clarity on this matter. In the meantime however I find myself looking forward to this dinner with an unusual sense of excitement and to some degree, trepidation.


Re: Drnii Khuiedr Tyhuekyra
« Reply #18 on: March 23, 2012, 03:33:26 am »
I find myself in a quandary. I have spent some time recently with Samantha somewhat quite by accident having encountered her on a mission to Prantz. Leaving the city we found Sir Naldin speaking to a merchant and enlisted him also. We then spent several days aiding the rangers around Fort Vehl before finally arriving in Orcs Watch.

It was Sir Naldin actually that suggested I take the Protector on a tour of the local sights before it grew dark. I get a sense that somehow Rofirein may have worked through him in that matter. As it turns out it has changed my perspective on many things.

Later that evening I was restless and went for a walk and spied Samantha leaving the inn. I decided to follow her to ensure nothing untoward happened. It was a most magnificent evening, the sky was brilliant with stars, clear as a birds high call. Samantha was sitting on a high gnoll within the city that overlooked the palisade walls into the vast forest beyond. I am not sure what pushed me, perhaps it was Rofirein but I sat near her and we engaged in conversation until the sun rose and the rain began.

Several things have now changed between us, I realise that the thoughts and feelings within me were real, that there is more to our being drawn together than simply duty and service. What form and manner that may become is in the hands of Rofirein. But also, I have come to realise that she feels much the same way. When I realised that it was almost as it a peace settled in my heart, as if it was alright. I meant it when I said I will miss her when I go to Westergate and she to Taur'en, but, soemthing has been realised now, something I shall take time to explore and discover in our time apart.


Re: Drnii Khuiedr Tyhuekyra
« Reply #19 on: June 01, 2012, 09:15:41 pm »
I finally found it. Somehow I had misplaced my diary in the Cathedral in Westerngate. A kind acolyte found it and returned it to me this morning.
There is so much to add to it I am unsure exactly where to start.

I have been in Westerngate for almost a year and a half now, give or take a few weeks, when I have returned to Fort Vehl to meet up with Samantha. Perhaps that is the best place to start in recording my thoughts.

As I promised Samantha before she parted for Taur'en I arranged to meet with her mother after delivering the notices I had for various personages in the Cathedral. It was a tense encounter, moreso for myself than her mother. She is a strong woman who is not backwards in coming forwards. I found myself liking her very quickly, her frankness and no nonsense manner, just some of the qualities I admire in her daughter also. She has seen heartache in her life and yet the perseveres. I know her questions and manner were because she wanted to ensure what was best for her daughter. I am pleased to say that she has accepted my request to court Samantha officially, in fact I was very happy at the blessing given. I know in my heart it was one less step towards being fully united with my beloved and fullfilling Rofirein's wishes for us both. I look forward to such a day but I know Rofirein has work for us to do before such a time.

I have come to know Mr's Merrit quite well over the last eighteen months, tending to certain chores and repairs needed on the house as I serve out my time in service to the Mayors office in Westerngate.

This leads me into the reason why I have spent so long here. When I went to visit my parents in Tyr-Song father asked me to deliver a letter to his friend, Hrin'zen Meer who worked in the Mayors office in Westerngate. It was one late afternoon before I was able to reach the offices and finally get to see him. He holds a position as one of the senior heads of staff and looks after security for the Mayor and his family. It was very busy in the offices and many of the staff were finishing for the day. The mayors wife and daughter were waiting for the mayor to finish an important meeting and Hrin'zen was talking to me near them when the mayor came over to us and told Hrin'zen that the meeting would likely continue for some hours and to see his wife and daughter home safely. Hrin'zen soon realised most of the security detail had already finished for the day and he had to split the remainder, some to remain with the mayor leaving two to escort the Mayors wife and daughter.

Ordinarily this wouldnt be a problem but of late several attacks had occured in the wealthier districts by a band of brazen thugs and Hrin'zen asked if I would accompany them which I was happy to do.

Unfortunately we were attacked by the group, we had almost reached the estate when they set upon us. One of the guards went down almost immediately from a well placed blow to the head by one of the attackers. Keith, the other guard managed to down an attacker before two bore him down to the ground. The battle after that was over relatively quick. I disabled a couple, dragged the others off Keith and the remaining few fled into the night.

I must say I was impressed by the quick responses of the local militia. A unit arrived within minutes of the first shouts indicating the attack and half set off in pursuit of the fleeing bandits and the other half took into custody the two I had dragged off Keith and arranged to take away the remaining bodies.

Being unhurt bar a few bruises and scratches I offered to take the Mayors wife and daughter the rest of the way home if the Militia could notify the Mayor of the attack.

Within an hour or so the Mayor arrived with Hrin'zen and more guards at his estate. What followed was moderately embarrasing. The Mayor's wife and daughter were most generous in their recount of the event and of my actions in it. I was pleased to hear Keith would be alright as would Arn who had been knocked unconscious during the fight. As I left Hrin'zen informed the mayor who I was and he thanked me. he also requested I call by the offices in the morning so he could thank me properly.

Thus began a two year tenure in the mayors office. The next morning the Mayor asked me to take up a role training the city militia in protocols for handling and dealing with citizens in Westerngate. This would involve training sessions with existing militia and expecially with new recruits. The mayors goal was to have the most efficient and respected police force in the world. So I began my tenure. I even had to write a procedureal manual which was good. I had good tutors growing up and thus could write much of it myself. I am finding I have a knack for this.

My time has given me a chance to peruse the library of the Cathedral. Sir Tarradon has also spent a lot of time with me going over everything he learnt in his youth about the sacred tongue of the dragon. I am hoping that one day I can learn more than just a few words of this. It seems the last known speaker of the tongue, a man called Ozlo no longer lives which means only dragons remember the tongue. It is the language of our Great Golden Rofirein, it is sacred and therefore should be preserved for us.

