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Author Topic: Dusk's Litany: Haels Bryjun  (Read 483 times)


Dusk's Litany: Haels Bryjun
« on: August 01, 2011, 04:30:58 pm »
He crept alongside the cavern walls, keeping in the middle of the pack of six he traveled with this day.  A rock brushed off his boot and tumbled towards a puddle nearby, the splash and ripple no more then a whisper - nevertheless belied by the frustration brewing in his expression.  His thoughts misdirected for a moment of useless anger...

[SIZE=10]Ain' ne'er been in worse a place dammit.  Caverns... *grunt* .... ain' no wind, ain' no way te figer if their comin' or goin'..  reckon I ain' even goin' te be right huntin' til them buggers are on top 'me.[/SIZE]

His mind calmed as Iri's hand shot up in pause.

[SIZE=10]Decent skill on that there missie.  Wit te match, save fer the wise part.  Reckon the wit's 'nough fer now.[/SIZE]

Crouching, he saw the goblins ahead.  His eyes darted between each, his mind directing them towards the armor's weight and gaps therein.  

[SIZE=10]Reckon they got some large ones in that there mix, couple bows te.  Ain' seein' the shamanfolk though.[/SIZE]

Iri disappeared around the corner ahead, Tori to the shadows behind.  A flash of his mum fogged his focus for a moment before his mind shrugged it aside.  He saw the tip of Tori's bolt out of the corner of his eye, before she was little more than shadow.

[SIZE=10]Now that there lass ain' without the wise... reckon she's righ' light on faith though.  Ain' much good will rollin' off that there tongue either.  Will got broken someplace I reckon.  Still... ain' without the wise.[/SIZE]

He crept forward to watch Iri's movement and gauge her plan... a grim grin playing on his lips as he thought of how rarely she seemed to tell the pack of her plan.  He saw a flicker of an arrowhead she had notched, but it was gone in a blink.

[SIZE=10]Right good in shadows that there missie.[/SIZE]

A clunk sounded as the Goranite's steaming arm apparently smashed up against the cavern's stone.  Haels looked towards the shadows between him and the goblins, trying to spot Iri again.  Nothing.  His eyes darted towards the goblins to catch any response to the sound.  Nothing.  He glanced back at the blue clothed man.

[SIZE=10]Goin' te need te take a whip on that lads hide if we git out of here.  Reckon I ain' met anyone with a head that wears shinin' blue like that when huntin'.  Danged fool... keeps makin' noise with that there contraption.  Ain' no good in puttin' bleedin' oversized metal on yer arms.  Goin' te git Iri killed like so.[/SIZE]

As he began to turn his gaze back to the goblins his right periphery caught the sight of Iri's arrow loose down the tunnel.  She sprinted back toward them.  A loud whisper sounded on Armand's lips and the Haels saw the illusion emerge.  He knew it somehow, from somewhere.  As his memory found it, Iri faded again into the shadows.  The memory overtook him in the longest of seconds before he loosed his first arrow from his own position.

Haels honey, come on and watch again, don't get frustrated now.

*Her hand wisped again as she brushed another stroke on the canvas.  The image of the strange cloud moved along with her hand, a whisper on her mouth as she painted the single stroke.  Her hand shimmered, the young boy squinted as he lost focus of her hand and arm for a split second, the image on the canvas still shifting behind where he should have seen her arm*

Are you watching dear?  Are you listening?
The old man couldn't remember the song, he loosed another arrow and took for a new position of cover, only remembering the sight of his mum.
Watch again Haels... if you listen to the song you'll feel what you see dear.

*Again, her hand brushed another stroke on the canvas.  The painting of the cloud once again shimmered and moved behind her hand and arm and shoulder.  Then it blurred altogether as his mum disappeared in full before his eyes.  The cloud stood still, the echo of her voice still in the air.  He felt her put her arms around him from behind in an embrace, he saw her arms appear and cross as they pulled him in tight and she whispered a gentle song into his ear*

The Goranite spoke aloud again and illusion once again poured from his hands.

The old man remembered the song.  And as he felt what he saw, he felt the veil of shadows around him, reaching about the cavern.

His first arrow met its mark.  A bit more left and it would've taken to the brain.  Hael's thoughts cursed as the beast now writhed on the floor, dying slowly instead of the death a better hunter would have granted.

[SIZE=10]One down there... dagnabit that one's onte me.... best git yerself a new shadow ole fella.[/SIZE]

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