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Author Topic: Duur gud  (Read 1239 times)


RE: Duur gud
« Reply #20 on: January 19, 2005, 10:40:00 am »
Sum man say Duur go kasel. Duur go kasel. Duur git gum. Duur go hi. Lee-tel gurl cum. Gurl say Hi Duur. Hi lee-tel gurl. Duur hi. Lee-tel gurl hi. Lee-tel boy lo. Yup. Gurl say Duur hi. Duur go lo. Duur git gum. Duur see Bane. Bane hav lee-tel boy. Duur giv boy fud. Dorf cum. Lan cum. REE-US cum! Wer Ree-us rob? Meebee Ree-us hid rob.

Sum man say dorf go inna kasel. Duur go inna kasel? Yup. Duur go inna kasel, Ree-us go inna kasel. Bane go inna kasel. Lee-tel gurl go inna kasel. Lan go inna kasel.

Ree-us giv sum man shinee. Sum man say Duur Gud!

Ladee cum. Ladee say sum bad man cum. Meebee look bad man? Ree-us n dorf n gurl say okees. Ree-us say Duur go onna bot. Duur go port. Duur go onna bot. Ree-us say sum man gud. Sum man bad. Sum man gud n bad. Duur chop bad man. No chop gud man. No chop bad n gud man. Meebee. Duur no no. Meebee Duur say Ree-us? Duur chop?

Sum pee-pal wak. Duur wak. Duur heer sum ting. Meebee leef? Duur no see. Sum bad man cum. Bad man ow Ree-us. Duur chop. Man ded. Ree-us say NO. No chop. Wut? Dat bad man. Duur chop bad man. Ree-us say no chop. Ree-us say man is gud n bad.

Duur see mor bad man. Dorf chop. Gurl chop. Lan chop. Duur say Ree-us? Duur chop? Ree-us say NO. Okees. Ree-us say cum. Leev man. Duur go.

Duur see sum ji-ant. Ji-ant Guur. Ji-ant say redee. Sum ji-ant cum ow Guur. Wut? Guur ow ji-ant. Dorf chop ji-ant. Dorf chop Guur. Ji-ant ded. Guur ded. Ji-ant cum. Ji-ant Ruud. Ruud say redee. Okees. Ree-us say cum. Duur go.

Duur go inna tree. Duur see sum man. Man say sum gud man bad n sum bad ji-ant gud. Wut? Ree-us say meebee skid. Sum man say meebee. Meebee go inna hol. Meebee look skid.

Sum pee-pal go inna hol. Duur go inna hol. Duur chop dum rok. Rok hav medul? Nop. Gurl see dor. Gurl go inna dor. Pee-pal go inna dor. Ree-us go inna dor. Duur go inna dor. Duur see hulk. Duur chop gud. Duur see skid. Duur chop skid. Duur see spidee. Duur chop spidee.

Sum pee-pal see dor. Sum dor hav smok. Blu smok. Green smok. Yelo smok. Red smok. Wut dor? Ree-us say wat. Ree-us tink. Duur lik blu smok. Blu smok pri-tee. Sum pee-pal lik green smok. Sum pee-pal lik yelo smok. Sum pee-pal lik red smok.

Duur lik pri-tee blu smok. Duur mak sum song. Dum dee dum do. Duur gud. Dum dee dum dum do. Blu pri-tee. Dum dee dum do.

Sum pee-pal tak. Wut dor? No pee-pal no. Gurl say meebee green? Lan say okees, green. Ree-us say okees green. Duur lik pri-tee blu. Nop. Sum pee-pal go inna dor in green smok. Uh o. Green no gud.

