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Author Topic: Earning a Tattoo  (Read 185 times)


Earning a Tattoo
« on: July 12, 2005, 03:20:00 pm »
Tai'Shar sits before a fire, under the stars and starts to slowly chant. A chant of his story, to eventually join the story of his tribe.

I do not know where I am.

I went to sleep in darkness and awoke before some large, winged creature who spoke to me about being needed. He seemed to indicate a great Hunt was underway. This intrigued me so I agreed to attend the Hunt.

After walking a while, my injured eyes beheld numerous light and shadows and I was bade to walk through, which I did proudly and without fear.

Next I know, I am in some... I think is what the bipeds call it. There is sound all around and scents from everywhere. I wander, very confused and unsure of what and where I am.

Eventually, the puny bipeds get over their fear of me and approach. I am chattered at incessantly for a good while as I try to make out the faces of the voices. Eventually I give the customary greeting to one, who I find out is named Ayla. She seems nice and she certainly smells better then the rest. She tries, I think, to heal my sight, not knowing it is an old injury and the source of my shame. It is of course to no avail.

I am introduced to others, many of whom are not worth my time nor energy to remember. I get the distinct feeling by their idle pratter that they think me some dumb beast and as such they are not worth my time. A couple, however, deserve some mention. One is a biped named Jacchri. He looks to also be a Hunter and is most respectful of me. He seemed to recognize my kind and humbled himself before me. We thumped chests and went our seperate ways. Another is one named Jeran. He seems to be able to use magic, which makes him untrustworthy. However he was helpful to me and showed me the proper respect. When I asked if there were any Hunters, he seemed to know what I meant and took me on a hunt. Apparently one of the stupid bipeds in that place needed one as strong and fierce as I to retrieve some bound papers for her. This was hardly worth my time, but I did get to show Jeran my prowess in battle as we slaughtered the small rats on our way to the deformed creature in possession of our goal. I ran my spear through its torso and watched as its life blood spilled to the ground. Another vanquished to me! Jeran gave me the papers and when we again spoke to the she biped, she seemed somewhat realived and gave me some shiny coins. Having no idea what I was supposed to do with them, I put them in a spare bag.

The next biped I met, who I later learned was an elf (apparently all bipeds are not the same) and her name was Aelsomething. I just call her Ael. She wants to help so she leads me around by the hand. Bah! I am not a child! But it seemed important to her, so I allowed it. I was taken into some dank and darker then usual cave of some sort that reeked of foul death. The weak bipeds were unable to continue and had to seek other help. They do not realize my power apparently. Ael found a much shorter and stockier biped. I did not catch his name, and to be honest I cared little for him. He seemed gruff and wanted to run ahead of me. I shall have to teach him his proper placement behind me. All in time. We continued down and I nearly fell on some stone steps leading down. Damn my eyes! We battled through more foul smelling creatures of some sort. We reached the end and obtained the strange substance that we needed. I returned it to the biped since I did most of the fighting, it was my right.

As I stood around this.., I listened well. All the bipeds are in such a hurry yet they do not know where they are rushing too. I had to laugh to myself. I was left to my own so I decided I would try to explore this place. As I always do, I use my spear to guide my steps when I am in an unfamiliar place. These bipeds have to have such large towns to feel safe. As I walked along, I tripped over some wooden structure and fell headlong into a lake of some sort! This angered me and I entered a rage I have not felt before. Luckily there were no bipeds around for I fear what may have happened. Somehow I think hunting them would be frowned upon, even though it is an honor to be hunted.

Once I was able to get out of the water and calm down, I was sought out to protect some weak ones as they went to hunt some smelly creatures outside of town. I think they were called goblins. I had them cowering with fear before me and I took their ears as trophies. I found out later that one in town would pay for some. More of those coins which Ael told me I could use to barter for goods. Apparently taking things is frowned on as well. I was then taken into another dank cave. This one quite different from the last. All around me I saw red, which obscured my vision. As we traveled these caves, killing more of those.. ..goblins, we went further and further down. One thing to note: These bipeds do not know how to hunt respectfully. They rush ahead and do not leave many of them to taste my spear. This angers me and shall have to be rectified. I will not allow my shame to get in the way. That is what made me lose the respect of my tribe.

Several of the bipeds are trying to teach me their language. It is slow going for it is a very stupid language with too many rules for speaking. I realize I will have to learn some if I am to assist on this great Hunt. Speaking of hunting. There is a biped that is too weak or scared to get the pelts he needs and he trusts the task to me. It is obvious to him that I am superior on the hunt. So far he has needed a rat pelt, the skin of a bat, a badger and a boar. Next he wants a cougar. A very respectable animal to hunt. One that may actually be a worthy opponent for my skill. We shall see.

Time will tell as to what happens. All I know is, I will earn my Tattoo. Everything I do, is to prepare for that....