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Author Topic: The way of Gaibun  (Read 61 times)


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The way of Gaibun
« on: May 06, 2006, 09:15:57 am »
You see a book, with silver around its edges. The main body of the book itself is blood red, and on the front of the book is a silver medallion with the symbol of Vorax imprinted into it.
  Entry one
                                I must say, as I write this my mind is in conflict with my body. I suppose I should start from the so called ‘beginning’. A few nights last, an exploration mission had been discussed. I was in charge; Dulan, Lancur and Q were travelling under my command.
 After deciding upon our route using the vague map we had at our disposal, we had decided to stock up supplies before we made the journey. Telling them to do so was the biggest mistake I could have made.
 Dulan, the chatty and friendly fellow he is, ended up meddling with a group of adventurers chatting in Hlint. Karana happened to be one of these. I walked over to Dulan to tell him we must make a move soon, and being Dulan he had already told everyone our ‘plan’, and Karana being the small minded trolls spawn that she is, kept on shouting out Barbarian Island, expecting us to drop all of our plans just to do what she wanted. I don’t know where she’s from but where I’m from, people respected one each others opinions, and after telling her around four times that we would travel there another day, she continued to ignore me and continued shouting it out.
 At that time it was almost midday, so ignoring all the others, I rushed along the members of my party and we set out on our journey of exploration.
                Now, days later, earlier this same day, upon leaving the confines of Port Hampshire, I ran into Q, Karana and some other woman.
                Q came up to me and pronounced that Karana was angry at me for ignoring her days earlier. I was unsure of what Q meant at first, but all soon became clear. Although I realised Karana was being childish, she was only (and always will be) a dim witted barbarian, so I tried my utmost hardest to apologise to her, but all she did was continue to ignore me or just throw insults at me. The cheek of that beast!
                I rose above the situation and just brushed the insults off, but then she came out with something which is hard to forgive. She began offending my faith and honour towards Vorax, and continued to state that I dishonoured the REAL followers of Vorax.
                I don’t know how that barbarian's Umber Hulks manure 'tribe' worships Vorax, but its obvious her and her ‘pathetic’ tribe know not of the ways of Vorax.
                She enters combat with no honour, with no respect. They do not honour the code of battle, but live by the rule of that, if it moves, Bash and Bash till it no longer moves.
                A true follower of Vorax enters battle with pride and honour. We fight because not fighting dishonours Vorax. Just because I stated that no blood was spilt on our exploration mission, she opens that cave of webs of hers, and begins to insult me! Did it not occur to the brute that the reason no blood was spilt was simply because the route we took was deprived of any forms of life which dared tried to fight us?
    My mind was able to win the battle, and I walked away, but if my body had had its way, Q and that girl would be digging a hole for ‘IT’ as we speak.
  On a different matter, I have been able to spend time honouring Vorax. I have made sure to honour the code of combat, I’ve gained a lot of combat experience and I’ve also took up a hobby. The ways of cooking is one which I see could help me. Travelling a lot, cooking is a mighty fine skill to know, as I cook meals and prepare drinks.
Upon arriving in Hlint my time had been pretty good, I ran into a bit of trouble with Q, as we had a disagreement because of his 'arcane' magic but he's a nice enough guy. Just for me, he tried melee combat, although he failed in that miserably, and although I'm not keen on his method of fighting...his abilities in honourable combat are terrible, and the only way I can see him surviving is for him to continue in his ways.
I've found that I've had a pretty close bond with Lancur, a cleric of Rofirein and Dulan, a Cleric of Toran, but I'm sure it's just because they are both nice fellows.  
    Give it time, and I will grow in strength, with my dwarven gift from Vorax, together we shall spread the way of Vorax.
  May Vorax Give Me Strength