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Author Topic: Eliza Smith's Journal  (Read 210 times)


Eliza Smith's Journal
« on: May 06, 2006, 08:28:13 pm »
-Entry #1

Today is the day of my first journal entry. It was only a few days ago that I arrived in Hlint after talking to a dragon about a man named Bloodstone.  I do not know if I will become of any help to this dragon later on in the future and be a savior of sorts, and quite realistically I doubt it. Who knows though.

-Entry #2

I met a drow ranger today, I must confess that this is the first drow I have ever met. I can not pronounce his full name, but I call him Nepp. He betrayed my thoughts of the drow being of evil alignments only. He over heard me inquiring to Rhynn about the whereabouts of bats so that I could get a pelt from one for Johan the Fur Collector. He approached me and gave me the pelt, and later helped me kill a few badgers to get their pelts to Johan as well. We later slayed many goblin scouts for their ears, and returned them to Quartermaster Talon for a small reward. I also later found the tax records off the corpse of the ratman in the Hlint sewers and returned them to someone that was looking for them in Hlint.

-Entry #3

I ran into Nepp again today and he hooked me up with a deer pelt and told me that Johan would likely want one in the future. He also told me where I could find a badger in the Sielwood Forrest.  We went to the crypts in hopes of finding a lesser darksoul essence. There we ran into a brave warrior who likely saved my life afer foolishly rushing in on several skeletons. It is a shame I can not remember his name, though I remember his face and the armor he wore quite well.

-Entry #4
I went to the Sielwood Forrest this morning in search of the badger pelt for Johan.  Shortly after arriving in the wood I ran into a small humanoid covered in barkskin while I felled a fire beetle.
Come to find out the humanoid was a svirneblin who went by the name of Starr Sapphire. He was a powerful caster, though I couldn't figure out if his magic was arcane or of the gods, though he did speak of a goddess he referred to as the High Mother if I remember correctly. After talking to him for a moment, he said he would help me find a cave in the Sielwood Forrest that a bard in the Wild Surge in said he lost a necklace in. We slayed many goblin, kobold, and gelatinous goo, in the cave and finally found the necklace the bard was looking for.  Starr also helped me find a badger to skin.  After saying farewell, and properly thanking Starr for his help I returned to Hlint to give the bard his necklace and Johan the badger pelt.