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Author Topic: Elohanna Dawnstar - The Journey Continues  (Read 1340 times)


Re: Elohanna Dawnstar - The Journey Continues
« Reply #80 on: December 28, 2010, 05:25:32 pm »
A letter is dropped off with supplies at the closest drop-off point to Hlint he can get to. The penmanship is hasty, a touch desperate. Enclosed with the letter are lyrics and sheet music of a new song written for piano.


I am here, or close to where your "here" is, dropping off all the supplies we gathered for the clinic and a few barrels of water. KART is here at the drop-off point as well; they have considerably more supplies and relief is flooding in so you can focus on a cure.

I wish I could be in there with you, love. I would beg permission to enter and sing for you and the Sisters if it were not for the situation with Ty and Tyra, as I told you; she's taking less and less care of him, and I more and more. I can't even be sure she will answer Autumn's letter and as much as I trust Heloise she should not be imposed upon to babysit in a manner to make her a surrogate mother when she is just stepping into adult shoes herself. The end result is I must return to the Inn soon, and will content myself with pacing here and squinting at the walls, hoping to catch a glimpse of you. But by the Muse, I wish I could be in there by your side.

You asked for descriptions of the events, and I am ashamed to say I cannot give much in the way of specifics for reasons that will be apparent in a moment. Here is what I remember:

Moraken's tower was under attack by the Cult and I got word when a ship came into the harbor bearing the news. I made arrangements and moved as fast as I could to the shrine. I was promptly directed off to said tower, where the battle had been raging for some time.

Outside the Tower were gathered a group of our peers as I have not seen since the meeting in the Great Forest. They were preparing a break-in of the protective magics around the Tower; the magic was layered and mixed so thick it scraped my skin as we moved through, or so it felt. I remember the magical energies were powerful enough to cause the ground to fog - again, as it seemed to me. No one seemed to have any ill effects or reactions to this but I was preoccupied with protecting - let me say, "protecting" as we both know what I'm worth in a fight - Hayley and Kylie Copperstone.

We moved in and the fronters cleared a large number of drach from the bottom rooms of the tower. I sang, of course, and ran away when anything so much as looked at me funny. One does get tired of being a wimp but I suppose it's better than the feeling of your soul's tethers being ripped from you.

At a lull in the fighting a plan was formulated to take the upper levels and while it was noble and right, I felt I should be at the shrine, defending for Ilsare in the event the town was attacked. Word came that the Cult forces were split and some were in fact headed toward Hlint, and so it was agreed and a few of us headed back; the Copperstones, myself, Daniella, Razerium, a dwarf or two. I regret I cannot recall which one but the only ones I can reliably recognize with a helm on are Argali and Gorm, and Gorm only because of his kilt.

We had limited time to prepare when they struck, not from Moraken's side of the forest but from the Haven side. I remember a crush of bodies, singing, magic, a green fog - did I imagine that? No, I'm sure I saw it - and screaming before I was sandwiched between a group of Hlint defenders taking down a drach on my one side and a drach swinging at me on my other. I was trapped, I could not move. Even my vaulted dexterity was of no help since there was no place to go that did not have a body blocking it, although they could not have been aware of the effects of their phalanx. I was cut to ribbons but still on my feet when I staggered through a break in the defenders and ran straight into a meteor shower. Not a friendly one, I might add. And from then until Kylie called back in the name of Beryl - which surely I don't mind, Beryl being a kind and most generous goddess - I remember nothing.

I found out later that Razeriem had made the call on leaving me "dirt-napping" in that place between life and death we stonebound inhabit all too often. I won't pretend it wasn't an embarrassment to find that your friends feel you better off dead than alive in a fight. That took a lot of wind from my sails and still bothers me, honestly. I must redouble my rapier practice.

The area was packed with bodies when I was brought back, all needing attending. I gave my body to my shrine, hands, feet and voice, to sing and stanch wounds and do what I could. Again I can offer little as my knowledge of non-magical healing is weak. I saw a lot of jagged claw-slashes, a lot of open wounds, I sang a few men to their final rest in the name of Ilsare. I alongside Daniella did a eulogy for the hundred or so defenders who fell. She asked me to, which was a surprise - I didn't know she even knew my name before then, having only ever called me "Ilsarian" prior. Yet we stood together to pay respects and I sang a prayer to the bodies. I am enclosing the words, you will recognize the beginning, and another song as well for you.

The willow speaks
And I ignore
Your eyes are fixed far past the shore
And I can't bear what is in store
While wind the willow sings

We had our fight
Some of us fell
Too many here who cannot tell
And those who stand respect you well
As the willow sings

We stood together and bled to hold your walls
While the magics blew around us all
And now we sing you to your Godly chorus

You before
We light the pyres
And bear the heat of funeral fires
The tears evaporate on our cheeks
Knowing you are far from reach
As the willow sings

I apologize for the meter, it was made up on the spot. I may refine it later.

After regaining my lung function, I remember organizing a moving of the wounded from the open shrine to the Wild Surge so they had protection from aerial attacks and the elements. I remember the flight of drakes that we thought were initially the enemy, and how utterly majestic they seemed when we realized they were not Cult -- slices of icy grace against a sky shot through with magic, gliding overhead as white as pure salvation. We all cheered as they headed for the magic-shrouded tower and I grabbed that sudden burst of relief and sang it through to ease the minds of those around me. That time, I think I had an effect.

From that point until I left I was a go-for, a third or forth pair of hands and I did as Amen and the others bid me, all the while singing. I have no recollection of problems before I left or of indications of illness that seemed unusual, but I will think again and try to recall if anything might have stood out that I did not have the time or energy to think over right then.

Minu, as unnecessary as this is, be careful. I believe in you, in your reason for being there, and yet I am sick with worry that you will become infected before you and your Sisters can find a cure. I am past the point where I can even imagine living without you. You are my sun. Please be careful in there. Please come back to me.


Elohanna Min A'Litae, Priestess of Aeridin
Breanna Shadowraven, Wizard/Rogue of Folian S'pae
Cord, Bard of Ilsare
Melaa A'nadivian, Ranger of Folian S'pae


Re: Elohanna Dawnstar - The Journey Continues
« Reply #81 on: December 28, 2010, 05:33:19 pm »
Sitting on the balcony of the courthouse, under the brightly shining moonlight, a letter is scribed in delicate flowing writing, familar to its recipient.
 My Dearest Love,
 I do not know what tomorrow will bring us but I do know that I have much to say that to often we simply do not have the time to convey to each other with the distance that seperates us. So I will say it here so that should My Lifebringer call me home, you know how it is I feel.
What I would miss if I passed away today.
I would miss dearly the scent of your hair, the sound of your breath, the warmth of your embrace. The sound of your voice as you sing perfect harmonies to lift my spirits. The way you know when something is bothering me without me saying a word, and without a word the way you just hold me and let me ramble or hush me with the tip of your finger, the way you rub my feet, my body and know that I will melt into your care and all my troubles will come spilling out for you to ease the sorrow that fills my heart.

While you were gone I missed you, I missed your touch, I missed your kiss, I missed your warmth and even the scratchiness of your chin whiskers that I to often protest so much about. I missed you, and the unyielding, unending love I know without a doubt shines on me and warms me from within. So often I do not say what it is, that is on my mind, to anyone other than you. Though I know my Lifebringer knows that it is you that brings me to life.

It is you that has stood by me in the most trying of times, you have seen me at my worst and still loved me without a second thought. It is you that has not set an expectation on me but helped me see that I need to place expectations on myself, not only expectations but placed in me desires to become more than I am.

It is through you I see vision, it is you I see the flame of passion of not only the love and lust that flares between us each time we are together, but the desire to be more to the world around us, and take each day with the same passion and grow in who we can become together.

It is my worst fear that I would become complacent in my actions, that I would let my dreams fade away, that I would simply cease to be and fail to live. I can see through your eyes though that you would not let that happen. You are an inspiration, and a true work of art that I do not thinking anyone other than the Muse herself could understand. It is your simple willingness and desire to understand those around you that makes you so complex because you are willing.

My Dear Tashe you asked me to call you by your true name, and I am honored, I am blessed, and without a doubt no trial that we face together will it be to much. Even when seperated it is our love for each other that reminds us what we have to live for. You, Tyr'riel, our love for our friends and family. Our passion to help others and bring to them the beauty of the world.

You see through my eyes, and feel my pain as if your own, you have wond yourself so deeply into my life, as if each breath I take is your own. My soul belongs to you.

My Love I fight for you, for our family, for our friends, because I realize that with all of your aid, we will find a way to help the people we are called to help. I realize that with the Lifebringer, death will not be the end for anyone. I am tired some days pass as they pass without an answer, but I have an answer already. That love is my strength. You know that is what brings me here.

Over the last year, there have been tears between us shed over lost love ones. There have been confessions of trists that though were one night stands, still our hearts know so well that they mattered, and they are part of who we are. There is not one thing you could do that would stop me from loving you. I treasure you for who you are, for each imperfection makes you perfect to me. And if I were to pass away today I would miss you most of all but I know that it is you who completes me this day.

Where I to pass away this day I know that you would understand that my life was not about possessions, but rather a spirit of unconditional love that wishes to be understood by all of those around us. That it is this spirit that needs to be shared by all. Would I pass away today, it would not be about the tears that would be shed, it would be about the lives saved that go on, and the ripples of their lives that have the potential to make a difference. It is a spirit of embracing all life that I would wish to leave as a legacy. So in my thoughts of what I would miss if I were to pass away today, it would be leaving you alone to teach others what I have instilled so deeply in you.

Should I pass away today though, it is my dream and hope that you would continue to live and love as you do today, with all your heart, with the spirit of music and your Muse' inspiration. That you never loose sight of the greatest gift you have been given. Love. Pure and sweet and intiatable. [/COLOR][/I]
Elohanna Min A'Litae, Priestess of Aeridin
Breanna Shadowraven, Wizard/Rogue of Folian S'pae
Cord, Bard of Ilsare
Melaa A'nadivian, Ranger of Folian S'pae


Re: Elohanna Dawnstar - The Journey Continues
« Reply #82 on: January 04, 2011, 07:33:53 am »
He read it again and again. The letter sat on his nightstand, to be  picked up at random times and put back down by shaking hands. His  fingertips were stained purple. He sometimes had trouble breathing.
Love was not fair. Love, the kind he'd chased his whole life and not  understood until now, comfortably into his forties, was a continent away  surrounded by disease and not sure if she would live. If there was a  lesson here he didn't want to learn it. Michael and Edward gave him  room, and Paddy was (as usual) around but no where to be seen, but  Heloise - dear Heloise, fast becoming like a baby sister to him - stayed  close and watched him with her huge brown eyes.
He wasn't his usual kind self, nor funny, nor charming, nor anything.  Just busy. Busy enough to bury his worry. He practiced his rapier moves  and did a lesson with Ty, did some schooling with the boy, checked some  brewing. Went over plans again and again for the tavern, which had new  back walls and the gamboling area done. Anything to keep his mind off  her, and how much he missed her.
But night came and he ran out of distractions. His kids, as he though of  the young employees of his tavern, were home and the tavern shut up.  He'd gone hoarse trying to sing himself calm. There was nothing left to  pull his attention elsewhere. He was out of drugs.
He picked the letter up again.
Elohanna Min A'Litae, Priestess of Aeridin
Breanna Shadowraven, Wizard/Rogue of Folian S'pae
Cord, Bard of Ilsare
Melaa A'nadivian, Ranger of Folian S'pae


Re: Elohanna Dawnstar - The Journey Continues
« Reply #83 on: January 16, 2011, 11:24:37 am »
Sitting atop the overlook of the Hlint Courthouse, trying to keep out  from under foot of Sister Moonriver, Elly writes in her journal, taking  longer than normal as she tries to focus.

I spoke with Leaf and My  Beloved Tashe, recently. They stop by and keep me apprised of what is  happening beyond the walls. They have told me that they have made  contact with our friends who specialize with poisons and they have  agreed to help. Now its a matter of waiting. Though I am not sure how  much longer those supplies we have will hold out.
The temporary cure that Sister Moonriver was able to come up with only  seems to aid those of my race by slowing the illness to a standstill but  not to cure it completely. I still feel tired a lot of the time, the  fever comes and goes and sometimes for days I don't feel like I want to  move. My own skin is pink and raw in places from where it itches though I  try my best not to scratch. I can't help it. I find it hard to  concentrate and sometimes feel as though I am getting into Sister  Moonriver's way, though she tries her best to reassure me that I am not  and accepts what aid I am able to offer graciously. From time to time  she takes samples of my blood to understand how the illness is  progressing or not.
Nokka is keeping an eye out for Lianna's return, and life outside the  walls seems to continue on while we have come to a standstill. I find it  hard to watch each day as more of those with the illness succomb and  their bodies are burned. Some days I climb to the top of the courthouse  and let the tears fall for each of the lost, and pray that my  Lifebringer gives us some insight that we have lost sight of, in order  to aid those still hanging on. I try to give them hope that that cure  will be found soon, but hope is hard to hang onto when the sickness  takes those you love from you.
There are some days I am scared that I may not make it. Then I remember  why I am doing all of this. Andrew's gentle reminder, through the voices  of my own children, telling me how much they miss me and love me. How  much he misses and loves me I can feel like a gentle blanket wrapped  around me. Andrew tells me of Heloise's excitement to work in the  clinic, and how she has been making sure the shelves and beds are  readied. I am thrilled to have her passion and have her as an aid when I  am able to return home. He tells me the remodeling of the Inn is coming  along, and there is not much more left to do but there is a lot of  cleaning before it can properly open. I wish I could be there searching  for berries, making pies, being covered from head to foot in flour. I  wish I could hold Ty'riel and let him know how much he is loved. I know  the truth has been hard for him, and being in a strange land even  harder.
Clarisse is becoming such a beautiful young lady, her brothers Coreth  and Auhry are growing into such strong men. Ty'riel looks so sad in his  eyes, and it makes me sad that I can not reassure him, how much his  father and mother love him. I want to hold them all again, and never let  go. My Dearest Lifebringer, I know this is a trial to see if I will  loose faith in you. I will never loose faith in you, but I can not deny  how much it hurts to see so much suffering because of the actions of the  Cult. Even if Omer is able to discover who did this, it will not change  what has happened.  
For now though I must return to Sister Moonrivers side and help where I  can. At least I don't have to fear holding the sick anymore, that is  perhaps the best thing I can do right now is offer a comforting hold to  those suffering, and wipe away their tears, and sooth their pain as much  as I can. I know that Sister Moonriver doesn't like how close I am, or  that I am investing so much of myself to them, but she understands too. I  know that if it were myself, suffering so much that I would wish  nothing more than to have the arms of someone who loves me wrapped  around me.
Please come back soon my friends. We need your help. We need those  helping to come together again with an answer to our prayers.  
Elohanna Min A'Litae, Priestess of Aeridin
Breanna Shadowraven, Wizard/Rogue of Folian S'pae
Cord, Bard of Ilsare
Melaa A'nadivian, Ranger of Folian S'pae


Re: Elohanna Dawnstar - The Journey Continues
« Reply #84 on: April 02, 2011, 03:58:34 pm »
It has been months since I left the walls of Hlint, with one purpose that I pray Aeridin would guide my steps the way they were meant to. My Beloved Healing Light has shown me the way again and continues to strengthen my faith even more.

Tashe has been like a beacon through all the pain, encouraging me, loving and patient. He has never left my side, even when he had to leave to help our friends. He left Bella with me, to remind me he is with me always.

I feel horrible that I was not able to tell Nokka before I left that I was going. I hope that Sister Moonriver was able to tell him something. It does not seem fair that he should be locked behind the walls while I sit here in the Inn. I know Nokka wishes to be on the front, and I pray that he has not fallen ill. He is truly a protector though, a warrior fighting for a good cause and I hope he can see that.

Soon though, with Xora's aid the cure will see its way to Hlint. I can still hear it in xora's voice, that she does not want me to leave.  So I am resigned to stay at her Tower for awhile. It seems within her tower is where I am called to be, to help with the cure for Hlint, and the Dreamers as well.

At least for a moment I was able to visit home, even if no one knows I was there. The Silver Buckle is so beautiful and the Kitchen is more than I ever expected, a sanctuary to cook the most wonderful dishes.

Sweet Heloise has worked so hard the clinic as well to make perfect for me. I can not wait to have the chance to show her more. To show her some of the most simple remedies. I can not wait to see the reaction of Mariner's Hold to have our presense back in Alindor. It may be a step to getting us back to the Fort of Kings as well.

So large is the Buckle that it seems as if it is a city unto itself. The paintings each a story that seems to need told. Statues of figures that beg the artist to create more. I am happy to see that Razariem has contributed to the beauty of the Inn.

The outdoors have truly come inside with all the flowers and vases bring a heavenly scent along with it, that only the scents from the kitchen can compare with. It is a nice reprieve from the smell that sometimes wafts in from the warf when the doors open.

It makes me also smile when I see Tashe frustrated with the doors. The Silver Buckle has so much of his personality all over it, I feel like even though he is not there. He is. The scent of his cigars and sandlewood linger on our pillows. The sounds of music resonate through the walls from below, though not harshly, but softly as if the wind were blowing over a field of reeds, and add to the harmony and perfection of our home.

When I am back I can finally sell the house in Fort Llast, as I am sure Sehky will be more than happy to know, and complete the move. I will miss being so close to the temple, to Argos, though he is hardly home. Leaf and Feawen, along with Melaa have moved to Krandor and I could not be happier for them. Thankfully there is not much more to move out the house.

I can not wait for the children to be home again and hold them in my arms. I miss them so desperately it aches within my heart, more than the pain of this illness in my muscles ever could.

Please My Healing Light keep them safe and well for me. Give them strength to endure this seperation. Comfort them that it will not be much longer until we are all a family again.

I give to you my life freely and trust myself to your care. I glad endure any pain to walk the path you call me to follow. I am eternally your daughter of light.

Elohanna Min A'Litae, Priestess of Aeridin
Breanna Shadowraven, Wizard/Rogue of Folian S'pae
Cord, Bard of Ilsare
Melaa A'nadivian, Ranger of Folian S'pae


Re: Elohanna Dawnstar - The Journey Continues
« Reply #85 on: April 12, 2011, 09:46:17 pm »
The house is sold, I have finalized the proper documents with the town of Fort Llast and now it is a home for Sehky to build with is beloved, and our friends who continue to live there.

My Heart aches though with everyday that goes buy waiting for the cure to be delivered to Hlint. It aches so much to be there that it is sometimes difficult to see straight. So much that I want to scream and I find it more difficult each day to be patient when so many have been lost and more may not be able to fight much longer.

I pray My Healing Light that you give me the strength to endure the pain, and the strength to keep true to the path I have before me. I know that before I did not know where my path may lead me, but now I know where my path should be and I can not walk it because it will put many at risk.

I can feel my strength returning and with it my impatience that doing nothing is not what I should be doing. I know that right now I have to have faith in you to guide my steps, and protect me to do what I am called to do, it is just difficult my Healing Light.
Elohanna Min A'Litae, Priestess of Aeridin
Breanna Shadowraven, Wizard/Rogue of Folian S'pae
Cord, Bard of Ilsare
Melaa A'nadivian, Ranger of Folian S'pae


Re: Elohanna Dawnstar - The Journey Continues
« Reply #86 on: May 07, 2011, 08:20:36 am »
The dreams have been hard, seeing those I care about perish without me being able to do anything to help them. I see the flames taking their bodies to prevent the contamination from spreading. I see their faces each one, pleading for help until the blanket of unconsciousness closes their eyes and they suffer silently until finally their last painful breath is made. It is no way to die for anyone. Such suffering they did not deserve.

Sister Moonriver and I have tried everything we could to try to cure them until the only thing left was to make a choice. To find the cure, I was allowed to leave. With her permission the guards let me slip out into the fields only to vanish without a word to any others. Perhaps it is best that is how it had to be, but it is no less painful to know that now, Sister Moonriver has one less hand to aid her. I am still unsure what will happen once the testing begins here at Xora's but I pray my Healing Light has provided us with the much needed answer to save those lives we can.
Elohanna Min A'Litae, Priestess of Aeridin
Breanna Shadowraven, Wizard/Rogue of Folian S'pae
Cord, Bard of Ilsare
Melaa A'nadivian, Ranger of Folian S'pae


Re: Elohanna Dawnstar - The Journey Continues
« Reply #87 on: May 16, 2011, 10:52:56 pm »
I don't remember much during the time I spent recovering in Xora's tower, only pain and pokes and movements that did not feel my own, my mind wandering between dreams and consciousness to what seemed an unending darkness, the tingling of bile building as nothing would stay settled in my stomach.

I remember song, peaceful soft melodies that reminded me of my beloved. I remember the sounds of my owns children's voices speaking to me from visions through the gates of Hlint. I remember the feeling of hope of seeing them all again. I remember leafing through pages of notes, of my own sisters trying to determine the path to the cure, and then nothing, nothing but blackness till finally the sunshine started to filter into my thoughts, ideas of warmth, the building depth of breath as I was able to take deeper breaths after so long of barely being able to breath through the pain, the relief of itching that had faded as the skin began to mend while I had been forced to sleep.

I remember that in all my dreams, I felt my Lifebringer holding my hand, I could hear the sound of my mothers voice. I could feel her arms wrapped around me comfortingly, and not only hers but my fathers too. I could see Sister Vlassk encouraging me, then it would all go black again. For the longest time as much as I wanted to wake the veil of darkness held me in place.

How long I was there like that much a mystery until I regained enough strength through the constant care of my own sisters and Xora to finally begin to form thoughts coherent enough to even ask the questions, where I was, as nothing made any sense to begin, just a fog the enveloped me.

Elohanna Min A'Litae, Priestess of Aeridin
Breanna Shadowraven, Wizard/Rogue of Folian S'pae
Cord, Bard of Ilsare
Melaa A'nadivian, Ranger of Folian S'pae


Re: Elohanna Dawnstar - The Journey Continues
« Reply #88 on: May 25, 2011, 06:31:31 am »
The world of Layonara spins in the infinite universe where our lives revolve around what we see in front of our faces without looking to see the rest of the world in its entirety or understand the complexities or simplicities for that matter of the universe. The world simply revolves around us. Our wants, our needs Our desires to love, to protect that which is insignificant when put in perspective.

That is until its existence blinks out of view in front of you and your world becomes painfully small, where you can not feel or touch the warmth of the world around you. All to often we take for granted the simplest touch, the warmth of a smile, the ability to do our God's will with the power of his healing touch to bring the warmth by the power of the sun filling us with a comforting presense of a familiar friend.

We all to often forget the power in an honest hug, in listening to the heart that is breaking, in the sound of a child's laughter until it is taken away from us. I promised to preserve and protect, to bring comfort to the heart when it is in need, to remind others that we must embrace each moment for the pain and joy that each moment gains us the perspective to appreciate what we have been given.

How is it then, that I can not comfort his heart when the chance was never given to him to understand what it is like to choose to love someone and have children together.

I want to take his pain away but it is pain he needs to understand  as well to appreciate what he has been given. I wanted him to forgive me but only because it would ease my heart when I need to appreciate that he has every right to hate and love me in the same breath, though he isn't angry at me, and that is so hard to wrap my mind around.

When in one moment your dreams have come true and the next they are shattered in front of you. I have been there, I have felt the hope of a dream and felt it torn brutallly from me. I want him to hate me for what I can not give him because it would bring me comfort but the truth is, it is not what I should receive, his heart needs consoling and understanding. His heart needs to know that hope is alive even in the middle of pain, that though the world seems so small and unforgiving, that beyond that, is a world of warmth that has yet to be realized.
Elohanna Min A'Litae, Priestess of Aeridin
Breanna Shadowraven, Wizard/Rogue of Folian S'pae
Cord, Bard of Ilsare
Melaa A'nadivian, Ranger of Folian S'pae


Re: Elohanna Dawnstar - The Journey Continues
« Reply #89 on: June 02, 2011, 09:06:35 am »
The night was a success for the first Bake Sale of the Silver Buckle, had the notices been posted sooner, I am sure more would have been able to attend but we managed to raise 32,000 true for the recovery of Kuhl, which is amazing the generosity! The guild was even able to make a few sales, which was again encouraging. I enjoyed seeing Ferrit there and all of us becoming a family again, after everything that has happened, most of which was my own fault, for failing to trust in my friends and hiding things.  

I should still be happy that everything went well yet I am not, a visitor came, Aesthir Stargazer, I remember bits of our first meeting but some things are coming back to me slower than others. He is Lance's son, and Argos's brother and a brother to Daniel in faith, though there is such tension between them both that I can not understand it. They serve the same Protector. Yet there is something that Aesthir holds back, and I am not sure how to take it.

He came for the event but due to the lateness of his boat he missed it. I had hoped that he would have still made a donation to the cause, but that did not seem to be the intent of his visit either. He seems to be particularly drawn to to the discomfort of others and I am not sure why. Even the Commander Stormhaven I could see what not at ease around him. I do remember though the warning of Daniel that Aesthir may have been investigating the Silver Buckle as Tyra had sought us out before she was taken into custody.

I felt as if for a time I had committed some crime and I was on trial. Yet I did not do anything. Maybe that is it, maybe I should have known more, I should have been there with the others when the attack happened in Krandor. I need to do more to restore faith and hope to the people again. I have been so focused on trying to bring the clinic here in Alindor to life that I am missing that the people of Krandor need to know the comfort and safety again, when they have been through so much over the years. The tsuanami first and then the dark elf that was in their midst if only for a short amount of time. And the paralyzing fear they must have now from the unintentional attack of my beloved to their perception of what safety should be.

I must speak with my friends Feawen and Leaf, and see if possible if Andrew can enlighten me to what is happening. I need to know and we must work together in order to restore the faith and hope in our cause to the people. They need to feel we are a safe haven for them.

Why did it concern Aesthir though so much whether or not the event had been a success or not? He still never answered my question more than his name, other than to try to remind me of our meeting in Fort Llast and in Miritrix. I wish I could remember, but it eludes me just now, as if a block has gone up in my own mind no matter how hard I try to picture his face in my mind.

To me I picture Fort Miritrix as a time of suffering that I helped inflict on others instead of listening to my Lifebringer and trying to help save lives, it felt as if I was causing the pain I tried to help lessen. I don't like who I was then. I want to help not harm. Please My Lifebringer I know you are here to help guide me and it feels like now I need to return to Krandor, to help restore hope to the people that the Hospital is a sanctuary for them in their time of need. How can the clinic here be what it needs to be if I fail to help my friends in their time of need too.

I can not let the pain of the past keep me from moving forward and doing what is right. I can not simply bury my head into the sand and be ignorant of what is happening in the world around me. I have to learn more. I have to know so that I can be where I am needed most and I simply can not do so alone. I need all those I can ask for their aid.

I think to start I will seek out Daniel and see if he can share with me any new information that may help me before I make my way to Krandor. Please My Healing Light, help me heal the people and guide my steps to the truth and see what I need to.

Elohanna Min A'Litae, Priestess of Aeridin
Breanna Shadowraven, Wizard/Rogue of Folian S'pae
Cord, Bard of Ilsare
Melaa A'nadivian, Ranger of Folian S'pae


Re: Elohanna Dawnstar - The Journey Continues
« Reply #90 on: August 10, 2011, 11:25:47 am »
The efforts in Krandor are still ongoing, attempts to restore the faith are slow but we hold onto hope that the mistakes of the past will help us in healing the hurt we have caused. My Beloved willingly turned himself over to the people of Krandor for their judgement and though harsh as it was, it could have been worse. He took upon himself the burden of this crime in order that it may help restore the hospitals reputation, though I know it is the last thing that Feawen and Leaf wanted, even more so seeing the pain he suffered from the inmates, it has however gained him a unique insight that there are some criminals that should be seperated from the less serious criminals.

He is home now mending his family, restoring his relationship with Ty and learning more about Clarisse as well. I was not altogether sure at first how Clarisse would react to him, though she knows that he makes me happy, but she sees in him a good man, and I have even caught her once or twice listening from around the corner of the clinic to the music as he sings, humming along quietly.

My family, Andrew, Ty, Clarisse, all means so much to me that I would do anything to protect them. They are gifts from my Healing Light, still so much has happened that it is hard sometimes to stop and focus where I need to be most.

Krandor Hospital needs to find its way, though I am unsure that it is my place to be. I almost feel as an invader there when Feawen and ShadowLeaf need this opprotunity to strengthen their understanding of the mission behind the hospital and their own family.

The truth is, My Heart feels pulled in a differnet direction, and one that for far to long has gone ignored. Andrew has stood behind me in this, and is willing to aid me however he can, to bring back his Healing Light to the Fort of Kings.

I have sent a letter to Father Leidanos, and pray that he and the church is willing to help, that the church will not abandon the people who need us there.

Still there is much here in Mariner's Hold that has captured my immediate attention, and that is the recent disappearances, and the nests of were-rats that have been found. And the recent visit from Connor and Annalee requesting our eyes and ears. If there is anyway to help them all we must, as is the will of my Healing Light that we protect those we can and do all we can to make their lives better.

Father Leidanos was also kind enough to send Sister Bernice to us to aid Emwonk and though I am sure I have offended her without meaning to, I made a promise to Emwonk to do what I could to protect him. Hopefully once we are able to help restore his memories, I can make it up to her and help her where she needs me.
Elohanna Min A'Litae, Priestess of Aeridin
Breanna Shadowraven, Wizard/Rogue of Folian S'pae
Cord, Bard of Ilsare
Melaa A'nadivian, Ranger of Folian S'pae


Re: Elohanna Dawnstar - The Journey Continues
« Reply #91 on: October 06, 2011, 09:07:05 am »
It will not be much longer until the blessed event in Hlint, it should be a happy time for Andrew and I both, but I feel the tension in the air. Not between us, but because we both know it could be very dangerous for all involved. Lady Saida though not invited, has obtained and invitation and intends to bring a special guest, though Andrew has said she is not invited and plans to send her a letter letting her know she is not invited, I don't think Lady Saida will take kindly to it.

Part of me wants to begin a new life with Andrew without her there, but part of me wants to also let her come to do as Andrew suggests and throw her off guard. I must be crazy, or going crazy, or growing tired of fighting with her. I know what she has done though. I know what she is capable of, and that she keeps eluding the law as she has been.. maybe that is it. Daniel needs to know she is coming. She needs to be brought to justice. I need to speak to him about this.

I am also worried that with so many invitations sent out what kind of attention it will bring. Andrew says I am wanted by Molvaren, because I lived through the plague he infected the people of Hlint with. I want our wedding day to be special, to be a celebration, to bring together the people of Hlint and show them that we can triumph if we work together. That our own survival is worth celebrating. I feel as though I may bring more harm to them than good.

My Healing Light please protect our friends, please keep us in your light as I know you always do. Our friends have been through so much already during the course of these wars, through the famine, through the attacks on their spirit. Please let the light prevail and bring comfort to their hearts. I trust in you My Healing Light, you have given me strength to survive anything, and I have faith you will keep me strong to do your works.

Daughter of Your Healing Light always,
~Elohanna Min A'Litae
Elohanna Min A'Litae, Priestess of Aeridin
Breanna Shadowraven, Wizard/Rogue of Folian S'pae
Cord, Bard of Ilsare
Melaa A'nadivian, Ranger of Folian S'pae


Re: Elohanna Dawnstar - The Journey Continues
« Reply #92 on: January 30, 2012, 09:24:45 am »
He was captured, tortured and I know it makes you different. I know how it feels. The pain it causes within, the after effects, the nightmares, the memories that never ever go away. The draining of your life, and the sudden painful resurrection as your captors take what is most sacred from you, and then do it over and over again, until you truly wish for death because it would be more merciful than living through it over and over again.

I remember the bright sunny day that Steel and Krys stood talking at the docks, and after Steel left, Krys was there happy, beaming as he took my hand and told me I was pregnant. How could he know before me? But he knew and it was a enough that I was pregnant. But when I finally learned the full truth that I was pregnant with twins it was like Clarisse and Coreth being born all over again. It was the most beautiful moment to be held by Krys and seeing the look in his eyes.

I remember the feeling being relived in my memory over and over again only to have my heart shattered when I felt the cramping of stomach, as the acid ate away at my flesh, burning horribly, and the laughter surrounding me, as I was tortured over and over again.

It is not a feeling that ever goes away, and how can you utter the words without it tearing your soul apart again. But when I look into Tashe's eyes, and I know he has been tortured by dark elves, that he escaped with is life and he is back home, how can I convey to him that I truly do understand what he is going through.

I know he doesn't want to talk about it, but I know he needs to. I know that if he tries to handle this alone, it will eat him up inside. He will push away everyone he loves. It's as if what they did to him hurt him so much that he can't even bare my touch and it hurts to feel him push me away, but it doesn't feel as if it is only me, but Clarisse as well, Michael, Billy...

I can't let this go. I want my beloved back, I want to feel him close again and I want to see the brightness return. I want to feel the love in his heart for Ilsare, for me, for his music.

My Healing Light please give me the wisdom to help heal his heart as Krys healed mine. Help me to being Andrew's strength and be the light in his heart as he has been in mine.
Elohanna Min A'Litae, Priestess of Aeridin
Breanna Shadowraven, Wizard/Rogue of Folian S'pae
Cord, Bard of Ilsare
Melaa A'nadivian, Ranger of Folian S'pae


Re: Elohanna Dawnstar - The Journey Continues
« Reply #93 on: February 08, 2012, 10:47:48 am »
What should have been a normal day turned into something completely unexpected. I met with Storold in Center because he had needed to speak  with me. It seems he is about to leave for a very extended trip, a trip to another plane it seems to find a lost item that belongs to our world.

He wanted to let me know that there is a very good possibility that he may not return and to ask me if I would keep watch over his family to make sure they are safe. I could never refuse such as request as I value him, his family and the friendship we have. I have always been able to talk to him about anything regardless and know that he will truly listen. This time though it was my turn to listen.

And for awhile we talked, until as always happens in the middle of a heartfelt conversation, another joined us. Master Aden and we began to discuss what had been happening around Mistone.  Even in center where we were, the cattle has seemed to be effected but as I learned quickly from him, the problem is more far spread across Mistone, effecting animals in Center, Hlint,  The Silkwoods, Stormcrest, The Dapplegreen Outskirts, Port Hempstead Fields,  and Lake Splendor. At least to my present knowledge and the information shared to me.

We have neither had the chance to visit other areas of Layonara to find out if it is just local to Mistone or further reaching. And there is simply no way to quarantine such a large area. So what I have begun to do with those animals I can find that seem to be afflicted with the signs of this plague is to take careful samples with the same protocol as Sister MoonRiver and I have used in Hlint, and encourage the burning of the bodies.

There is much testing to do once the samples and I as soon as I can I will send a letter to Sister MoonRiver to see if she is available and willing to aid us again.

So simple this would be if that is all that is happening but it is not, but as the discussion progressed around the animals and the plague, and the sleepwalking Miss Rose as Master Aden calls her,  stumbled upon us all . She feels different, her ability with the Al'noth is uncontrolled, and while most people feels as if magic is on her, she seems to have an open link with the Al'noth, so much so that it has or has always been who she is.  

She has said some things that make me wonder about the future though and while not everyone takes to heart divination, there is a lot to be learned from listening to those with such strong ties that can truly see the future.

Her first words were chilling and startling, 'famine.... all dead, wastelands' and she seems to talk to someone who isn't there. I am not sure if it is someone in her mind, perhaps she is crazy, or she is truly seeing something the rest of us can not and that person is trying to protect her and encourage her to do what she must to survive. Though if I had my guess they are just barely keeping her alive because she looks more frail than any time I have ever known her.

She also remembers me but she remembers me for the pain I caused her, for Andrew choosing to be with me. I hoped she would remember the kindness I have shown her and give me the chance to help her.

Storold has offered to speak with Sophia though to explain that we are trying to help, but if Xeen as Rose calls her does not trust me, I can only hope that her friend will find away to help her.  I hate to see Miss Rose suffering so much.

Still there are things Miss Rose said that bear remembering and writing down because they could be very important.

'famine.... all dead, wastelands' and 'They circle and wait and watch' and 'I am a messenger' but still we don't know from who or what or why. Her reply was only that she see's time, which makes sense in a way. Her link could possibly span beyond what we can perceive, and knowing what I do of my own study of time, of divination, it is only limited by perception and the understanding of the Al'noth we have.

'It expands as a river with many paths before and behind, bending and twisting, intersecting, changing' after she took some substance that I can only guess has been used to keep her mind calm  she began again 'The demon.  It was the demon who laughed and then vanished, The dragons will circle like vultures over the field of battle.' and when I made the mistake of assuming there may be more than one demon involved she did correct me that there was only one and he was an observer.  I could not get much more from her and surprised that I was able to get her to say as much as I did.  But she did offer something that seemed more familiar 'it's the red eyes that are ever present, the stars... the red stars...watching' and when I mispoke about them being eyes trying to remember something she corrected and again called them stars.

Finally with the help of Storold and Aden we were able to get her to the inn and into a warm bed to rest for awhile. And I couldn't help but feel the need to stay with her so she would not wake without a friendly presence near her. Though I am not sure if she sees me as a friend in her lucid moments. Still all I can do is try to offer her help.

She woke with a start though as I tried to stir her from her nightmares, "The ground is red with the blood of the fallen as the red stars shine above."  After this she fell asleep again and I went out to let Storold and Aden know what I had learned, that is to say very little other than Miss Rose may quite possibly be insane but also how uncontrolled her magic is, and trying to find a way to help her. I did not want to force the aid on Miss Rose though no more than I did Emwonk and tried to wake up Rose and help her understand the help I wanted to offer.

It is now left in the Hands of someone else though as Storold will have to speak with Sophia to see if they will accept. Though I am reluctant, the choice must be freely her own.

So now I wait to here the answer.

And since when did things go so terribly wrong in the world? When did my friends start to go crazy?  Have I have been so out of touch? Kaelan too is seemed to loose his mind, enough so that he committed suicide outside the Tower Academy, and until just recently I had not seen any sign of him. It almost seemed as if he was seeking closure for his past, to allow a stronger Kaelan to emmerge within him, but the stronger Kaelan does not seem to have the care for any one else, he seems rather to want to hurt others, as they have hurt him and doesn't care how. To me though it feels as if the Kaelan I know is still in there, and is trying to fight his way free. Everytime I moved closer to him he would back away until finally we ended in a struggle for his hunting knife and the knife ended in his leg. All I could do was try to get it away from him and heal the wound as best I could. And then try my best to comfort my friend. I couldn't let go of him. I could not let him go and risk loosing him, no matter how much he begged me to let go. The pain in him has shattered him and I could do was try to convince him that there is still hope and love in the world. Even if he didn't believe me. Finally though I had to let go. I can only hope that he sees that he is loved and there is hope even if he can't see it now, it is still there. I truly do not believe he would have come to me, if he didn't know that deep within.

Miss Bumblebee came to me as well seeking refuge from the scary men in Center, One I am sort of familiar with that I have spoke with a few times, and while I know Aeridin doesn't care for him at all, we still converse civil. Or that is he asks the questions and I answer them. He never does seem to give more than that. As if he is feeling out his prey. For awhile she stayed with me as I went about the task in center of gathering a sample of Aden's blood and made him discard his old clothing, and made Aden promise to come to me if he started to feel out of the ordinary, and I told her I would try to seek out the true price of the gloves of care for her before we parted ways, and I finally made my way to the new store in Port Hempstead Fields.

For awhile when I first arrived there, Miss Ferrit and I spoke, at first I wasn't sure we were going to but we talked more than I believe we ever had before, and our topic of conversation came back to Andrew, and how different he has seemed lately.  She gave me some suggestions of trying to determine if he was indeed different and the more I thought it about it I wondered why I had not checked him for magical effects when I first began to suspect things were off about him. His distance, his lapses in memory, his obsession with the store, his unease around me. The way he reacted to Emwonk and Tane. I should have known. But I accepted that it was because of what had happened to him in the deep that had him so unsettled. He has been through a lot and come back changed before, only the more I thought about it, I could not help but listen to Miss Ferrits words and take them to heart, that the next time I saw Andrew I had to know if he was being magically influenced.

It was his necklace, magically altered to make the man believeable. He knew so much though, even if doesn't know everything. And he truly believes he is Andrew, but now we know it is not Andrew, but an imposter, though I am not sure he even knew he taking my beloveds place. And now while I watch him sleep all I can think about is where is MY Andrew and is he okay? Is he safe and what is happening to him? I have to know! I have to find him.
Elohanna Min A'Litae, Priestess of Aeridin
Breanna Shadowraven, Wizard/Rogue of Folian S'pae
Cord, Bard of Ilsare
Melaa A'nadivian, Ranger of Folian S'pae


Re: Elohanna Dawnstar - The Journey Continues
« Reply #94 on: February 21, 2012, 11:29:18 am »
Andrew is home again, My Andrew, my beloved Tashe, but I still can't help feeling as though I failed him and the one sent to pretend to be him by my actions, and now I do not know where he may be. Well I do, as the letter said he was going to try to find answers.

Going alone though, I promised to help him. I thought truly that if we worked together we could help him find the answers, but I also had to do what I could to help save Tashe from being harmed any further.

I would die a thousand times over to save him, to protect him. He knows that. I am sorry that it came at such a steep price though.

I know Andrew could feel it. Not my Andrew but the other. I could not love him as I love Tashe, I could not continue to pretend something that neither of us felt. He has a gentleness about him, and a deep desire to hold onto to something beautiful, but Jetta was right, to continue to encourage the lie, may have been doing him more harm.

It seems he has decided on his own as well, to find the answers. Just at what price though? I understand why he took the necklace though, and thankfully left Tashe's belongings behind. Though I know its hard on Tashe not to have lost his pendant. I know how much it means to him, his connection to Ilsare, twice blessed by his priestess, and brings him even closer to his Muse. We have to find it or try our best to replace the irreplaceable. I know it won't be easy for My Love, but we have to try, and maybe with the aid of his priestess, we can remove the taint that causes him so much pain.

Even now while he rests it is fitfull and painfull and I can see he hurts so much and for all the love I can offer him, it is not enough to keep him from the pain I wished to protect him from. I will not leave his side ever, he has been my strength since we first met and I must be here to be his.

Clarisse has been wonderful in helping to keep watch over Raina and I have been trying to keep a constant watch over both them. So far as to move Raina up into Clarisse's room so that Andrew does not have far to go to know she is alright. Clarisse has been very understanding and does everything she can to help them both along side me.

For so long Tashe was there for me when I needed him to keep me strong, and now he needs me to be strong for him. I do so freely, lovingly and devotedly. I know that Aeridin has blessed me again by returning my beloved to me, and that Ilsare's will is to see us together.

I pray now for the strength to help Tashe and Raina recover and that we can help both find peace.
Elohanna Min A'Litae, Priestess of Aeridin
Breanna Shadowraven, Wizard/Rogue of Folian S'pae
Cord, Bard of Ilsare
Melaa A'nadivian, Ranger of Folian S'pae


Re: Elohanna Dawnstar - The Journey Continues
« Reply #95 on: March 01, 2012, 11:09:14 am »
When did life become so complicated? When did I start to let my heart and my emotions get the better of me and my passion for freedom override my respect for the law. I wanted proof, a simple request to abide by the law as much as I hated it. I would have challenged the Captain within the law, it was never my intent to risk all that I hold dear and our efforts we have worked so hard with our friends to accomplish.

When the spell was cast and the steps of the captain were heard coming into the clinic, all I could think of was that he would make things worse for us, and so I lead the man from the Clinic. I could understand his desire for freedom and I had to help him. Was I right in my methods? No but I panicked. Maybe that isn't a good excuse but in my heart I know it was the right thing to do. At what price though. Nothing comes without a price, a balance that has to be maintained.

Even if just one person has been helped from the clinic our being open has been worth it, but Father Xander is right, there are so many others that also need our help and if we are forced to close the doors, it is our friends who call the Inn home, it is the future of Mariner's Hold, it is much bigger than just a simple clinic on the streets of a town. It is a symbol of hope, and Aeridin's healing light, it is the love that flows from our hearts through Ilsare inspiration as well. It is Deliar's healing through Katelyn and Prunilla's healing songs in Melody's beautiful voice that make such a difference in a town that suffered great loss, and its brillance of Jetta, though we dare not tell her though, as her head has already swollen so much. The Hold is still reeling from the treachery of those they call neighbors.

They need a symbol of hope among the shadows and that is why we are here. Tashe stands by me no matter what my choice, Aesthirs questioning of me, were answers that were vague, truthful but vague. He has the ear of Councilman Grue and maybe with his help he can help me gain audience with him.

I dare not disturb Arelius or Clarice, they deserve the peace to live what is left of their lives together. They have missed out on so much. There is much to do and it is late, Tashe is still resting, much needed rest finally. Though for how long I am unsure. I wish I knew a way to help heal the taint the priestess put on him, but it is beyond my own expertise. Letters have been sent to Sister Bernice though, and hopefully soon she will come.

There are more thoughts to be written down by for now she simply leaves the pages of her journal open so that they can dry. Smiling as she looks back over at Andrew and their newest little mouser Griff, curled up together. She gently moves back over to the bed and pulls the blanket up over them both, rubbing gently behind Griff's ears, before she heads downstairs to her own office to write a letter.
Elohanna Min A'Litae, Priestess of Aeridin
Breanna Shadowraven, Wizard/Rogue of Folian S'pae
Cord, Bard of Ilsare
Melaa A'nadivian, Ranger of Folian S'pae


Re: Elohanna Dawnstar - The Journey Continues
« Reply #96 on: March 03, 2012, 08:46:47 pm »
As the Word began to spread through Mariners Hold and nearby communities, we began to see how great the need was in our community. How the poor had neglected their own health because they simply did not have the true to afford a healer that helped the more well to do. We were needed and I could see it.

A small boy came in with a broken arm, and it made me think of my own sons when they were his age. Watching Auhry and Coreth come running into the house, with tears in their eyes, and how my heart just melted and wished nothing more than to make their pain go away. This boy reminded me so much of them and how they were growing up to make me so proud. I could see that same love and tears of suffering his mother shared as she ushered him in, and though they didn't have any true to offer, it didn't matter, seeing how grateful they were was everything.

The local butcher paid us a visit to, though not in his normal capacity but because in his excitement and his usually skill he had become distracted by one of his customers and sliced his finger. A rather nasty cut that he came in to the inn, with a bunch of cloths holding, covered in the smell of fresh meat and his own blood. The mix made me shake my head and usher him carefully to the bed, aided by Father Xander to clean the wound, before finally stitching it up and letting him rest awhile to recover some of his strength.  He was actually quite pleased at having someone cook for him and offered to bring some fresh meat by to help the inn.

And then... came Miss Anna Long and my heart wept for her. The pain in her eyes, the sadness, the shame and humility that she carried, mixed with an undying love for her husband. My heart wept for her for her own unconditional love that she held for a man that made her rely on him for her own self worth. She was defeated and beaten back, afraid to let go of a man who would cause her pain, afraid to start anew without knowing she could. She needed more than anything a hand to hold her own, and help her begin again.

My heart was torn for her, and I knew she could not stay for one more second. For her sake, for Mr Longs as well. There is no excuse for hitting your spouse. None. Not One. Ever. And finally through carefully persuasion and knowing she did not have to stand against him alone, she allowed me to speak for her. I could tell it was the toughest thing she could ever do. I just had to pray that her husband would back down when someone was not afraid of him.  When his secrets were to be exposed publically.  He could not win her back this time. Her broken body was no longer his to break further.

I could not believe he would try to bribe me to get her back, to beat her again. There is no price he could have paid that would have made me, make the choice to turn her over. She deserved true love, freedom, shelter and sanctuary and the chance to start over. I pray that she stays with the Tower Academy as I know that she can learn so much to help her find her way. Maybe she will pursue her art and then again maybe she will help someone else who is going through her same situation and open a shelter for them. I know for now though she is safe, well fed, and has a chance to start over, and find what true love really means.

I know I have found such with Andrew, even through our darkest times, even through the pain we both feel now, we are inseparable, in spirit and heart. Aeridin and Ilsare have indeed blessed us both, and I know, I have faith that we will find the way to remove the curse that has been placed on him.

For now we wait to see if our friends who have been there for us in the past can help us again. Emwonk has already suggested that maybe since the curse was cast by strong bards that an opposing frequency can cancel it out. I think he said it differently but I believe that is the point of it all.

I am also glad that the Church and City is now backing the Clinic as an Aid Station, even if it only while Father Xander is here, and it is the Clinic itself, not the entire Inn, but still, it provides amnesty and shelter for those who need us, when they need it most.  It is as if my dreams from so long have finally been realized, and now we have a chance to do some real good.

Elohanna Min A'Litae, Priestess of Aeridin
Breanna Shadowraven, Wizard/Rogue of Folian S'pae
Cord, Bard of Ilsare
Melaa A'nadivian, Ranger of Folian S'pae


Re: Elohanna Dawnstar - The Journey Continues
« Reply #97 on: March 08, 2012, 11:08:28 am »
When she was transported through the trap all she could feel was the cold and then all she knew was blackness. The poison overcame her quickly though she tried to fight it and its effects on her mind. She knew she had to fight it .Tashe. The one solid thought in her mind until it was just blackness.

Finally she started to regain consciousness, shivering in the cold, her flesh exposed as everything was gone, even her pendant Kerrie had given her, was gone.  She could not see anything the darkness. Her wedding ring... gone. Tashe.  She held onto to thoughts of his arms wrapped around her to keep the cold away. She tried to move and found it impossible as the bindings held her in place tightly, rubbing her flesh raw and just barely allowing her enough room to breath..

"Sa Irailcelv Ceviran tycaillaa iracty sa."
My Healing Light please help me

She try to ignore the pain before she blacked out again. She could not determine day from night in the darkness, she could hear the sounds of voices, cold and disgusted in tone when she was awake. At least that was her guess. The more she tried to understand the foggier her mind became. The clarity of the Mistress voice she could not mistake.

"Aeym Tymanyeeyla Ceoafmelvam nyill lean iracty aey."
Your precious Lifebringer can not help you.

The voice was unmistakably female , hateful of her, and all she stood for. It came closer to her holding a blade to her   neck just behind her ear as she pulled her head back by a handful of hair to cut it away. The dark elf hissing at her as if she were the most vial creature to her. She could feel the warmth of her own blood trickle down the back of her neck from where the blade had pierced her flesh, a clear reminder of who was in charge.

"Amira ilma aey weelv anirela?"
Why are you doing this?

No reply came though, only silence.  She could not feel Her LIfebringer, she tried to feel the Al'noth and found pain instead. She felt them inside her mind, not bothering to hide themselves as the looked through her memories.

She tried to block them but the pain was unabearable and she couldn't be sure if they were her thoughts or them seeking answers from her.  How did she get here? Trying to think back, her mind still foggy from the poison. What was the last thing  you  remember?. Kaelan, Aestir and Millon in Center. A bard.. Ellan he had a daughter. She wanted to learn more about his daughter and invite them to the Inn... Tashe! Where are you!? Rose, the letter Storold sent her. Clarisse! My beautiful daughter, her memories of her children shifted through. The pain in her head was unbearable as she blacked out again.

They sifted through her mind trying to find out as much as they could, each time leaving her with unbearable headache, that made her sick. She always hated scrying, even for those she loved because of the potential to be hurt or hurt others.

The scrying into her mind went on for days brining up the memories of the vampires and how they tortured her with acid for answers until she died and then brought her back repeatedly. They continued to search for answers from her, finding out all they could about her. It all seemed like a bad nightmare that she could not wake up from. The cutting of her palm to drain a vial of her blood, and used the same knife to cut free a lock of hair behind my ear.

The memories vague, the feeling of my own blood running down my back and the sounds of fighting, The sensation of the whip and blackness of nothing, as it all faded and I felt myself drawn back to the bindstone. The pain of the light suddenly there as my eyes opened. Where am I? I awoke to his soft voice, and the moonlight overhead and even that seemed painful, after awhile of my eyes adjusting though  I recognize him. My Healer wrapping me in a warm blanket, and I felt the warmth of his prayers calm and soothing. What had happened to bring me back here, the cold steel piercing me through my back was a vague memory.  I was relieved to be free again.

"Shh, Take it slowly Sister." It was a few days before I regained my strength and was able to join a caravan bound for Hlint, where I took the open portal there to Center and made my way to the bank to withdraw enough true to pay for transportation  to the Angel's shop in Port Hempstead. The memories of how I had gotten here pushed deep to the back of my mind. I didn't want to face them yet. I just wanted to go home. I wanted to forget for awhile. The warmth of the sun was comforting, the fresh air and scent of flowers sweet in the air. A soft cotton hood from the robes hiding my missing hair. As she stepped into the Shop in the fields she made her way inside hoping for a friendly face to be behind the counter. Slowed down by the lock, reminding her that her key was gone. What she had tried to forget, haunting her as they had taken everything from her, and put a great many people and places at risk. The Tower Academy, the Inn, The Shop, if they dug deeply enough they knew everything about her, but she was uncertain how much they knew, but they had the keys to her life. She sunk onto the bench in front of the fire place at the shop and tried to push the thoughts away, lost in the flames flicker and the crackle of the fire.
Elohanna Min A'Litae, Priestess of Aeridin
Breanna Shadowraven, Wizard/Rogue of Folian S'pae
Cord, Bard of Ilsare
Melaa A'nadivian, Ranger of Folian S'pae


Re: Elohanna Dawnstar - The Journey Continues
« Reply #98 on: March 16, 2012, 10:00:41 pm »
Dear Krys,

It is important that you know that there is a great chance that you and our children could be in danger. My memories, my thoughts, my feelings have been recently compromised, parts of me taken forcefully and it is possible a duplicate of me could have been made. I can't recall all the memories taken but you know me. I send this letter through a courier I know you can trust. I trust you to protect our children and to let them know how much I love them. Please be vigilant, be strong.

May the Light Keep you warm and shelter you!

Elohanna Min A'Litae, Priestess of Aeridin
Breanna Shadowraven, Wizard/Rogue of Folian S'pae
Cord, Bard of Ilsare
Melaa A'nadivian, Ranger of Folian S'pae


Re: Elohanna Dawnstar - The Journey Continues
« Reply #99 on: March 21, 2012, 10:42:58 am »
Sitting in her office awaiting  she reflects on the events of the last few months, and most recently on her discussion with Kaelan, holding a quill recently dipped in a vial of purple ink, and writes in her well worn journal.
  Most of what I know has been revelations in the last few days. I spoke with Kaelan and he speaks of death, of finding it. I truly think he believes he has nothing left to live for after losing Calylith. He has asked me to tell her  that he loved her, made mistakes, was frail and unsure how to make her feel loved.  It is all he ever wanted to was to find someone to love and truly love him in return.
  He is mixed up in things he ought not to be, in search of dangerous treasures I hope he does not find. I know he says he will destroy them, but if the dark one takes over, he may loose the ability to make that conscious choice.
  He told me of what happened with the Dark Elf and how the Tower Academy is now involved. It is not really that we are involved but that his involvement with us, means that we have questions to answer for, to the Silverguard, which has been confirmed corrupt, but who within is the security risk?  
  He told me of how he sent the head of the elf to Sir Daniel, and the body was to be found by Captain Rae, the Captain I have now sent a letter to, to try to find a way to explain what has happened. I have requested audience with the Council of Port Hempstead and now the truth must be told, because it puts everyone at risk.
  Why do the young run foolishly headlong into things without thinking them through? I think the only answer is that we follow our instincts and they drive us, for better or worse, in a forward motion where we are left to learn from our success and failures. We try to justify and resolve it in our mind as the right thing to do. Whether it is the right thing is left only to perception, even I have learned that lately held imprisoned in Wayfare for doing what I believed was right, and refusing to leave someone I believed needed protection. I still think she does.
  Kaelan  has given me much to think about though, and insight into the elves who captured me and what they may be looking for, and why the trap was set to begin with.  The pieces are slowly fitting into place, the picture is growing in clarity, and although I do not think Daniel would approve of my methods,  I have acquired a way to find Kaelan should it be needed. If not it will be returned to him. As he sought insurance to be protected from the sentencing of the Guard, I sought insurance as well.  Aside from Daniel  and Tashe though, I have told no one yet. Though I must reveal the truth to Omer, he is my oldest and dearest friend, and I trust him completely, he needs to know as this all effects the Tower Academy and our students, the city and its security, the Angels as well.  Our family and friends.
  Knowledge is Power and hopefully it will help us to keep bad things happening to good people.
Elohanna Min A'Litae, Priestess of Aeridin
Breanna Shadowraven, Wizard/Rogue of Folian S'pae
Cord, Bard of Ilsare
Melaa A'nadivian, Ranger of Folian S'pae

