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Author Topic: Arandwen – A Journal of Me  (Read 216 times)


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    Arandwen – A Journal of Me
    « on: July 13, 2007, 02:02:00 pm »
    World Tree, Winter Deep 14, 1419

    It has been years since I have committed my thoughts to a journal. How odd it feels now, to sit here and write these words. Yet I feel I must do so now, for how else can I start to understand my own feelings.

    My old book of days I had to leave behind when I fled from Krandor, when Darkness cloaked the Moonlight that was illuminating my life. All possessions I have left of that happy time are the clothes and blades I had on me. Yet I need not worry that I ever forget that part of my past. The crescent moon and the little star it protects adorning my neck is my most precious tattoo, and it ensures I will never truly be without my Lialala. I am proud it tells the story for all to see, in the way of my people.

    Where to begin? Not with the journey I took after leaving Mistone, ending in Arabel, to learn of the fateful end of Eamane’s life. Not with the time I spent then in the bosom of the Black Panther tribe, looking to give my life new meaning. Maybe I should start with the sign I saw when we came to that port with the hunting party I was on.

    It was a beautiful thing to behold, one that filled my heart with warmth and desire it had lacked for so long. The silvery moon shone ever so bright that night, brighter than I had seen it in many years. Its rays touched the waters of the great ocean at the very place where a ship was moored. I felt it drawing me to it, and when I went to investigate, I learned it would sail to Mistone. I knew it was The Runner granting me a chance to change my life for the better, and I acted. With the gold I had on me, I bought myself passage to lands I had long ago left behind me. After a long and uneventful voyage I landed in Port Hempstead.

    A lot has changed since I was last there. I didn’t even recognize enough to find my way to Hlint. Fortunately, a gallant man named Eander offered to show me the way and keep me company. He was kind enough, even when I near fainted at some of the places we passed. Strong images of things that had passed there grabbed me and made my knees buckle under me. At last we arrived at Hlint, such a sight for my sore eyes. Even the benches were there still, although not in the same shape as I had last seen them. Apparently, Hlint had changed, and people nowadays flocked around Port Hempstead instead. I thanked Eander for his help and bade him goodbye. The Wild Surge inn was still there, and I booked a room there. It was still too early to find that other place to sleep.


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      Arandwen - A Journal of Me
      « Reply #1 on: July 13, 2007, 05:16:01 pm »
      Dream Dance, Spring Dawning 19, 1419

      I didn’t know what to do when I woke up. Part of me wanted to go out and see the places I used to go to, but I also knew that those places would be haunted by ghosts of the past. The choice was made quickly for me though. On my way out, I was greeted by a woman who seemed to recognize me. Not only that, but she remembered me sitting down at Moonlights feet at some places in Hlint. Thais was her name, and she had no trouble summoning my ghosts. I was still recovering from the initial shock when she started asking me about Eamane as well. A red haze swam in my vision and I must have snapped something at her, for when I could see clearly again, I saw a deep frown on her face. She apologized not understanding why I acted in such a way, but I left it at that. There would be time enough to explain.

      Thais had been away from Hlint as well, and for an even longer period than I. She must have been young and beautiful before, now she was no longer young, but she still had considerable beauty. She was glad to meet someone from her past she told me, and I had to admit it felt good talking about those times. Maybe it was even better that she had not known us better. She managed to cheer me up before long with her chatter.

      We set out to explore some of Hlint when we were alarmed by Eander that there had been a murder in one of the rooms of the Inn. We followed a trail of blood and found a suspect who managed to get himself killed in no time. After some investigating we recovered a letter which implicated Corathites. By the Black Sun, it did not take me long to stumble upon a link to them. A sickening feeling came over me that it would not be the last time either.

      A nice man named Ron guided Thais and me to Leringard, where we found an Inn. Thais offered to share a room with me for she was near out of funds. I accepted, but for different reasons. Were I to stay alone in a room, I am sure sleep would stay far from me for I had enough to think about. She fell asleep almost immediately, and her steady breathing proved to do its work of calming me down enough to sleep as well.


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        Arandwen - A Journal of Me
        « Reply #2 on: July 13, 2007, 06:22:56 pm »
        World Tree, Spring Dawning 21, 1419

        I woke up knowing I had to go there. Better to do it now, and get it over with. Whatever I would find in that place, I felt the strong urge to be there again.

        I asked Thais if she wanted to accompany me to Krandor, and she agreed, thankfully. On the way there she stopped in the middle of a forest and pointed out some squirming vines. Hah! I hadn’t been the only one with a love lost so long ago. She had suffered a great loss as well and had tried to hang herself in those very vines, more than twenty years ago. However sad she looked thinking back on that occasion, I could not make myself feel anything for her then. I had but one single point of focus in my mind, and this only kept me away from it. I managed to squeeze out a smile to her and convince her to move on.

        When we arrived there, I asked her to check if someone was perhaps at home. I had no idea who else could be there, but I did not want to take any chances. But there was no need for it, no-one was present. I went inside and asked Thais to join me. Just to be sure. I had no idea what was waiting for me there.

        The place proved to be deserted. Most of the old stuff was still there, but it showed signs of some use after I had left it. Nothing recent though. Walking through these rooms got my temper in a state that I cannot describe. I was at the same time thrilled to be in the very place where I had known pleasure and pain, but there was also a looming presence of Eamane to be felt which sent shivers down my spine. And of course, every little thing reminded me of Moonlight. And that was what guided me further and further.

        Until I had to come to the very place where my Lialala had spent her last hour in the company of the one she thought she had loved. The one that had her decided to commence the journey down the path of the Mad God. The one that had snuffed her life and my guiding light in one act of madness.

        I fainted, of course. The emotion had been too strong for me. The door opened and a wave hit me like a falling rock.

        For a moment, I was on that same path again, walking in the light of the moon. Beaming with love for her, and bathing in the love she had confessed to me.

        Thais managed to bring me back to my senses by throwing water over my face. I explained quickly what had happened here. What I had learned of it. Why it had thrown me off like that.

        Then Thais said something that sent me flying to the state I had been in so long ago, with my Lialala on the path of the Black Sun. She said that lots of people must know that I lived here, and that when this is found out, I would be suspected of killing her. It was not just what she said, it was the way she said it and the way she looked me right in the eye when she said it. This was no threat that I would let pass by like that. My heart froze over. I told her I would rip her heart out if she started spreading these lies about.

        I must have reached her, for she staggered back from me and tried to calm me down, giving me her word that nothing from what she had seen or heard would pass her lips.

        The red haze in front of my eyes receded and I realized what I had done. I apologized and suggested we would leave the place. Thais seemed more than happy to do so.

        We went back to Hlint and went to the Red Light Caves hunting for goblins with a man named Nechemiah. Those were not the same goblins that I had hunted long ago. They were now much stronger, and before long first Thais and then Nechemiah fell to their blows. I managed to escape the place. Had I been there as my Lialala’s Tyaan, I would not have thought to leave her side. But then, she would have made sure those goblins were dead before they could start to hurt us.

        We all sat down at the campfire just outside Hlint. First Nechemiah and then Thais left me there. But two girls had sat down there as well in the mean time. Leone, a human who had the blackest hair and strong blue eyes. The panther pendant that hung from her neck intrigued me, but I decided not to ask about it. I don’t think she even noticed. The other was an elven girl with strong ties to nature, that much I could sense, but other than that she remained a mystery to me. When I left them, she offered to go out hunting with me some time. I will take her up for it some time. I’m sure it will be good.

        I walked back to Krandor. I went back to that dreadful place. I dressed up like I used to. And lay down amid the memories of things lost for ever.

        And I found the great oblivion of sleep.


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          Arandwen - A Journal of Me
          « Reply #3 on: July 30, 2007, 03:52:02 pm »
          World Tree, Spring Dawning 28, 1419

          It must be close to a week since I returned to the house in Krandor. I stayed indoors all these past days, and slept without dreaming. When I was awake I cried. I cried of sorrow, of loss, of loneliness. But last night changed that. I dreamt. I dreamt of Moonlight.

          I stood on a forsaken plane, nothing but plain dirt soil for as far as the eye could reach. The sun could not be seen, dark clouds covering the sky. Maybe it was night even. The light that was there appeared to come from nowhere. It was cold, my breath forming clouds as I breathed.

          I was looking in the distance, looking for something, but whatever it was, I could not see it. Then, I saw her walking towards me. It was my Lialala, wearing the dress that I had made for her. She smiled and her skin seemed to glow like the silvery moonlight. She seemed calm and happy.

          When she came to where I was standing, she opened her arms in a greeting way. I walked to her and slid into her arms. She closed them and hugged me, and then she kissed me gently on my lips.

          “Tyaan, it is time.” She whispered, as she stroked my hair.

          “Time, Lialala?” I asked, not comprehending. She nodded.

          “Yes, Time. Time to let you go, Tyaan.” She looked me in the eyes, and I saw her love for me glowing there. She gently stroked the crescent moon in my neck. “I love you.”

          My mouth felt dry. I could not speak at first. I felt happy. I had not felt this happy in years. Not since I last saw her alive. When I spoke at last, my voice sounded hoarse.

          “My heart belongs to you, Lialala. I would do anything for you, you know that, don’t you? And I would do more than that to get you back.” I said. She nodded.

          “I know, Tyaan. But you must continue your journey. And though you have to go by yourself now, you will never be alone. I will always be with you.” Tears of happiness started rolling down my cheek. “You need only to look up at the silvery moon and find me watching over you.”

          “You will always be in my heart, Lialala.” I said passionately. She smiled at that and kissed me a last time.

          “Eamane.” She whispered in my ear as she let go of me. “She is the key.”

          Moonlight turned and walked away. The dark clouds that had been in the sky slowly faded away and a crescent moon rose from where Moonlight had disappeared in the distance.

          Then I awoke. I felt as happy as I had felt in the dream. I rose from the bed, got dressed and walked out of the house. I closed the door behind me and looked up at the night sky. The silvery moon seemed to smile at me, and I felt a small breeze touch my cheek, as if a hand brushed gently past.


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            Arandwen – A Journal of Me
            « Reply #4 on: August 07, 2007, 04:19:22 pm »
            Night's Eye, Spring Blossom 3, 1420

            I have felt so good ever since I had that dream. I have been spending some time with Thais and Ron. Both have been good company for me, and I have had some happy times with them. Ron took me on the fishing trip we talked about before. We took the boat to Alindor and traveled to a lake near Fort Hempstead. It was all very nice. I caught some catfish with my bow and arrows. Ron was rather surprised I didn’t use the fishing rod like he did. I tried explaining to him it was how I always have done it, but he still kept saying it wasn’t the proper way to fish. Maybe his mind changed a bit after I cooked him dinner. He seemed to enjoy that and even prepared the pike he caught for me. It had been such a long time that I had spent a day with someone at such a special place.

            Ron also introduced me to Randi, whom he keeps calling his boss, and who, or so he says, keeps rescuing him when he gets into trouble. She’s a nice person, not at all someone to be called boss, she seems too sweet for that.

            When Ron and I went hunting some days after the fishing trip, we found ourselves caught up in some ploy of a group of Corathites. A statue had been brought to an underground place by undead and a number of people were trying to remove a sword from it when Ron, me and a dwarf named Forko found them. After questioning them, we found out that it had been Grendo who was behind this. His name had also been mentioned in the note we had found before in Fort Hempstead. Grendo is running a shipping corporation and has some shady business going on. His wife, one of the workers at the place told us, is a necromancer, and they are involved with Corathites. They have a son of 10 that somehow has taken a key from a mage, a key that seemed important to them. This key had been stolen before from a mage from Spellgard named Te'thalus by a drow mage. Before we could find out more about this, the other workers were about to remove the sword. I felt I had to stop them doing that, and cut the rope they were using for it. Afraid for their lives now that the sword was not removed and their job unfinished, they all fled. Ron, Forko and me left the place as well while the statue disappeared in a great cloud of smoke. It cannot have been a coincidence, this. Somehow I keep finding Corathites on my way. I wonder what this means.

            Thais seems to have taken an interest in crafting, and a lot of her time she spends gathering materials. She has even spoken to Alantha about joining the Raven Trade Company. I’m not sure yet what to think of that. It is good to see Thais occupied as she is, after all that has happened to her in the past. I know I will need to find something to keep me busy soon, too. Maybe I will start gem crafting like Randi does. I know I will find some purpose to fill my life.


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              Arandwen – A Journal of Me
              « Reply #5 on: August 08, 2007, 09:04:09 am »
              World Tree, Spring Blossom 14, 1420

              Whispers... calling in the wind, like a voice calling from deep within me. It is sending shivers all down my spine. I wonder, shall I abide these whispers?

              // Inspired by Sirenia - Voices within


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                Arandwen – A Journal of Me
                « Reply #6 on: August 11, 2007, 03:45:24 pm »
                //dateless entry

                I have found a nice place where I can be alone and think, a grove of maple trees which is crossed by a small stream. It is located in a wide valley dotted by hills. I like the smell of the trees. Maybe this is what Ron mentioned, the good life in the outdoors.

                This morning, I was there, alone. I sat at the edge of the grove, at the foot of a hill. I let my thoughts run through my mind, not trying to order them. It felt like I was watching my own mind from a distance. It felt good. Then, I heard something... or someone. A whisper, maybe. But it could also have been the wind finding its way through the trees. Could it be...?

                "Lialala..." I whispered back, my voice heavy with the yearning for Moonlight. I wanted it to be her, but how could it? She is lost to me, forever gone. Oh how I wanted it to be her.

                "I would have done anything for you Lialala. If I could bring you back, I would Lialala." I said. The full force of my loss rushed towards me, hitting me with all its power. I started crying, I could not keep the tears back anymore, nor did I want to then. I wanted to revel in the feeling.

                "My heart, my soul, are yours Lialala." And they were, and had ever been. The wind kept blowing, touching my face, tickling. I closed my eyes, and wished it were her holding me. I opened my eyes and looked to see if she was there, but she wasn't of course. I let out a deep sigh. The wind continued its teasing, letting me believe it was her whispering to me. I could almost make out Eamane's name. Eamane! Oh how I wish I knew what happened, why she did what she did! I whispered her name. But more than finding out about her, I felt the desire to have Moonlight back.

                "Lialala." I near cried out. If only I could bring her back.


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                  Arandwen – A Journal of Me
                  « Reply #7 on: August 11, 2007, 04:57:29 pm »
                  World Tree, Summer Run 7, 1420

                  Ron found me in Port Hempstead just as I returned from Vehl. I had decided I was going to ask for his advice, maybe his help even. I walked with him to the fields just outside the city and sat down on the soft moss. I told him about Moonlight, being careful to only mention she had been a dear friend. Telling him the full truth of my feelings for her would only make things more complicated, and I did not want that. I told him of Eamane killing her, and my resolve to find Eamane, driven by the dreams of Moonlight and the whispers in the wind.

                  My first step in the search for Eamane is finding a temple of Corath. I will see where I will go from there. Ron offered to help me find the temple. He had heard people suggest there was a dark temple in the Ire mountains when he and Randi had come across a dead body there. We went back through the gates, meeting Thais in the town square. Ron said he would go find Randi, so she could come with us. When Thais and I were there at the fountains, she found her old friend Angela there, who seemed to be in a foul mood.

                  As I was waiting for Thais I noticed a familiar face on the benches. It took me a few minutes to match the name with the face, but I did, and it was Alleina. I remembered her from long ago. She had been very caring and had done her best to protect me from harm. She had not understood my relation with Moonlight then, and I know she would not do so now. Still, I have always had a place in my heart for her. I did not have the time to talk to her then and there, and neither was it a good time for her. As we parted, she said something which reminded me a lot of her in the old days.

                  "I do have quite a lot of questions to ask of the years that has passed, and I'm sure you have also. Maybe we can talk another day." Alleina said. I will look out for her in Port Hempstead. It will be nice to catch up with her.

                  Outside the town gates Thais and I caught up with Ron and Randi. The dwarf Boltar was also there. As is was going to be a dangerous journey and I had no intention to do more than find the temple, I decided he could come as well. Just before we got to the mountains, two more people joined our group, Pallena and Ren. There was an orc lurking around us, but I rejected the suggestion he might come with us. Where we would go an orc would perhaps turn out to do the wrong things. Not that I would have enjoyed the company of an orc anywhere else.

                  After a short walk on a path leading into the Ire mountains we were attacked. First by gnolls, then by some undead. They were destroyed by our group efficiently. I was however not in the mood to fight. Instead I was scanning the mountains for signs of the temple. Then, we found it. Just like that. At first we were not sure that it was a temple of Corath. Ren kept indicating that it was a house of the dead. It is difficult understanding him. Some of the growls he made I could recognize though.

                  I quickly entered the temple, and the others followed me. The hallways were huge and seemed to come straight at us. There was a definite dark feeling oozing from the walls. We pressed on, and entered a great hall, across from which a priest stood. While the others were still whispering what to do, I walked up to the priest. It was then that I realized I had been there before. The temple had been deserted then, when Moonlight, Eamane and I walked the dark halls. But I was sure it was the same place.

                  While I was thinking this, I had walked right up to the priest, who looked at me with his dark eyes, trying to think what my reason for entering had been. He must have decided I was there to worship, for he asked me if he could help me! I looked up at him, snapping back from my daydreams, and froze. I blinked, and without giving an audible answer to the priest, I backstepped to my companions.

                  "How about w' don't linger here?" Ron said, and his feelings were shared by most, if not all. We quickly found our way to the exit, and ran more than walked back to Port Hempstead. In the fields just before town we split up again. I thanked everyone who had come. Ren then said there would be a bone dragon in the temple, or so I thought he said. It had been a good thing we had not encountered that inside. I need to be careful when I go back there. It would be a bad thing if I would meet my end in the mad god's house.


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                    Arandwen – A Journal of Me
                    « Reply #8 on: August 11, 2007, 07:11:15 pm »
                    //dateless entry

                    I have been careless. I wasn't thinking when I brought Thais to the maple grove where I have my quiet moments alone. Could I not have guessed what would happen? Or had I guessed it unknowingly, and led her there to suffer?

                    We had been hunting puppies, Thais and I, and had been doing so nearly all day. Still recovering from the exertion we entered the grove and walked to the stream. Before I knew it, Thais started to undress and started bathing in the cold stream. I averted my eyes and went around a sharp bend in the stream. There, just out of Thais' sight I also bathed. We had some laughs there, calling out to each other, able to hear each other, yet not see.

                    Then suddenly Thais stopped replying to me. I heard some splashing which quickly became more violent, and I heard Thais gasp for air. I thought she might have slipped or something, so I ran to her. Thais' head was submerged, and she was struggling in the water.

                    "Thais?" I asked, puzzled by the scene. Was she playing some game with me? I walked closer to her, still not sure if Thais was in any danger. Suddenly, she raised herself out of the water and hurled herself backwards.

                    "A.. A.. Ara.." Thais stuttered, a hand reaching to me, her eyes showing fear. I approached carefully, confused as I was by her behavior. Then suddenly, she let out a blood curfling scream, her eyes rolling with pain as tears started to stream down her cheek.

                    "Thais!" I called, now convinced she was not playing games with me. I ran to her and threw my arms around her, trying to comfort her. As I looked down at her, I saw a cut appear on her arm, the blood flowing freely from it. A cold shiver ran down my spine as the cold wind suddenly rushed past me, and I jumped away from Thais. It made a sound like a whisper, or nearly so.

                    "...only for ..." it seemed to say. Was there someone with us? I looked around for signs, but I saw none. Thais was still screaming and writhing in panic ridden agony so I ran back to her. But before I could grab her to pull her out of the water, Thais suddenly launched herself backwards, her bloodstained back smashing against the sharp rocks and pebbles.

                    Thais rolled on her side, her face squashing contorted into the rocks. She spluttered, desparate for breath as the stream lapped against her face, as though someone or something was holding her there. She squealed as her left arm was forced behind her back, her scream echoing around the forest. I could hear a loud snap, and I did not dare to think what had just happened. Still her face pressed harder agains the rocks, and it became clear Thais was fighting for her life. Then, her arm was pulled sharply behind her back. Again a snapping sound, and I started feeling nauseous. Blood started to flow from wounds that appeared on her hand and her side. Thais' screams filled the forest air again.

                    As I stood there, watching her, unable to move. I was nearly frozen from panic and confusion, What was happening to Thais? Who was doing this to her? Then, I felt a soft breeze wrap around me. Was I to be attacked now? I looked around in terror, desperate to find Thais' assailant. I still felt the breeze, as it chilled me, my face, my legs. I touched my lips, closing my eyes, for a moment pretending it had not been the wind.

                    Then I opened my eyes again and saw Thais lying in pain on the ground. I knelt beside her and cupped her tear-stained face in my hands, resting her head in my lap. I stroked her face, trying to comfort her, even as I was struggling to understand what had happened. I looked down on her broken body, and only then saw the dagger which had pinned her hand to her side.

                    "Thais." I said gravely. "I'm sorry, so sorry! But, this is going to hurt..." I grabbed the dagger, and pulled hard to draw it from the wound. Thais cried out in pain as I did. I laid the dagger aside and ran to fetch my belongings. I got some bandages from my pack and applied them to her wounds. I managed to stop her wounds from bleeding, and when I was done, Thais looked at me, her relieve clearly readable from her eyes.

                    "We need to go back to town, Thais." I told her. "I don't have any more bandages with me, and you are still wounded." Thais nodded weakly. What other choice did we have?

                    As we walked back, my hand touched the dagger that I had pulled from Thais' body. I had slid it under my belt, not wanting to leave it there in the grove. I took it out and looked at it. It was a curved dagger, ornate and made of the finest silver. The hilt had a shallow crescent shape, with a diamond encrusted crusted in the centre of it. I felt the ground pull back from under me, as I realized whose dagger this had been.

                    "Lialala?" I whispered softly. Thais did not hear me, fortunately for me. Quickly, I put it back under my belt and looked around. Except Thais and me, no-one was there. Then we reached town and I quickly found a temple where Thais could be taken care of. I left her in the capable hands of the priest, and went outside again. I needed to think this over.

                    Had it been Moonlight, there, in the grove? There had been a... presence, yes. But who had it been? It could have been Moonlight, but also someone pretending to be her, intent on taking advantage of my feelings. But... the dagger. It was Moonlights dagger. I knew it. I took it in my hands again and looked at it, touching the cold silver and the diamond in the hilt.

                    What should I tell Thais? I closed my eyes and saw the terror in her eyes again, not understanding what was happening to her. If I told her my assumption that it had been Moonlight, would she not back away from me, knowing what I still feel for her? I cannot let that happen, as I need her to aid me in my search for Eamane.

                    But if I do not tell her what I think, and she finds out herself, I am sure to have lost her for good.

                    Oh... the agony! Why did I have to end up in this impossible situation? Thais was still in the temple, but she would not stay long there. So I had to make a decision quickly.

                    I paced around town for several hours, my mind racing to find an answer. Then I went back to Thais. Fortunately, the priests had done a good job, and she was looking so much better. I even saw the tiniest of smiles on her face as she saw me approach.

                    "Thais..." I started saying. She wanted to say something back, but I raised my hand to quiet her. If I were going to say this, I needed to do it quickly, and without interruptions.

                    "Thais... I think I may have dragged you into my quest." She looked at me, not understanding what I was saying. "That time when we went back to the house of Eamane... when we opened the room where Moonlight was killed... I think we ... awoke ... something then. I don't understand what it is exactly, but I have had dreams, I have felt a presence... and now you have felt it too. Only you got attacked."

                    Thais blinked and stared at me, unable to say anything. I cannot say what was on her mind, what her thoughts were about what had happened, but it seemed to have been quite different thoughts.

                    "Thais..." I continued. "I need to find Eamane. Please, help me." Thais nodded weakly, mumbling that she already had promised me she would.

                    "I think it is safer if you and I..." I hesitated before finishing my sentence. ".. keep close." Thais frowned.

                    "Close? What do you mean?" She asked.

                    "I like you, Thais." I said, and she smiled. I felt a cold shiver run down my spine. "And if you are certain in your offer to help me, I will not forgive myself if you are hurt again because of it. Especially if I am not there to..." I paused a moment, blinking my eyes. "... to aid you." I finished.

                    Thais smiled and we hugged. I must have hugged her a bit too hard, for she cried out in pain. I apologized quickly, and let her go. We agreed to meet again the next morning, after she had had her rest.

                    I left the room and walked outside. A small smile appeared on my lips. I looked up at the sky and saw the crescent moon.

                    "Lialala." I whispered. "If it is you, then I will know it soon enough. If it is you, do not hurt her too much, for she is helping me well with the assignment you gave me."


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                      Arandwen – A Journal of Me
                      « Reply #9 on: August 14, 2007, 06:26:00 pm »
                      Dead Eye, Summer End 25, 1420

                      I dreamt about the house again. I dreamt I wandered down the hall lost in thought. I looked down at myself and saw I was wearing a beautiful dress, a black velvet one with a wide skirt and a narrow fitting bodice lined with lace. I seemed to be looking for something. The longer it took, the bigger the sense of urgency became, until I was feeling near frantic. I looked in every corner of the house, which seemed so much bigger in my dream. Then I heard a voice from one of the rooms.

                      "It's here" it called out. "... here ..." Already it was vanishing. I ran to the source, but I was too late.

                      Bathing in sweat I woke up, my heart racing madly. It was the key of course. The reason for being in the house. I had closed the door behind me forgood, or so I thought. Naturally I went back there the next morn.

                      The last time I had been there, visions of Eamane had clouded my mind. Now, it was Moonlight who I was reminded of, my Lialala, and my heart felt lighter for it. I closed the front door behind me and walked down the hall. My first impulse was to go to the bedroom. But I had not been allowed to go there without approval of Moonlight, and it seemed not the most logical place now, when she wanted me to find something. I walked out of the bedroom again into the hall, and my eye was drawn to Moonlights training room. Slowly I crossed the hall to the door, and opened it.

                      A flash blinded my eye as I thought back to the time I was tied to one of the training dummies. I shook that thought off of me and looked around the room. Dummies, chests and weapon racks lined the walls. But I had already searched those, and had found nothing.

                      I kept scanning the space, when my eye was caught by a picture hanging on the wall. It displayed a fierce looking female warrior, holding a silver sword and dressed in fine black silks. Above her, in the pale skies, a crescent moon was shining, the silvery light reflecting off her skin. I had never paid it much heed, and did not even know if Moonlight had hung that picture there.

                      When I tried to take it off the wall, I found I couldn't. It seemed to have been fixed to the wall, not just hung there. I took my dagger out, and stuck it behind the frame, wrenching it. At one side, I heard a soft clicking sound when I stuck the blade behind it, and I could feel it give way. The picture had been placed on the door of a small built-in space inside the wall. Behind the picture I could see a recess in the wall, and a small metal door, like a strongbox built-in into the wall.

                      My heart started racing in my chest, my mouth had become dry. With trembling hands, I dug up the silver key I had recovered from Moonlight's dagger, and tried it on the keyhole in the door. It fit. Slowly I turned it around until another clicking sound could be heard, a signal that the door was now open. I took a deep breath and opened the door.

                      The lights of the room only just barely lighted the tiny space in the wall, and I had to look long at it to make out its contents. When I saw it were two leatherbound books, I took them in my hands and out of the strongbox. Holding them with one hand, I used my other hand to clear a space on one of the big chests that were placed there.

                      The first book was clearly a journal, like the one I keep for my thoughts. It had the words A Journey by Moonlight scribed on the cover in a clear flowing handwriting. The other one was a small book bound in a unfinished looking black leather, with red words written on them. I traced my fingers over the words, pondering what they could mean, as they were written in neither my language, nor the common tongue.

                      "feego eo anira wailanir" one line said, another line underneath "fa lieelceviran". Of course. It made sense. Those words, they had to be drow, Eamane's language, and adopted by my Moonlight as her own. Long days and nights they had sat together, Eamane writing words down, pronouncing them, Moonlight endlessly repeating them until she had them right. I closed my eyes and pained my mind to think. I had been tought some basic words by my Lialala, but I had had them hidden away in a dark corner of my mind. Until now. I opened my eyes again and looked anew at the words. "... of the... dead" the last part of the first sentence meant. Journal maybe, book perhaps. And the second line was easy. Of course. How many times had I not heard that word? lieelceviran... Moonlight.

                      They were Moonlights diaries then. Hidden away in her room. With the greatest care I wrapped them in a soft cloth and put them in my pack. I closed the strongbox and put the picture back against the wall, then I quickly left the house. I went back to the grove and started reading the journals. The journey is easy to read, the book of the dead, I am struggling with. I may need to find help translating it. What I read sofar contains subtle hints of what Moonlight was doing and working on, what drove Eamane. I will need to read both journals fully before I decide what my next step will be. I am sure many days I will spend reading these pages, each word reminding me of my Lialala.

