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Author Topic: Tale of a Vagabond- The Story of Ne'er Silverstar  (Read 61 times)


Tale of a Vagabond- The Story of Ne'er Silverstar
« on: August 03, 2006, 09:06:10 am »
** on the inside of cover of this book it reads **

"The road is the only true place to feel free."

**the story then begins on the next page**

A vagabond by nature, Ne'er has found himself travelling the lands of Mistone as of late. He makes his living by performing his music, praticing his magic, and engaging in artistic swordplay. Others see him as an entertainer. He sees himself as an artist. Regardless, it is enough for him to make it from day to day by performing for others. When he gets bored with one group of people or with a certain place he feels no compulsion to stay longer. He moves on, be it to another thrill, or another place to see and experience.

But how does a man become a vagabond? Some are born into the role, travelling with family and knowing no life besides the road. Others adapt to the life, be it for the hope of glory, fame, honor, or wealth. Yet neither of these were the case for Ne'er. Born into a traditional elvish family, Ne'er grew up only knowing of the world between the fence at the egde of his yard and the sign that reading "We hope you enjoyed your stay in Kheldell." His father was an alchemist, one who worked hard all day, and many nights in order for his family to make end's meet. His mother was a simple seamstress. She made little money, but she didn't care. She loved her work, and wouldn't quit even if she made no money.

As a child Ne'er appeared to become bored with the life he and his family led in Kheldell. His studies to follow in his father's footsteps as an alchemist slowed, until they eventually stopped entirely. No more did he take lessons from his mother on how to sew and work fabrics into something of use. Some in the town believed that Ne'er's heart was elsewhere, and that he sought a different, perhaps better and less routine life. But those who knew him best knew that this was not the case. He had always been an apathetic person, someone who simply couldn't hold interest in something long enough to devote his life to it. His family frowned on the lifestyle that he was beginning to live. They wanted Ne'er to find his true passion, to find something that called to him, something that a profession could be forged out of. So they told him to set out on his own for awhile, giving him a backpack and some simple supplies to last him for a few days, and asked him to return when he felt he was ready. He never returned.

Ne'er did find what he believes to be his "true calling" out on the road. However, it is not something that he can return home to his family with. He found that he lived for the road, that he lived to travel, and to never stay somewhere longer than he needed or wanted to. While he travelled he could feel free to practice any trade that he wanted, be it magic, swordplay, or music. On the road he was truly free, and on the road he planned on starting his new life.

"I travel because I feel it is right for me. Just as a cleric preaches because he is drawn to his deity, and just as a wizard studies because he is drawn to the magic, I too travel because I am drawn to the road."

Almost any that meet Ne'er would consider him a charismatic person. His personality is one that, while may be considered odd to some and foolish to others, is one that is harder to forget. Ne'er leaves an impact on the people he meets, without even really trying to do so. Some even consider him a likeable person and vastly enjoy his company. Also, many find his artistic side quite impressive. Many say he has a beautiful voice, and others find his abilities to mix his spells and his swordplay together fascinating. But Ne'er remains an outcast from society by choice. He rejects the lifestyle simply because it does not appeal to him.

Ne'er has been commented on occasion of his knowledge of local events throughout Mistone, as well as for his ability to gather bits of information from people. This is all just information he happens across on his travels, most of which is useless. But occassionally, he stumbles across something that piques his interest...

"Just as the sun sets and rises, so too do I leave for another journey. Perhaps adventure, wealth, fame, or death await me down the next road, but the only thing that will truly matter is that I have the opportunity to take in the scenery before I reach the end of it."


Hlint: A Town of Heroes?
« Reply #1 on: August 03, 2006, 09:24:34 am »
Hlint: A Town of Heroes and Legends

Throughout his earlier travels, Ne'er had heard much of the "fabled" town of Hlint. Stories and rumors passed around by all sorts of travels. Odd happenenings, great heroes, strange folk, and that Hlint seemed the be one of the greatest hub for adventurers in all of the world. Ne'er hadn't even been there himself. The roads never really brought him there, although he looked forward to the day he would one day bring himself to the legendary town.

That day came, and Ne'er wandered into town in his travelling outfit and plopped himself down on a bench. He looked around and was unimpressed by what he saw. Maybe it was that his standards were too high, or that the stories made the town seem larger, richer, and teeming with more life than it actually was. Instead it looked just like a rural town. A bank, a smithy, some benches, an inn and a few shops. And at first, the only ones around were some girl standing next to the bank and some guy strutting around with his two swords drawn and wearing his fancy full-plate armor. Ne'er breathed out a sigh and double-checked his map, making sure he had come to the right place.

Within moments, one of the rumors had been proved true. The town was loaded with strange folk. First a man dressed in a bright yellow robe greeted him. Ne'er thought his accent was interesting, but still odd nonetheless. Only knights and those that thought themselves holier-than-thou spoke like this man did, and this man didn't appear to be either of them. Of course, what did Ne'er know? He could very well have been either.

The man greeted him and moments later inroduced him to a gnome. The Gnome also wore interesting robes, almost a copy of the first man's. Except these ones were smaller (needed to fit the gnome after all) and blue. He bowed very low when he greeted Ne'er. Ne'er was now finding the over-friendlyness of these people a bit overwhelming. Everyone who spoke to him seemed interested in where he came from, what he did for a living, and Ne'er wasn't used to people actually wanting to know about him. So Ne'er did what he did best, and gave out as vague as answers as possible.

But even the odd gnome would be bested. Soon after a man arrived, a man so huge that Ne'er was on the verge of running. He later figured out that the man was a half-giant, but even that shocks Ne'er as no one bothered to stop the brute from travelling through town. Instead, the beast was encouraged! Even the guard on patrol dismissed the giant and continued wandering. The guards in Leilon would've killed the giant on sight, thought Ne'er. He merely shook his head again, not sure what else there was he could do.

Soon after the motely collection of people in the area gathered around a campfire and began drinking tea together, out in the open. Ne'er was invited, but declined quickly. He didn't know these people, and they didn't know him. Plus, Ne'er was never a fan of tea.

After a few minutes of listening and watching, Ne'er decided he had seen enough. Maybe he was just overtired from the trip. He went off into the Wild Surge Inn, and called it a night. Hopefully in the morning things would become more like he was used to.