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Author Topic: Emie's letters home...  (Read 257 times)


Emie's letters home...
« on: November 13, 2006, 02:31:07 pm »
*Emie finds a quite spot and sits down by the lake letting her feet dangle in the water.*
*Digs around in her bag for the parchment and thinks to herself*
My mind is racing so fast how will I ever get it all down on paper..
*Then begins to write as the sun shines down on her face.*
Hi Sis!
I'm sure you are frustrated with me for not writing sooner. Sorry it has taken me so long. But I finally arrived and now trying to getting settled. It has been a relief since I have left the land we know as home. It's nice to get up and not be constantly reminded of the people and things I hope someday to forget. So how are you doing??? I want to hear what you have been up to since I left. I miss you so and there is so much that I am excited to share with you. It is so different here than anything we have ever saw. I have met so many different people since I have gotten here. Some have been very friendly and helpful. Then there have been a few that are not so friendly. I have met one girl that has in a way taken me in and helped me in many ways. Her name is Ami and she is a sorceress. We have spent a lot of time together. It is weird though because she isn't someone I would have normally talked to. She is nothing like me. She is very sure of herself and not shy at all. But I do worry about her. She seems naive and trusting of people. Especially when it comes to men. She knows my view on men but she doesn't know or understand why I am so untrusting of them. I think you are the only one that will ever understand that. She also doesn't understand how I can love to just be out in the forest with the land and animals. After trips with her and people she knows I enjoy just going being by myself for a few days to recover and refocus. But I somehow need to show her that she must respect the animals and their homes. That has been a difficult task.
The one thing she did that I will forever be grateful for is she showed me the way to the Forest of Mists to the Temple of Folian. I can not put in words what that did for me. I felt complete peace there. Nothing that I had ever felt before.
I also met a fellow ranger by the name of Rodlin. I saw him in the town of Hlint once briefly but he actually caught me off guard and I guess I was pretty rude to him. Usually that is enough to get them to leave me alone. But for some reason it didn't seem to affect this one. He sent a message that seems to be truly sincere with just wanting to help me. I ran in to him again just yesterday and talked to for a while. He had his wonderful companion with him that he let me meet. He shared a few tips to help me out, being a ranger still trying to find her way. I found myself comfortable and almost letting my guard down with him. But I won't let it happen again. I must protect myself from being hurt again. I refuse to open myself to anyone like that again. But he did seem like someone that could help me become a better ranger so that I am able to do what Folian expects of me. He seems to be very smart of the way of the lands. I know nothing more about him. I had not heard anyone mention his name before this. Later I find out that Ami knows him and very upset that I had shunned him and was rude to him. But that is all I know.
I'm sure it is in your mind as much as mine that the anniversary of Mother's death is coming up. As it draws near she is in my thoughts even more. Oh how I miss the sound of her voice. I often wonder if she would be angered by me leaving our village. There is an older lady that I have seen in town here and have spent little time with. She lost her daughter. To what I have not asked. But my heart does go out to her. She often makes me wonder why our Mother and her daughter were taken at such a young age. Mom had taught me so much but I feel there were still so much that she didn't get the chance to tell me. Don't get me wrong I have learned so much from you but one can only learn so much when you hardly ever leave the hut.
I still hope you will reconsider and come here also. I really think you would like it and be able to do well here. Well until I hear from you take care and stay safe!!!
Your baby sister,
*As tears begin to roll down Emie's checks she rolls the scroll up to prepare to send it on its way*


Emie's letters home...
« Reply #1 on: December 05, 2006, 11:01:17 pm »
*Emie makes it to her favorite spot under the weeping willow trees in Eastside Hlint. She looks around to make sure she is alone.*

*Then she takes out a piece of parchment and begins to write*

Hi Sis,

Hope this finds you doing well. Each day I hope to hear word that you have decided to join me here. But each day passes with nothing. I need to hear that you are ok. How are you spending your days? I myself have been quite busy. I met a nameless druid. That is the only way I know to tell you of her. She does not go by labels. We have spent a quite a bit of time talking. She told me of a guild that she is a member of named the Vakhar. They are a group that believes in the balance and works to protect the forest. She asked if I would be interested in trying to become a member. It is something I have been thinking about doing. But the process of becoming a member scares me. There is a test and then an interview; I don't know what would be harder; the test or the interview in front of all of the members.

I have been working on many of my skills. It is getting easier for me to walk and hide in the shadows. It makes exploring on my own easier. In the last letter to you I mentioned a ranger name, Rodlin. He seems to know so much about the ways of the forest. I have started spending more and more time with him. He asked if I would like to become his apprentice. I said yes, because I feel there is so much I can learn from him. I just get so nervous around him. I end up making so many mistakes when I know he is near and watching. Lately we have been working on setting and recovering traps. I was beginning to think he was cranky and serious all the time. But he proved me wrong. He likes to pull these little pranks on me. I have to admit that it can be quite funny at times, but I would never let him know that.

Sis, will I ever get over these trust issues I have?? I still spend most of my time the way I love most; alone in the forest. I do come in to town to talk and meet people but I always relieved to escape to be alone. I think I will ever find anyone that I can talk to like you and . . . . .Mother. Oh how I miss her. Sometimes when I deep in the forest alone I can almost feel her near.
I will write more soon. I have so much more to tell you

Your baby sister,



RE: Emie's letters home...
« Reply #2 on: December 08, 2006, 02:55:06 pm »
*Emie finds a quiet spot deep in the woods. Sits and replays today's events over in her head and begins to write*

I really wish you were here. Something happened today that I could only tell you. But I can't bring myself to write it down in a letter; I keep watching and hoping that you will arrive so I can share these things with you.

Also I may have lost my mentor. We spoke last night and he ended up leaving upset with me. I really need him to teach me the things he knows. I was just beginning to feel like a Ranger that may be able to make a difference someday. If he gives up on me now I may pick up and move on somewhere else. If that happens I will send word to you where I am.


*rolls up the letter and sends it on its way. Then stands to go find Rodlin to make things right again*


Emie's letters home...
« Reply #3 on: December 20, 2006, 03:05:35 pm »

Hope this finds you well. I got your letter today. It was wonderful to hear that you are doing well. You shouldn't worry so much about me. You know I can care for myself. Also I have met so many friends here that I know where to go if I need anything.

Now to update you on what is going on with me.  First I talked with Rodlin and after explaining a few things. He agreed to keep me on as his apprentice.  Since then he has kept me pretty busy. Besides my training, I have been working on a few signs to post around the area for things he has made to sell. I have also been gathering different items that he needs. With the time we spend together I have began to learn more about him and have started to understand him more. I have come to see that we are more a like than I would care to admit.

Any extra time I get has mostly been spent with a human that I met in one of the forests near Hlint. The first few times we met didn't go so well. He seemed to questioned alot of things about me including my abilities with animals. As you know I have never been concerned with what people think of me so I had no desire to show him any different than what he believed. But in time we began to talk and connect in different ways. I find myself spending more and more time with him. I have often questioned his intentions so I continue to hold him at a safe distance. But as time passes I am finding it harder do so.

I could really use you here now.

I miss you so much!!




RE: Emie's letters home...
« Reply #4 on: December 30, 2006, 04:30:52 pm »
*Sitting up on a mountain side watching the waterfalls below, Emie reaches in her pack and carefully pulls out a feather. She looks at it in her hand and thinks for a moment about what would happen if a bird was to lose all of its feathers.*

*Then takes out a parchment and begins to write*

Once again I hope this finds you well. I haven't received a letter from you in sometime now. Could that mean you are on your way here? I can only hope so until I hear word from you. I think I have made a decision that you will be pleased to hear. After spending much time with Ami, I have started to find myself amazed at the things that she can do with her spells. I would be more than happy to learn just a few of the ones she knows. So I am thinking of asking her if she will explain a few of them to me. But if you were to decide to come here, you could teach me the things grandmother taught you. Now, if that doesn't make you want to come here, nothing will. Especially, after all the years you tried to convince me to learn magic.

I still continue to meet many different types of people. Some can be very strange, some are friendly and some can be quite rude. The most recent is a dark, mysterious man that has seemed to have spent most of his life in the shadows. At first, he frightened me, even more than most men do. I think Ami is even more frightened of him. It is so funny to watch her when he is near. But I really don't think he would cause any harm to either of us. There just seems to be so much more to learn about him.

In between training and helping Rodlin, I have started picking up small jobs to help earn things I need. Right now I am working on scrolls for someone. Hopefully, I will be able to find other jobs and get enough coin in the bank to be able to work in the advanced craft hall. I can't wait to start working with mahogany wood. Oh, all of the nice things I want to make. Oh, one more thing. I have finally learned to bake! Can you believe that?? I can make bread. I laugh thinking about how proud mother would be if she could only see.

Hope I hear from you soon.


*With the feather on her palm she slightly lifts her hand and watches the feather get taken by the wind. Her eyes follow it until she can no longer see it.*


Emie's letters home...
« Reply #5 on: January 05, 2007, 05:10:42 pm »
*Emie lies back on the ground and looks up at the night sky and thinks to herself..*
It would be great to be able to see the moon again.
*After a few moments she sits up and by using the light by the fire she begins write*

Hope this finds you doing well. I have been better. It seems I have hurt someone that I had become very close to. Right now I am hoping that it has not ended a great friendship. He had helped me deal with so many things that I was running from. But somewhere along the way I let things get out of control and lead him to thinking I was wanting more than a friendship. It was my fault and because of this I may have lost him forever.

I finally saved up enough coin to start working in the Advance Crafting Hall. I got to work with mahogany wood for the first time today. Sad to say that it didn't go as easy as I hoped it would. I have just a few more branches I can use but I'm almost afraid to try working with them for fear of wasting them. But I want to make a bow out mahogany so bad. Yes, patience. I know.

Well now I am undecided it I want to start learning magic. I know Grandmother would be all for me doing and then I think that Mother would be against it.. I think I am going to wait and see what happens. I feel I am being pulled in so many directions right now. Not only with the thought of learning magic but many other things in my life right now. I pray that the Longstrider will give me direction.

Your baby sister, Emie
*Rolls up the parchment to send it on its way. Then lies back on the ground with her head on her pack and looks up to the dark sky. Begins to pray;

Longstrider, guide my steps


Emie's letters home...
« Reply #6 on: January 16, 2007, 10:45:55 am »
*After reaching the temple of Folian, Emie finds shelter from the rain.
Then begins to write....*


I hope this finds you doing well. How have your studies been going?
Sis, please write and let me know what is going on in your life. We
must stay in touch more. I want to hear everything you have been doing.
I miss the long talks that we would have after Mother and I had spent
several days in the forest training. I know I have told you this many
times, but I really wish you would come to live here with me. It does
take some time to get use to things here because it is so different than
what we have always known, but I think you would settle in fine. I
still don't know many people. I have met several, but mainly in passing.
There are very few that I have spent much time with. I have tried to
improve in this area. I just can't deal with the large groups still. I
still find much comfort in being alone. I know you will never be able
to understand. I was just talking to a new friend of mine today about
it. How I have no idea how you and I have turned out so different. I
love the hate it. I would rather be
would rather be around people. I have a hard time dealing with seem to have no problem knowing exactly what you want. That
is just a few of the differences. But somehow, we still turned out so
close to one another.

In my last letter I wrote about a friend that I had let down. Well, we
have spoken a couple of times after that and even adventured together,
but I have not seen him in several months now. It seems that we may be
drifting apart. I think we just need some time apart. We were together
so much for almost a year. I hope in this time apart, he has come to
understand the things I said and why. I am almost afraid to see him
now and how he will react to the things I need to tell him.

*As she pauses for a moment to think of the words to use, the tears begin to flow and drop on to the parchment*

Now the part I wanted to avoid writing... I had gone with Rodlin and
another to gather a few mahogany branches in the Thunder Peaks. While
trying to reach the trees, things went badly. I got careless and paid
the price for it; the price being a visit from the soul mother. It does
seem she wants me much earlier than I had hope. I do fear now that my
life will be much shorter than I had expected. It makes me think about
what I want to do in this lifetime. Do I want to continue to fight
against the things I want, but afraid to give in to; or do I give in for
today and hope that I do not regret my decisions?

With much love.



RE: Emie's letters home...
« Reply #7 on: January 23, 2007, 11:18:47 pm »
Sis just writing to let you know that it may be a while before you hear from me again. Once again I have gotten myself into more than I can handle. So I have decided that I need time to escape and be alone. Time to think things over. Seems that everything I touch falls apart. As I am preparing to leave I do not know if I will be coming back to these lands. It is almost like I want to go into the shadows and never come out.


RE: Emie's letters home...
« Reply #8 on: February 07, 2007, 05:14:01 pm »

Well after much needed time alone, I decided once again to stay in these parts. Since then, I have traveled quite a bit. I got the chance to travel and see many areas that I have not been able to venture to alone. During those travels I got the pleasure of meeting many new people. Most were friendly and welcoming me to venture with them. I find myself learning from those adventures. I can tell I have grown in some of my skills and even learned a few new ones, but still lacking in others.

When I am not out adventuring, I am spending my time baking. With that, I have now started baking pies. The first one that didn't come out burnt was a cherry pie. Now I just need to gather the items to make more.
I am also still working with wood. I finished up the job making scrolls with the saw dust. I made many, many scrolls. More than I wish to say. But it did get me a few items I have been wanting. So in the end it was worth the work. Also, I am now putting the finishing touches up on my latest mahogany bow. I am hoping I will be able to find a buyer for this one.

*She pauses for a moment; smiles while reaching out to rub Cane behind the ear; then looks back down at the parchment and begins to write again.*

Well, Sis, I have started spending much time with someone. I think things are going in a direction I shouldn't allow. I have begun to let myself feel things that I have sworn against. It truly scares me. I have started to wonder if I should not end things now to prevent myself from much pain in the future. But I think I will have problems distancing myself from him. Some question if he should be trusted and try to warn me about him. It seems that every time I find myself getting close with someone I find a reason to push them away. I am starting to think I will spend my life alone. That really wouldn't be that bad, would it?




Emie's letters home...
« Reply #9 on: February 22, 2007, 08:34:59 pm »
*After a walk thru the forest, Emie finds a quite spot next to a stream and lets her pack and cape fall to the ground. She sits on a rock near the stream and bends over to splash the cool water on her face.   As she sits back up, she smiles at the deer down the stream stopping for a quick drink. Then as she watches him scurry, she walks over and sits next to her pack. As she pulls out a piece of parchment a black raven feather falls out of her pack and the smile slowly leaves her lips. She pauses a moment as she watches it fall on to the grass. Then picks it up and places it safely back in her things.*


This will be short and I'm sure will leave many questions for you. For that I am sorry. I can not put in much detail for fear of this letter not reaching you and landing in the wrong hands.

But I have been preparing for a trip to help locate a few friends of mine. One of those being Rodlin. He has been gone for sometime now. The last time I saw him, I was boarding a ship and thought he was right behind me. But some how we became separated. I have not seen him since. Each day I keep hoping that he will return unharmed, but I have not received word from him. The wait has really been a heavy burden on me. With really no one to talk to about this, I decided to take the chance to write you this letter. Well, I have Ami, but she is do I put this...she is not one that can be serious for very long. She is my closest friend, but I just don't feel I can go to her with how this has affected me.

I normally enjoy being alone. But I have never felt this alone...

Miss you.



Emie's letters home...
« Reply #10 on: March 06, 2007, 02:23:14 pm »
Well Sis. After a long, but successful trip, I am back on Dregar. We made it back with Rodlin. Once we arrived on the islands we found Rodlin alone and seemed to be almost near death. Somehow he was able to escape from the slavers holds. It was very hard to see him in the condition he was in. After several people treated his wounds and given sips of water, he was able to give directions to the group to where Annie, Aiden and Ireth were being held. Along the way we where attacked and I fell. I'm not sure what happened. I can only remember parts of the ship ride back to Hurm after that. Rodlin has not told me much about what they went through while they were held there. I haven't ask him about it either.
I don't think that is something someone would want to relive. He seems to being well now. He is back out chasing women again. So he can't be doing to bad.

The several months they were gone really got to me. I knew there was no way I could get to him alone. I just contacted those closes to Rodlin and asked for help. The only information I gave them was that Rodlin was left back on an island and we needed help to go find him. Jake did most of the planning; Lillian got the ship; Avar was there to keep me from going insane by telling me everything was going to work out and that we would get them back. Other than those three I spoke to no one else about the details. We were informed that someone from our original crew had gone bad and where now working against us. So we agreed that it would be best to tell no one the plan until we were all aboard the ship. So no one would be able to send word to the slavers of our arrival; some were not happy that I would not tell the details of the plan. Well mainly the nameless druid. All I could tell her was to trust me, that we were working on a plan and everyone would be informed of it once on the ship. She was almost angry when I would not take her to the meetings that I had with Jake and Lillian. But I could not take the chance of word getting out and ruining everything that had been planned. She even got so frustrated that she said how could she be sure that I wasn't working for the slavers. Can you believe that???
*Stops and laughs at the thought. Then while still smiling begins to continue writing*
Anyway, I did what I had to and wouldn' go back and do anything any different. Well except I may have not even mentioned what was going on to the druid. Everything that has happened in the last few months has really changed me. I spent most of that time preparing food, arrows and different items for the journey. Also, just watering all of the plants in Rodlin'shouse, that in itself, is a huge job. Any free time I had was spent at the temple praying for Rodlin's safe return.

Before I was spending a lot of my time in the kitchen cooking but I have since lost interest baking. I really have no one to share all the things I make. Well, Ami, but all she does is complain about it. Now that things are starting to return to normal, I find myself spending even more time alone in the forest than I ever had.

I hope you are doing well! It has been a long time since I have received a letter from you. I hope to hear from you soon.
Your baby sis,


Emie's letters home...
« Reply #11 on: March 09, 2007, 12:08:33 pm »
*Emie leaves the bind stone and carefully makes it back to her house slamming the door behind her as she enters. Walking into her room, she pulls her pack off of her shoulder and throws it across the room watching it crash into the wall before plopping to the floor. As it hits the floor, the fasteners give way and the flap falls open allowing the contents to spill onto the floor. A few of the items in the bag managed to make their way across the floor. After removing her cape, she crawls up onto the bed and stares at the broken glass vials and the coins that had rolled across the room. After a few moments, she walks around to the foot of her bed to remove a blank piece of parchment and quill. She sits in the floor and begins to write as the tears still flow freely*

Well it seems I got over confident again. I went with a few others into the Rift. I should have turned back after seeing how things were going at the start of the tract into the cave. I could just feel that things weren't quite right. But, I continued on for reasons I'm ashamed to say. Things went from bad to worst. Before I knew it, I was surrounded by Drow and I had no way out. As I felt my body fall on to the ground, I could feel the presence of the Soul Mother grasping pieces of me as I fell. I don't know to be scared, sad or just angry. I am feeling all of these at once, right now. Then to make things worse, the one I thought would come to comfort me was no where to be found.


*Places the letter on the floor next to her after rolling it up ready to be sent it on its way.*

*She takes out another small piece of parchment from the chest and scribbles something on it. She stands and walks down the hall to slip into the small room in the back of the house. Carefully, she opens one of the chests and places the parchment inside cautious not to disturb the other items in the chest; then slips back out of the room closing the door gently.*



Re: Emie's letters home...
« Reply #12 on: September 11, 2007, 03:15:25 am »
*Emie falls on to the bed roll and looks around the  small room.  Then pulls one of the small chest closer to her.   After blowing the  dust off the top she slowly opens it and looks at the contents inside.  After  a moment she begins to remove the items one by one holding each one in her  hands briefly before putting them neatly in a pack. After each chest is empty  she lays down on the bed roll and begins to write...*

 Dear Sis.
 I'm sure you think I am long gone by now.  I know it has been  years since you heard from me.  As always I have spent most of my time in the  forest.  Things have changed so much in these lands since I last wrote.  It  seems that there is almost nothing holding me here any longer.  Everyone I knew  has seem to moved on.  The one that taught me to trust again is gone.. with out  a word.  He has been gone for many years now and I am now just bringing myself  to clean his things out of his room.  I guess I kept thinking there was a chance  he would return.
 *she pauses a moment as a black feather sticking out of the bed  roll catches her eye.  After taking the feather into her fingers she tucks it  into her ponytail and starts to write again*
 I haven't seen Ami for some time now.  I thought she would always  be around to drive me crazy.  I'm not really sure where the girl is keeping  herself.  Never thought I would say this but I miss her.  I have gone on a  couple of trips with Rodlin lately.  But he seems to busy himself with the  Wolfswood Ranger Corps and his other duties.  I did finally get to go to the  land where the yew tree's grow with him.  I have seen Rodlin make many things  out of it but never been able to go to where he gathers the branches.  It is a  trip I will remember for I most likely won't be there again.  I think I will  just stick with working with mahogany.  I don't think I could ever trust myself  to work with a piece of yew.  
 I have heard that I can return to Voltex.  After I finish a few  things here I am thinking of planning a trip back.  I really need to see  you.  
 Your baby Sis..
 *After sitting up on the bed roll she prepares the letter to be  sent out.  Then stands with the heavy bags and heads out asking those she pass  if there is a known place of worship for the Runner.  After finding the temple  she removes the items from her pack and places them in a donation box and sits  them at the temple.  As she starts to walk away she pulls the feather from her  hair and releases it into the wind letting her eyes follow it until they no  longer can see it through the tears.*


Re: Emie's letters home...
« Reply #13 on: September 15, 2007, 12:48:20 am »
Well Sis.. got myself in a bit of trouble again and had a visit  from the soul mother.  I truly don't know how much longer it will be before she  takes me forever. With that you will find a copy of my LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT included with this letter.  I hope it does not come to  you needing it but I just feel better with you having a copy.  

Your baby sis,


of  Emie Meadows

I do  not have much of value but a house with very little in it.  Everything
 shall go  to my sister
Abella Meadows including the true
 I have in the bank except  the following....

Several of the chest in the house are filled with Rodlin's items.

In  the chest at the foot of my bed there is a oak compound bow.  
It is to go to  Wren Thendor.

Then  there is Ami.. I really have nothing to give her that she
doesn't already have.   But if there is anything in the house she
would like please allow her to have  it.  I do have a note tucked
 away in my pack to be given to her once I'm  gone.

Other than that I just wish to be buried deep in the forest.  
~Emie Meadows~


Re: Emie's letters home...
« Reply #14 on: January 10, 2008, 11:23:46 pm »
*sitting outside of Port Hempstead at the pond Emie pulls out a parchment and begins to write*


  As you know I have spend the last couple of years in the forest with only talking with the animals.  There was one I grew very found of.. much more than the others.  It was a small cub I found in trap.  After much time fighting with the trap and many bites and scratches later I finally got the cub's leg out of the trap.  I was hoping to find the mother near but I do fear that a hunter may have gotten the mother.  I did find a few remains near the trap that was the size of  a full grown female bear.  I think the  took only the skin.   So  after much soothing I calmed the cub enough for me to get a stick and and get it attached to the cubs small leg with bandages.   After a much fight, many fish and having to replace the bandages a few times I got the cub to rest near me in empty cave I found.  He stayed with me for months after that.  The cub, Cane and I traveled through the many woods.  Helping many animals we came across in need.  I would spend much time just watching Cane and the cub playing in the streams and catching fish as they swam by.  Then I began to back of and just watch it.. I did not want it to depend on me to care for it.  I watched it grow and become what it was meant to be.   It gave me much time to myself to think about things I have avoided dealing with them.   I only came in to the towns to get things I had to have.  Even then I came in mostly unseen got what I needed and quickly left. Most of the time I just lived off the land.

But even with all the animals I still found myself lonely at times.  I missed the friendships I had.  But many of those friends are gone now.  I have started to come in to the towns to meet new people but find myself backing out and slipping into the shadows to watch the ones around.  It is not easy to talk to another after only speaking to animals for so long.  Its like I don't know what to say.  I often trip over my words making no since at all.  Him leaving with no word at all makes me wondering if is even worth trying again.

*she glances up as a new group of adventures approaching the pond talking and laughing about their travels.  After quickly tucking the parchment away she slips in to the shadows of the tree and watches them wondering if she will ever be a part of a group again*


Re: Emie's letters home...
« Reply #15 on: March 22, 2008, 08:43:52 pm »
*After getting comfortable out of the heat of the sunshine under the willow tree Emie begins to write on a fresh piece of parchment*

Well Sis I have finally found myself out adventuring again. I have taken a couple of trips with Rodlin and then sometimes it’s with just Ami.  Some of the trips I have gone on have been quite dangerous.    Pretty dumb of me to go but I was so hungry to see new lands.   Something different than the ones I travel daily.  

Also believe it or not there are also a couple of other ladies I have come to enjoy the company of and traveling with.  Trust is still not completely there but I think I can trust them enough to just up and disappear during a trip we are on.  One of the girls name is Abigail.  Abi is like Ami at times... a little to chipper for me.  But she is not afraid of getting in there with the animals and getting her hands dirty or scared that the rain will ruin her hair.... Very much unlike Ami!  The other girl is Drexia.  Her and I seem to work together well during battles.  She seems to be unselfish unlike most I come across in my ventures.     I am still most content when it is just Cane and I.  Just figured you would be please to hear I have been out and about more.

I have not been at my best since returning on a mission with Rodlin.  I was bitten and it seems I can't fight off the poison that entered into my body.  No need to worry.  I still can continue with my baking and woodworking.  It’s just that some days I am slower than others.  I refuse to let this slow me down too much.  Hopefully soon we will have something that will fight the poison completely.

I guess I shouldn't put it off any longer and tell you the thoughts I have been having lately. I have been having thoughts of leaving Folian.   I finally spoke them out loud the other day and oddly enough it was to someone I barely knew.  What was even more odd is that someone was a male!  Just someone I wanted to purchase a bit of holy water from.  I have no idea what made me share that with him. After that, it seemed to make it more real and what I want.  But I have yet to tell Rodlin.  I’m unsure to how he will react.  I don’t look for him to talk me out of it though.  Most likely he will be disappointed.  I know Mother raised us with the ways of Folian even though you fought against every bit of it.  So just know it isn’t something I have been thinking of lightly.  I have not made a decision yet.  Just felt that it is something I wanted share with you.

That is all for now Sis.  I look forward daily to maybe receiving your next letter.

With Love,


Re: Emie's letters home...
« Reply #16 on: May 20, 2008, 01:28:07 pm »

    Just finished reading your last letter. I am truly happy your studies are going well.  Even though the thoughts of all of that studying bores me to tears I know its what you enjoy.  I hope one day we will once again be near each other.  I think we would make a good pair to travel together.  A lot like Ami and I .  Except at least you shut your mouth on occasions. That is something she has not learned to grasp yet. I tell you if that girl cast hold on me one more time she won't have to worry about that bottom of her's getting stuck in the caves any longer... because Cane will  have ripped it off for her.   I often wonder how I put up with her..but then can't imagine  life without her around. I could do without all of her talk of love and such.   I know it makes no sense at all.  Little does make sense to me these days.

After traveling weeks with Rodlin to try to find and eliminate the source of these odd spiders near the Wolfswolf camp I think I am finally back to my old self. Can't say that I was much help to him.  Was probably more of a burden.  In one of the attacks of the spiders I was bitten and poisoned.  Nothing we did would remove the poison.  We had to wait until the main source was found. It left me sick and weak for months.  But  to make a long story short... Rodlin and the others found the main nest and got was need to make antidotes for those of us that had been bitten, then destroyed the nest.  Not sure which I hate more now.. Spiders or the male species. They both have things in common, what with them both only being out for one thing... they both have arms and legs that will crawl all over you.

Rodlin was promoted to Captain of the Wolfswood Rangers.  A much deserved promotion I think.  He has mention I should try to join them.   But thats just not for me now.  Maybe years ago when I was new and still in training.  Things are so different for me now. Guess you could say my priorities have changed.  I still haven't had the nerve to tell him about choosing to leave Folian.  

Anyways Sis.. I need to wrap this up.  I need to head to Port Hempstead to deliver a lens to someone.

Write soon!




Re: Emie's letters home...
« Reply #17 on: June 24, 2008, 03:40:04 pm »

 With several trips to new lands I have noticed I need to go back to the basics of my training. I see so many areas I am lacking in. I can't believe how much the time I spent away from everyone and travels have really affected me. I need to go back to making sure my tracks are covered leaving no signs of my travels. You would think after the many lectures from Rodlin I would be more careful. I'm also starting to wish I paid more attention when he taught me about traps. I can set most of them but they often go off on me when I try to disable them. There have been many times our group could have used someone one to be able to disable traps... Really made me feel useless when they turn and looks at me. I know Rodlin has a few in a chest that he will never miss.. Think I will head out with a couple of them. Hopefully come back with all my limbs.


