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Author Topic: Emry's Life on Paper  (Read 95 times)


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    Emry's Life on Paper
    « on: December 27, 2008, 01:23:35 pm »
    Threas, Jenra 5, 1443

    Entry #1

    I'm not one for writing so these will be quick and to the point.

    I met a teifling name Fehriel. I thought he was pretty interesting so I went around with him a lot. The more time we spent together the closer I got to him emotionally. Not sure if it was just the attention, the loyalty, or what, but I took it a little further after many nights of leaving him to the steps of the inn. We kissed and cuddled. That was all right. I had second thoughts if this was really what I wanted. Once I experienced it, I knew it wasn't.

    I talked to Storold on many occasions. I think the first time I talked to him and I introduced myself as an illusionist, he wanted to see some illusion. So I obliged.  Conjured up so small animal and whatever I could picture in my head. I found myself just going around creating small illusion here and there to try to add more detail to them to make the more believable. I found Storold to be a good source of guidance and information.

    I met Amanda and Caerwyn shortly after arriving on Mistone a few years back. Now they are no longer together. I like Amanda a lot. She seems a bit on the naive side and very innocent. I can see her being susceptible to be taken advantage of. Storold appears to be jumping on that opportunity. Maybe it is all innocent and he has actual feelings for her; we'll see.

    Shrowd. I like her a lot. She is so strong in character. She is also a teifling. We I first met her she was with Fehriel and I thought him and her was going to do something behind my back. That is a trust issue that dad instilled in my sister and I. But Shrowd and I discussed it and I saw her in a new light. She is very outspoken and holds no punches.

    Julius. Ahh, my sweet Julius. He is a priest of Ilsare. We first met while I was in Port Hempstead talking to Storold and Sala on night. He came over, ~took~ my hand and kissed it. Though he meant well, I was a bit irritated. So, I had to show him the right way to do it. He learned quickly. Then he set next to me on the bench and started talking about the stars. I was instantly intrigued. This fine looking elf was looking and talking about the constellations and stars. I pointed out Rhazzka to him and told him about my mother, a devote of Folian. We talked all night. I made an illusion for him, the Heart and Arrow. I even animated it for, the arrow piercing the heart as the Heart was spinning in the palm of my hand. I have to say that was the most magical night of my life. I knew then what I wanted and the definition of the ~soul mate~.

    I went to Hurm to speak with a captain about a voyage. I loved the captain. He was so much fun. Julius went with and Fehriel ended up showing as well. Talk about an awkward time. I talked to Shrowd afterwards about Fehriel. We went into one of the cabins and talked for a long time. She advised to let Fehriel know how I felt.

    I told Fehriel about Julius and my and he didn't take it too well. He just wanted to keep trying to make it work. No matter how expressed it, he wouldn't listen. He is so hard headed and stubborn. He still threatens Julius and throws little baby tantrums after all these weeks.

    It didn't take long for Julius and me to start taking thing further emotionally. It just seems like we are made for one another. It just kept building up. Making out here and there and then finally, last night, as we were getting cleaned up in a small body of water after gather beetle parts, we got intimate. It seemed so right. I would have liked to wait until after I got married, but this is the man I believe I will be spending the rest of my life with. So, do we need a piece of paper and someone telling us that we are married or are we not already married in the eyes of nature? Really, I don't care. It is with Julius. I have no regrets.

    [CHAT WINDOW TEXT] [Fri Dec 26 19:46:34] Emry : [Tell] I'll roll a 1d20 for pregnancy? If I get a 20, she gets pregnant

    [CHAT WINDOW TEXT] [Fri Dec 26 19:47:07]  Julius : [Tell] g'wan then :)

    [CHAT WINDOW TEXT] [Fri Dec 26 19:48:32] Emry: *roll 1d20*
    [CHAT WINDOW TEXT] [Fri Dec 26 19:48:34] Emry: *rolls 1d20 and receives: 20 *

    This diary will likely end up being all jumbled as thoughts come to me. There will be some long entries, but will try to keep them short.


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      Re: Emry's Life on Paper
      « Reply #1 on: December 27, 2008, 02:02:11 pm »
      Freas, Jenra 6, 1443

      Enrty #2

      Ni'haer, one of Fehriel's friends who just happen to be a dark elf. What in the world do they think they are doing and how can Fehriel trust him. How can anyone in their right mind trust him? He is a...Dark...Elf. I didn't realize until one day when Fehriel mentioned it. I was truly dumbfounded. We went to Haven Mines and I watched this dark elf, I can't seem to call him by his name because he is a...Dark...Elf. Why should they even have names? But anyway, I called him out in front of everyone for not doing anything. I figured he was just plotting, studying our every move to be able to use it against in the future. He went berserk when I yelled at him. He called me a wench, which Fehriel seemed to be fine with. But once he threatened to kill me, Fehriel finally reacted. I knew then that Fehriel was always going to be around the dark elf. Ni' ended up running out of the mines. Good riddance to him.

      A few days later, Fehriel was talking to me about the dark elf. Again, displaying his hard headedness, I told him then that it was either him or me. I knew it wasn't going to do any good. He would say on thing but later do the opposite. Fehriel is so two faced.  He says I rebuke him when I don't. I never have really. But he makes the same claim anyways. He string topics out and beats a dead horse. He's so frustrating. Melana Sky, one of Fehriel's "baby sitters" has talked to on me on more than one occasion about how frustrating Fehriel can be. Well, she rather confirmed it, really. But she runs around with Ni' too.

      Anyway, back to the dark elf. I was with a party going through Mariner's Hold on our way to the Bugbear Island. Someone mentioned Ni' name, and sure enough, there he stood. I was infuriated. I called him out again. But these people and so ~nice~ and trusting that they defended him. They defended him. Julius and I left. We went to Mariner's Hold until Julius left. That is when I decided to talk to Guard Ashley. I told her that there would be a party of adventurers coming through with a dark elf in their midst. Apparently, she took it serious. I found out later that they stepped up security and was looking for him. I heard he got away, but Melana was captured and arrested. She said it was because she didn't do what the guards ordered her to do. I doubt that very seriously. But anyway, hopefully she will see how everyone else views dark elves and will not associate with them. I so wished that the guards caught him and used him for an example to the people and the adenturers.


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        Re: Emry's Life on Paper
        « Reply #2 on: December 29, 2008, 01:39:40 pm »
        Sunra, Febra 8, 1443

        Entry #3

        I searched for what appeared to be forever until I found the special place. Once I got Julius alone, we traveled there. When night fell, he walked me over to the edge of the cliff over looking the waterfalls and the lake down below. It was an incredible sight. Then, he confessed his love for me, got down on one knee and asked me to marry him. Of course I said yes and he slid the ring onto my finger.

        I was bursting with joy. I was at the campfire in the Fall Forest when Shrowd ran by. I called her over and she sit with me. I told her all that happened between Julius and me. I told her about the forthcoming wedding. She didn't know what a wedding was so I tried to explain it. Geez, my head started to hurt. Anyway, she agreed to be one of the bride's maids and was going to gather the needed item for the dresses. Hopefully, I will find lil sis before the wedding so she can be next to me when I get married.

        Then we discussed her and Lorn. Those two are something else. I am so happy for them. She is such a strong person. I admire how she handles herself. I did find out that Fehriel has made advances on her, but she took care of him real quick. I doubt he could even misinterpret her reaction.

        I got to meet the Bird Lord! He is so incredible. He told the story about Eon's betrayal of Katia. I was truly impressed.


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          Re: Emry's Life on Paper
          « Reply #3 on: January 04, 2009, 11:20:33 pm »
          Freas, Mai 20, 1443

          Entry #4

          Well, it started out as me being 'late'. Then the sickness and queasiness started. Food, smoke and strong odors make me nauseous. In addition, standing up to fast or after a long rest period makes me sick to my stomach.

          Doing a bit of math and our track record, I have to guess that the night in the water was when I got pregnant. That was probably Threas, Decilar 26, 1442 //Fri Dec 26// which means that I am almost four month pregnant. With a 24 month pregnancy, that would put the delivery date on Decilar 26, 1444 //Mon Feb 9//.

          Breaking down the trimesters, the first and the worse is the first eight months //Jan 11//; the ninth month to the eighteenth month being the second trimester //Jan 26//; the eighteenth to the twenty-fourth being the third trimester //Feb 9//.

          I figure once I hit my second trimester in Augra, 1443 and all the morning sickness and other little reminders will subside. Julius is so excited about it. He mentioned a couple of names. He said "our family" today and it brought pregnancy into perspective. We are going to have a child.

          Met Phyress. Not a good start. We started at each other's throats. But now, all seems well.

          Fehriel is so immature. I honestly do not know where he gets his notions. He makes so much stuff up in that little cranium of his that he is so frustrating to talk to any more.

          Maran will be Julius' best man. A good choice I might add.


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            Re: Emry's Life on Paper
            « Reply #4 on: January 09, 2009, 02:47:03 am »
            Threas, Jular 26, 1443

            Entry #5

            Julius told me he had a surprise for me, but I never imagined it would be such a beautiful poem. I cannot believe the feeling it gave me. While he spoke, I felt that our souls came together completely.

            I love you....
            You make me so very proud.
            I want to shout it from rooftops.
            I want to shout it right out loud.

            Because you are so unbelievable
            A miracle right before my eyes
            I feel like I've won the lottery.
            Feel like I've won first prize....

            They say from little acorns....
            Ours you've nurtured with tender loving care.
            And now when I look in the mirror...
            I see a future proud father standing there.

            I love you more than life itself.
            More than the Brech Mountains, and their snow-covered peaks
            And when I think of you and listen...
            My hearts true love truly speaks.

            I am so very happy.
            My love for you is bursting at the seams.
            Because you are not only my inspiration
            You are my love, my hopes, my dreams.

            Our child will have a wonderful mother
            You are caring, loving, thoughtful and kind.
            And I am looking forward to our future.
            Our three destinies, forever entwined.

            It was probably written long ago
            We would never be just the two
            I'm so happy we are to be wed.
            I'm so lucky to be engaged to you.

            Because I am so fantastically happy
            This is as good as life gets.
            And if I was betting on this happiness lasting
            It would be one of lifes safest bets.

            So if you haven't guessed it by now.
            I am so very happy on the surface, and deep inside.
            And I'm just so very, very happy.
            I chose you to be my bride.

            And I just wanted to thank you
            From the very bottom of my heart
            I just wanted to say thank you.
            For giving our new life, such a happy start.


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              Re: Emry's Life on Paper
              « Reply #5 on: January 25, 2009, 12:00:01 pm »
              Freas, Apreal 20, 1444

              Entry #6

              Well, we didn't win the house. Tabris won it. So...not too bad. We did win some other nice things though. I won some emerald dust. That will be good for a resistance later on. Julius won an axe. That was pretty funny. He also won a bag of scribing items. That lucky dog. Emie won an emerald and a malar bag with infused gems inside. I still haven't found her yet. I think she is hiding from me. There was this special enhanced club, the winner...Ni'haer!! A dark elf!! And they gave it to him!!! I about came unglued. What were they thinking? Nothing, obviously. Oh well. Acacea took Julius and me through her house. I have to say that it is a very unique house. That was after Tabris gave us a tour of his new house. I can't wait until Julius and I get a house. A place to go to be alone. A place we can relax. A place we can raise the baby.

              The baby. The baby is very active now. I can feel him or her doing flips inside. The baby is going to be as hyper as Julius. I CANNOT wait to see the baby. He or she will be here in about eight more months. He or she is making me eat so much. That is not the worse part. Every time I eat, there has to be SOMEONE watching me. Why is that? Makes me fill like a pig. My stomach has now become a 'catch all.' Anything that doesn't make it in my mouth lands on my belly. It also makes a great arm rest.

              Where the heck is Emie?! I have been by her house several times. I've left notes. And nothing.


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                Re: Emry's Life on Paper
                « Reply #6 on: February 14, 2009, 01:15:18 pm »
                Freas, Mar 13, 1445

                Entry #7

                I finally ran into Emie!! I was in Port Hempstead with Julius when she visited the pawn shop there and was talking to someone. I was so shocked to hear her voice. At first, I thought it was my imagination until I called her name. Sure was her. Here I was with my belly sticking out with my future husband. To say the least, she was not overly excited about the two situations I presented her when we finally met again after so many years.

                She hated Julius from the get go. Fortunately, I warned him because it was expected. He was still hurt. She ended up taking me to her house. She told me to live there and Julius was not welcomed in her house. At that point, I told her if he is not welcomed then I am not either. She mumbled and asked a bunch of questions like, "Where are we going to live with the family? How is he going to support us?" and so on. All good questions, none that I really had the answers for. Mom taught us how to survive so I wasn't too concerned. I knew it would work out.

                Then we found the house down the road was empty. She took me to the realtor and gave me a few coins to be able to purchase it. The amount that Julius and I had saved was more than half the price of the house, so Emie just had to loan us about half of it. She was better off that I was close so she could keep an eye on Julius. Wow, she is watching him like a hawk. I hope he doesn't so anything stupid. But, we have our own house!!

                Julius and I were married on Freas, Decilar 6, 1444. We decided to get married at the Temple in Hlint and Calise conducting the ceremony. It was so beautiful. Calise did a fantastic job. Julius was so handsome. Julius' dad, Kevlehl, got to be there. Emie came and held the rings. Although I knew she didn't want to be there...she was. It meant so much to me that she did. The funniest moment was when Julius asked her for a hug. I thought she was going to punch him right there! But showing restraint and consideration for me, she just walked away.

                The baby finally came into our life. Joshua Seneca was born Febra 2, 1445. He was a little late by my calculations, but still HE IS SO BEAUTIFUL! Thanks be to Sala for all of her help in the delivery. She was so comforting and calm.

                Life cannot get any better than this. A house of our own, a very loving husband and a precious son.

