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Author Topic: Emwonk T'noduoy - From One  (Read 276 times)


Emwonk T'noduoy - From One
« on: August 24, 2011, 10:04:23 am »
Quest Series: From One
 Quest DM: thedagda
 Quest Series Start Date: April 23, 2010 (Jular 12, 1464)
 Quest Series End Date: August 7, 2010 (Apreal 9, 1469) (In addition there was some additonal Forum/PM-based RP and follow-up, plus additional follow-up sessions in-game on September 6th, 2010, and beyond.)
 Player Characters Involved:
 Emwonk T'noduoy
 Andrew Reid
 Jennara Creekskipper
 Daniel Benjamin Poetr
 Caerwyn Ahrail'lan
 Argali Trueaxe
 Lana Poetr
 Durgen Strombrow
 Farros Galdor
 Hanta Deshaldi
 Lance Stargazer
 Gormungard Boulderanvil
 Notable NPC's:
 Veska - Prominent female Halfling from a Halfling settlement in the Rolling Hills area of Dregar.
 Jez - Romantic interest of Emwonk from Veska's settlement.
 Rassle - The Doppleganger slave trader who had been sabotaging the crops of Veska's settlement and leading off females from the village to "learn better farming methods" while in fact he had been selling them as slaves.
 Gornor - Leader of the group of slavers who were buying slaves from Rassle. The slaver group all bore tattoos of a knife and skull with a snake winding through the socket, and a red boar-head.
 Anacoth - Leader of the demonic enclave that was purchasing the slaves from the slavers lead by Gornor.
 Jed - A Human boy who had been found inside the caverns occupied by Anacoth and her demonic host, severely traumatized by having been forced to watch as his own mother and friend were consumed by the demons. Andrew Reid and Emwonk both worked hard to help Jed recover from his trauma so he could be successfully reunited with his father in a small farming settlement near Dalanthar.
 Taorn - Jed's father. A large, relatively hot-headed heavilly muscled farming man who was grateful for the return of his son.
 Quest Series Summary:
 (I'll update this section further at another time.  I'd had the whole summary typed out and ready to post, but lost it due to a special character in Gormungard's name (the unlouts over the o) when I had pasted his name into the thread from one of the chat-logs.)

