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Author Topic: endrahila- her travels and trips  (Read 1057 times)


Re: endrahila- her travels and trips
« Reply #20 on: August 31, 2011, 05:48:30 pm »
SO endra just missed her quarry. Though now she knows shes on the right track.

Checking her timeline she starts thinking on her next point dart...most likely he will start heading towards the rolling hills.

THough she starts to ponder the meaning of the boot prints that lead nowhere, and the fact that the dragon didnt land to feed this time.

She remembers her meeting with a woman named duchess years ago...about a small girl dressed in red who it turned out to be a red dragon who makes its home in the ire mountains somewhere. Perhaps the dragon is taking human form to scout out dinner, and more more freely in its territory. That or perhaps she isnt alone in her hunt.

She makes her way to dasbar and returns to an inn shes been known to frequent during her hunt. Telling teh owner to relay if he con, or hold onto any messages she receives while she is gone. She then restocks her supplies, buys a couple more oxen and begins the trek towards the rolling hills.

A vast area to be sure, but open.


Re: endrahila- her travels and trips
« Reply #21 on: September 04, 2011, 07:38:09 pm »
A week or so travelling out of dasbar endra reaches the southern edge of the storm mountain range.

Considering the distance she has covered, and checking her maps. Enmdra starts thinking this seems a bit far from the range she expected of a dragon.

Going thru her notes she immediately face palms herself for her idiocy and changes course. SHe is now following along the south western foothills of teh storm mountain range heading north. Hopefully she will get lucky and catch sight of the dragon, or perhaps discover a new feeding ground that hasnt been reported yet.

ALong the ay she stops by the small villages adn farms, especially those with pigs. ANd makes inquiries as to any odd happenings, rumors sightings, loos of animals etc.