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Author Topic: Fight Smarter Not Harder  (Read 995 times)


Fight Smarter Not Harder
« on: September 19, 2010, 10:22:59 pm »
I can't fight like the ogers do.  They wear too much armor.  That would definitely slow me down as well as get me killed.  I am much faster than that!  I do need to use the trees to my advantage.  I find when I stay in the branches I have more of an advantage. There is no better feeling than to jump on the back of one of the ogers and use both of my rapiers. One to go through the back and the other for the neck.  It is bloody and a messy job but that is the only way I can do it and stay alive. If I am to get better with my rapiers I must find someone to teach me, someone who will challenge me. I've heard that the art of fencing will go a long way in showing me how to be more stealthly and to be more disciplined.


Re: Fight Smarter Not Harder
« Reply #1 on: November 06, 2010, 07:50:53 pm »
Iron clangs against iron. The tension is thick in the air.  Sweat beads on my face like condensation on a cold beer tankard.  I am quickly matching my opponent


Re: Fight Smarter Not Harder
« Reply #2 on: November 06, 2010, 07:51:59 pm »
Iron clangs against iron. The tension is thick in the air.  Sweat beads on my face like condensation on a cold beer tankard.  I am quickly matching my opponent


Re: Fight Smarter Not Harder
« Reply #3 on: November 06, 2010, 07:54:48 pm »
Iron clangs against iron. The tension is thick in the air.  Sweat beads on my face like condensation on a cold beer tankard.  I am quickly matching my opponent's attacks.  One slip, one mistake, could cost either one of us our lives. The look on his face is as cold as a dark night in the Brech Mountains. We danced like two lions fighting for the right to be king. Blood mixed with sweat drips from the blisters and calluses that cover my palms.


Re: Fight Smarter Not Harder
« Reply #4 on: November 06, 2010, 07:57:23 pm »
Iron clangs against iron. The tension is thick in the air.  Sweat beads on my face like condensation on a cold beer tankard.  I am quickly matching my opponent's attacks.  One slip, one mistake, could cost either one of us our lives. The look on his face is as cold as a dark night in the Brech Mountains. We danced like two lions fighting for the right to be king. Blood mixed with sweat drips from the blisters and calluses that cover my palms. "I must keep hold of my rapiers," I whisper to myself.  To lose one or both of them will be the end. So I grip even tighter. He jabs and tries to pierce through the leather that I have worked so hard to purchase.  He comes, rapier aimed at my chest.  I try to think.  Any second and all will be over and he will have won.  I can't let him win! I have worked so hard! "Think Keela think," I say.  "Use your head."  Only one thing to do. Going down to a squat on my right knee with the left extended out to the side. I spin to knock his feet out from under him. He falls backwards to the hard floor. He thought I was tired and I was. I came quickly to my feet while he gained his too. I could tell by the look on his face that I had surprised him, something he didn't expect. He roared as if it could shake the very teeth of Milara. I am being forced into a corner.  No where to go. Too close to do anything but to go up. So I did what only I could do and that was to do a backward flip to the top of the short wall I was up against.  My balance was as sure as the scale in a bank used to weigh gold. As he rushed me, I leapt over him and came down with my rapier right behind his neck and pressed my blade hard against his skin stopping only when a bead of blood began to surface but only a bead.  The blade in my left hand had come to rest right below his ribcage ready to slice him in half like a woman slices warm bread straight from the fire.  It is over.  He drops his blade to the ground with a chime that sounds as good as any bell from the nearby temple and smiles. "It is finished Keela" he says proudly. "You are ready".....


Re: Fight Smarter Not Harder
« Reply #5 on: November 23, 2010, 07:42:33 pm »
Razeriem is his name.  One I should forget right now while I still can think.  But the more and more I try I cannot.  He is a sort of scoundrel of a man. Gives eyes to any woman who wears a skirt or fills a shirt I might say instead.  I am so not impressed at all.  Although handsome, his personality does much to rot the reflection that he may give.  I ended up leaving the Dice Tournament early with Sehky because of the lewd banter they were having amongst the other players.  I think Sehky was glad to leave too.  With my sour mood eating away at me Sehky thought It would be nice to go fishing.  It was a good night for it and we ended up talking about the places that we had grown up.  About His meetig Breanna and the love they have for each other.  I am happy for them.  But for me?  NO love.  I have no time or patience for it. It softens the mind and senses.  Gah, Why am I in such a bad mood!


Re: Fight Smarter Not Harder
« Reply #6 on: November 23, 2010, 07:52:20 pm »
Not a bad day today.  One more night and I will be able to go get the lichen that has been needed for a long time.  The night breezes whispered in my ear and the faint smell of rain teased my senses all through the night.  Waking at the top of my tree and peering across the forest I see perfection.  The squirrels, mice a birds go about their dance in finding the mornings breakfast.  Parked on a branch I open my bag to find some fruit and a bit of smoked jerky Sehky had given to me a day or so ago. It was actually good:).......more to come


Re: Fight Smarter Not Harder
« Reply #7 on: November 24, 2010, 08:46:16 pm »
.......later in the day Sehky took me to get the lichen.  He brought with him a merry group of adventurer's.  As always I had a dififcult time down in the cave.  Places where I can't see the blue sky and the green tree's tend to make my lungs want to explode.  I don't know if I ever will be able to ajust. I know there will be times when the need will be too great for me to avoid going down below.  Maybe little short ones will strenghten my will.  Once we arrive back in Hemptead I offered to give Sehky and hand with the Kolbald out side of town so he could gather aloe that was needed for the herbalist in Center.  It was there that I met his beautiful Breanna.  She like I is a wild elf.  We had much to talk about and I learned she spends most of her time in the library.  There must be something very interesting in there for I do not think I could spend days in there at a time.  I would suffocate for sure. As we were talking up comes walking Razeriem. Breanna recognized him right off and he her. Of course being put off by him before I just kept quiet. But low and behold he did his charming old hello, and looks me up and down.  I swear!
It was some time before I noticed that he had a rapier attatched to his side. He had named it but I can't remember what it was.  Anyway, after much talking I showed him that I too used a rapier.  And of course he HAD to ask if I had taken lessons on how to use such a fine weapon.  I did tell him about Flash Quickbones who was a retired ship hand our of Ft. Vehl.  Right there and then he asked me to attack him and to show him how much I had learned. So I did. He hardly raised his weapon at all.  I was striking and slashing, just working up a sweat.  He seemed to have not moved at all.  Of course he was full of advice.  He said that not once did I look him in the eye when I went to strike him.  He said that most of the technique is in the eyes. That if you look in your opponents eyes he will give tells about the direction he is going or looking to stab you.  He said not to watch the my feet to focus on the eyes and make my move.  We did a round or two and he saw some promise in me. After working up a sweat he said that I needed a true trainer.  And I mockingly said that must be you.  And he said I couldn't afford him. *laughs* And what I did have I wasn't willing to give.  After some time we made a deal.  One that would suit us both. *writes down a few small notes about the deal* I think the next time I see him he will want to start the formal training.  We'll see.  If it is anything I hope it to be, I will have to give up some of my adventuring.  It will be worth it in the long run.
*climbing to the strongest branch she arranges her bags and weapons on some knots in the wood and stares up at the moon and listens to the birds.  Life is good here in Mistone.  *giving the great white owl Promise and treat she settles down in the crook of the branches and falls asleep*


Re: Fight Smarter Not Harder
« Reply #8 on: November 26, 2010, 10:01:38 am »
I am so tired. Today was my first training session with Razeriem. I can barely raise my arms to write, eat or dress myself.

Right away Rezeriem put me through the trials. We worked mostly on my stance and fighting form.  He said that I was too tight in my spine, hips, shoulders and arms. Which was just about everything. Apparently, according to Razeriem, I would need months of training to undo MY style of fighting and learning better techniques. We practiced for hours. Once I had perfected one style, he would have me repeat it dozens of times. Over and Over. He seemed to enjoy himself at my expense. But at the same time there was a deep sense that he was dedicated to the tasks and he wanted me to succeed. He is a hard man to read.
My dear friend Sehky was there to cheer me on as well as Ian and Argali. Towards the very end of our lessons my hands started to bleed and Sehky came to bandage them so I could finish our lesson. At the end Razeriem said that he saw promise in me. Should I take that as a compliment? I think the most important thing I learned was to follow through with a fluid motion when I go to thrust my blade in my enemy.
I guess at the end I smart mouthed Razeriem and he told me to do 10 more, then 20 more and then even more thrusts into the dummy.  Sehky whispered to me "are you ready to go"? And I nodded yes. Smiling, he said "RUN" and we ran out of the arena, leaving every one else.  We ran hard and fast until we found a stream. I fell into the cold water and it wrapped around my sore body like a blanket on a newborn babe. It felt good.  We talked and laughed and Sehky encouraged me to continue with the training.  I think I will.  I have to meet Raz one week from today. It couldn't hurt to show up.


Re: Fight Smarter Not Harder
« Reply #9 on: November 26, 2010, 10:02:11 am »
I am so tired. Today was my first training session with Razeriem. I can barely raise my arms to write, eat or dress myself.

Right away Rezeriem put me through the trials. We worked mostly on my stance and fighting form.  He said that I was too tight in my spine, hips, shoulders and arms. Which was just about everything. Apparently, according to Razeriem, I would need months of training to undo MY style of fighting and learning better techniques. We practiced for hours. Once I had perfected one style, he would have me repeat it dozens of times. Over and Over. He seemed to enjoy himself at my expense. But at the same time there was a deep sense that he was dedicated to the tasks and he wanted me to succeed. He is a hard man to read.

My dear friend Sehky was there to cheer me on as well as Ian and Argali. Towards the very end of our lessons my hands started to bleed and Sehky came to bandage them so I could finish our lesson. At the end Razeriem said that he saw promise in me. Should I take that as a compliment? I think the most important thing I learned was to follow through with a fluid motion when I go to thrust my blade in my enemy.

I guess at the end I smart mouthed Razeriem and he told me to do 10 more, then 20 more and then even more thrusts into the dummy.  Sehky whispered to me "are you ready to go"? And I nodded yes. Smiling, he said "RUN" and we ran out of the arena, leaving every one else.  We ran hard and fast until we found a stream. I fell into the cold water and it wrapped around my sore body like a blanket on a newborn babe. It felt good.  We talked and laughed and Sehky encouraged me to continue with the training.  I think I will.  I have to meet Raz one week from today. It couldn't hurt to show up.


Re: Fight Smarter Not Harder
« Reply #10 on: November 30, 2010, 09:19:18 pm »
//ooc The following is a training session between Drexia and Keela on the art of fighting and basic dueling

Keela Moonflower: *quietly makes her way to the practice dummy*
Drexia Faison: *looks up at the sound of footsteps*
Keela Moonflower: *notices someone praying*
 Drexia Faison: Ah... *smiles* Keela... **beckons her into the arena*
 Keela Moonflower: Hello, Drexia was it?
 Drexia Faison: **nods* How are you Keela?
Drexia Faison: Come for a pit of practice?
 Keela Moonflower: I am.  
 Keela Moonflower: Yes  *looking around*
 Keela Moonflower: I can come back
 Drexia Faison: No, not at all...
 Keela Moonflower: Wouldn't want to interrupt
 Drexia Faison: Its been a while since I've had much practice myself...
 Keela Moonflower: *smiles slightly*
 Drexia Faison: Most ot the time I prefer more natural settings in which to meditate...
 Keela Moonflower: then you wouldn't mind me working?
 Drexia Faison: But sometimes, places like this make interesting choice...
 Drexia Faison: Hm? No, not at all...
 Keela Moonflower: I DO remember what you said about speed and control the last I saw you
 Drexia Faison: **nods*
 Keela Moonflower: would you be willing? *she looks around again*
 Keela Moonflower: Umm you know...spotting me
 Drexia Faison: Why don't we spar a bit and you can show me what you've learned? **takes off all her jewelry and tucks it in a pouch*
 Drexia Faison: Ah. Well, yes, I could simply spot if you would prefer.
 Keela Moonflower: Sure *she watches her remove her jewelry*

 Drexia Faison: Come at me when you are ready...
 Keela Moonflower: Let's try both...
 Drexia Faison: Quick attack... that first thrust hit me. **points where Keela's blade made impact*
 Drexia Faison: Again?
 Keela Moonflower: *leading with her right leg and putting most of her weight on it she follows with her right hip with the left one back.  Throwing her right shoulder into the attack she thrust her blade towards Drexia*
 Drexia Faison: **stays in a defensive shell, forcing Keela to attack*
 Keela Moonflower: *pulling back she notices that her elbow locked* *(she tries the move several times*
 Drexia Faison: Good...
 Keela Moonflower: *trying to gain balance she thrusts once again*
 Drexia Faison: Now when you're fighting an opponant who's just being defensive, like I am now, you have to make your own chances...
 Drexia Faison: You can't wait for me to make a mistake...
 Keela Moonflower: *looking into her eyes she continues with the attack trying to forsee any upcoming moves*
 Drexia Faison: **continues to fight purely reactively, blocking Keela's attacks*
 Drexia Faison: Good... moving around....
Keela Moonflower: *stepping back she thinks about her attack* *spinning around she with her right foot tries to kick Drexia's feet out form under her*

Drexia Faison: **nods*
Drexia Faison: Good thinking, my foot is vulnerable in that stance... but don't leave yourself open when you commit to that kind of attack.
Keela Moonflower: Yes...But I want it to work...
Drexia Faison: Well, but you have to set it up a bit better.
Drexia Faison: Feint high, then strike low.

Drexia Faison: Or beat my blade to the inside, to clear a path for the strike...
Drexia Faison: Your bladework is better than mine, to be honest...
Keela Moonflower: *feet shoulder length apart she once again leads with her right foot putting her weight into her foot and right shoulder to thrust her blade then spinning and tries once again to bring Drexia down with her left fooot
Drexia Faison: I just have more experience fighting... reading people's body language and so forth.
Drexia Faison: *purses lips* The more... acrobatic manouvers... can be effective... just be sure to stay compact when you do so.
Drexia Faison: So that a canny opponant won't take advantage of it.
Drexia Faison: Here... *dex check*
Keela Moonflower: *she nods* You are right
Drexia Faison: **flawlessly executes the move Keela was attempting, spinning, and landing lightly on her feet, and striking while backing away the instant she lands*
Drexia Faison: See? The move is only part of the trick.
Keela Moonflower: Impressive...I can see that I have much to learn
Drexia Faison: And possibly the easiest part... You have to set it up correctly... and you have to be prepared to follow up correctly.
Drexia Faison: *dex check*
Keela Moonflower: *following Drexia's example she attempts the same move* *dex check*
Keela Moonflower: Dexterity Check:  6 + 6 = 12
Drexia Faison: **Demonstrates again, not quite as fluidly, but still enough to convey the whole effort - set up, execution, and ffollowthough*
Keela Moonflower: *slowing down her movement so to get the desired action she tries once again* *dex check*
Keela Moonflower: Dexterity Check:  1 + 6 = 7
Keela Moonflower: *tripping her blade slides out of her hands to the floor*
Drexia Faison: Ah....
Drexia Faison: Well, um, there is a lot to keep in your mind, sometimes one piece goes well, and another, um, doesn't....
Keela Moonflower: *picking her rapier up she wipes it off and once again on the sly tries the move again without warning* *dex check*
] Keela Moonflower: Dexterity Check:  11 + 6 = 17
Drexia Faison: **nods* Better.
Keela Moonflower: * a sly smile creeps up in her face as she accepts the praise*
Keela Moonflower: That is still not enought
Keela Moonflower: *enough*
Drexia Faison: You caught me off-guard, which is ... admirable on its own, but not terribly helpful for mastering the skill to use such a move in combat...
Keela Moonflower: And why not
Drexia Faison: Because, the trick is learning how to execute it at full speed, when an arrow is whistling past your head, and you're block an axe at the same time...
Keela Moonflower: *takes a moment while listening to wrap her arm*
Drexia Faison: You have to able to .... flow into it....
Drexia Faison: Um... here, allow me...
Drexia Faison uses Light Healer's Kit
Drexia Faison: How is the move different when you're attacking someone taller than you?
Keela Moonflower: I can manage...*then stopping*
Drexia Faison: Is it better to do it on slanted ground? does it matter whether its slanted to the left or to the right?
Drexia Faison: Can you do it against both right and left-handed opponants?
Drexia Faison: Can you do it while retreating backwards?
Drexia Faison: Starting with both feet?
Keela Moonflower: You have raised many questions
Drexia Faison: Um, I don't ask them to make you feel bad or anything... just to impress on you how important it is to become familiar with your reretoire of moves...
Keela Moonflower: These moves I cannot learn in one lesson...Raz says many months of not longer
Drexia Faison: Particularly with the more, um, spectacular attacks, you have to be very very aware of how to launch it from a variety of situations...
Drexia Faison: **nods*
Drexia Faison: I've trained for decades to be where I am... and there are still things I can barely scratch, no matter how hard I try....
Keela Moonflower: Like from a tree top or a table...I have tried those before and have been successful
Drexia Faison: *blinks* Well, um, I suppose if you ever find yourself in a treetop, that would be useful knowledge....
Keela Moonflower: You are not funny
Drexia Faison: *blushes* Um... I wasn't, um, trying to be funny....
15:03] Keela Moonflower: Raz *she spits the word* Seems to think he is the supreme fighter and I should count myself lucky that he can spare any time to train me
Keela Moonflower: The day I am done with him the better
Drexia Faison: I, um, just mean that some would think that such exercises a waste of time... but sometimes one does, in fact, find that knowing such things is useful.
Drexia Faison: Ah... well, I cannot say that he and I, um, exactly see eye to eye either...
Drexia Faison: But... he does know how to use a blade, I will grant him that.
Keela Moonflower: Well it is usefull, I just thought I knew enough on my own
Keela Moonflower: In your opinion what do you recomend that I work on first?
Drexia Faison: **purses lips*
Drexia Faison: Well, footwork can never be overemphasized....
Keela Moonflower: He says my stance...and I see you agree
] Drexia Faison: **moves forward, then backwards, then side-to-side*
Keela Moonflower: I notice you don't watch your feet
Drexia Faison: **moves around as though circling around an opponant*
Drexia Faison: Well, once one has practiced enough, it is a hinderance to do so...
Drexia Faison: IF you are practicing by yourself, it can sometimes help... just so long as you don't make a habit of.
Drexia Faison: **does the same forward, back, side to side; this time much slower, and exaggerating the rolling of heel-toe, or toe-to-heel, depending on the step*
Drexia Faison: Just doing this is useful...
Keela Moonflower: Yes, I have been trying to break myself of doing just that.  It does make me less confident but also I see that not doing so increases my spead
Drexia Faison: Do it here... the go and do it on a hillside... then amidst rubble... then when there are trees in the way.... make your movements happen bwithout thought.
Keela Moonflower: Fluid is the word he used.  I am working on being Fluid as well as taking in all that you and he say
Drexia Faison: **nods* It will come in time... just keep practicing
Keela Moonflower: It will be interesting , should we meet again , on how I am improving
Drexia Faison: Is Razeriem teaching you the vocabulary of sword-play?
Keela Moonflower: What do you mean, vocabulary?
Drexia Faison: Parry 4, fleche, interception... that kind of thing....
Drexia Faison: The words for all the different moves you do.
Drexia Faison: For some people, naming things helps.
Keela Moonflower: Nope ...nothing,
Drexia Faison: Others just like to do it.
Keela Moonflower: You're the first
Drexia Faison: Well, like I said... not everybody finds such things useful.
Drexia Faison: IF you do want to know them though, you might ask razeriem... or find a swordplay manual.

Keela Moonflower: I think I will ask him *she scoffs*
Keela Moonflower: It will be nice to throw around a word or two that HE didn't teach me
Drexia Faison: **purses lips* You should have respect for your teacher... even if he is, well.... how he is....
Drexia Faison: If you can't appreciate the time taken to instruct, you will learn less.....
Keela Moonflower: You won't mind that if I tell him you helped me today would you?
Drexia Faison: No, of course not....
Keela Moonflower: Good, And about respect...he hasn't earned it yet.  And he knows why
Drexia Faison: Well, I hope you are able to progress with him...
Keela Moonflower: thank you...And Drexia, you HAVE been helpful.
Drexia Faison: **nods* Until the next time, then.


Re: Fight Smarter Not Harder
« Reply #11 on: November 30, 2010, 09:37:13 pm »
He is a paladin of toran he says and I think he has taken an interest in me. I am not sure how to handle him or what to do.  He is a friendly man but he is human.  If you truly like someone does it matter who or what they are? I don't know. One thing I do know for sure is that there is one who brings a smile to my lips whenever I think of him.  Only time will tell if we are only ment to be friends.


Re: Fight Smarter Not Harder
« Reply #12 on: December 01, 2010, 08:12:26 pm »
I ran into Ian today on the road between Center and Port Hempsted. He was just returning from Hlint where he had been called to help farmers who were injured during a attack from a cult. He seemed deeply concerned about the battle going on there.
He also said that there was a large group of undead in the gloom woods and was heading that way before making it back to Hlint. I offered to help him rid the woods as much as we could so he took me along.
We talked about many things as we made our way and he gave me a few tips on what to expect in the woods. Of course he didn't know that I could manage on my own, but I let him believe that I indeed needed instruction.
He continues to show signs of interest in me and for the life of me I don't know what to do. I don't think I can return the feelings expecially since I am unsure of something else going on within me. My mood seems to be getting darker just thinking of it And I am afraid that it will get the best of me.
Tonight I meet Raz for my training. I don't know why he gets under my skin but he does. So I need to put that aside and try not to tick him off for now. I will try to stay focused on what he is trying teach me and hopefully hold my tongue.  It will be difficult but I have to try.


Re: Fight Smarter Not Harder
« Reply #13 on: December 02, 2010, 09:58:11 pm »
The following is a training session between Razeriem and Keela in the art of Parrying to become duelist.

Razeriem: *watches her walk mos tof the way up before speaking.*  So you decided to show.
Keela Moonflower: Hello Raz ...of course. What ever gave you the idea that I wouldn't *she smirks*
] Razeriem: You're monochromatic again Key.  How are you feeling?
Razeriem: Did you do all 7,000 thrust, step routines?
Keela Moonflower: Don't you like it. I designed just for you
Keela Moonflower: I stopped counting when I got to 5000
Razeriem: *steps closer and looks her over appraisingly, perhaps uncomfortably*
Razeriem: It is pretty, but I think you limit yourself by using only one color.
Keela Moonflower: *stands still while he looks her over, biting her tongue*
 Keela Moonflower: Oh, Do tell me what it needs and I will be sure to make it so next time
Razeriem: You need to be able to move in it and feel comfortable.
Razeriem: The rest is secondary.
Razeriem: But you are far more attractive than this outfit allows to show.
Keela Moonflower: Well give me a moment while I look for something more "fitting"
Razeriem: Need a hand?
Keela Moonflower: Nope I think I can manage but I'll be sure to yell if I do
Razeriem: I'll be listening.
Razeriem: *waits a few moments* You say something?
Keela Moonflower: Yes....So you think I will be able to move in this?
Razeriem: I can't see through walls and I thought I was suppose to be behaving
Razeriem: *smiles* You like capes and single colors.  As for being able to move,  I have no doubts, you'll be fine in that.
Keela Moonflower: Oh? I don't see a problem, that is if you don't want to do the lesson
Razeriem: Let's see what your trianing did fo ryou sinc elast time.  To the trianing dummies.
Keela Moonflower: Like I said, sugest a color
Razeriem: I came to help you.
Keela Moonflower: I came to learn
Razeriem: Still mad at me?
Keela Moonflower: Still? Oh, I think I can behave
Razeriem: *looks back at her*
Razeriem: Guess we wil find out.
Razeriem: Rapier out.
Razeriem: Move forward in step until you're in range then thrust the target.
Razeriem: *remarks or point sout the previous target*
Keela Moonflower: *looking serious she thrust her blade into the target repeating what she has learned*
Keela Moonflower: *dex check*
Keela Moonflower: Dexterity Check:  13 + 6 = 19
Razeriem: *watches her step confidently thrust in form and horribly miss the mark.*
Keela Moonflower: Why do you want to know that?
Razeriem: You'r form shows you have been practicing, but your first attack was wel of mark.  So obviously your concentration is off.
Razeriem: I just naturally assume it might be me.
Razeriem: If somehtign else is on your mind, you may speak it.
Keela Moonflower: I assure you I will do my best to meet your standards. I think in all honesty you intimadate me
Razeriem: *nods*  Then again.  Just focus on what you can control.  Your form and your aim.
Keela Moonflower: I do NOT take it lightly when one looks at me like meat
Razeriem: And have i yet?
Keela Moonflower: Not verbally no,
Razeriem: Looks are nto verbally.
Razeriem: Have I looked at you as if you were not a living, breathing, intelligent and beautiful woman?
Keela Moonflower: Yes...but....never mind
Razeriem: Ah so the issue is yours not mine.  We will have to improve you on that in time.
Razeriem: Ready and thrust.  Focus.
Razeriem: In the heart.
Keela Moonflower: *swallowing her pride she focuses on the thrusts*
Keela Moonflower: *aiming for the hearts she crouches leaning into her right hip and foot lining up her shoulder she thrusts her blade in to the dummy*
Keela Moonflower: *quickly trying not to lock her elbow*
Razeriem: Improved.  Another 100,000 and you'll look good.
Razeriem: To the arena for todays lesson
Razeriem: Today is basic parries
Keela Moonflower: *makes note of the 100, 000 number
Razeriem: I am sur eyou do them your way, today we will have you do them the right way
Keela Moonflower: Parries, good
Razeriem: *waves her to him*
Keela Moonflower: What do you think of rocking back and forth
Razeriem: *smirks*  How do you mean?
Keela Moonflower: *she shows him the method*
Razeriem: *watches her movements.*
Keela Moonflower: I think you know Drexia,  she said it was good to use in advanceing.  It taught one to not get off balance if practiced enough
Razeriem: Drexia?
Razeriem: *smirks*
Razeriem: Well first my opinion of it.
Keela Moonflower: Yes?
Razeriem: It i snto my style.  I prefer to be in motion to a goal.
Razeriem: Strong goals, and movments to accomplish them.
Razeriem: The exception being fients, misleading tactics, misdirectiona nd doubel backs.
Razeriem: But, my style does nto have to be yours.
Razeriem: If after I teach you the basics of battle and how to think in swordplay you find something that is more useful for you.
Keela Moonflower: Well I am here to learn from you tonight
Keela Moonflower: I only told you to get your opinion
Razeriem: Then you better use it.  *smiles warmly* That's why I plan to teahc you to understand combat, strategy and adaptive styles.
Keela Moonflower: Okay, then teach me Raz
Razeriem: For now, if it helps you with you training, it is not detrimental to what I have taught.  You may practice it in your time.
Razeriem: The three basic parries, to defend from teh waist up are parries 4, 5 and 6
Razeriem: *takes his rapier and turns so she can see his demonstrations well.*
Keela Moonflower: Okay..*she listens and watches*
Razeriem: Parry for protect the body form a front thrsut or slash.
Razeriem: I'm doign this at oen third speed, its the technique your after for now.
Razeriem: Your arm starts in the neutral position.
Razeriem: Wher eyou keep it before you thrust.
Razeriem: Near your hip, a bit in front of you, elbow heavily bent and tip up.
Razeriem: Obviously you knwo the offensive move form it. this parry 4
Razeriem: *demonstrates*
Keela Moonflower: Okay, blocking *she watches and finds herself going through the motions*
Razeriem: You see the tip comes up more, your arm moves from its side across yoru body in front of you.
Razeriem: It will push off to your opposite side any attack coming at you main torso, from the hip up from yoru neutral position across.
Razeriem: *demonstrats again and again.*
Keela Moonflower: yes *she smiles slightly* it looks like is a fluid motion
Razeriem: The arm actually moves only ery slightly.
Razeriem: All parries begin in the fingers.
Razeriem: Teh fingers control your grip, your guard and thus your blade.
Keela Moonflower: Why not the wrists
Razeriem: Only the slightest of wrist turn will protect mos tof your body.
Razeriem: Its the way the grib is made on fencing weapons.
Razeriem: They have a pistol grip.
Razeriem: Thus even the first two fingers and thumb can greatly change the angel fo the blade.
Razeriem: So it shoudl start with them.
Keela Moonflower: *understanding she tries to get a feel of what he is saying*
Razeriem: To add strength -if- need be or to get full rotation, you add the wrist.
Razeriem: I am going to thrust at third speed for your left shoulder, use your parry 4 to deflect.
Keela Moonflower: So it is like a three part action, fingers, wrist, and arm close to the body
Razeriem: three, two, one and *thrusts*
Keela Moonflower: Parry Check:  3 + 16 = 19
Razeriem: You don't have to move your arm across.
Razeriem: Again.
Razeriem: *thrusts again still one third speed*
Keela Moonflower: But keep it close to the body but not too much to slow it down
Razeriem: *nods*
Keela Moonflower: *parry check*
Keela Moonflower: Parry Check:  4 + 16 = 20
Razeriem: *sheaths his rapier and walks aroudn behind her*
Razeriem: *puts his feet behind hers and reached his right hand to grab ahold of her right wrist.*
] Razeriem: Again.
Keela Moonflower: You know she looks back over her shoulder, I bought some gloves that was said to make it easier to grip and parry
Razeriem: *he restrict sher arms from moving, ensuring she only can use the wrist.*
Razeriem: *smiles*
Keela Moonflower: *seeming a little awkward having her shoulder held she goes through the motion*
Keela Moonflower: *parry check*
Keela Moonflower: Parry Check:  5 + 16 = 21
Razeriem: As you see, I settled for half gloves.
Razeriem: *puts his hand on her left hip. Moves her right arm aroudn a bit then puts it back to neutral and holds her forearms in place again.*
Razeriem: For now, we ar enot moving our body or arm.
Razeriem: Just the wrist.
Razeriem: Again.
Keela Moonflower: *trying to ignore the closeness she once agian go through the motion*
Razeriem: And again. And again.
Keela Moonflower: *parry check*
Keela Moonflower: Parry Check:  18 + 16 = 34
Keela Moonflower: *parry check*
Keela Moonflower: Parry Check:  3 + 16 = 19
Razeriem: I think you've got it.  Will see in a minute.
Razeriem: Sicne I am back here.
Razeriem: Parry 5 is to protect the head.
Keela Moonflower: Let me try these other glove if you dont mind
Razeriem: It is extremely easy and quick.
Razeriem: *releases her forearm.* Go ahead.
Razeriem: *after she gets her gloves on.*
Keela Moonflower: Thank you, *puttin on the gloves she motions for him to continue*
Razeriem: Neutral position again.
Razeriem: *this time takes her hand in his, reaching over her hand.*
Razeriem: Tip goes up, slightly inward and then you roll your wrist from the middle of your body out.
Razeriem: *attempts to help her go through the motion with his hand on hers.*
Keela Moonflower: okay...*she says a little breathy* I think I got it
Razeriem: *releases her hand.* Show me, parry 5
Keela Moonflower: * holding her arm in the position he showed she rolls her wrist just enough*
Keela Moonflower: Parry Check:  6 + 22 = 28
Razeriem: Plenty to practic eon, but you have the basic.
Keela Moonflower: *looking over her shoulder* how was that?
Razeriem: Last oen for today will be parry 6
Razeriem: This is to protect everything to the right of where parry 4 started.
Keela Moonflower: You said 4, 5, and 6 how many are there?
Razeriem: So yoru right shoulder, and right torso.
Razeriem: Nine officially.
Razeriem: Truth it I don't use all of them and I improved two into one.
Razeriem: But these basic three are the most important.
Keela Moonflower: You know, I think I like these gloves, they seem to make gripping better
Keela Moonflower: Okay let me see what you are talking about
] Razeriem: This is the only one where we get arm movement.
Razeriem: But not much.

Razeriem: You start in the neutral of course.
Razeriem: Tip goes up and slightly to the inside.
Razeriem: You roll yoru wrist outward in a circular motion.
Keela Moonflower: okay..
Razeriem: When you complete the circle your tip will be returned to the neutral position.
Razeriem: *take sher hand and helps her do the first one.*
Keela Moonflower: *watches the circle* It is not a very big circle,
Razeriem: Nor should it be, wasted motion is wasted time.
Keela Moonflower: But how does that use more of the arm?
Keela Moonflower: *continues the outward circular motion*
Razeriem: If the opponent if coming in from an angle to either side.
Razeriem: You can simply move your neutral startign position more to yoru center mass by movingyour arm.
Razeriem: Then complete the parry as normal.
Razeriem: Since this one can protect your lead arm, hand, shoulder.  This one in the advances stages is crucial.
Keela Moonflower: Okay
Razeriem: And thus one we get to augment to battle.
Keela Moonflower: And that works for opponents from both sides?
Razeriem: For today, no arm is needed, but in time.
Razeriem: All depend son angles.
Razeriem: Everthing in advanced combat is angels.
Razeriem: But yes it can.
Keela Moonflower: Drexia said that blocking needs to change and adapt to the lay of the land. such as uneven grounnd or on hills
Keela Moonflower: Or even slanted ground
Razeriem: She is partially right.
Keela Moonflower: Parry Check:  1 + 22 = 23
Razeriem: Everything changes all the time.
Razeriem: But you must learn the basics first.
Razeriem: Roll the wrist up and out not down and out.
Keela Moonflower: *nodding she continues to listen*
Razeriem: *attempts to help her one more time.*
Keela Moonflower: That is a very unnatural position for me
Razeriem: For the record, Drexia is a very talented fighter.  But she is not a swashbuckler in the least.
Razeriem: Get it right once and I'll let you be.
Keela Moonflower: *rolls her wrist up and out* The rapier feels much heavier with that motions
Razeriem: Wait until you've done your thousand parries a night for a week.
Keela Moonflower: I can see where I would need to strengthen my wrist in order to do that with ease
Razeriem: *chuckles softly* That won't be a problem.
Keela Moonflower: A night? *she says in a shocked voice*
Razeriem: *releases her hand and back sup and walks around*
Keela Moonflower: I thought it was a week?
Razeriem: You didn't want a life for a the first few months of trianing did you?
Razeriem: *slight smirk*
Razeriem: *draws out he rapier.*
Keela Moonflower: *watches him walk around to stand in front of her*
Razeriem: Time for you to do the parries at half speed.
Razeriem: First I'll call target you call correct parry and perform it.
Keela Moonflower: Btw...a life comes second to this
Razeriem: Left shoulder.
Razeriem: *waits for her answer to Left shoulder*
Keela Moonflower: 4 position
Razeriem: Head
] Keela Moonflower: Is it the 5th postion?
Razeriem: *frowns.* You called four, but you never did the parry.
Razeriem: Show me 4
Keela Moonflower: grrr ...*rolls her her wrist to the right making small circles*
Razeriem: That's six Key.
Razeriem: 4 is across, 5 is up and out, 6 is roll clockwise.
Keela Moonflower: oops *waves her rapier back across her body right and left*
Razeriem: *nods*
Razeriem: Head.
Keela Moonflower: Is that up and out?
Razeriem: Yes, sho wme.
Razeriem: And what name?
Keela Moonflower: the 5th postion? *she shows him the movement
Razeriem: Good.
Razeriem: Right breast.
Keela Moonflower: *she turns her wrist up and to the right making small circles*
Razeriem: *smiles* Name?
Keela Moonflower: 6 *she smiles*
Razeriem: Good.
Razeriem : *raz thrusts at half speed  at her to have her practice her parries*
Keela Moonflower: Thank you, that means alot
Razeriem : *Raz outlines a sequence of skills to practice until they get back together for their next practice* * you have to thrust high (juglar) then recover and parry 5,  thrust for the heart, recover and parry 4, thrust low (groin for now) recover and parry 6*  *Do the whole thing 1,000 times each day*

Keela Moonflower: *listening she makes note of his instructions*
Keela Moonflower: YOu don't give an inch do you *she grins*
Razeriem: *goes through routinues with her having her work on her parries.*
Razeriem: *simply smiles as inocently as he can manage*
Keela Moonflower: *paying attention she watches closely*
Keela Moonflower: Next week then *she smiles*
Razeriem: That is very becomming on you Keela.
Razeriem: You should wear one more often.
Razeriem: If you run out of that salve and need mroe let me know, I'll mix you more.
Keela Moonflower: Yeah, it's hard but i will try hard to make this work.  Good night Raz


Re: Fight Smarter Not Harder
« Reply #14 on: December 02, 2010, 10:14:12 pm »
*Curled up in the branches of an oak tree she writes*

I think I may have misunderstood him. But I think possibly many do. Now that we have cleared the air between us it should be easier to learn and hopefully he will see me progressing. I find that I am actually looking forward to our next lesson.
My friend Sehky has been gone for quite a long time now. I am starting to worry about him.  Maybe I need to talk to Breanna and see if she knows where he may be.  I'm sure he must have spoken with her.
Ian, what am I to do with him?  *sighs*

*closing her book she feeds a piece of cooked bass to the white owl perched next to her*


Re: Fight Smarter Not Harder
« Reply #15 on: December 03, 2010, 09:32:07 am »
I got up  early this morning to head to the arena to work on the parry homework that Raz gave me. Going through the paces and the parry positions was difficult at the beginning but as I practiced I became more comfortable with them. I worked on my parry knowing that if I did it correctly in battle it would protect me from stab or slashing attacts. Getting back to the neutral positons wasn't that difficult for me. I worked on three positons. Positons 4, 5, and 6.  I also worked on thrusting high going for the juglar,then recovering and doing parry 5.  Then there was the thrust for the heart, recover and parry 4, lastly was the thrust to the  grion and recover and parry 6.  I worked on these for several hours to get it right. At noon I had gone through 400 repitons. Doing a thousand this first day was too much.  Hopefully tomorrow I can do more.


Re: Fight Smarter Not Harder
« Reply #16 on: December 06, 2010, 09:23:06 pm »
//ooc The following is a training session between Drexia and Keela on the art of fighting and basic dueling

Keela Moonflower: Hello Raz, How are you today?
Razeriem: I'm doing great, *smirks* how are you?
Razeriem: I like the pattern your outfits are taking.
] Keela Moonflower: Are you sure *she raises an eyebrow at him not sure what kind of mood he is in*
Razeriem: Of course Im sure. Come on into the ring.
Keela Moonflower: I told you I would work on them
Razeriem: *cringes*
Razeriem: No cursing.
 Razeriem: Rapier out.
Keela Moonflower: Hmm? I don't curse...if you are saying
Razeriem: You said the W word.
Keela Moonflower: Ahhh, I still have a hard time with your humor *smiles slightly*
Razeriem: *draws his rapier* defend yourself.  *thrusts at her left shoulder at 2/3 speed.*
Razeriem: *dex check*
Razeriem: Dexterity Check:  3 + 4 = 7
Keela Moonflower: *holding her arm close she moves her wrist back and forth to prevent him* I think this is parry 4
Keela Moonflower: *parry check*
Keela Moonflower: Parry Check:  20 + 22 = 42
Razeriem: Excellent, your right, and that was a brilliant parry.
Razeriem: Where's the ripsote?
Keela Moonflower: *her eyes sparkle* Really?
Razeriem: I couldn't of done better on the parry. I'm waiting on the riposte though.

Keela Moonflower: *eyes wide* I don't remember that word *she whispers*
Razeriem: Oh?
Keela Moonflower: Do you mean recover?
Razeriem: After you parry an attack, if you immediately return an attack it's called a riposte.
Razeriem: So if I thrust at you and you parry the attack.
Razeriem: The moment you have my blade turned out and no longer of danger to you, that is your best chance to launch your own attack.
Keela Moonflower: The same attack or a different that I riposte
Razeriem: As my rapier will have to be recovering, you will have the advantage oft times of getting yours in as mine recovers.
Razeriem: That attack after a parry is called a riposte.
Razeriem: So lets try this again.
Keela Moonflower: I'm sorry Raz but I do not remember learning that.  I'm sorry
Razeriem: I'll attack you, you parry me and then use one of the basic thrust you know to launch your own attack of riposte
Razeriem: I taught you the individual motions, but until now never named them for you.
Keela Moonflower: Got it *she readies her rapier*
Razeriem: *thrust t 2/3 speed at her right bicept.*
 Razeriem: Dexterity Check:  4 + 4 = 8
 Keela Moonflower: *turning her wrist up and left she blocks his attack* That is parry 6 *then she thrust to the heart which is a parry 4*
Keela Moonflower: Parry Check:  11 + 22 = 33
Keela Moonflower: //wrist right
Razeriem: *his slow attack is turned outside her body to her right*
 Keela Moonflower: *thrusts her rapier high to the jugular* and then recovers
Keela Moonflower: Melee Check:  17 + 9 = 26
 Razeriem: Parry Check:  7 + 28 = 35
Razeriem: *he in turn also performs a parry 6, turning her attack up and out over his right shoulder.*
Razeriem: *grins and thrusts at her center torso at 3/4 speed*
Keela Moonflower: *she does a parry 6 to stop his attack*
 Razeriem: Dexterity Check:  7 + 4 = 11
 Keela Moonflower: wait.....Now you go for my center and I block with a parry 6?

Keela Moonflower: And if I were to block that I would naturally go into head thrust which is a juglar shot?  
 Razeriem: *as she gets confused on the parry he finishes his thrust without true force and draws blood across her ribs.*
Keela Moonflower: *seeming discouraged* I know I got this, I just don't seem  *she leaves off at that*
Razeriem: *without an change in his tone or emotion* It is a parry 4, the across body parry.
 Razeriem: As for your riposte target, if you have an oppurtunity to make one, should be wherever you find an opening in my defesense
 Razeriem: You do not hace to ripsote to a specific area, mix it up depending on what's offered.
Keela Moonflower: *shocked* I can't believe you did that!  *she wipes at the blood sharply looking at him*  I'm trying here
 Razeriem: I know you are, but in this arena mistakes only cost you pride, blood and pain.
Razeriem: That is why we are here.
Keela Moonflower: And are right, mistakes like this can cost me my life
Razeriem: I learned my lessons from goblins and when I screwed up I woke up at the bindstone.
Razeriem: I didn't have a teacher to spend time with me like you do.
Razeriem: Do you know what you should of done now?  *rapier remains in the neutral position*
Keela Moonflower: If I was to block I would have done a parry 6
Keela Moonflower: Wait you said a parry 4
Razeriem: *nods*
Razeriem: 4 across your body.
Razeriem: do a parry 4.
Razeriem: *thrust at 1/2 speed at her chest chest.*
Razeriem: *center chest
 Razeriem: Dexterity Check:  16 + 4 = 20
 Keela Moonflower: Parrry 4 is center in the body and then to the left side
Keela Moonflower: *seeing his attack keela with her rapier centered she rolls her wrist in small circle to the left to ward off his attack*
 Keela Moonflower: Parry Check:  4 + 22 = 26
Razeriem: Right, good.
 Razeriem: *raz exagerates his recovery motion, waiting for a riposte*
Keela Moonflower: *coming back to recover she thrust up to his juglar for a parry  five*
 Keela Moonflower: Parry Check:  15 + 22 = 37
 Razeriem: Parry Check:  7 + 28 = 35
Keela Moonflower: You just blocked doing a parry 5?
Keela Moonflower: Because I went for you throat?
Razeriem: *Raz steps back in the motion he has shown her with two quick steps and lifts his rapier slightly up and flicks the wrist right turning her blade once agian out to his right.*
Razeriem: *smiles and nods*
Razeriem: Correct, and that was a nice thrust.
Razeriem: It was well executed and thus kept my moves on the defense long enough for you to recover to your neutral position.
Keela Moonflower: You are much quicker....*she nods* But not good enough
Razeriem: *smirks* I must be a good teacher.
Keela Moonflower: At least......
Razeriem: Alright, that's two parries.  Here is the third.
Keela Moonflower: *she stands prepared*
Razeriem: He quick steps forward crossing his feet over each other and then hopping foward slightly thrusting his blade for her right ear lobe.*
Keela Moonflower: *tosses her cloak to the ground to be free from it*
Keela Moonflower: *she rolls her wrist up and to the right side of her body to ward off the attack and then recovers to do a parry six thrust to the grion*
 Keela Moonflower: Parry Check:  8 + 22 = 30
 Keela Moonflower: Melee Check:  6 + 9 = 15
 Razeriem: i'd of opted with the parry five, since the attack was so high.  But this time 6 was suficient.
 Razeriem: *raz turns his blade in a counterclockwise motion at the wrist catchign and scooping her blade out to the right of his right leg*
Keela Moonflower: *wipes her forhead with her left hand*  You just being nice
 Razeriem: Parry Check:  17 + 28 = 45
Razeriem: *grins* I haven't taugt you that parry yet.  Truth is I seldom use it,  for most attacked at the waist of below, I simply believe in movign out of the way.
 Razeriem: **returns his blade ot the neutral position*
Keela Moonflower: *laughs in a crazy giggle*  that is incouraging
 Razeriem: Did you notice the footplay I used to attack.
 Razeriem: That will be in the lessons before long.  Its a cross footed lunge.
Keela Moonflower: How long have you been doing this by the way?...Yeah I did..did the goblins teach that too?
Razeriem: You will also use it in fleche
Keela Moonflower: I think Drexia used that word, but she didn't tell me what it meant
Razeriem: I skulked around the arena, libraries with books on swordplay, watche dothers fight and got some lessons from another that fights as we do.
Razeriem: It means arrow in some language.
Keela Moonflower: I think she assumed you would teach me those
Razeriem: I won't attack you here, just let you see it in action.
Razeriem: *takes a couple steps back.*
Keela Moonflower: *she watches with eagerness*
Razeriem: *takes a couple quick steps forward, then performs the cross over step work an dhops forward with a lunge, obviously wide of Keela.*
Keela Moonflower: *slightly sways back*
Razeriem: *as he lands from the quick burst of speed hop he immediately turns the hilt of his hand up and in line to block the direct line of attakc ot his center mass and runs quickly past her.*
Razeriem: *turns back to her.*
 Razeriem: It's called 'arrow' because you're suppose to shoot quickly and unexpectedly at yoru opponent landing the strike as quick as an arrow.
Keela Moonflower: You didn't even have to think, as if your body didn't need too
Razeriem: Since you are so commited to forward momenteum you have to continue your charge past them as yoru defense will be greatly limited and you will need time to recover.
Razeriem: Of course not *smirks* And some people say I never think.  *winks*
Razeriem: It is a fun attack to practice but honestly its a slightly risky one to perform.
Razeriem: Once we get these basics down, we will go into advanced parries, lunges and fleche.
Razeriem: I can tell you practiced your assignements I gave you.
Razeriem: Did you do a thousand a day?
Keela Moonflower: Yes, I see need to atl least assume what your opponent is thinking of doing to do a reposte?
Razeriem: *nods* That is either very basic combat skills, see and react.  Or it is very advanced combat skills as you will have to leanr to read yoru oppoenent snad dicatate to them.
Keela Moonflower: To be able to do those moves you just showed me...because you would take one in the back if you didn't
Razeriem: Once we get all the mechanical basic sout of the way, we will spen dmos tof our time on those advanced concepts.
Keela Moonflower: No, I didn't...and there is no excuse but to say..that I contracted out to gather some oak and feathers for someone and I have had some difficulty in getting the oak
Razeriem: That's what I enjoy about swashbuckling, I still spend time makign and improving ad lib movmeents for unique phases of combat.
Razeriem: *paints a frown on his face* How many did you do?
Keela Moonflower: Honestly? 400-600 a day
Keela Moonflower: I can kill the contract if needed to work more....
Razeriem: *cringes* you cursed again.
Razeriem: Once more and I'll have to punish you.  *winks*
Razeriem: 500 a day... I can live with that.
Razeriem: *smiles* if you did a whoel thousand I was goign to think you had no life at all.
Razeriem: I'll give you another week on practicing these techinques.
Keela Moonflower: I will do my best to remember that,
Keela Moonflower: Then I can say thankyou, but I will not take any more...unless i need the true desperatly
Keela Moonflower: *any more contracts*
Razeriem: This time I want parry 4,  riposte with a chest lunge, two steps forward, parry 5, riposte with a juglar thrust, two steps back, parry 6, riposte with a groin lunge stop.
Keela Moonflower: I think punish should be a curse word too  *she says with a lilt in her voice*
 Razeriem: That is one routine.  Do at -least- 500 a day.
Razeriem: *smirks at her comment.*
Keela Moonflower: You have to be kidding.  If I were to see you do that then I would
Razeriem: That is stop at the end, mans one is complete. Then pick up again from pary 4 to start the second.
Razeriem: Gladly.
Razeriem: *performs a parry 4, ripostes with a center lunge.*
Razeriem: *takes two lightnign fast steps forward whiel performing a parry 5 and imediately ripostes with a high thrust as his forward momenteum comes to rest.*
Keela Moonflower: *leaning on her rapier* At least? No no no ...back waay up buster, you said all the stuff you want me to do...THAT is what you need to show ME
Razeriem: *quickly doubel steps back while performing a parry 6, immediately stops his backward movement and ripostes with a low thrust.*
Keela Moonflower: *she watches him with interest*
Razeriem: One.
Razeriem: *quickly exchanges his rapier to his left hand. and performs the routine again.*
Razeriem: I normally fight like this, left handed.
Razeriem: But for you to learn, it's easier if I use my right for now.
Razeriem: *completes teh routine*  Two.
Razeriem: *exchanges the rapier to his right again and goes through the motions for a third time.*
Razeriem: *looks to her*  If you can put it all together while carrying the motions forward and back, excellent.
Razeriem: *starts the fourth time through while talking*
Razeriem: But for now, I only expect you to do each motion seperatly and link them together.
Keela Moonflower: *moving to the ground she watches the spectacle with bright eyes*  You took me serious...*she claps*  Even for someone who is a pigheaded as I look wonderful doing learned well
Keela Moonflower: *sits*
Razeriem: That is what we are truely after, putting the individual motions together as one full dance.
Razeriem: What do you mean by that?  i took you seriously?  Have I ever not?
 Razeriem: *starts the fifth time through, emphasing how to keep the how pattern in motion from start to end.*
Keela Moonflower: Well I tried to say such an outragious command that you would have recongnized it for what it was..a tease
Razeriem: *whole
Razeriem: Guess I am slipping.  I'll have to make it up later.  *winks*
Razeriem: Join me for a couple runs through.
Razeriem: Make sur eyou have this down while we are both together.
Keela Moonflower: *as he talks she does watch how fluid and natural he makes it all work*
 Keela Moonflower: *dusting her hands off she stands*
 Razeriem: Go with what your comfortabel to try.  Individual motions or all togehter as a dance.
Razeriem: We will go from there.
Keela Moonflower: *keela goes through the motions awkwardly trying to combine too many at once*
 Keela Moonflower: *Makes a high thrust to the juglar and then quickly recovers to do a backward spin to the left  she brings her rapier up to thrust a stab in to the chest*
Keela Moonflower: Hmmm...*she thinks about what she just did and wonders if she could have made a mistake*
 Keela Moonflower: *dex check*
Keela Moonflower: Dexterity Check:  10 + 6 = 16
Keela Moonflower: Hmmm, I think it still needs work
Razeriem: *corrects a handful of minor 'mistakes'*
Razeriem: But honestly, it was not bad.
Razeriem: You jus tneed practice
Razeriem: This will be good for you.
Keela Moonflower: What would you have done differently? *she finally has some hope showing on her face*  That means alot
Razeriem: Footwork mostly.  it needs to flow.
Razeriem: Movement is paramount.
 Razeriem: After that, its just getting your parries and ripostes to follow each other lightnign fast.
Razeriem: As we discussed your two major advantages over most oppoenents will be your ability to quickly move and adapt.
Razeriem: And your ability to think fast,  to exploit opprutunities and to create your own chances.
Keela Moonflower: Yeah, you made the comment earlier that it is like a is one motion and fluid
Razeriem: For now it shoudl be  dance you know, you memorize.  As I giv eyou the steps.
Razeriem: Soon enough it'll be a dance you create based on the movments of your oppoents
Razeriem: Let's do some more parry riposte practice.
Keela Moonflower: I will one day master this...and I will need nothing....I will be able to protect myself and not worry about others doing it for me
Razeriem: I'll thrust, you parry and ripsote.  I'll parry your riposte and riposte myself.
Razeriem: We shoudl be able to keep this going for five minutes or so easily.
Razeriem: But here is the catch.
Keela Moonflower: *takes her rapier out once more* Yes?
Razeriem: If I step back you step forward, if I step forward you step back.  
Keela Moonflower: Hmmm, I don't know
Razeriem: Let's give you practce of keepign your feet in motion and keep you'r optimum distance.
Razeriem: *grins*
Keela Moonflower: There will be too much going on...How will I keep from watching our feet?
Razeriem: You will be able to protect yourself from any normal threats.
Razeriem: Don't watch my feet, watch me.
Razeriem: Just keep distance.
Razeriem: It'll be difficult at first, but after a few months.  You'll be an expert.
 Keela Moonflower: Okay....but you know you are putting yourself at risk right?
Razeriem: Of course.
 Razeriem: We are in the arena, I'm not worried.
 Razeriem: *leads with a 2/3 speed thrust for her chest.*
 Razeriem: Dexterity Check:  20 + 4 = 24
Keela Moonflower: *watching his attack she looks at his feet then flicks her wrist to the left sideto bring up and out his rapier*
 Keela Moonflower: Parry Check:  10 + 22 = 32
 Razeriem: *Keela parries his attack out to the left, just in time to keep her flesh unmarred.*
Razeriem: *Raz and Keela exchange moving parries and ripostes.  Raz occasionally makes a suggestion here and there while Keela voices a question or self correction.*
Razeriem: *after finishing a long session of parry, riposte training he calls a halt to it.*
Razeriem: You do have potential.
Razeriem: *sheaths his rapier*
Keela Moonflower: Whew!  *she glances up* Thanks I need that


Re: Fight Smarter Not Harder
« Reply #17 on: December 08, 2010, 08:30:04 pm »
//Field Training

I woke up this morning with a lot on my mind while eating a piece of smoked jerky that Sehky had given me the other day and drinking some fresh cold water.  At my last training, Raz said that I needed to put my skills to work in the field to get practical experience with my techniques.   I remember a place where Ian and I went to rid the forest of undead.  It was called the Gloom Woods.  I went back there to put my training to the test.  Once there I climbed a tree to scout the area to get an idea of where the undead may be.  I noticed not too far away was a group of six undead heading toward us.   The leader seemed to be well ahead of the others.  Why don


Re: Fight Smarter Not Harder
« Reply #18 on: December 08, 2010, 08:32:11 pm »
I woke up this morning with a lot on my mind while eating a piece of smoked jerky that Sehky had given me the other day and drinking some fresh cold water.  At my last training, Raz said that I needed to put my skills to work in the field to get practical experience with my techniques.   I remember a place where Ian and I went to rid the forest of undead.  It was called the Gloom Woods.  I went back there to put my training to the test.  Once there I climbed a tree to scout the area to get an idea of where the undead may be.  I noticed not too far away was a group of six undead heading toward us.   The leader seemed to be well ahead of the others.  Why don


Re: Fight Smarter Not Harder
« Reply #19 on: December 08, 2010, 08:42:22 pm »
I woke up this morning with a lot on my mind while eating a piece of smoked jerky that Sehky had given me the other day and drinking some fresh cold water.  At my last training, Raz said that I needed to put my skills to work in the field to get practical experience with my techniques.   I remember a place where  Ian and I went to rid the forest of undead.  It was called the Gloom Woods.  I went back there to put my training to the test.  Once there I climbed a tree to scout the area to get an idea of where the undead may be.  I noticed not too far away was a group of six undead heading toward me.   The leader seemed to be well ahead of the others.  Why don't bad guys ever look up?  Silly bad guys walking to their death, *chuckles* or undeath *smiles and chuckles* or redeath or unredeath?   I jumped down in front of the leader as he approached with my rapier in my left hand.  Using my right elbow I struck his left shoulder spinning him towards me and at the same time striking with my rapier to his jugular took him down in a single although really messy blow.  The noise of my attack attracted the rest of the group who weren't smart enough to flee when their leader was struck down.  I ran towards the closest two and slid on my knees striking their legs slowing them down so I wouldn't have to deal with so many at once.  I jumped up from my low position and sprung past the group while striking down the one on the farthest side as I passed.  The fight with the two remaining at full strength was like a deja vu of training with Raz.  It was like I didn't even have to think.  Parry 4, thrust high, recover, and parry 5, thrust for the heart, recover, and parry 4.  My speed and accuracy were improving from the thousands of practice strokes.  I used their eyes to determine their next moves; even though no one was home they still gave away their next moves.  I could anticipate and move to dodge while positioning for my next strike.  It was like I was outside of the fight watching and before I knew it they were all down and I looked back at the pile of bodies.  While the adrenalin was still pulsing in my veins I went back to the trees to make sure the area was clear.  I explored the rest of the woods and took out many undead and finally I came to a strange lion/scorpion creature.  I was moving stealthily so as not to get its attention.  I was moving through the trees until I came to a position over the lion thing.  I jumped onto its back hoping to go for its throat.  It reared and threw me to the ground jumping on top of me.  It was very fast.  But I was faster.  I scrambled to avoid the tail but I was a bit winded from the fall.  I focused my concentration to keep from losing the initiative.  I started to thrust but noticed that in the fall I had dropped my blade.  It was only a few inches from my hand but at that moment I felt a burning sensation on my left arm where the creature had bit down hard and would not let go.  Screaming, I reached for my blade and was just able to grab it and make a mighty thrust into the soft meaty area between its ribs and hip.  This was enough to make it release its grip on my arm.  Pulling my arm away and letting it hang by my side, I withdrew my blade and thrust once more into the heart of the creature and with the sure aim I had developed through my practice my blow landed true and stopped the creature for good.  I determined that my training session was at an end and made my way back to town to nurse my wounds.  On the way I stopped at a campsite and wrapped my bleeding arm.  I made it to Fort Vehl and went to the temple to get some healing supplies.  I made a donation and the attending cleric healed my wounds.  Something in her eyes made me think something was wrong.  She said that the wounds had been severe and that although the function of my arm would not be impaired the scar may remain.  I told her that was fine as I could use the scar as a reminder of the need to plan for my opponent's quickness as well as using my own.  Pulling on my gloves as high as they would go I thanked the cleric and headed out into town.  Making my way down to the docks I purchase enough tickets to get me to Leringrad. Arriving late at I headed  towards the gate leading to the forest. Remembering Raz's house was on the main street I pass it. All lights were out and smiling to myself I thought that he was either entertaining a young lady or playing cards at the local inn. Good for him.  Hopefully, I not making it to the arena today didn't worry him.  Somehow I think not. Heading out the gate I made my way to the lake for the night.  The night air was sweet to my senses and quickly I fell to sleep.