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Author Topic: Journal of Narketh von Ritter  (Read 105 times)

Nagash von Ritter

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Journal of Narketh von Ritter
« on: November 27, 2007, 12:28:03 pm »
Today Fenrir Thornaxe killed my faithful hound of many years without provokation. I have sworn an oath of vengence against him for this wanten act of cruelty and mercilessness.

Again I see the so called champions of good picking on the weak and powerless, one day I will have the ability to defend myself

Nagash von Ritter

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Re: Journal of Narketh von Ritter
« Reply #1 on: November 28, 2007, 12:49:39 pm »
I had a conversation on the lawlessness of the living existence and how this is such a horrid travesty to all that stands for law and order with a goblin today and also a dwarf sorceror, the sorceror was quite charismatic but lacked any brainpower so I cannot blame her for not understanding. The goblin quite simply didn't care and seemed more interesting in drawing non sensical symbols on the ground, I didn't catch their names but I think I shall hear from them again.

I recieved yet more disdainful looks, hatred and bigotry due to my long time friend and companion Hand, this leads me again to question the integrity of so called good-dooers who it seems base things on appearance more than their juxtoposed counterparts, who seem to be more concerned with the inner alignment and goals, irrespective of superficial concerns such as appearances.

I am led henceforth to question if the so called goodness of this new land is merely due to covered and secret desires masked behind or hidden behind a veil of greatness and virtue. I resisted the evil allure of my homeland many a time, but there was in it, an honesty and a virtue as the laws of existence were quite well defined, the struggle for betterment, the consistancy of the lies and deceit, the honesty of existence as a struggle for the lawful existence of existence itself versus morality as a justification of existence.

I have written more than I intended these past few days, so I will leave it as it is.

Narketh von Ritter

Nagash von Ritter

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Re: Journal of Narketh von Ritter
« Reply #2 on: November 30, 2007, 07:23:21 pm »
Today I met a member of a temple of Corath, I heard his view of his church and I was impressed with the idea of survival and order according to my ideologies, I will further investigate this idea with this church to see what they're about and what they believe. They offered an alternative and are the first ones not to judge my only friend and familiar and also the first ones to accept my beliefs and ideals and not judge me also. Perhaps this is a place for me to find friends and belonging after losing so much, time will tell.


Nagash von Ritter

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Re: Journal of Narketh von Ritter
« Reply #3 on: December 01, 2007, 09:56:33 pm »
Worked with a goblin named Shall, he was picked on by a group of so called noblemen and a bunch of doo-gooder self righteous fools. My disdain for the world grows ever more and my new found brotherhood is growing into a more sustainable relationship. I begin to see things much more their way.


Nagash von Ritter

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Re: Journal of Narketh von Ritter
« Reply #4 on: December 02, 2007, 09:08:05 am »
Brother almost revealed my identity to some powerful and angry mage today, I fear it was the wrong time of the month for her, I think I shall seek out less travelled pastures, this city is too restrictive and too crowded I seek seclusion to pursue my work with enchanting.


Nagash von Ritter

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Re: Journal of Narketh von Ritter
« Reply #5 on: December 03, 2007, 01:20:56 pm »
Yesterday I was sent on a mission "in the name of science" in order to live a life without the gods and to research and heal without their magic.

I tried to animate one of the bodies but the thing quickly turned on me and I was forced to destroy it. I think I will however pursue this path later in the future, it is worth considerations and may have serious solutions and implications to make of my physical problems. I wonder if I am able to use the people from Corath in order to learn more, time will tell.


Nagash von Ritter

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Re: Journal of Narketh von Ritter
« Reply #6 on: December 07, 2007, 06:57:20 am »
A goblin I have journeyed with I have found was transmuted from some sort of noble fighter/paladin recently I heard that some sort of goblin was found at the scene fitting the description of Sall a companion I'd recently been travelling with, either he was abused and used for this purpose or someone has used him.

I have a suspicion that a drow I met and also a sorceror companion of this goblin are involved in the massacre of the Ire village but I darn't share this until I am sure enough as I don't wish to risk being wrong in the eyes of the brotherhood. I will visit the village in days to come and make sure of this and do some more digging perhaps.

Nagash von Ritter

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Re: Journal of Narketh von Ritter
« Reply #7 on: December 07, 2007, 11:21:43 pm »
Worked with a righteous party today in bringing a bugbear to justice, there was a certain thrill to be had as an agent in their midst, it required great dedication and discipline.

I prayed to Corath before battle, however I let none know of this and reffered to him as father.

Narketh von Ritter

Nagash von Ritter

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Re: Journal of Narketh von Ritter
« Reply #8 on: December 11, 2007, 05:30:42 pm »
We captured Sall today and relieved him of this organse bowl. I burnt the corathian symbol into Jaigan, a treasure hunter to ensure he won't betray us, on condition for his release he is to spy on the escaped Sall, to find out Sall's friends and comrades and what else they may know that he didn't tell us. If this wretch betrays me I will take action by my honour.

Narketh von Ritter