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Author Topic: Painted on the wall of a cave near Hlint  (Read 160 times)

Skabot Redwolf

Painted on the wall of a cave near Hlint
« on: March 31, 2008, 06:29:36 pm »
*a blob-like humanoid form amid several poorly depicted quadruped forms, the humanoid form is green, the quadrupeds have long sweeping horns that stick almost straight up, the quadrupeds are brown and white spotted and black, they tower over the humanoid, in the place of the sun is a huge red demon face, with flames emitting from it*

further down the wall....
*a blob-like humanoid form stands confronted by many wavy lines, the lines look sharp like teeth, the lines are blue, the humanoid is green, the humanoid is small on the wall, and the jagged blue lines are large, from floor to ceiling in this part of the cave*

further down the wall....
*a blob-like green humanoid form stands amid vertical bands of brown with green smudges atop them, the figure is small compared to it's setting again*

further down the wall....
*a blob-like green humanoid form stand on a red field, one arm upraised, there is something brown clutched in the upraised arm, other humanoid forms litter the field prone, they are all colors, some are missing limbs, a couple have extra ones, the blob-like green humanoid form is very large in this part, the prone forms are small, there is basic face depicted on the humanoid, it has yellow eyes and a black mouth, the mouth is shaped like an 'o'*