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Author Topic: For Duty and Deity  (Read 881 times)

Lance Stargazer

Re: For Duty and Deity
« Reply #40 on: July 09, 2008, 07:53:27 pm »
Toran be praised.... Family ties... truth, balance and wounds.

*This page is stained with some drops of Blood as the diary is laid open in Lance's chest in Toran's temple in Fort Llast*

From Lance Stargazer's quill and pen:




Is that true? Is my whole life a lie. What I am now? What kind of person have this doubts in his heart and soul. I have lived my life thinking to be fullfiling an oath of honor, but Now that I think of it it was never for you, I really never felt you, It was just my mind telling me what I wanted to hear?

I met a man, father, A man by name Aesthir Stargazer, my cousin and now my sworn enemy as he spoke of me, He said awful things of you, he said you were not the hero I have proclaimed, but a murderer and Tyrant, he proclaimed detaily how my mother's family was killed by his actions and plans, he said he used them for his own gain during the war, and that thanks to that militrary achievements I enjoyed the life I had in Kartherian. Father at first I doubt of his words, but then  my nightmares, all come to sense, I still believe in what you are in my mind. There is no way goodness can be born form evil, But....

What if they were right? What if I am Tainted. What if the priest during my training has right?

Linus teach me to not judge people without knowing, I have only acted in behalf of what I think is right, and I continue that way, No matter what people said, if I do otherwise I 'll be betraying myself and my Lord Toran. I have greater duty to attend and for that duty I must live.

Today father, I seal my oath to you. I must find the truth about you and in that the truth about me.

I am really sorry about what this will overcome, Since now my only alive cousin has declared himself my enemy, I hope to make him understand that I am not as good, but I hold little hopes for that.

One must learn from our past, if not we are condemned to repeat it. And as a Rofirenite he is not quite fond on Forgeting and judging a new once an idea has set in his mind.

I put our blood in this parchment Father, With all due respect I hope Aesthir is wrong about you. I really want to know, but I'll warn you that I won't live in a lie... no more.

*The letter is signed with blood*

Lance Stargazer

Re: For Duty and Deity
« Reply #41 on: July 18, 2008, 06:00:57 pm »
Toran be praised ... Tainted.

*another Joural page*

From Lance Stargazer quill and Pen...

Tainted by heritage, is there a way to overcome this?, I am supposed to be a champion of goodness, a beacon of hope, an ligth to those who live and fear the darkness, or that is also a lie? I feel Toran still running thru my soul, blooming in my body with renewed energies. Conforting me and giving me hope. But that does not change the fact of my last events.

It seems that all around me gets harmed, even if I try to stand true to goodness, there is always something wrong, Am I guilty of this? I don't know, is like if I unconciently end doing a great harm to those around me to those I care about.

Have I lost her?

I had a moment of weakness. And at the end in that I must live this pain, this one that tears me apart like a piece of paper, I knew it, i knew it , I knew it could not be done, I knew of before happened, But how can I be wrong, I have acted the way I have been all this years.

I think I must start form the beggining, Ell and Caerwyn met me near Leringard It seems that I was distracted and I did not see them as I passed, or simply can't remember.

In the last years I have found solace in her words and company, and as usual her presense filled my day with easiness, and her words gave another perspective, and for a moment I everything seemed to be alright when I was with her. She said that she believed in what I am, a true knight,

A knight of Balance she said.

One to exist to bring balance and wash the evil that was in my heritage if there was some on it.... A knight of Balance, ha...How can this be balanced,

Finally, i fail to heed Linus advice, Virtue is usually a recurrent face of evil or corruption, but how can I fail to see this how can I be wroing with her, she is virtuous indeed, A great advantage Aragen has in his power. And I blame him while i should be blaming myself for this. Aragen is the one who has steal her for me? How can my deeds be wrong?

To whom I am speaking, I am the one that turned her, When I tell her my feelings, I have been running for them for long time, Yes, I love her, I love her . yet I cannot be with her, and that is the right thing to do. Is it?

She said that she love me as well, but now I have lose her, she ran from me sayiong that I have not accepted what I feel, that I don't care what she was losing that day, That she respected me enough to mourn her loss, but I care, I cry silently for this, yet , my duty is first to me.

A knight I am... A knight Am I ?

Toran how can this feeling be wrong? Send me your light and enlightment, Send me the answers Please... Send them to me ....

Am I tainted ?... Send me a signal...

Lance Stargazer

Re: For Duty and Deity
« Reply #42 on: July 25, 2008, 08:51:23 am »
Toran be praised ... A life of selfsacrifice.

From Lance Stargazer quill and pen:

Life goes on, and certainly seems that I have destroyed her, she doe not longer smile as she used to do it, at least not in my prescense, she speaks of friendship, but why I don't feel what her words express.

I have shrug off the feeling of guiilty, there is no gain in that, I have decided that I need to do something about it. I am sure that Toran is sending me this as message, a test of mettle, a learning experience,  One that I must be ready to face the concecuences of finding my true self. Concecuences.

I must say that this situation pains me more than the one of Sil. but i certainly hope that Ell don't do any violent action against me. like her did.

Mariner's hold is getting better fast with the help of the comunity, I am prod to be a member of the Orcbashers, because I alone could not have done all the good we have done as a group, In my last trip I finally ended the document process, for the youn one, yes that baby I found half dead beetwen the debris of that cause a year ago. An orphan like myself.

I haven't seen Aesthir, nor heard of her doing. Maybe he has retired to some other places, who know , but I doubt I have seen the last of him. Better he stays away from the people I care for. Toran be merciful on him if i found that he harmed someone I ....  care for.

Good tidings as well, I have met a lady in the past days, a Initiate of the Order of the Shinning hand, one that studies under the wing of Beacon Anne Rivenwind, she has a strong grip of her sword and determination that matches, not to say fair face that matches. she acts strange sometimes, I have done the best of me to help her to se the path of Toran as I have been instructed into it.

As for my duties : Well Brian is in dire need, his soul has been in danger, he killed his own half brother, and I am doing the investigation, but seems that this has become quite late, he cannot be found him, instead there is a rumor on the street that says that he has dissapeared in a boat.

Not to mention the case of Muhk, he finally got caught. by Port hempstead autorities, and his hearin will be soon. He has afected the whole Angel guild with his actions. I must speak in the name of the truth if requested. and unfortunately the truth does not help Muhk. The truth is that one man died and another is incapacitated, Only because Muhk want to enter a city that has warned him that his prescence were not allowed.

*Lance waits a some moments as he thinks the next lines*

Caerwyn said ... give her time.... How could I do that as easily?, Last time I met her resting in a dungeon, I stand guard for her sleep, when she wake up and saw me there, she keep her cold posture, like if we were only just passing comrades,  How can i make her understand? I have expressed my intentions to her, and yet still...  * Lance sighs as he let the sengerce unfinished *

Anyway, her presence gave me a moment of happiness, she asked me about if I have ... been with a woman in the past.... I answered truthfully, That not, she has not done that as well, I fail to see why does she asked, or maybe I know too well, But i don't want to face this harm, not yet, not untlil we hve settled our lifes. And all the concecuences that await us for our descicions,

Lance ... Knight of Toran.... Trying to overcome himself.

Lance Stargazer

Re: For Duty and Deity
« Reply #43 on: September 03, 2008, 10:26:25 pm »
Toran be praised ... Serenade of truth.

From Lance Stargazer quill and pen:

Last night was wonderful, Toran be praised, on the truth that has come to us, I still cannot believe how after a few moments all the pain has gone.

I had some differences with Daniella, she seems to be holding the posture of the old orders of Justicars, we had a strong discussion on the matter of Redemption. She seemed too eager to find the evil in the hearts of creatures, not stoping to think on the matter of redemption. Anyhow I hope she sees the light that Linus teachings has shown to me all this years. The life in search for Redemtion and justice.

As for Ell. I headed to the small shrine on whrere Great Juju rest, I needed to pray, that place always bring me peace, like a reminder of my own failures and achievements, that is why I was not surprised to see her there.

She was standing below the pale light that the moons gave us, She stand there in her beautiful dress, waiting and meditating. I must say that the meeting was a bit strange, unconfortable I must say, We spoke and she started to speak on the marcus wedding, she will be doing the ceremony, And since Marcus has asked to me to be one of his best man, there is no way I could miss that.

Then it started she told me that she had dealed with her feelings and that she had let me go. I spoke to  her, I explaining her my reasons and my toughts. In the end my words matched my feelings. And she accepted into her life. She will be there for me, and we will be fighting on this,

Anyhow, Is this wrong? I am commited Injustice in the name of love, I must not let Aragen's blessing fall on me, I am still his knight. As long as I am true to myself, I will be true to her, and foremost true to my lord .

May Toran guide me... May Toran allow us to find the path... May Toran be praised.

Lance Stargazer

Re: For Duty and Deity
« Reply #44 on: September 18, 2008, 09:22:35 pm »
Toran be praised ... Love, a test of faith.

*From Lance Stargazer quill and pen*

My journal.. the one who knows me and has learned with me all this years, you know the trilas this knight has passed, and you know how hard last tests had been, I have done it, I accepted my love for her, and I that is the true I hold in my heart. Toran knows that my faith is still in him, not a single doubt on my resolution, but....

Ell is worried about me, and my standing as a knight. She said to me that she has nothing to lose, and I ... she is affraid our love destroys what I am... I must say that at first those fears assaulted me as well, but I am what I am no matters what happen i am true to myself in this... I leave the descion to Toran , he will measure if I am worthy of his favorr.

She went to the temple of Llast, and requested an interview, she want to know why? And since I understand why, she wanted to find a way. The high Priest Marl attended her, I was amazaed to see the support Caerwyn  Amanda and Trouble has given to her. they are certainly her friends.

Ell was troubled in there, she feared for her to be thrown out the temple, but as expected that did not occurr, MArl acted polite and answer at his best ability all the questions thrown at him, then she asked ... At that moment I felt my soul being teared... I know where my place is. asn observing that I stand there watching and observing as she asked.... she asked....

IF there was a consecuence of an Aragenite to court a Toranite.

Marl aswered that it would be possible but not advisable, that eventually we would be find something that The Toranite and aragenite would differ... and then if they act as they do they will be fighting to honor their duty.. I must agree on that with Marl, I am sure that Ell is a good and caring lady, but she is still true to her convictions, that at least i respect of her, she always has spoken to me with truth.  

I stand to the front and speak to Marl, since it was not fair that she was carrying all the weight on this...

Now some days has passed. The love of this woman would be your most dificult test of faith... A test of mettle.. Is there a way to make her more special? In loving her and standing true to myself, I  will be honoring HIM.

I am so happy, for me and her... We are finally together.

Argos is getting better each day that, he is getting awoke more and more time each day that passes soon I'll take him out of the temple, Ell has seen the boy and well this little one has filled my world with hope. again.. well our world.

Toran be praised to allow me to recover in them the family I lost so long ago.

Lance Stargazer

Re: For Duty and Deity
« Reply #45 on: November 07, 2008, 10:47:16 pm »
Toran be praised .... the way of the knight...

*As the evening falls over the Haft lake district of Prantz, Lance is seen getting out a black leather covered book from a chest in one of the rooms, he smiling remove the dust of it as he smiles looking at the family crest that adornates the cover, for a moment some hessitation invades him, but finally with secure step he walks off the the main room and sits on his desk and the great chair opening the book, he stretches feeling unfamilar confort as he passes the pages and reads thru the passages , with a smile he reads until he finds the first empty page on it*

From Lance Stargazer quill and pen :

Oh my old journal I had you quite forgotten, didn't I ?

I just wanted to write on again on you, to update my memories to the date and that it serves as testify of all the blessings the Great leader has send to me. I could not see how to start ..

First and foremost a lot has passed since I write here.. Master Quantum was in dire need, he was abducted by his nemesis, undeads and Corathites, those were stressfull moments. Oh joy of joys he is safe and alive, he has suffered too much but he endured as Toran protected him, he will be back in his old self with no failure, of that I am sure and I pray for it everyday.

Milady Daniella has become stronger in faith, I am proud of her and all her achievements, certainly a sould that could lead this church where I cannot take it. Praised be Toran in her deeds. I think we have come to understand ourselves with the absence of Master Quantum, where there was once differences , now there are only sound respect, it was due our leadership on the searches that we were able with Toran's guidance to find a lot of clues to find him, and a lot of undead abominations were disposed in order to find him,

With this said I have finally come to a mind towards my future on the church. I am glad to see Lex'or still in good health, in all this I have decided to chose the path I have followed since the start . I am knight one that should bring with my deeds balance to the lands, atonement for the sins commited by my blood and flesh.  So I have declined my invitation to join the shinning hand order, I must live humble as I have been teached. in that humility I will find salvation for my soul and the ones I love.

*he stops abruptly observing a blue rose he keeps on his desk as a rememberance, then he gets and put on the desk a simple memento.. a braid made of white and auburn hair blend into one braid with a jade brooch of smple design, he stays there observing the momento for long time then put it on the desk to be able to see it when he looks to the  far end of the desk*

Caerwyn has finally joined our great Orc's basher's family, the man is as I have seen it a shadow of his former self getting strenght of Toran knows where, since he and Amanda are no longer together. I must say that I feel shame for being unable to help Caerwyn in this matter, but maybe.. this is just what he needs to find his true way. Or maybe just a test to his love. Only time will tell on that.

Not all are good news, Trouble tempest has passed away and quite young, a man full of spirit and energy, this has striken Ell quite hard, and I felt so ... frustrated on that time.. unable to do something for her. .. Like if .. I don't know how to say it.. Like if part of her dyied with him, I was shaken to see her that way, she is as usual quite strong to the world but inside she is still a little girl learning and testing.. she stand the worse test one should face, to tell to the parents of the death of their son.

*he stops again to cleanse his sweat, meanwhile a small white cat sleeps at his feet, with a smile Lance take some grape juice and returns to his writtings just glancing at the braid again *

Toran has performed such miracles to me.. and for that I am thankfull. Ell ... my Ell will marry me.. We have overcomed our problems. Well almost all of them but our love is strong. As our souls and convictions, She left my life for some time, understandable with Trouble departure, but she came back to me and for that I am so thankful, Journal we bought a house. A place to call our own to be able to rest and smile at us, to enjoy ourselves on our common presence. and she has accepted me with all in my life, My past and my future, my duty and my heart, and the more important she has accepted Argos as her own .

Sadly is that we will not be able to have natural children on our own, I would never question the gods design for the bigger picture, I must say that for that reason Argos has been a a blessing to our life, the young boy has recovered his strenght ..and now wields and trains as I started to do it long years ago, with the trademark weapon of my family.. the greatsword. A wooden great sword made by Caerwyn not to say the least, and he is learning fast.. way to fast if I must say, I am afraid that soon I will need to remove the sword form him, he has at least found company on Marcus kids in the neightborhood., some blocks form home , well he and Jill seems to be doing quite well as Well.

For all this Oh great leader I want to thank you. For allowing me to serve you and to put all this blessings on my path.

With Devotion, Lance Dragonbane Stargazer .

*he looks a moment for what he just wrote and sighs a moment and then scratches the Dragonbane word saying to himself ... - Not ready  yet - Why? *

*he then closes the journal as he hears sound coming from the entrace, as he raises his sight a slim and gracious elven lady is seen walking within the house in her hand he is carrying a joung boy in his scarce 6 years  , they aproaches smiling with pies on their hands, Lance stands to met them, with care he comes and kiss the lady and  uncombs the ordered hair of the boy. and they together leave the desk hall in middle of laughs and pie jokes *

Lance Stargazer

Re: For Duty and Deity
« Reply #46 on: December 05, 2008, 03:32:18 am »
Toran be praised .- The faces of the duty.

*Lance is seen sitting near a young apple tree on his backyard, resting in a confortable silk tunic with his hair loose and his journal open, he observes a young 8 year old boy playing near the lake that is near his home, with a smile and his eyes full of spirit *

Strange is how duty comes to every man, years has passed and it's hard to believe how things have changed, Now I am responsable of a life, In order to teach him to be a good man. I don't know what to think, now that my life is a bit more stable if that is the word I would apply.

*he then gives a glance to the tree then to the house then to the boy*

Time has passed yes, and I have grown as person in all this years, what can I say, sometimes I miss my old life, roaming the land as a free knight, but duty is not only that. Now Argos is filling my life with the joy I never had as a boy, In him I found the salvation of my soul, and my redemption.

*a slight trace of saddness appears on his face as he continues to write *

Sir Barion has passed out, finally it was too much for him, I wonder sometimes if I end as him, a bit sad I must say, he saw his wife die, and his daughter as well, and he seemed taciturn, like just waiting for the final strike, He has passed and I feel his duty falling on my shoulders, I must say that I have seen this outcome, I have been training to become a help to him when he decided to step out or die, but I am not ready, my training of metalworking does not even comparates with his, Anyhow, I will not let all his work come to ashes, The guild will not die, not in my watch.

*he then takes a breath and lays the journal to one side observing the landscape, after some moments he takes his journal back *

The dark Elf, Sion, I am starting to feel guilty about Miss Daniela leaving her room at the temple for this situation, I am really intrested in his rehabilitation, but this situation is not making easy, May I be wrong about this, what about all that I have been teached about redemption?. I must not give up on him, he need help, and it's our duty to help him, And we must accept the consecuences of our actions, that is what makes us learn. This might be a lesson for all of us, Even Miss Daniella and myself.

*he shakes his head* Ell suggested that I might bring the dark elf home, to see Argos, I am not sure if that is a good idea anylonger, after the mob we face just outside the temple, this need some thinking.

I just needed this , this tree, Ell planted it from an apple I gave him some years ago, in a trip to Alindor, and it's growing as my love for her, observing it reminds me all the good things that this new life has brought to me, how duty is not a burden but a blessing. Somethimes I miss my old life, but observing the new one and the blessings it has brought, I would not change what I have now.

Toran be praised . L.S.

* Lance closes his book and put it back on a lion bag as he closes his eyes falling asleep under the tree, enjoying to finally be at home *

Lance Stargazer

Re: For Duty and Deity
« Reply #47 on: December 09, 2008, 03:56:56 am »
Toran be praised ... Of weakness and Strenght.

*In the fields near Dalanthar, near the viper's teeth on a ledge over a lake the blue and gold armor of a knight rest on the sweet weed near a mantle on the floor where two figures are seen. The knight in a blue tunic observes his elven companion as she rests in reaverie state with her head on his lap, the rests of pie roasts and grape juice are seen around. The open book is seen in the mantle as the knight toys with some strands of hair of the resting lady *

From Lance Stargazer's quill and pen :

What is this ? The test of a knight ?

Dear Journal is love such a weakness for the heart ?

I had not felt this sensation in so much time, almost since my childhood. My lady Ell was in dire danger today, and I am feels sometimes not strong enoungh, she trust me, she has said it, but what would be if I am not strong enough to protect her, My faith is strong, but my body is still the body of a mortal.

She found me at the guild house, she came all the way just to see me, Fortunately my chores at the guild were over by  the time she arrived, So we decided to do a minning trip to get iron. We had a lot to speak, We went to the iron mines near Dalanthar. as usual Ogrillons deny to negotiate, and it end in bloodshed, Ell is usually able to defend herself quite good , but today something happened that made me go cold.

On our way down to the mines, we got ambrushed, The creatures swarmed her using the knowledge of the caves to their advantage. Time stoped for a moment as I saw clearly how one of them pushed her taking her off guard.

I saw it clearly. as she fall back she moved fast enough to avoid fall totally defenseless, I paled at that moment, I saw it clearly as the rest of the creatures jump to finish her, It is strange how relative distance can be, I was some feet away yet not even able to do anything to avoid her in danger.  I lost control of myself, I charged not even worring for my own safety. I have seen what an oponent in the floor is unable to do, and the advantage that is to an enemy not to say to a horde of enemies as well prepared as the ones we were facing, I jumped to the hitting and cuting, flesh and blood was all i saw at that moment, I felt so powerless, as my sword slashed foes around, they were simply too  many of them.

I know what would happen if I fail in reaching her, I figth that way sometimes, the lack of training of my oponets are used to turn his own strength  or weight against them, then finishing them in the floor is not a dificult task.

Fortunately I get to her in time, I was oblivious to the pain, and when the battle ended I noticed the strike and the blood on my right side, a deep wound of axe that hitted as I ran to protect her, fortunately I was able to reach front her and once she got herself up, the rest of the battle ended quite quick.

I don't know how to describe what I felt. Rage. Impotence, Is the love I have for this woman a weakness to my technique ? No. It must not be seen as that. She healded my heart as Toran did. She gave me reasons to fight for, but ... why then I felt that way ? In time here with her, I have been thinking on this, A weakness, no, A strenght of sort, If feels this is what make one to be sure to be alive, this way is how you know you are still human, She is my greatest test Marl said, and this is only part of it, Toran put her on my way to draw strenght from her, To honor Him in loving her.

We have spoken and seems that I cannot speak to her parents yet, she said they are on a trip on Kuhl helping to the war victims, a noble cause I must say, yet she was a bit sad as I am,  when I spoke of Argos.  She has diferent reasons to be sad, I told her that I spoke to the handmaiden of Az'zatta, she is fine dark elf lady, she was kind enough to leave the temple to met me on the outside, respecting my bows.  And she said that Marcus spoke to her of the matter, And that they welcome my son in the temple. I paid her for his stay, I don't want for him to be a burden, Somehow I know they just accepted the trues due cortesy. the handmaiden said that the only condition for him to be accepted, is that the boy would be delivered by both parents.

Of this I spoke to Ell, she is sad for not having the boy around the house.. A month is too much time to not see our boy, my hopes are that he wants to back in a week or so, We might deliver him soon, this is another part of the test.

Some weeks ago, when I spoke to the lady in Audira, Miss Daniella was shocked about him not following Toran, I must say that I am kind of disapointed myself, and I think Milady Daniella might think I am not doing quite fine with the boy, of course that she will never say something like that. Even knowing that she hold no ill will her words harmed me, but I stand still, Faith is not a matter of obligation, its a matter of the heart.

My duty stands in teaching the boy to be a good man, and to speak to him of the virtues of the great leader, and to lead by the example, Other than that I cannot do, he is a free soul, I just hope he come to follow my steps, but if he doesn't he still be my son, and nothing can change that.

Toran watch over us.

Lance Stargazer, knight of Balance in Toran's service.

* As the sun goes down he observes the lady again and makes himself sure his sword is at hand, with a smile he caresses her cheek and then whispers the words "E ceela aey, Acc" then leans over a stone and closes his eyes to rest as well *

Lance Stargazer

Re: For Duty and Deity
« Reply #48 on: February 05, 2009, 11:27:47 pm »
Toran be praised ... Farewell ..

*The rain fell had that day over the hills near the Ziange river, there a crowd gathered to say a final good bye to someone, the knight is seen, with a grim face observing the fresh grave, behind him an elven lady is holding a little boy who is observing the scene with melancholy

As the evening progress  people are coming and going, after some hours, only some people stays,

Chaynce comes closer to his brother in arms, and they share some words, The knight can't help but to frown at something his brother said, but eventually, they smile sadly at each other, as the "Protector of Paladins" leave the area greeting to the elven lady and to the boy.

Lance looks back towards Ell and Argos as they aproaches to hug him, Lance with a grim face tries to smile at them , but his usually cherful smile is betrayed by the inner sadness he felts over his soul

They take the way off the small sanctuary, leaving two graves alone *

From Lance Stargazer quill and pen :

It's gone... he is just .... gone.. .

In a way I feel like I failed to him... Scott, my Scott is gone..

I have sent letters to his family in regarding his death, this will not be that way, I need to learn, I need to know if really was him who is behind this.

In Toran I'll swear that I'll find him and if he is responsable he will paid. People around the temple said that he was frequented by a man in gold and white, under a hood to cover his features.

Please Toran don't let HIM be behind this, but if he is lend me your strenght to punish the guilty and to serve true justice, by word and deed.  Don't let me fail in this feeling that burns me..

In Toran I trust..

I cannot help to think if I am doing well in accepting Lex'or son under my tutelage, Worse is that he shared the name with my fallen squire.

Scott gravedigger, I have met him and It's just unbelivable i hold him on arms some years ago, the boy is growing as a strong man as his father, By now I have just seen him during the trainings that is given to the rest of the squires. he shows spirit in a way. In time I'll start to speak with him to start his formal training as knight, Linus teachings will pass from me to him I think. That is what must be done, that is why Linus wrote this book.

I... just need to rest.... to meditate..

Toran be praised,... toran be praised.... toran be praised..

Lance Stargazer

Re: For Duty and Deity
« Reply #49 on: March 28, 2009, 11:34:32 am »
Toran be praised. .. About mercy and evil

*The sounds of movements are heard in the house, an elven lady carrying bandages all over the place is seem real busy, walking thru the rooms on the house, in the main room the knight is seen resting in his bed, with the journal at his side, he seems rested and in a way happy, as the lady comes and goes checking on him, they are seen sat spending time together, and just speaking, laughing and enjoying their company *

From Lance Stargazer's quill and Pen.

Mercy... Is that an instrument of the evil to cheat on the weak of spirit? What does that means ? By mercy I put Argos life in Danger, thankfully no much damage was done there, yet Alas, if something had happened to him, i wonder what Would I have done.

It was in Audira last week, I heard that a crimminal was going to be executed, and a carnival was held to see that, I went there with Argos to look at the carnival, when we arrived there, we heard that the prisioner was asking for a last wish, I understand that redemtion can be gained even, but in a way, One must be wary that it might be used as a tool to seed strife.

I was with Argos at the beach, he was visiting his friends near the Az'zattan temple, I was interviewed by the head priestess about him and when we will deliver him, Seems that Marcus still speaks of him on the temple, I have been trying to avoid taking him there, but it all depends on Argos, he has been calmed on the matter lately, mostly because of his training and the scarce friends he has in home, I just hope it keeps that way.

Well it ended as expected, the criminal was not repent of his actions at all, he reeks of evil, when i saw him, my head hurt, his soul so putrid that the stench could be smelled in all the room, but strange enough only could have seem to notice it, he wanted to show a token of apreciation to a former exgirlfriend. I was in the idea of giving said present "after" the execution, unfortunately i was not heard. it seems taht the cur has set up an ingenous plan for him to go away, with the help of some people he was able to seed all alomng the city small gems, enchanted to explode in due time, the declivery of said rose it was the trigger for those events.

It was the first gem that hit Argos. I saw how the explosion happened in the docks and how the sand and Debris were raining all over the place, As the people run and the wouded lies there I started to move the ones I could near the temple for them to get help, at first i feared the worse, Argos was not where he was moments ago, My heart stopped at that very moment, yet a moment of hessitation would cost lives, I shrug off the moment and i keep helping people meanwhile i was looking for him with the sight.

It ended that lots of gems were spread all over the city, giving time to the prissioner to escape with the help of some of his associates.

At the end of the day. I found Argos, he was helping at  the temple, he was bruised and with mild burns, and yet he was still helping people, I am so proud of him, seems that he is learning the bandage aplication and cure techniques from her mother, yet his work is still crude, he is doing his best, he ended tired, when he saw me he ran towards me, and started to check on me as well. I must say I did not ended well after the last search I cannot hear well, and by that is that I cannot walk very well right now. he was alive but really tired, Toran be praised for that.

We took the first caravan back home, a shame, I was hoping to give a lesson to Argos regarding mercy with this man, and seems that I was the one learning one, Also i now see Argos in a very diferent way, he is no longer the weak boy he was when I met him, he is becoming a man of convictions and spirit of service, I'll propose him to take to the citadel of Toran, maybe he would like to enlist himself as a knight or as squire, his training will serve well there.

By now since I cannot do good on the field I am in home resting. My lovely Ell is taking care of us, She has stayed home with us and taking care of ourselves, she lends me her ears, as time passes with her, I told her how I feel on this matter, I feel a bit guilty on putting our son in danger, she as usual have conforting words, yet the feeling simply does not go away. She seems distant sometimes, like if she was thinking on something, but we are spending time together thanks to this, and that per see is a blessing bestowed upon us.

I really miss them, and this moments i treasure with my soul.

Lance Stargazer, knight of Balance in Toran's service.

*The room is filled with good mood as another lady enters the room helping the boy to walk, she carries a pie that is started to get sliced and shared *

Lance Stargazer

Re: For Duty and Deity
« Reply #50 on: March 30, 2009, 07:49:15 pm »
Toran Be Praised .. Time for the standing

*The eerie light enters the campsite in the moors, near the road a tent is seen, the rain falls witout mercy upon the pelts that covers the knight camp, who is shivering with the cold, the exploration has surely taken his toll, as his eyes show tireness and his body is seem bandaged all over, as he prepares himself to rest, renewing his bandages, and Setting for rest the journal lays over one of his packs open as  the ink starts to dry*

From Lance Stargazer's quill and pen

War is at our door, and I must answer to the call, finally our fears become a reality, I have been spending a lot of time in patroling the moors. hopefully my shinning armor would serve as distraction to those more skilled explorers that must be putting their efforts on this issue as well.

Sleeping has been rough lately, if any at all, The patrols are taking their toll indeed. But one cannot become too confident, the battle with the small group we found in Storan's are the living proof of this, Now it seems that the army of the cult has set step in Mistone. they are acting as small cells, acording to what that Cultist soldier said.

We must stay focused on these, with sharp eyes ready and sword at hand, At least we now know that the enemy is looking for something really special, not an ivasion per se, This is even worse, with an invasion we know what to expect, but with this. It's rumored that they are looking for some kind of artifact, It could only gather that they are looking for the fabbled bloodpools, or however those things are called, I tought they were gone with Blood being defeated. I must look to Haartwarden Truaxe and the bird Lord.

In dire time is that Master Quantum has left us, I pray for his guidance on this time of need. Toran has deem worthy to send his hands to help, All of milady Daniella's brothers has come to Mistone, and another lady that answers to the name of Ava Straus, They are getting real good on their trainings. I wonder what happened to Arthur. Last time we spoke I was intending to start teaching him of Toran's words and deed.

I wonder what is happening home, the last expedition is taking longer than expected, I miss Ell, and Argos, it has been more than a month since I have known of them, Once this expedition is over, I'll go and see them, I have been gathering a nice surprise for them, I just hope to finish it soon, It's a mighty cart all full in blue roses, Resembling a lot our place at Hlint, I..  I must stop thinking on this. I am no good if i find myself dead on this investigation, Keep the toughts for when peace is at hand, by now Duty calls on me.

Lance be Strong, have faith and remember why are you doing all this?. Gather strenght in the tougth that this war threatens  the life of inocents, and in a way, your family, If the enemy is stopped here, then they'll be safe.

Toran, look over us, and concede your knight the grace to fullfill my duty, and if it's on your will, to see my family soon.

Lance Stargazer, your knight of Balance.

*The weary knight stays moveless, resting on the floor of the tent, as the rain starts to lessen the punishment of the it, the knight rest is troubled, his expression does not make him seem quite relaxed, as he pronounces words of home in his sleep"

Lance Stargazer

Re: For Duty and Deity
« Reply #51 on: April 10, 2009, 01:27:41 pm »
Toran be praised...  The measure of duty.

* The journal lays on the front desk as the sound of thuds are heard on the house, back in the warehouse a Keia is preparing something to eat for the the knight and the boy who are practicing, with ease, the knight does strikes and blocks on the boy movements*

From Lance Stargazer's quill and pen:

I am home.

Am I?

I don't know what to think, It should be a happy moments i would have been living, but not this time, I feel strange here, Its all the same house, the same roads, but ... it feels so weird, no longer at least for now I feel welcomed here. Ell ...  She is not well. . And it pains me to see her that way. Argos still look at me oddly, yet he does not say a thing, he has accepted fairly well the sword and shield style, seems to have started to understand the basic movements, That is real good, since I am teaching the way of the knight.

Even with the strangeness here, I see that he and Ell are quite well, they are quite united, She is taking good care of him, And sometimes i just miss to see how he is growing, After his beheavior at audira, i am real proud of him.

Speaking of Ell. I .. just don't understand it. I am home to be with her, I am so excited about seeing her again, it has been some time, this was meant to be a joyous situation yet, she has been away, here but not here.

My trip here was a eventfull one, I was finishing my last exploration trip, when i met Miss Drexia, She was in need of some Saphires as she said, and she requested aid, she has been honorable in my dealings to her, and certainly, I honor her friendship but that is all what she means to me, On the trip to Dregar, I was telling her, that I was going home to see my boy and my love, She seem pleasant to the idea and happy to hear, I am getting this life, As We walked towards The Sinester forest, we found Ell resting at the entrace of it. I was so happy to see her before time, but she ... she smiled at me but her pulse spoke diferently.

We went into the cave named by explorers O' Teagor, and we battled the fierce trolls, Aided by the grace of Toran we got victorious on the task, We made camp outside the cave to rest and get some mine.. In the mean time I aproached Ell meanwhile miss Drexia was resting. And well i don't know what triggered her attitude. I started to tell him I was on my way home, and that i met miss Drexia on the way there, then her reaction really shocked, She said that I don't have to give any explanations, unless I was doing soem liason. I just looked at her. I don't know how she can say something like that, how even she can think of something like that ... that harmed me real deeply. yet i kept my wits on me, and told her that she would never fear for that , I am honorable and good for my word. She then said that she was waiting to study my reaction from it, Geez. she said that she was worried .. she said that she was wondering if i was tired from her.. how can i be ?

Well the rest of the trip went eventless , adn when we were on the way back to the civilized lands Ell, simply left us, she said that she had to go home to see Argos, yet she made it sound like if she does not wanted me near her.

I Spend some time in the woods as I saw her leaving, I was so crushed, What did I do this time? I just have been fighting for inocents, the war is coming to us, and Mistone is in dire need, Drexia stayed with me and brougt conforting words. As usual her wisdom is apreciated.  She said that I need to show her that I care for her.

I have decided to stay a month here, I will stay with them for the whole month, The war in Mistone, My family. I know where my place is, I know where my duty stands.

Toran give me your grace, on this moment of need, give me the strenght to stand what life has brought to me on this day.

In your grace , Give me the confort of a duty well done..

And take care of my family. As I know I cannot take care of them myself, A month I will be at home, only a month..

For your grace, In your holy Name..

Lance Stargazer, knight your knight in so much need of your balance.

*the sound of the training stops as Keira aproacehs with the breakfast for the ones doing the training, in the house the ambient feels so tense, and the breakfast pass without not much words exchange.*

Lance Stargazer

Re: For Duty and Deity
« Reply #52 on: May 05, 2009, 08:12:12 pm »
Toran be praised .... The tests of Solitude in a crowded place

Dear Journal :

Time goes quite fast, I have already passed some weeks since I came home, two weeks and half to speak truthfully, I have been trying to "live" thru this situation, Ell is not here, she has been going in and out quite recurrent, Last night i was speaking with Argos and practicing , Preparing a big trip for fishing, We were just waiting for Ell, we three would had at least a family trip. yet she came and wait for us to be toghether to say that she had to leave, to attend matters on the Temple, In a way I was broken, yet.. I am so confused. I know she has her duty as well, I admire the dedication she puts into her belief, that is part of the beauty i see on her soul, even if that diligence serves not the right or the most noble cause, she is a caring lady, and she is quite different from her breathen. . Or was that me trying to justify the fact she does no longer wants to be with me ?

I... I must not think this things.  We have been honest to each other, and we have passed thru a lot, yet I would hate to harm Argos on the verge of this, We need to work on this.. but how can I , if she does not allow me to.. Time will help us I hope ..  I pray to the Great Lord to show me the path with his light, and to give patience to my mind and resilence to my soul, With his help the best will come for me...  no... for us..

I wonder what happened to us. The war is said that destroys families, but I am just doing my duty, she should understand that, I have been always like that, now I wonder how much guilt has to be put over me for this situation,

I love her, but had i shown her it?  Seems that the cart of flowers was a bad idea after all, she does not even look at it, and I have pierced in my mind her reaction when she saw it....  I ...  made... her ... cry ...

I am thinking on dumping the whole thing, I guess there is no good in having it around to keep harming her. I ... What should I do..

what should I .....

*the writings ends suddenly*

Lance Stargazer

Re: For Duty and Deity
« Reply #53 on: May 10, 2009, 10:28:55 am »
Toran be praised - Departure...

*the rain falls mercyless over the house as the pile of bags is seen aligned over the main hall of the house, As the knight observes to the lady in meditation on the bedroom, he just sight as he hessitates with a blue rose on his hands, finally desciding not leavint it near her, he turns tries to smile at himself, failing totally on the intent, his face is expresionless, and for a moment doubt shows in his eyes, yet the moment passs quite fast. he returns to the bedrom and gently places a soft kiss on the forehead of the meditating elf, leaving the room with slow pace whispering  "Anecc aanamleana sa wailm". as he walks he restrains himself for sheding a tear, he knows where his duty is and why is he needed there, the month passed too fast, in a way too fast for his liking, yet he had to come back,

He picked his packs and heads towards the boy room, as he observes him resting and tired, The knight smiles, he mutters a small prayer for protection of his family and then closes the door

As he see the portal he stops and turn around to look at the wooden walls of his home, he sighs and finally realizing that he is still holding the blue rose on his hand , he smiles at himself, finally he leaves the rose over a small table near the portal, and gather his spirits, whit a determinated look he gives a deep sight and the steps thru the portal heading back to Mistone.

The house is silent and quiet for some moments, until a femenine figure comes near and pick the rose with a sight, putting it back at the table after observing it for some moment and sigh as well , he then give a last look to the portal.

Ell had been observing Lance departure after being disrupted by the kiss, enters the boy room finishing his meditations there.*

Lance Stargazer

Re: For Duty and Deity
« Reply #54 on: May 16, 2009, 08:26:33 pm »
Toran be praised.. For the sake of Posterity. The son, the mother and the father choices.

*As the sky got wild, in the desertic city of Audira, as the anouncement of the incoming storm, three figures are seem over the sandy terrain, As the casual obserber looks closer, Lance , Ell and Argos share their moments together as much as they can, near them The Az'zattan temple awaits with both of his big doors open, as the dark elf priestess comes out with a smile and slow pace.

The moment seems to be tense, as the priestess comes closer, The knight and the elf are holding hands tightly, his face expressionless, his movements tense, her instead with with a calmed expression yet, her nervosism is aparent, The boy instead looks proudly at his parents from time to time, as he looks at the dark elf coming near him.

They look at the priest and gulps as he sees how with each second the boy is far from him, he had descided to dedicate his life to the lady of mercy, The most hard test the knight has faced, losing his son to Toran's light, no matter how good the intents are, and how much his head tells him that there is nothing wrong with it, his heart bleeds and aches, as an old pain, an old wound that never closes, he winces and holds even tighter the lady hand, producing a reaction upon her, She reacts looking at him oddly but giving a reasuring smile, he smiles back yet his heart got a bit calmed.

Finally minutes passed and the priestess finally met the trio, they greet each other with courtesy as the boy is being relased by their parents grip and being held by the dark elf, The couple looks at the Priest and the young man, gathering his will, the knight smile, And the boy the dark elf enters starts to walk inside the temple.

Ell comes near the knight which stands inmovile at the scene and lays a kiss on his cheek, and caressing her other cheek, whispering some words at his ear, Then her moving to follow to the Boy and make sure the acomodations are fine.

The knight stands there observing , knowing that no matter how much he would like to be with his son, he won't under any circunstance break his vow. He is what he is, And nothing can change that, Gathering his will, he starts to walk towards the inn, once he lost the sight of them.

As the knight walks the sky breaks with the fiercest storm that the desert has seen in some years, as if the heaven reflects the trioubles the man is feeling.

Yet life continues.... *

Lance Stargazer

Re: For Duty and Deity
« Reply #55 on: June 02, 2009, 05:18:43 pm »
Toran be praised ...  Of the death and the loss..

*The knight observes the broken blade as he waits for the the person, he are supposed to met, his face looks troubled, this is an encounter he had been waiting, yet his reasons are not the ones he expected

As the man dressed in white and gold apears with his face filled in pride, his hatred shown in his face, the cold stare deposits on the toranite knight, the gaze of both men clenched, in a duel of wills no word spoken beetwen them, yet the scene was specific as it can be.. they hold no love for the other

The time started pass when they finally step forward, the blades ready to answer in case it was needed.

The Toranite his hand high as the Rofirenite aproaches him, with a straight expresion the knight in blue gets a package in a golden cloth and extends it to the one in gold, The Rofirenite smirks as he does it, and with untrusthy steps ahead to take it without removing the sight of the other a single moment.

As Aesthir takes the package and open it , his eyes are filled with Anger for a moment, being that replaced to by his cold stare and return to the other knight *

This is for you, - Lance said - A very brave man and one of the few that amoung your kin, that deserves being called worthy descided that it would rest in your hands.

Aesthir smirked at Lance

Well done Dragonbane, I heard the story of his fall, how he bravely fought to help you, and in the end he perished , *his smirk become a cold stare * yet you are here. It was well planned, On that i congratulate you, I could have not done it better, and that you are here, and your son alive is the living proof of that.

The toranite frowned at him, - Don't even try to insinuate that , corrupt one, you are not half the man that was lost there, and Don't dare to ever call me that again. he fell and his lost is a burden to my soul, because with people like him your church still have hope. now what we have... you... And with that the lost of the soul and the inocence. you don't deserve to be called his friend, nor the honor he gave to you. Only due the will and his honor memory is that I don't strike you down , right now, right here...

*The rofirenite with a cold stare and serene look shaked his head at him *
Now you deny it, Dragonbane? , now you'll plead your inocence on the demise of a inocent. Oh.. you could have decieved everyone, everyone but me. I know who you are, I know what is in your soul , and your very acusations here, and the threat to kill another official of the mighty gold just proves your guilt. what are you going to do now?. Kill me and then will tell to everyone that you are the good guy?, that you don't know who and what your father comited? That your blood is not tainted with evil and corruption?

No , you are not going to do that. Because you love who you are in the deep, you need the corruption to feed your ego, and you cannot negate your very foundations. If not, Why to revive your father in your son, Why Argos Dragonbane will walk the lands again? But rest asured.  I have been observing him, and that lovely lady of yours as well. so distracted of her duty. so protective and parcial when it regards to you two. to her soul you have corrupted with your sweet words and schemes. and she'll be saved once your deeds are gone.

*The Toranite looked at him with serene expresion, gathering his will to not fall into his words *

you are sad man, you know. you claim all this things without knowing the truth, you are condemning a man for his name. and a lady for love, I wonder if you ever understand that. No, I think you not, you'll be condemned to walk this path alone, always alone. To bring dispair and pain instead of hope and safety, Do you really like a life like that?

Does Scott demisse wasn't enough for you ?  *the Toranite loses his temper finally letting that out as the rofirenite smirks on that*

Oh you are blaming me for that incident. Pretty bad , Dragonbane. it's not my fault the boy was undertrained.  Or it was? Tell me who was in charge of training him ? Surely it wasn't me. *a cold grin apears on his face *

*the two men look at each other for a moment * Then you don't deny it, you told him to go there ?  - Lance said -

And what if i did? What would be the change on the result? he wanted so to be like you ? brave and strong, he say, I say corrupt and unworthy. and yet the result was the one expected. the boy died,... died for following the wrong ideal. for portraying a false image om a role to follow. Sounds that familiar to you?

*The toranite fist clenches as the rofirenite answered *
you know nothing. I hope that sword that Aeronn left you. give you some sense, and may the burdens of your deeds fill your nights of the rest of the days of your life, By the honor word I gave to Aeronn. is that i don't strike you down, right here  Aesthir... But don't even try to harm my family. Because if you do. then you'll find the man you are saying I am. I'll come for you and deliver the true Justice of the all watching.

*A smile can be seen on Aesthir *

There is it ... the Lance i want to see. the one that shows guts, and the one that the people will see on time, just wait. just wait. I wonder what will happen when your lady turn on you ? What would happen to the pure knight , who decided to share his life with an Aragenite, oh and the best part is in a life outside marriage *grins *

But you are right, and at least that i concede to you, your honor I praise today, you are a worthy adversary Lance Dragonbane, worthy indeed.

*Aesthir taking the pieces of the sword again raised it towards him *
By the honor of a fallen friend who will be avenged soon, We shall depart today to each other and no blood will be shed on the other,  We are in truce Dragonbane, A year of truce as a gift to my friend. After all with his demise you saved him into falll on more of the corruption of your ways. We'll speak in a year. *the rofirenite put on his hood and walks backwards towards an alley, not removing his gaze of the Toranite *

We shall see. Aesthir. we shall see.. I'll pray for your demise will be quick and painless, and that you'll find forgiveness for your acts in the other world, because i am not giving it to you in this one..

*As the rain start to fall , Lance put on his hood and walks towards the city getting lost in the crowd *

Lance Stargazer

Re: For Duty and Deity
« Reply #56 on: July 14, 2009, 05:28:25 pm »
Toran be praised .- Achievements of a knight.

*Lance is sitting on his favorite chair in front ot the desk, his eyes closed in a peaceful expression, the night is calm and there is no other sound than the one made by Shiny, the white cat that shares that shares the house as well. In front of the aslept knight and old journal is seen open as the last page ink is dryies*

From Lance's Stargazer's quill and pen.

Toran be praised. I could not say it enough. I am starting to feel tired on me, yet happy, I see how the next generation steps ahead. Miss Daniela, and his whole family, steping on his name and they will stay when I am gone, I feel the church is left in good hands.

I have decided to sit and write down, It something i have not done in some time. To write my memories before they fade into the fogs of fogotten memories.

I do remember, I remember the feeling, To hear the screams of Admun Raa, The vile shadow lich that poluted and threatened Krandor, That was a glorious day, we put to rest a lot of abominations. the flag I had all this years I left it there to serve as a beacon for the lost souls, The vile creature was exiled as his ashes were destroyed for the light of Toran, led by my hand, I felt his power that day, all running thru me like a cascade of light, It blinded me and in a way healed me, That warmth Its something I fail to speak with words. A lot of people were with me that day, some people I'd call allies, some that were brought there by fate. It was a day of victory that one.

The Finding of Quantum. Another of the things that burden my soul, He was found bur was never the same, I remember him bringing Lex to Toran's light, I remember him speaking to me about Ell, he gave me hopes, I'd wish he would have met Argos, and had a lot to learn from him, I don't know, but i feel odd when i see him, he was a great man, one that led a life of virtue, yet he ended alone, his wife separated from him and always with that sad look on his face, and end like he did, shattered, tortured by the enemy, he made a lot of sacrifices for Toran, and I am sure he did it gladly, hard his tests were.

Yet I feel sad, he observed me and asked Lex to invite me to join the shinning hand order, I was honored by that, yet I declined the invitation, Why did I do that? I wonder does the life of the undead hunter condemns you to end alone? Would I be able to do such sacrifices if the time arrives? I must stop thinking of this things. I have my own test to live and Toran has set my path in a diferent way, I understand the importance of the destruction of the aberrations, yet, I feel that they miss sometimes the most important thing, We are here to empower the weak, not only to punish evil, What cause has to destroy evil if there is nobody to save? I walk the path of the knight. I look for no glory on my actions, not any longer.

I have found peace, and Toran's way, he brought me Balance to my life and that is how I must serve him, I am humble, I ask for no recputation, I have done a lot of things for the church yes, but most important ... for the people. yet I feel that There are still a lot of deeds that I will perform, I am not done yet, I am alive and willing.

I'd only wish for something else, To have my family share my duty, yet Its something I could not press on, Ell is her, and always have been honest in that regard, she cares, and I harm her, but that is the way it is, Aragen is not to be trusted, I hold hopes that one day they change, after all, he still grants his powers to Ell, And Ell is the most kind woman that I've seen, I love her dedication even if not the most worthy cause, she stands valiantly over it, and defend it with passion, she does not lie, not hide her feelings, even if that sometimes that put our belief in jeopardize, its not her fault its mine not being as strong as I should be. I'd wish she embrased the same ideal I hold, yet I'd never ask that to her, It would be against my promise, And against myself, yet I cannot help but to wish, after all hopes are food for the soul. I could not ask her more than she is actually being, she took good care of Argos, and has decided to share her life with me. After all what else i could ask for her?

Toran is with me. Within me. outside me. yet I feel alone sometimes. This feeling will pass. It must pass.

Lance Stargazer, knight of Balance of Toran.

*Shiny tumbles and round as he listes to steps arriving at the desktop room, the sound of small foot in high heels walking in the room as the fireplace burn the last remanents of Tinder, a slim femenine figure enters the room and smiles as he observes the knight, she moves near him and look a moment to the journal, her eyes goes shifty as she reads over it, she purses her lips for a moment and then put a blanket over the sleeping knight, tucking him with care of expert hands, she finally bends over laying a kiss on his forehead , she sighs a bit and fix some of his hair that fell over his face, once done this with a loving smile she just turn and start to walk towards where Keira is to continue with the preparatives for the house.*

Lance Stargazer

Re: For Duty and Deity
« Reply #57 on: July 23, 2009, 05:16:20 pm »
Toran be praised . Fears..  Duty ... And the Eternal fight for justice

* The darkness start to fall upon Prantz, the couple united in a hug as they rest on a couch, the knight tired and bruised his left arm bandaged and restrained is seen contemplating his companion , Ell the fair elven lass resting her head over his chest covered in a fine blue Silk tunic, their expressions are of people enjoying the other company, The knight removes some hair of his lady forehead, and moving to allow her to rest a bit more confortable.

He looks at her lovingly and lays back his head to try to catch sleep himself*

From Lance's Stargazer's Quill and Pen .-

What is wrong with people on this days?

I've always strive to fight for the right cause, to try to empower the weak, and yet I continue to get surprised how far people can get to get his goals, and how people react to some situations. I have finally met a test to my skill, I've been in Belinara helping the Hilm castle with their giant problem.

It turned that the fort for the defense against giants was destroyed, The foot they said it was called, And there was an effort to be made to built a new one, Called "The Hand" nonetheless. I must say that it was a titanic deed, And I felt used on that place, Don't misunderstand me dear journal, I am more than happy to be able to help in the construction against the giant menace, Its just that I think the people in charge of the built have the wrong motivations. It sound as if they were a bait, like if they wanted to sacrifice us to the giants in order to get the deed done. Again, not a misunderstanding there,  I would gladly risk life and limb for the safety of the lands, But I am still surprise how people can't think in the well being of the rest of the world.

I am surprised not only on how the giantslayers acted , but also the druid enclave, We found that a druid was serving the giants as diplomat, She is not very good at it, Because she deny to serve as conduct for peace, She strive to help them to destroy the peace and the tranquility.  She says that the giants were up no harm, She is kidding? They have attacked caravas and killed an innumerable people, just for their whims of doing so.

I don't get what those druid is thinking, And I would not be surprised if She is the main brain on the actual tactics giants has started to develop, Only further investigation will reveal more information.

I am afraid I am being idealist again, Its a vice hard to lose, I guess , Why to keep trusting that everyone is good and willing. just to be disapointed time after time. I have been wondered on this situation, and I guess I Can't help it. I see good in everyone, If i ever lose that, I probably lost my mind, Why to keep figthing if we'll lose in the end to corruption, There must be hope, With each life saved, with all soul saved, We become stronger and seed some hope on the mortals soul, one day all those seed will give sprouts, And then our world will be better, I migth not be able to see it, but well that is my own hope, no? One has to have dreams and hopes, If not what keep us strong and willing, what keep the life worth of being lived.

I can't help but to think on Ell as I say this. I am blessed she is still with me after all I've done to her, not everyone stand as she does, She recieved me with that disarming smile, and frown at me when she saw my arm, I love to see how she worries for me, I felt her care and her preocupation, What else would be needed to show her love she felts? I have no reasons to doubt her . and I honor her patience, he recieved me and took care of me as the first day. I must say that her dinner migth not be the best food of Dregar, but she tryies very hard. That is what is really important here.

Self preservation. How can I do that? She has lost a lot of interest in traveling, now with Argos home she is using the time to get some scrolls done. I'd wish I could be with her more time. I don't know what would do without her in my life, that smile awaiting me at the end of the day, Even with all the bad things are overwhelmed by the good ones. I felt a sense of loss when i was facing those giants.  My limbs were tense and my senses sharp. An old feeling one gets used as the time passes, yet I found myself fearing for my life, not for me.. . but for her ... she is sad now Because of the departure of Trouble from the land of the live, I would only fanthom what would happen if something happens to me. It is somehow prideful to say that, yet I have my duties ... she knows that.  ... . She has to understand....

She would never say that. I ... why she can't understand ... and Why quenching the feeling is not as easy as before ...

Toran be praised, Send your ligth upon us. and put us on the right path

Lance Stargazer, Beloved knight.

*As the time passes the elven lass moves observing the sleeping knight, a trace of sadness is seen on her face, one that last only for a moment as she looks towards his holy symbol , moving around he lays a kiss on his forehead before resting again against his chest sighing happily

Lance Stargazer

Re: For Duty and Deity
« Reply #58 on: August 23, 2009, 09:25:17 am »
Toran be praised .- Time of tribulations.

*Lance is seen preparing the last detail to his travel, The echoes of his lonesome steps sound all over the place, the arms tense, as all the other movement, he finshing with the cleaning of his blade and shield, as he sits over chair in his room he observes with longing to the empty bed that is there, with a sigh he stands and keep on his preparation *

From Lance' Stargazer's quill and Pen :

The time of the testing has come, and the knight have to stand true to what he is, Life is not easier as in the past years, And does not seem that would change soon. I am heading back , The army is on the move, And Its time for putting a stop to this from once asnd all , I am not feeling as before, The weight in my soul grows even more as the time passes, yet I am the knight of balance,  And that has costed me a lot, already, So I will make it worth. For Toran's sake I will.

Argos, I don't know what to feel about him, I love him, but Why he does not come home, he is love they say, With an ilsarean, Oh Toran, just don't make him suffer as I am now, Spare him of the pain of feeling ripped,  And please send him back home. Toran show him your light in the middle of the dark, we need him more than ever, I need him more than ever. . Please let him be well for his mother. .. .

Ell.. Why? I love her with all my body and mind, How could this have happened to me? to us? It has not been easier, I did not expect to it to be easier, I love her , and now that I need her she is not with me, yet I am still with her, I won't give hope, that is the least one got, right,

I've put her in my prayers, but the war is coming, And even if all go wrong.

I told her my farewell, She was precious under the light of the moons, A picture I could take in my mind to keep me feed from hope. Anyway I love her, What more can I do?.

Lance Stargazer, knight of Balance in Toran's service.

*The knight moves around the house , and takes some time to sit over his chest looking to a brooch made of silvery white and auburn hair, he leaves the momento alone over the table and opens one of his books getting an envelope out it, the knight glances over it, and wih a heavy sight open to read the contents again he smiles a bit and folds the sheet again, over the fold can be read the last will of a knight.

Lance stops with the acomodations, he lays a simple kiss on the envelope and then put it on her desk , a single lone blue rose beside it and a small note with the words "E Ceela Aey" written in a neat blue ink.

He then looks at the journal, with a sad smile he just close it and tie it down for avoid it to be open again*

You are not comming with me today, old friend. I don't need you where I go, I need you to stay here, to keep this house full of her and me,

*He can't help but to clean a small tear over his eyes , but steels himself, he retakes the braid memento and put it as one of his cloak broochs, he gives a final look at the hall, as the ghost of so many smiles echoes on it fill his mind, finally unable to hold any more he falls down on his knees, Allowing himself to cry, he stand there for hours, till Keira founds him and help him up, the knight cleans himself and looking with a grateful look at Kera, he hands her a bag of trues, he says in sweet voice, "Thank you for everything this far ,dear lady, May the great leader find you and give you all the happiness you deserve for all this years", he finally steps away and start to walk towards the portal, his gaze not showing the slight doubt, he goes out singing heartly his song"

"I'll be the knight who will fight for your honor , I'll be the hero you'll be dreaming of "

*The house stays silentl again once he takes the portal*

Lance Stargazer

Re: For Duty and Deity
« Reply #59 on: August 30, 2009, 09:11:16 pm »
Toran be Praised .- Walking into Toran's light

*Lance is seen resting in the temple of Toran In Llast, his eyes closed as he focuses on his prayers, his breathing slow and calm , his muscles relaxed *

From Lance's Stargazer's quill and Pen .-

It's over for good, I am finding peace in here, as in my early years, Toran is strong within me, With him what could I be missing, In him I've found the strenght to endure the trials, my mind is an ease as alwyas should have been stayed.

About the war what Can I say?, It was a large group that was met to face the armies of the enemies, and thanks to his grace I am here in shape to keep fighting, This war has cost me greatly, It finally shattered my family , but the prize of the safety of the lands would be well worth a small sacrifice as this, My fast submission to his will must be resilent, No doubts shall be allowed in my heart. Ell life was good with you. I wish for your safety, And pray to my lord to guide me the best way regarding this, I'll always respect you as the mother of Argos. The promises I made you stands, still my dedication would be to you, as the mortal that most I've loved.

Some part of me had died with this war, but I'll live, I have to live, I heard the people at Hurix was saved in the end, Good, at least that choice does not burden onto my soul any longer, It was an awful choice, but Our duty stands for finish with the greatest evil. Though choices on the knight concience and toughter choices they are aproaching.  We don't know if this is the last thing we heard about the said Dragonstealers.  This must be a small step, a piece is missing.

We traveled thru the Thunderpeaks, meting with our enemies, an army of Drachs which boots made the earth tremble with their pass, Our mission was clear, to recover the thing that started all Things, the Tuhral Araljanm journal, the first one to walk the magic test named as The path of the claw,

False promises, to mislead the noble souls, That made me believed, but this should not be posible, In the end I fell figthing the enemy, yet the journal was secured, Our duty fullfilled. Jennara Creekskiper, still a noble Rofirenite, was the one who say that, it yet has to be proven the consecuences of our "Victory"

Even if I put my doubts on the end of things, We achieved the goal, But at which price, There are some rumors that another as The very same Tuhral Araljan, would be walking thru the face of Layonara. I must return to my duties.

I am a knight of Toran, I am his hands and his sword.

The report is almost done.

**Lance continues on his confinement in deep meditation as his prayers elveates themselves to the heavens *