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Author Topic: For king and clan  (Read 905 times)


For king and clan
« on: October 07, 2005, 12:15:00 pm »
- This is the journal of Dain Stonebrow. The journal begins at the time Dain left the ancient tunnels of his ancesters. -   Read Dain's background


For king and clan
« Reply #1 on: October 07, 2005, 12:38:00 pm »
So this is it...The outside, the open sky, the world...  Veit and I sat for hours outside the cave entrance that leads to the secret entrance of the Stonebrow tunnel complex. We both had a lot on our minds, so we just sat there, not talking. It is not easy saying goodbye to ones home. Neither of us knew much about this world outside the tunnels. Father had tried to teach us about it, at least of what little he knew (which really wasnt alot). Some of the older Shields had also insisted on sharing their wisdom...We had tried to pay attention, but our minds had been racing off in all directions. Now that I think about it sitting here watching the sun set, I cannot recall a word they said. Well. Doesnt matter much; after decades of nearly complete isolation from the world, much of their recollections would be obsolete anyway.


For king and clan
« Reply #2 on: October 07, 2005, 12:50:00 pm »
Veit and I arrived at the small frontier town of Hlint today. This place is swarming with all kinds of adventurers, fortune hunters, and mercenaries. One of the first things that caught our eyes as we entered through the gates was a group giant kin standing beside humans and elfs. We were ready to charge the monsters, but the we were intercepted by the local guard captain...apparently the giants where "citizens" of Hlint. We were shocked to say the least, but this wasnt even the worst. As we were discussing this with the captain, a DROW came pranzing down the street! The captain held us back once again...same story. If this is how the humans plan on fighting blood's forces, with monsters! I fear for the upcomming battles...  Luckily the town has a fine inn that serves some, only mildly watered down, ale. Ahh there is Veit with the next round....just 12-13 more of these mugs and i might learn to ignore that ogre over at that other table...har!


For king and clan
« Reply #3 on: October 09, 2005, 06:58:00 am »
Last night we met two dwarven brothers at the inn. The Hrendhammers. A fine pair of dwarves they are, and able to drain a mug of ale with the best of them. Now that was some party we had! I hope the innkeeper will let us back in after that...  Today we travelled with the Hrendhammers. They fight as well as they drink, har! It's good to finally have found some decent people in this place. When the enemy storms your gates, there is nothing like a wall of dwarven warriors. The nearby ogre clans have been hurting lately...i believe they caught a bad case of dwarven warparty, HAR!


RE: For king and clan
« Reply #4 on: October 09, 2005, 07:12:00 am »
Oh what a glorious day this is! Our older brother Volrod finally arrived. It is good to hear his battle chants again, Vorax has certainly cast his favor on that one.   We set out to clear a nearby cave of goblin pests. I can only imagine how fearsome we must have looked from their eyes. Their chieftain ordered them to assault the intruders, and what do they see: A massive wall of four dwarves with axes and blades at the ready behind their shields, and behind them another dwarf chanting battle prayers to the god of war. Needless to say, the goblins were butchered together with their foolish chieftain.  I swear, it's like we never left the tunnels. Veit, Volrod, and I have quickly found our old fighting style and tactics again. Veit and I practice the Shield stance whenever the opportunity presents itself. And we are getting better each day. Im looking forward to return home for my next tour of duty in the tunnels, and show the other Shields my progress.


For king, clan, and faith
« Reply #5 on: October 11, 2005, 03:04:00 pm »
Volrod's presence has had a deeper impact on Veit, and myself, than I thought it would. His unshakeable faith in Vorax, and dedication to bringing the Stonebrow clan back his favor, is beyond words.  I am finding myself praying to Vorax again, something I haven't done since my young years. After seeing how my father would spend days and nights in prayer to him, spend all his time and energy at the temple, and to no help. On one occation during a battle in the upper tunnels, I witnessed my father in fervent prayer over a fallen clansman, only to be denied the spells he needed. But now, seeing how easily the blessings of Vorax comes to Volrod, I find renewed hope for the clan...maybe Vorax hasn't abandoned us afterall, or maybe our actions in the recent time have installed us back into his favor.  There is hope for us yet, and I will do my part with the cards I have been dealt. For the clan...


RE: For king, clan, and faith
« Reply #6 on: December 02, 2005, 08:07:00 am »
It is good to be back in the halls of my forefathers again. King Bartoc has called us back for a time, news has come to him about an impending attack from below. Volrod, Veit, and I was appointed to our old squad, it certainly was good to see the familiar faces of clansmen again.  I have learned much during my time on the surface, but still, nothing compares to the training we get here, in the tunnels, from the old Shields. We must have proven ourself to them from our recent battles, as they now seem more intent on teaching us the ancient fighting style of the Shields. Veit and I spends hours a day improving our stance, our coordination, and our stamina in a fight. Side by side, one blocking the other striking, and then the other way around. With Vorax guiding our axes we are unbeatable!


RE: For king, clan, and faith
« Reply #7 on: December 02, 2005, 08:17:00 am »
We have spent a little over a month in the tunnels now, and the king have declared that the rumours of the attack is just that...rumours. Or maybe the enemie's scouts have seen our defences and reconsidered their futile plans of conquest...  It was good to see our father again. The fearsome light i remember in his eyes from my childhood has returned, clearly his faith has been renewed by our progress, and the victories we have had in battle. I see it now in the eyes of my brothers too, and it is a good thing to behold indeed! I feel it in myself as well. Vorax is with us...he is beside me whenever i go to battle, and that is a comforting feeling.


RE: For king, clan, and faith
« Reply #8 on: December 02, 2005, 08:29:00 am »
We have travelled to the continent of Dregar now, and there we met with Gravas and Lokri again. The giants of this continent will not soon forget the dwarven army that swept across the land, with a fearsome speed and brutal efficiency. The training of the Shields have done us good. Once we master the Stance of the Shield we will be unbeatable! Glorious and strong be Vorax!  On our way across Dregar, our path lead us to one of our clansmen. Berdin, battle cleric of Vorax. I think he actually is a far cousin of ours, but i will have to ask father about that next time i see him. Berdin joined us, and the battle chants of Vorax have never been so intense, and invigorating.  Beware foul beasts! The clan Stonebrow is on the move.


RE: For Vorax!
« Reply #9 on: December 12, 2005, 08:34:00 am »
Vorax came to me today. Finally, my faith has been restored, and my prayers are heard. I felt his presence and i dropped to my knees in prayer. I was covered in his light, and i could feel my blood rush through my veins. Images popped into my head, not of my own doing...images of grand battles of ancient times, images of the Stonebrow clan marching to war, reclaiming their lost heritage in the halls of my ancestors. And finally, an image of my brothers and I, fighting side by side with Vorax standing beside us. In that moment i felt my hands grip around something. I slowly looked down, and in my lap lay an amazing battleaxe blessed by Vorax himself...i heard a booming voice in my head..."Dain, this is your gift of reawakening. You are now a BATTLE DWARF OF VORAX!"  I fight now...We fight now, my brothers and I, together. For the glory of Vorax, and the Stonebrow clan!

