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Author Topic: Tallas-- Journal of the Darkness  (Read 114 times)


Tallas-- Journal of the Darkness
« on: September 05, 2006, 05:35:09 pm »
**a small black book rests within a brown satchel strapped to the side of a man wearing a brown robe. He does his best to appear non-descript, but at many times accidently draws attention to himself trying to cover his face. Those who glimpse his face notice his incredibly pale white skin, and red eyes. His very appearance appears... fiendish.

He keeps the book hidden deep within his satchel, letting only himself know of its existance, and making doubly sure that no one takes the pack from him.

The man moves into the darkest corners of town, keeping himself in shadows and averting his eyes from light. The man acts oddly, but keeps to himself, doing his best not to disturb those in passing.

When he writes, he writes alone in the dark. He has grown accustomed to this lighting. his writing is neat and clear, and occasionally maps are included, and notes arewmade in the margins. But mostly it includes accounts of his travels and affairs...**


Goblins, and other endeavors
« Reply #1 on: September 06, 2006, 03:40:35 pm »
This town, this Hlint is a despicible town to say the least. They war with the nearby goblins, complain of their numbers and attacks, and then allow them within the town. I have seen drow, orcs, thse fairy things... what is this place? A gather place for the fiendish and the fey? So long as I can keep to the dark, I care not. Although it pains me to see creatures such as goblins allowed within a town's limits and a person such as myself can be thrown out.

I've been hired by numerous people to deal with their problems in this town. A fur trader wishes me to gather pelts, several men have hired me to deal with the goblin problem nearby. I wish they would first deal with the problem within the town gates first before fighting those that at least remain outside, but I am not one to turn down coin that is easily won.

I've seen a few around this town, some more oblivious to the world around them then others. I imagine these are the same people who charged headlong into Blood's legions and died not even knowing what cause they served. They may make easy marks if they leave their guard down.

I have noticed that there are several holes in the law enforcement here, and it has allowed me to escape retribution for crimes I have committed. A sign of incompetence. Those that live here should reconsider those they hire to enforce the laws here. I know I would if I had a home here.

