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Author Topic: For the sake of Law. - Aesthir Journal.  (Read 1698 times)

Lance Stargazer

For the sake of Law. - Aesthir Journal.
« on: May 22, 2008, 04:18:29 pm »
*Aesthir sands in his cell into the Rofirein Temple at Vehl, as some pages by, almost at the middle of a book is written the last sentences. *

So it came to this.

At least I have arrived at Mistone, quite troubled land I must say Fort Vehl is not the place I would imagine the temple of the Mighty lord Protector has been palced, It's just a place with some ill repute and streets. One could smell the filth of some of their citizens as they rot in their own desired of aquisition. A good place to do Rofiereins will anyhow. It allows some freedom of act to the people wishing to exercise the law at his extreme.

Just at my arrive I had the captain of the ship arrested, that cur. He will learn to respect Rofirein, apreciate teh good will of a knight when one offer it next time, If he ever see the light again.

As for the place it has posibilities.

Lance Stargazer

Re: For the sake of Law. - Aesthir Journal.
« Reply #1 on: May 22, 2008, 04:29:34 pm »
-Stargazer. It cannot be.

I have seen this lands hold strange mysteries to be unfold. Ones that must be dealt with at godspeed.

I ahve traveled the lands of this continent in the past weeks, by now I have seen almopst half the cities of the sout of continent, I must add that they are well organizated and well surrounded by dangers to say the least. But I have seen that they know how to dela with the issues of their safety. I guesss that is why they still stand there.

the major issue that troubles me now it's a not so pleseant surprise I have found at my arrival. An man that it's seems to be well known, He answer to the name of Lance Stargazer, As I have reckoined this far, he is also a knight but  he is in service of The great leader, Aslo that he do some works for the orcbasher guild as a full member.

Everyone is asking about my relation with him, and by now I have answered that I don't know him, which is the truth. but I msut say I am becoming tired of that questions. There was no otrher Stargazer's but my family. I must find more about this man and well, once I found some answers I'll decide what to do.

For now I must try to learn about him , what does he do, and well ... May Rofirein show me the way to deal with this.

Lance Stargazer

Re: For the sake of Law. - Aesthir Journal.
« Reply #2 on: May 28, 2008, 11:43:07 pm »
Irony... Knowledge the answer come from heaven itself

Rofirein has answered to my prayers.

My life over the continent of Mistone continues as I strive to make his word  further, this place brings great oportunities to those who searches for them, Untl now I have helped a lot of people who has show their thankfulnes in the form of coins and smiles. which is good, I must strive to win their trust to improve the way they see the lord protector.

Much for my demise I had not found more information about the Stargazer knight of Toran, until I meet with a lady Priestess of Aragen, As it should be one of our allies came into my life bringing me chances beyond comparison, this lady answers to the name of Ell, as she introduced herself, and she seems a vit introspective but as every schoolar in service of the lord of knowledge, has a lot of information to share.

She has been in most contact with that man Lance to whom I have heard, She seems to be a very close friend of him, even maybe something else, but that could notr be posible, as I have studied those Toranites, they don't like too much Aragenites, they are so self centered in their beloved honor and pride that denies the advantage that knowledge has itself. But those aragenites still try to be nice to the followers of the great leader, since well at least they are honorable people in which one must trust their words and deeds.

As I have traveled with this lady priestess I have observed her when he speak of the Toranite knight. By goodness sake she even wears a ring with an anhk in his right hand. From here I have learned that the kight usually roamed near the Way to Hlint to Fort Llast, and that he had helped a lot of people around that place. So Hlint will be my next stop in my investigations, NJonetheless, I must start to hold a low profile towards my investigations.

May his holy breath destroys the doubts and cleanse my way of my enemies.

Lance Stargazer

Re: For the sake of Law. - Aesthir Journal.
« Reply #3 on: June 04, 2008, 07:20:54 pm »
Next stop .- Hlint.

Well, what should I do about this lovely city, a small homlet lacking all the advantages of agreat city, only simple people living simply lives, waiting to see heroes cross in front their houses to shed some light of hope, and maybe some gold that adventurers usually carry with themselves.

An Ilsare temple is here which explains a lot the inocency of this people with his life in the clouds and things like love, I guess the way the city is is much thanked to the halucinating presence of those flower seeders.

This city as I have started my investigations seems to be on its way down, The people around is quite proud of the past of the city, the center of the continent furing the Bloodwar, only past glories and a ghost of what is now, A simple homlet a simple place. But those places can be of great gain, to the prepared mind and eye

Seems that Captain Alicia and the local militia has done a great work here, I have presented myself to her and the Leiuteniant Asterk, I have presented myself to them and offered my services as a knight of the great protector to aid the city with it's problems.

This has indeed done great good to my position in the city, as now the simple people here see me as a hero, no matter I have not done great deal to them, I guess they are so acostumed to see adventurers around, Anyhow I would be happy to help this town, as It make them respect The great protector better.

I have started a plot to get the information I need around people. I have started searching in Fort vehl temple for files and names of Knights in Mistone. As That way I am goingh to start my investigations, Until now I have repeled some lone goblins froam the red light caves. They are well trained and always ready to hunt their game, But also the guard had grow straonger in facing the chaos they represent.

By now Rofirein has lead me to this way, And he may help me to see what is ahead in my investigations.

May his holy breath destroys my enemies.

Lance Stargazer

Re: For the sake of Law. - Aesthir Journal.
« Reply #4 on: June 04, 2008, 07:38:31 pm »
* one of Aesthir Investigation Journals sheets*

Chaynce Baldu'umur

Profile of the chaos hunter:

I met this man by coincidence over the road to Hlint some time ago, It's the only way of thinking that my lord send him into my way to Hlint, he indeed has sold me some quite good equipment which I am still in debt with him, I must pay this debet as soon as Possible

Observed Skills :

He possess some skills to use the Al'Noth also wears an armor and a bastard sword. knowledge of other skills are not known

Notes of Importance :
As I have thinkl first at him as a simple man, he carries with him some valuable information, Once I have started my investigations in Hlint on the knights around, The matter of the Toranite Stargazer arises. As the people in Hlint seems to be very thankfull  to him , or at least the way of remembering him, They said that This man Chaynce is a very close friend of him, and that thy were seen toghether a lot in the town.

It was quite intresting to learn that this man Chaynce once threatened a brother with death on defending another friend of Them both. The most amazing discovery is that this man that seems to live a freedom and no ties to anyone, he was vouched by the Toranite church itself, in the file of this case a letter is found that says that he was acting in behalf an inocent, This letter was signed by the very Lance Stargazer, it comes from some years ago, Nonetheless, the judges saw in this vouch and the actions of the threatened involved ( krell Hillel ) reason enough to lower his charges and punting him into a fee, ( also paid by Lance ), and some forced works.

I have interviewed the subject about the knights in my census, and he simply refused to answer, he tried to hide truth to an official, as he also tried to destroy official files and evidence in a legitimate investigation. One must put this one into vigilance.

A sketch of the man is also in the report.

Lance Stargazer

Re: For the sake of Law. - Aesthir Journal.
« Reply #5 on: June 05, 2008, 07:26:10 pm »
As time passes it is beccming evident that not every people like to work the right way. Even the ones I could consider allies in the name of faith are distrusting of me.

Particularly spoken, This lady Ell, I could have hoped that she will relinquish the information she has about my investigations, much for my dismay, she evades my questions and questions my proceedings everytime she has the chance.

This lady seems to be confunsed, and I must help her to wage that confussion off, well who knows what else she could know, As I have observed, she is fascinated and lost all objectivity when regarding Toranites,

Strange is that she is unwilling to help one of the lord's protector knights. Mostly because we are allies, I fail to see why she miss the great chance of helping an ally, We are bound to knowledge and law.

I have sent her a letter explainig her, my intent and the nature of my doubts, As for know her tests begins now, I trust to be able to return her to the true path, After all, that is what a knight would do,

And If I do it I will get a great advantage in my investigations.

Lance Stargazer

Re: For the sake of Law. - Aesthir Journal.
« Reply #6 on: June 05, 2008, 07:39:46 pm »
* another journal page *

Name : Iellween  
( no surname known )

Profile of the chaos hunter :

I have met this lady at my arrival at Mistone, near the Hempstead pond, at first she seems a fine lady, but now I am opening a investigation case for this lady for some issues I have seen in her beheavior. Issues not deseable in a supposed ally of the lord Protector.

Observed Skills:

She is a notable priest of Aragen as I can see, she has power over some powerful prayers to the wise god. As I can see she is quite shy but has a harsh way of speaking her mind when she wants to.


This lady has started to act strange in which to my investigations refers, at first she seemed to be helpful, as she was the first one to give me a lot of Information about the so called Lance Stargazer, But now she elude the answers with swaying words, and she has started to act quite strange, I must say hostile in ocasions.

A strange turn of events itself.

She seems to be very close to Lance Stargazer, and also to this other man Chaynce Baldu'umur, she is sometimes distracted and I have surprised her sight lost while she plays with a ring in his right hand.

This rings she wears almost as faithfully as the necklace she wears, I have seen clear sight on this ring and it has an ahnk in the front. Toran Symbol itself.

As a matter of investigation she seems to be something more than just a friend for the Toranite knight. Investigations will continue.

Her historial is clear, no crimes commited in the files of the temple.

* some sketches on the lady follows this page also a drawing of a Ring with an ahnk engraved in it. *

Lance Stargazer

Re: For the sake of Law. - Aesthir Journal.
« Reply #7 on: June 11, 2008, 11:29:49 pm »
Notes on Hempstead.

This people and this land confuses me, people tends to act with disconfort when I am around, a lot of people acted with fear and freaks out once I came ito their groups.

Seems that almost everyone has something to hide, *grins as he writes* So this presents a great chance itself.

As for my investigations continue I had to stop with the questions, need to let this issue get a bit calmed before continue, since the two persons who seemed to have the whole information are not willing to cooperate, I must earn their trust to get the information I need.

I must add to this point that by now, Speaking with a man by name Earl Froggstomper, he has done some intresting declarations that can be used as testimony. Also I meet a dwarf that answers to the name of Skullcracker headbang, This dwarf seems to have great apreciation for the Toranite also, he said that the Toranite has restrained him from exerting revenge. Unfortunately I had no chance to speak with him about the knight.

But other issues has occuped my time and in a more profitable promise arises to me, The other day I heard some elves complainig about the developments of some events regarding Trent, Captain of Hempstead.

Seems that this young elf, Aerimor Lightbringer, has been under strange circunstances , since he got on his words being unfairly arrested.

I have interviewed the elf itself, He said that he was arrested unfairly because this lady Saida Rothsford just insulted him and then he turned Trent on him, relying only pn her word as lady, strange circunstances have arisen in this case, Aerimor says that he has been influenced by enchantment spells for hiting a lady who is well known to him. They said that either this lady had power over the Al'noth or she has a powerfull ally with such ability.

Aerimor seemed reluctant to cooperate, saying that there is no chance we could do anything, but something can be obtained here, Seems that The charges was retired sometime after the lady originally put them, and then the lady ask for forgiveness, The strange here comes into Trent's reaction, as Aerimor described, seems that the nice captain is not doing his duty at his full potential, since he adviced Aerimor to do not meddle in the issues of the nobles, implying that the law doesn't work the same for them.

This must be investigated for the sake of law in hempstead. The only thing I have found about this lady Saida Rotherford is that she just weed some weeks ago with lord James Rothford and influential noble in Hempstead.

I must head to Hempstead and see what can be found about this,

Lance Stargazer

Re: For the sake of Law. - Aesthir Journal.
« Reply #8 on: June 16, 2008, 01:55:01 pm »
Hempstead investigation report


It has come to this.

Finally I had the chance of meting with Captain Trent, in Hempstead and interviewed the good captain. As I have seen this man he lives with fear, and not knowing the authority he has gives him the power of the Mighty Gold at least in a part.

He told me that he did not raise the investigation nor filled the report of the events, because the charges were retired, he also told me that I must do better and leave the lady alone, As I see it's true that the law doesn't apply the same to nobles and commoners, he of course Denied the fact he said in a hidden message. Well for now I must say that there is a something in this man that doesn't seem to fit with his position, Maybe we should work to see him removed and put someone with the guts to do the work. And of course lead by the mighty golden Dragon.

As a matter of fact the man was useless, he cannot confirm anything of the events, Nor if Aerimor was afected, nor if the lady was assaulted. Useless .

The man finished our interview after he seemed to be cornered, this of course speaks of his troubled concience, then it's not a total loss, since maybe he understands he is wrong. Poor soul must be cleansed.

Sometimes after I spoke to Trent , I meet with the very Lady Saida Rotherford. I aproached her with my finest words and ettiquete to speak about the issue, She speaks well enough and answered thruthfully at least in my sight. She seemed genuinely concerned about the case be dismmised. As I must add she seemed too anxious that the case was forgotten, She seemed to be confident in that Aerimor intent was to stole from her. Unfortunately the lack of efficience of the Captain doesn't help to clarify the issue, It's pretty strange that there was no registry of the goods persued.

I bid my farewell from her since without information I cannot do anything with her, Mostly if the current authorities are too afraid of doing their job. If I think bad I would think that they are being paid to tip the scale of Justice to one side.

I must continue on my investigation.

He crosses some names on his Journal

Aerimor Lightbringer
Captain Trent
Saida Rotherford

Timulty Keel
Elohanna Downstar

Lance Stargazer

Re: For the sake of Law. - Aesthir Journal.
« Reply #9 on: June 16, 2008, 04:43:31 pm »
As the investrigation continues.

Today I have met another of the bystanders, the wizards that answers to the name of Timulty Keel, also I have send letters to Lady Elohanna Downstar to arrange a metting as well.

This man Timulty I have investigated him, he is well known into the city of Hempstead as he is part of the reconstruction effort of a Wizard Academy in Hempstead.

I have interviewed in quiality of Bystander and expert on the field. He seems reluctant to speak on the matter, as I have seen the man has completely lost the faith in the law, But his declarations send some light into the investigations, the most notable of those was the confirmation at least in his version of Aerimor being magically afected by lady Saida, unfortunately, He is not in anyway wishfull to help me, He confirmed that the lady cast a Domination spell in the open street, which put on evidence the poor work Captain Trent did in this case, and make me wonder that he know of this and decided to omit it on purpose.

This man Timulty said that he will not present any further testimony if requested, which leave us with nothing but an antecedent on this Lady Saida and Trent posible corruption.

I need to speak with Miss Elohana, as a seasoned weaver she might be able to provide some help upon this. Also I  need to interview Alatriel who was in theory the Lady Aerimor hit, that fact no one has mentioned.

Shall his holy breath cleanse my way of enemies

HE crosses another name in his journal

Aerimor Lightbringer
Captain Trent
Saida Rotherford

Timulty Keel
Elohanna Downstar

Lance Stargazer

Re: For the sake of Law. - Aesthir Journal.
« Reply #10 on: June 20, 2008, 09:38:29 pm »
Saida true identity.

Well I have spoken with Elohanna Downstar regarding the issues of Aerimor arrested.

This fine lady seems to have moved the plates in Aerimor's favor, She and this lady Saida seems to had their story, as she told me Lady Saida asked her to be a teacher for her children or to do her some service of the like,

She was quite fearful as I have seen, she reluctantly open the door and was in her house with barred doors and windows with her four children.

She confessed that she convinced lady Saida for retiring the charges, but that Saida did in in stake for a quicker response to her request. Miss Elohanna expressed her doubts about lady Saida Moral quality, In there was also a man who intruduced him as Striker Shiff Dragonheart. A warrior who seems to be cut by a lot of battles,

As for her declatation she denied the open cast of any spell upon Aerimor in open street, but she said that she did not noticed such thing, nor any other alteration on his beaheavior, She also said that Aerimor would never hit Alartriel as it was stated first.

She said that a friend of her told her that lady Saida had a shady past. She said that she trust this information as true, because it was lend by a very close friend of her, an elven sorcerer by name Jaelle Thornwood.

Jaelle told Miss Elohanna that lady Saida was formerly know as Saida Pepper'in, and was judged in the city of spellguard for her crimes. I need to get copies of the file case.

This adds a new dimension to the investigation. and opens new lines of investigation,

On other hand seems that I got one of the withnesses, the elf who called himself Stone perished on last days, Useless creature has stole information for this case, this was the one who started this and now , he was weak and let the soulmother reclaim him. I guess also Lady Sun declarations must be delayed by the lute.

After some days I found Alatriel and Aerimor in the crafthall, and well now O got verbal confirmation of that there was no violence that night, she said that Aerimor never hit her.

Also out of matter , I must add that this two people spoke of Lance Stargazer to me, Aerimor confirmed my suspectsm he said that the knight was hidding from me. Now this proves he is hidding something, No wonder lady Alatriel tryied to dissuade me of what Aerimor said, she seems to had something with the knight, as Aerimor said they were sharing secrets in the orcbasher, So by this conclution Lance must be found and Alatriel closely watched-

Alatriel also mentioned another name of another withness : Treana...

That is not a common name, it won't be hard to find her

*he shrugs as he finishes to write and crosses and writes more names on his list

Aerimor Lightbringer
Captain Trent
Saida Rotherford
Timulty Keel

Stone   *crossed the name with violent traces *
Elohanna Downstar

Jaelle Thornwood

Lance Stargazer

Re: For the sake of Law. - Aesthir Journal.
« Reply #11 on: June 27, 2008, 09:56:20 pm »
* Journal of the Chaos hunter *

Name: Skullcracker Headbang

Profile of the Chaos Hunter:

Dangerous individual, with high dangerous attitude, he seems paranoic and eschizofrenic, he claims to be a very close friend of the Toranite Lance Stargazer, and claims to live in honorable way to Skullcracker's standards.

He has started to ask me about my investigatioms failing to even try to hear the justifications of my acts, he claims that I have no honor, and that I am in stake of Making see his friend an "bad guy".

Well, If he protect a knigth with such vehemency this is clearly a hint that somenthing is wrong, since when a knight with a clean historial sends one of his  so called "friends" to threaten an officer of the law, and trying to disuade him to do his duty.

Observed Skills:

He seems like a capable fighter, but as much as he claims his proud heritage, he dissonor it in deeds and words, he is not to be trusted and his honor is worth nothing.


He has stolen and opened a close envelope directed to an officer of the law.

Threatened of death, said officer,

Observed a dangerous attitude towards law abiding people, as well as acting as a incitator to a violence angainst officers in the law, in the area of the Brech mountains.

Incited and mockering of an offincer of the law, calling him dishonorable and insulting with no provocation.

He claims that a Powerful vampire almost swaped his entire clan, I can say this is an atenuant to his beheavior. But even with this, he must be taken care of his maddness before he hurts himself or another.

No criminal record found.

Lance Stargazer

Re: For the sake of Law. - Aesthir Journal.
« Reply #12 on: July 09, 2008, 07:16:19 pm »
The day has come....

Finally after some months finally met him.

The fabled knight Lance Stargazer, the honorable and mighty champion of goodness, ha, defiler of goodness, and seed of evil I would say.

A shame that he is so naive, but as diference at him, I understand how to measure feelings for what they are, just that. feelings. A man is bond to his duty and that duty must be fullfilled.

How I could start this.

We met in the Stromcrest Crossroads.

And we submited to speak in under knight word of Honor. At least I must respect that for him, he will be a worthy adversary, an honorable fight is always the better way to endure things.

My fears were confirmed, This man is the son Of Argos Dragonbane, the very bringer of doom of my life, he confess everything, that he was raised in Kartherian, lived being raised by a dark elven lady, by name Pyra Strongmantle, How dare him to change our dear Elena, for an evil creature like that.

He said that he use the lastname Stargazer to fullfill an oath to his father. So he accepted in doing that that he was promising to keep hide the treasons of his father, living a life pretending be a good knigth.

HA.... He is not only a naive, but a liar, a tainted kn ight, tainted by the blood of his heritage, hiding from his true self.

It's true I feel anger, but anger will not make Justice, Revenge is a plate that must be served cold. And so it will.

Anyhow, My knight honor oblige me to answer him his questions about her natural mother , how fake, like if he really cares, My only toughts are that he want to know to end his father deeds of treason and villany.

So I spoke of Aunt and my family, I explained how His loved father , which he claims to be a hero, destroyed our farm and killed those who spared his life, I explained how violent was the death and how vicious was the attack, SO I tell him that I would end the taint of his father, he will no longer walk free with his sins, HE WILL PAY.

Anyhow, just figutre, Calling a tyrant and murderer to be ahero, with such role model and that Aspirations, is there any doubts he is guilty of his sins.

I pray to the Lord Protector to give me stranght to overcome my obstacles.

Our meeting ended as we part ways

Lance Stargazer

Re: For the sake of Law. - Aesthir Journal.
« Reply #13 on: August 15, 2008, 11:38:20 am »
Rofirein's Power lead me to the demisse of my enemies to your glory... their weak spots.

*as he comes back in the ship from Roldem Aesthir ponders and writes down some of his toughts*

Census completed, even if the very base of this census was to find information of the dread false knight, the information we got actually can be put to good use, there are a lot of worthy people in Mistone, one that could be used greatly in case of a dire need arises, I can say that I could even care for few ones.

*he smirks at himself reading what he just wrote*

Of course, care for them... I had reports of the knight itself, he has been seen like a ghost of his former self, wandering around Mistone, in a way seemed that milady Iellwen had spoken to him as well, I still fail to understand why this woman acts the way she does, she slap me in the face, and threaten me, that must be put into acount in his file. Anyway, she seems concentrated enought to perform her duties, As I have seen her she is developing quite strong in her faith, So I take in the end she would be a valuable asset to my plans.

I have met another Toranite, A young initiate, that Answers to the name of Daniella Stromhaven, she seems like young soul, ans she show great promise herself, she is centered and always looking to destroy evil, way to rash in his intent, If worked correctly it can be molded as well, She has been put into charges of various investigations, Starting from the Angel's guild infractions, and the presecution of a dark elf, Seems that both of them has put a burden on her, as I said I see skill in her, she has started to see thru the disguised of the so called "good intents" of people and to find the truth in their vile acts disguised as kind words.

Much is to be understood about her, knowing her mentor, The great Beacon Anne Rivenwind, of the Order of the Shinning hand,  she was the one that instructed Initiate to do both of her investigations, the beacon seems to have been also decieved by that cursed knight, failing to see thru the true nature of his heart, but with time, She will see the truth, she seems to be one that can do what is needed to do once she found the corruption that grows in her very danger.

Also there are another people in my travelings groups, A men of wolderness not quite educated in the civilized ways of the times we live, Olmae this name is, he seems to be a strong arm, one that always is useful to have on our side, And he seems to have developed some sense of trust towards me, which is certainly something quite good, I need to rally all the forces I can in order to overcome that Dragonbane advantage, she has convinced everyone that he is a good man... ha... He will fall soon and then all will see his true self.

*he closes his journal and smile dreaming of the future as the shores of Mistone appears in the horizon *

Lance Stargazer

Re: For the sake of Law. - Aesthir Journal.
« Reply #14 on: November 07, 2008, 12:50:59 am »
The next act.. Rofirein bring your claws upon those who protects the tainted of this world .

*Aesthir leans over a rented room at Hlint , his journal alongside the rest of a roast and some wine, his journal attached to his belt with a simple but sturdy chain of Silver *

That woman !! How she dare to even judge me.

The initiate Stormhaven came to me with a straight acusation of me putting me under the charges of accusing an inocent man of being a Criminal.. This came aparentrly because another holy man of Rofirein noticed the taint on the knight that stole my name..

She asked but as usual for their kind they don't want to stand the truth even with that at their faces. She started to said that I might measure my words regarding to the tainted knight,..she still calls him my family.. my blood..

How could she even try to tell me of that.. what can she know..

Well.. I warned her of him.. of the true nature of his soul .. of all his sins.. and all what he could bring to the world.. and that I will be there for stopping him ... the blood of inocents will be at her hands as well .

Poor Daniella Stormhaven I pity on you and your naive soul... But Life is measured by scales.. and she will learn of her mistakes..  And in the end she will see the truth..


Lance Stargazer

Re: For the sake of Law. - Aesthir Journal.
« Reply #15 on: December 05, 2008, 02:59:39 am »
A ruse of fate .- Rofirein might steel my heart and wits

What is this that feel? Pity ? No I must get those confusing ideas out of my mind, I have found a worthy adversary she saw true my words, one must be wary of her, I must admit I am a bit surprised to find such challenge in this lands, she might be light headed, and may relinquish on that light head she has as a mechanism of self defense.

*aesthir smirks as he writes*

She would be dead before she get that date, I have better things to do than lose time with such trivialities, I have a duty that is sacred, and a holy mission in this world , I cannot rest since all see that man for what really is,  

But anyhow, I had a moment of weakness with her, I must get myself on the right path. That feeling will not be allowed to come back.

It feels good to be able to travel the road again, I have been quite busy learning of laws and assisting to the documents of the courhouses, I am learning much of law and presecution of the crimes, Soon at this rate I'll be able to understand the complexities of the courts. And why not, Maybe my lord has something bigger for me waiting.

We shall see..

In him I trust. And with his holy might infused on me, nothing would fail me and that man will fall .

Lance Stargazer

Re: For the sake of Law. - Aesthir Journal.
« Reply #16 on: June 03, 2009, 12:34:35 pm »
* Journal of the Chaos hunter *
*Oddly written in third person *

Name: Aesthir Stargazer

Profile of the Chaos Hunter:
Chaos hunter, the individual is prone to get distracted of the main objective, as the events on his life has been turning him out of the scope of what is required for chaos hunter. he sticks to the idea, but has comited serious mistakes that has made the flawless plan go down. Strict observation is required

Observed Skills:
His faith in the Great golden has been improving, his progresion in regards that is hard to understand yet, so are the way of the lord Protector, he is able to perform miracles not usually allowed to other knights, he is able to call the grace of Rofirein to raise fellow party members, at cost of his own being.


His lack of determinations jeopardize with the main objective. Getting distracted by minor things as the so called friendship.

that is mostly his greatest flaw, and by that what makes him more vulnerable to fall into corruption,

No criminal record found.

Lance Stargazer

Re: For the sake of Law. - Aesthir Journal.
« Reply #17 on: June 03, 2009, 12:46:29 pm »
About Life and turns .-  The years of the chaos hunter.

It has been a while since I write here, and a lot of things to record in fact.

First and foremost the trouble that tormented Brother Aeronn has finally ended, he made the right choice, leaving behind the temptation offered by that Inititate Stormhaven, She has grown in power as well. as I see how her evolution is progressing in the shadows.  I see how her power and infrluence grows.  A useful tool is used correctly. But that has been discused in other pages.

My power continues to increase, yet with it the trust of the people continue to go down, it's simply that all the world is too corrupt to stand the true justice of the lord protector ?  I cannot stop wonder of the reasons they could have to hide or to act the way they do if not that one.

The target by name Fehriel Cailomel has kept his status low, not showing yet his true face, as usual, there is no big evil than the one that hides in the face of Virtue. *smirks * yet I would not say that his face is one of virtue anyway. I'll have to keep myself on his trail, observing him and expecting what would be his next movement, because when he shows his true face, then i'll get him.

And In the other side, my weakness, this lady called Fleur. she has become pregnant out of marriage from that nature brat, *smirks* I wonder what is what bothers me more of this situation, In other conditions i would not be puitting too much tought on this kind of things, yet I have seen myself prone to defend her acting by instict. *he frowns at himself* this is to be taken in consideration in the future trips. I am getting older and slow. And my goals are far for complete.

May his mighty presence have mercy of our souls.

Aesthir Stargazer . Chaos hunter

Lance Stargazer

Re: For the sake of Law. - Aesthir Journal.
« Reply #18 on: March 26, 2010, 01:54:55 pm »
*A lot of cryptic files seems to be past since the last common filled page has been wrote as if reorganizing  *

Name: Bella Rogue

Profile of the Chaos Hunter:

Small woman, by reasonable beauty and humble ( not good breed ) origins, This lady seems to be the kind that has seen the worst that the world can show to people, She seems irrespectful of the good customs and still she seems to have managed to get into the sight of the Protector Daniel Benjamin Poetr. The boy showed so much promise, and now this, Still this might be the will of the Lord protector, Maybe a fixation that the Protector have with the life and deeds of his defunct father.

She seems nervous to speak and the Protector Poetr, blindly jumps into hes help excusing her, as it seems She depends a lot on him.

Observed Skills:

Until further details can be observed, Only its knows so far that she desires to become a Bounty hunter, That would speak of her military prowess, yet her small stature and skinny figure strikes me more as the type of an spy of sort, on this regard I must be wary of her, since there has been more than once that the looks decieves .


She and Protector Daniel desies to marry and she's looking for acceptation, still she must have something to hide, since she cuts the answers and looks nervous.. ALWAYS .

The young Novice Charlie has been brought to the temple for beheaving lessons, Maybe in a way to try to impress Protector Daniel and making him fall even more into his charms.

She seems to had certain past with the now owner of the Tower in the Dapplegreen, Nightshade as it appears.  acording to the reports of Commander Creekskipper, this nightshade is to be looked upon. and watch closely. This might be an attempt to infiltrate our ranks, IF this nightshade has plans of revenge against our comander.
Nervous , insecure and unstable, with thendencies of yelling at the slight show of things not working her way .

Willingly accepted to try to become a marks hunter.

No criminal record found.


Lance Stargazer

Re: For the sake of Law. - Aesthir Journal.
« Reply #19 on: April 05, 2010, 09:58:46 pm »
Name: Charlie "Frogman" Poetr

Profile of the Chaos Hunter:

Orphan, Lonely boy with social disfuncions and severe atention disorder syndrome, and a great desire for being noticed. Currently under care of Bella "Mouse" Poetr, and Protector Daniel Poetr,  Adoption papers filled and aproved.

Severe fixation with blonde women, violent under the right circunstances, impulsive and temperous, yet his lack of self steem makes him back up of most situations.

She is quick and tend to act in a chaotic way, more attached to his "mother" than his father, He has accepted the discipline in order to make her mother happy, Which lead us to think that a disagreement within Brother Poetr and Miss Poetr will turn the tip of the balance towards Miss Bella.

He can be pushed towards certain attitudes with the right trigger, and has some violent and misguided motivations as for "killing " monsters.

Weaknesses : her mother,and blonde girls , particularly Novice  Minerva ( Minnie ) who seems to fill his attention desires being kind to him.

He left the temple to live with his parents in Fort Wayfare, this will prove hard to accomplish some of the paths i've set for him but if things turn as expected the chance is still there.

Observed Skills:

Quick of hands and wits,  Used to hide and sneak, Some skill with locks has been observed this far, he's a boy so his training is still lacking and this info will come as he start to gain seasons, His endurance to the hard trainee regimen was good, so we can expect him to stand the arduos life that "Bounty Hunter" has for him. He seems to be more willing to follow his mother path , than his father's.


The boy has a full file of misdeeds and seems unable to avoid to get in trouble.

He worries about people beside him as long as that keep himself in good status with the said person. he desires so badly to have atention.

He has issues with the divine law and the discipline The Lord Protector has to offer .

He likes frogs.

He is a handiful boy. able to work with small pieces of raw materials to do improvised weapons as slings and clubs. This is motivated by his desire of mischief only and this skill is not seen used to anythin productive.

His parents has no criminal record

Boy without formal criminal record found, yet his misbeheavior file is repleted


