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Author Topic: For the sake of Law. - Aesthir Journal.  (Read 1727 times)

Lance Stargazer

Re: For the sake of Law. - Aesthir Journal.
« Reply #20 on: April 27, 2010, 10:48:46 pm »
Name: Alazira Goldvine ( Zira )

Profile of the Chaos Hunter:

Priestess of the Wretched Ilsare, corrupter and enchanting, typical ilsarean thinking of love and the "power" it brings with it, She has three siblings, Razariem, ( that elf that is allied in the corruption to the traitor ), Zakariem, a strong and silent elf, he's of no big concern but has to be considered due his total devotion to the priestess, and Zarianna, as i understand a sorcerer of some power, more a social face than a threat, but she still might pose some troubles . Diva and Fashionista, hold great likeliness with the profiled here ( Alazira ) .

Why she deserves a profiling?  . Easy She's very close to the main target, Was his lover at due time, following the steps of the traitor, making them both guilt only, and by that proving the true nature of their souls.

She seemed to be still with the target preference and she has a total loyalty to him. So its a force to be reckoned, and watched. She's also an officer of the Angels guild, which its not to be surprised, that organization has proved in the past the lack of respect they hold for law by supporting a convicted murderer more than twenty years ago.

Smart and silly at the same time, she's well known and has reported a lot of charity to diverse causes.

One has to walk coutiously with this one, since she has been opely hostile and untrusted towards the true law officers, which brings more worryness upon Protector Daniel Poetr, who has openly accepted to be a friend of her, and has said that her advice ( the one of a follower of ilsare nonetheless ) was crucial on the choose of his marriage ( over the judgement of the gold )

She's not reliable and one can't trust her attitude, she can be explosive or calm , and her beheavior pattern is the same as with all her family unpredictable.

At least she has right the feelings about the traitor and despise Lance, Would this be a trick of her mind, She seems to play fool at times, but one can't trust those ilsareans. Not with the wake of that ilsarean army in Hlint, one has to be wary.

Weaknesses : Argos Stargazer, and her family. This far found.

Observed Skills:

She's able to channel a lot of blessings of the muse. An she's real good with the bow, one can hit her easily since for some reason has stoped to use armor, since some time ago, Still she usually is not seen alone, her companions are reliable and strong, Since they usually don't get danger to reach her as i've been observing, She must be using them , conniving and decieving them to do her biddings.


She is quite focused when trying to do something, once her mind is set on something, she does her best to achieve that.

She is variable on her reactions and quite emotional, could try to be obsesive caring to those she considers allies or incredibely hostile to those she considers enemies.

She is friends with Protector Poetr and seems to have him gotten into a level of trust, That must be watched to avoid intrusions on our ranks.

And the angel guild is of course worthy of being mentioned, since they support her blindly.

Not much information found on the parents.

Sympaty for dark elves and association with those, specially that one that was friends with the threat Argos , The dark elf called Tyilaan

Criminal Record :

Guilty of association and protection of Darkelves, Filled in Hlint. Odd enough she was able to escape prosecution by the authorities.


Lance Stargazer

Re: For the sake of Law. - Aesthir Journal.
« Reply #21 on: April 27, 2010, 10:51:35 pm »
Name : Argos Cillnya Stargazer

Profile of the Chaos Hunter:


And so the enemy shows his face after so many years, The Chaos hunter failed to stop the threat to come back to roam the lands, Finally the offspring of the traitor and the priestess came to the lands, Iellwen is at least now safe from the tainted blood, as it can be seen she finally saw his true colors. The Knight had finalized the use he had for her discarded her, She no longer needs her once the boy has grown to fullfill the greater shcheme behind his mind. The tyrant has reborn.

He was trained and share the same figthing technique than the tainted, and he has failed the test to become part of the church, which tell us that at least has some sense still about whom would he accepts on his service, this one confuses me tough, since i feel that the Gold still thinks that there can be hope for him, What would that means, how to unravel the mystery, This might be that my nephew is still free of the taint, that there is still time to stop it to develop it, that he still can be stoped.

He is well known by now, and show some similarities with his father and yet some parts of his mother beheavior seems to have sticked with his personality, Its observed an outgoing and careless personality, still he's impulsive and explosive, he has started to amass an army it seems as It can bee seen frequently with Dark elves and a ogre, only the gold might know what plots they have for the future, he seems to have contacted the ones who might think as he do when his stay in the Az'attan temple, those using the Redemptress as a cover , to pillage, rob and rape. Those defilers and corrupters, *he adds descriptions of Tyillan, Rottie and Ayndeel *

Still he claims to be a student and a faithful of Toran yet he has not been acknowledged by the church, maybe due his multiple runaways and his carefree attitude, he lacks discipline that a true knight should show, even that his martial prowess seems to be quite advanced and somehow he seems to have accsess to some blessings, yet his control of them doesn't seem to be proper. Still which dark power would be watching over him to be able to call those blessings not being ordained in the Toran's church it only make me wonder.

He was in a relationship with Alazira, Following the teachings of his father it seems that stick on the boy, trusting the wretched muse, showing again his inclinations towards chaos and taint. The relation by now is over, and yet those two are at odds. The situation has to be studied and tought carefully before any action of the Chaos hunter must be taken. His actions tough. Show that he has no control over his feelings and still gives credit to them.

He's a wandrer and have done some military service in Dregar, Actually finds himself living in Fort Llast 117, The house belongs to Miss Elohanna, and he seems to share house with one of the darkelves mentioned up, maybe even became lovers and his grandfather choice of concubines, if this is true or no , it has yet to be proved. They act quite if that was not the case when outside.

His last group of activities aside the ones mentioned up, seems to be A blade of hire by name Dot, that has been seen in odds Fort Vehl, An elven named Kelvarser that seems to be real strong and skilled with those blades, using an odd two long blade style, and finally another of his weakness, Rory an explorer lady that seems to have been able to get his atention as well, and they are quite close, this should be noted , This lady Rory lives at the same place that Milady Iellwen, in the same neighborhood, and maybe by this is that the tainted boy keeps in check his mother. His motives on this last group remains to be seen .

Weaknesses : Lack of control of weakness, His broken family, the "friends" mentioned here, Women, Fear to water

Observed skills

Good sword technique . and some "blessings" bestowed by an unknown power, his control over those blessings does not seem to be good, still he does not seem to have the patience or knowledge to chanell those apropiately, Still the power of the blessings he displays is great and he's able to keep them working for severla hours.


He can be found almost always with that Scout Rory

He has a definite weakness for women, and seems to always be surrounded by them

He has Phobia to water, a severe one, and that might kill him one of this days.

He's greatly affected by the family break up, its believe this is part of the training the tainted is giving him to forge the character of the boy into a tyrant, Its still to find evidence of this facts, but worth of note.

He's also affected by any relationship to his former two loves, Anabelle Switch and Alazira Goldvine.

Both Dot and Rory are his current female company and hence why part of his strenght and weakness. The one labeled as Rory seems to be on his good side and she might be had something for him. this facts are to be used as leverage when the chance comes.

He has vouched for the Darkelves mentioned up and for Alazira , regarding the case of the darkelves in Hlint.

No criminal record found.


Lance Stargazer

Re: For the sake of Law. - Aesthir Journal.
« Reply #22 on: May 06, 2011, 03:31:10 am »
And Justice is served - Seizing of evidence

**The man was smiling and with good reasons to do it, he had been requested as a personal favor to not get in touch with the prisioner, but what the man had given in exchange for that personal Favor, Aesthir was no fool, he knew that Daniel didn't show his true face to him, he knew that somehow he never liked him cause he was able to do what he could never do, That misguided protector , captain and hero of war, but he saw how he treated better to criminals than their own brothers, and now here he was sitting on the first floor of the seized tower, as the evidence was sought. The criminal was already at jail, and he wondered if Daniel would be fair and not get involved as he asked to do so, it was only a question of fairness on how the balance was setup, one has to put the right weights over it, But things will fall for their own weight, he was sure of that, and just today , despite everything he could smile *

*Sitting on a couch with his feet extended over the table, he oversaw how the evidence is checked and the proceedings on the tower to be done with fairness,  this was not simple a seizure, was a search for posible evidence for the record on the criminal, she finally snaped and it was the very same Daniel who brought her to justice,  Ironic isn't it ?  But well , he had played his cards, and he wondered on how he had to act in the future, After all the "trial" was going to be a quick one, he smirked on the thought of it and looks over the proceedings *

*The sound of steps distracted him of his thoughts, as he turned to where the steps were coming, a young woman approached saluting at him *

- Master Stargazer, The perimeter is secured, we have the tower seized and guarded by several guards in case someone tries something funny

*Aesthir nods in acknowledgement to the woman *

I am glad to hear that Minerva, How is the investigation going  

*the woman look at him and then towards the men around *  The people on the tower has been informed and their things checked and documented, so all is going smooth Master Stargazer, I just have a question here sir , if you allow me .

*The man smirks at her and nods  * - What is it little one?  

What is what you search here ? . the woman asked .

*Aesthir with calm expression answered at her*

I am not looking for anything specific, that would be getting personal dear one, I am not seizing this tower in spite of the criminal, No I am seizing it in the name of the goverment of Co'rys, Its them who is seizing it, same as they did with the Orphanage, you see  ?  We are just. ..

- The woman smirked at him and noded -  Taking care of the propierty and holding posible evidence, how could i haven't seen that  .

**the man nodded at her*  Indeed young one, indeed.  You are learning too fast for my own good . *he said in good mood *

*The woman bows respectfully*  Its just what one could do to honor our masters, Master Stargazer,

**the man smiles at that and stands slowly* Lets not linger more then Minerva, lets keep searching for the evidence we need and to keep the documentation we need.

*The Woman looks at him*  Are you in hurry, do you think that there will be a countermeasure ?

*he smiles at her*  you should know by now the answer to that , you have been with me for too much time to know how i act, isn't it?

*she smirks and nods* I am sorry master for doubting you .

**he laughs again in good mood * Stop with that , we have work to do.

**The two of them start to move towards the office, the man carrying a book on his hands all the time *

Lance Stargazer

Re: For the sake of Law. - Aesthir Journal.
« Reply #23 on: May 12, 2011, 05:55:52 pm »
Name: Daniel Benjamin Poetr

Profile of the Chaos Hunter:

Daniel Benjamin has been a proud Rofirenite ever since i've known him, yet the late examination of his beheavior was a mistake i am planning to correct by writting this report, The man has shown a great development on the church rank itself, his dedication to the gold is not on dispute here, but his views on the methods of the judgement of the divine law. He seems to be biased on certain ocassions where his feelings come to play on it.

The boy is a bit misguided as i've seen, yet i am not the one to put him on the right path, its perhaps Rofirein who should have put this as personal test, and in the gold wisdom , yet it requieres close observation to it. And in the uttermost of cases intervention to prevent his own downfall.

Since i've seen how he travels and calls Friends and brothers ( guildmates ) to ilsareans, also his mind doesn't seem objective when his personal life got involved. he asked once to Protector Aesthir Stargazer, to perform a wedding with Bella Rogue, his reasons were most alarming at the moment saying that his reasons for the marriage was that was advised by an ilsarean to follow his heart on love, he disregarded by that coment any wish that Rofirein had for him , despite he tried to say that with words, his heart spoke otherwise. This marriage has proceed into dissolution under the charges of infidelity , this was processed by the very Daniel himself,

Right now the subject is member of the Angel's guild , a well known institution for their lack of respect for the law, allowing murderous individuals amoung their numbers, they have kept a better profile after those events, and perhaps the increasing number of ilsareans observed on their halls had something to do with the lowering levels of violence.

Observation is required at this point on the Knight Captain, no transgression has been found, yet the war left a lot of things unrecorded, so this last statement is to be yet to be tested.

Weaknesses : Bella Rogue, And his family, Ilsareans amoung them his guldmates and a particular individual Andrew Reid, which had some historial with the church as well , Tyra Dragonheart and the Dreadblade organization .This weaknesses can be count as allies for the subject as well.

Other weakness he had is the despise for the protector Aesthir Stargazer, and perhaps other Rofirenites, this point has raised the alarm other than the rests.

Observed Skills:

The power of Rofirein flows on him and that is evident, his dedication and zeal is unparalleed at times, but again he is easily derrailed upon his dedication when the "right" people is involved, he is able to perform miracles not granted to anyone so his power within the church is great not only in favor of the gold but on the military chain,  since his exploits speak for themselves.  Dedicated and loyal to those he finds agreeable.


Knight Captain of the knights of the wyrm, rank achieved due his continual exploits.

Able to call upon the most powerful blessings and perform miracles with strong convivition

Strong ties to the Dreadblades, he is membber of the Angel's guild and was member of the Coalition over some time, he is known as well to work with them from time to time.

As was written in Alazira's profile, he and her are quite closer, agaiin this should be watched for breaching on our security or leaking of information

Parents Benjamin Poetr and Tariana Poetr, both deceased.

Criminal Record :

No criminal record found


Lance Stargazer

Re: For the sake of Law. - Aesthir Journal.
« Reply #24 on: December 06, 2011, 02:17:33 pm »
*Another profile on the book*

Name: Farrow the Viper

Profile of the Chaos-hunter
Serial murder in the area of Co'rys, Follower of the wetched Xeen, she was found possing as a prostitute on a bar, where he lured young, lonely, playboys into taking them to the a place with the promise of pleasure and "nice company", she targeted playboys and lonely male men, the marital status doesn't matter. She used to target men who used "Thin bark" perfume, fact that was discovered after the third murder which served to make a match on the victims, and helped to the final capture of the killer, the perfume its quite well known and the pick of it seemed to be fortuitous or perhaps to enhace the effect of the method of killing. This last part is to be confirmed yet.

The case was brought to the chaos hunter when two lords were found dead as the chaos hunter was returning to the city, the first man was a lonely merchant, who had his family out of town, the cause of this man's death was found by poisoning, several snake bites were found on the body, apparently he was bound on his bed as the serial killer was biting him and healing him for several times, the third proved to be fatal to the victim.

The second murder was a clerk of minor importance in the biggest Vehl structure, when arriving to the scene he was found dead in the same conditions than the previous body, same modus operandi and same death reason. The chaos hunter found that the doors and windows were untouched same as the previous house, which discarded a forceful entry to the house, There was not trails of anything else, but the said perfume was found in both scenes so far, yet the pattern was not discovered at the moment, Upon close examination of the body it turned that he was still in a raiseable status, After warning around , The chaos hunter started to see upon the blessing, but stoped when noticed a hex placed on the body, this hex was intended to destroy the body upon raise attempt. It was still a shot worth, Being prepared for such thngs , The room was evacuated, and the hex was tried to be countered and diseabled, unfortunately the concentration of the chaos hunter fiddled in the last moment and the room was destroyed by the fire, One more fact to add about this serial killer she had some control of the so called al'noth. With the crime scene destroyed and nothing more to learn of this, The servitude was interrogated turned out that the man was in hurry the days before and that she was going to have a small lonely night by the time of the murder. The one who found the body another clerk by name Edger was spoken about that and we found that they used to fequent a small exclusive bar.

Investigating this bar ( appointed the address there ), it was found that it was a place of corruption and excesses where the privacy of the clients were taken seriously due the exclusiity of the place, There were two people who were interrogated and they threw away by saying that one of them was the son of the guard, basically they were non cooperative and selfish people , preety much as expected from someone who assist to such corrupting places. This two people left the bar with two diferent women, One brunnete and other blonde, The chaoshunter followed the man with the brunette and stad vigilance upon the area with no further information obtained.

Next day it was learned that one of the guard's captain's son had been missing from 3 nights ago, the interrogation of the one who was followed by the Chaos hunter was inminent, the man was convinced and led the chaos hunter to the scene, there the body was found dead , and the stench of death was inminent, upon exploring the scene the perfume was found and the lead found. The body was turned upon the guards and with help of the experience of the Chaos hunter on the said Hex, the body was able to be raised, with the previous experience the hex was removed and the body raised, this man helped to give the declaration of the events transpired. Then the plan was set in motion. The friend and the chaos hunter alongside other guards surrounded the bar awaiting, upon a false start the murderer saw tru the conmotion, piercing green eyes and this time with a black wig, she start to move away upon the conmotion, the chaos hunter start to move towards her and by the strenght of will of the gold she was held in place and arrested.

Upon speaking to her and offering the chance of purification of her soul, she sticked to her wicked ways and was executed by burn on the center of the town for the murder of three men and the disruption of order. She seems that she wasn't bound.

Weaknesses : She was quite efficient on her ways to deal and modus operandi, his weakness was as always with the serial murderers the targeting the same social or racial group, helping to close and narrow the spectrum of search, still was a formidable opponent.

Observed skills :  Her plan was well developed which speaks of a smart woman, she had some magical help as well of no meager power and the knowledge of the hexes that were used to cover the trail and avoid information given or the recovery of the lives taken.

- She was executed on Vehl, no record of binding found.
- Threatened with this to come back, so one has to be observant of the followers cult on here.
. She was a priestess of Xeen.
- No other criminal record found

Aesthir Stargazer.

Lance Stargazer

Re: For the sake of Law. - Aesthir Journal.
« Reply #25 on: December 13, 2011, 12:09:46 am »
*One single page is filled with red ink only fullfilling with one word *


*The ink seems to be covering an old chaoshunter profile the information no longer available*

Lance Stargazer

Re: For the sake of Law. - Aesthir Journal.
« Reply #26 on: March 19, 2012, 12:31:40 pm »
A treaty about authority . Two side blades.

How fateful enconter, *Said the man as he looks down at the piece of metal on his hands, he then places it again inside the turn coat and places securely in there, beetwen a clasp installed on under the armor he carries under the said coat* So now that things are finally start to move on my favor, I've need to start to find reliable people inside my inner circle, I have worked so far alone, yet the tide is changing or so they said the sailors, my time is comming and i'll leave order in my wake.  

Its been long years and finally the cards reveal a chance, one that must be seized and taken without doubts of mind or heart, my resolution shall not know waver.

I need to start looking about the ranks of the church people to serve as my helpers, but patience will win the day, As a predator awaiting for the prey with calm and cold thinking.

I've progressed that far in the path of the chaos hunter to stop now, *he lower his head for a moment alone in his room , his gaze softens for just a bit *  I am sorry *the steely gaze returns to his face as he turns towards his shelf full of books and methodolgies of investigation * I am not sorry for doing what i had to do in the past, nor i will be sorry to keep working for the greater good, despite if the people see it or not...

Chaos must be quelled.. And I'll quell it.  

**he takes his leave of his room and heads towards the chapel to spend 12 continual hours in praying *

Lance Stargazer

Re: For the sake of Law. - Aesthir Journal.
« Reply #27 on: May 16, 2012, 12:35:05 pm »
Confusion .

*The man seems to be writting in the small lean book, attached as always to his silver chain to the belt *

Fact : Confussion is ineed a weapon of chaos, Wana'h has come to me to ask me several things, the truth is always so tricky, and at times having this close allies is a close as she is, may at times be considered as a weakness it certainly has its uses, As usual her demeanor is insecure, but this time with a diference way more evident, she seems to consider a benefit of the alliance moral support, and i do not see any wrong in giving it, for the time being.

She seems to be using the term honeybun too much of late as well and seems to be under the impression that i enjoy them, I can't say that her cooking is bad at all, and yet the intent of her expressions are with a hidden intent , mostly surely for her confussion, something to explore on later. Yet to be honest her cookies and her honeybuns are a worth prize for any tournament, Been used those in the past to motivate students to fight and learn back in Western Gate.

As she stands she spends so much time with that elf Aer, something i've been happy by observe so far, something dark is on his soul and somehow familiar, his movements are prescise as a cobra ready to strike, in calm pose, a familiar movements indeed, And yet nothing to be proved yet.

Then the plot number 57 of The Cur Dragonheart to get rid of me, The son of the corruption and crime, The very same Ty Dragonheart-Reid. The boy seems to be genuine so far, and yet one has to see the greater picture in there, He is tied somehow to my allies and to my enemies as well, So far he may be considered a minimun threat on intent, and yet low priority still has a priority, his blood doesn't speak well for him and at the same time , even if we all born guilty, his sins are still to be put out to the light, everyone has sins and crimes, everyone no matter how pure their feelings appears to be.

This come to the original thoughts, confusion from my allies, and at the same time eagerness to show the lack of confussion, I gave protection for the night, that is when the weakness become apparent, and the chaos hunter is becoming weak again, he has to put the weakness away of his mind and steel his heart, chaos is the enemy, and he has to endure.

And yet, somehow, helping is what is supposed we do, Is this really what the knight should do?  to test the light for once, just for once after so many years, was good to understand it, so one can fight it, If one gets too used to it, it will hurt even more when the light is taken away, It won't happen again, And if it does it will serve my purposes , as the greater plan has been decreed *

Lance Stargazer

Re: For the sake of Law. - Aesthir Journal.
« Reply #28 on: August 29, 2012, 04:23:55 pm »
Chaos hunter profile :

Name  : Councilman Lewis Grue

Profile of the Chaos hunter :
Resilent Counclilman of Mariner's hold with a dubbious sense of responsablity on some parts and strong devotion to the upholding to the law in others, and yet the man has weaknesses as the fail in keeping the head cold in regarding the law to Monsters in the city, allowing those aberrations free transit into the city, the man had been posing as a Judge for more than 60 years, and during all this time he had suffered multiple attempts to end his life by several criminal leaders, none had been able to do so.

The man has somehow gained this chaos hunter admiration on some sort, and The chaos hunter must learn of the lessons given by him, his resilency and work towards the order , as well with his "alternatives" to deal with the prisioners have their merit, to place the scum of the society back to productive roles that are respectful of the law and the institutions per see its a good thing, and somehow that the man had the vision to do, and yet the method and the drawback he failed to see, betraying for that very result the very core of the divine law, On an initial inspection the man seemed to had the teachings of the Great gold at heart, and yet his pride was his downfall, it turned that the man had deals with some aberrations behind all this Razorback syndicate, and they were working for both masters, if not the masters were they. An important lesson to learn from this man is to never forget the core of your beliefs, and so to not let pride blind you of the true goals of the faith. Something The chaos hunter must nor forget.

Weaknesses : Strong sense of duty, but easily swayed by words, having great inclination to listen to that Andrew Reid manipulations and being weak on the application of the law towards his whims, Not strong sense of duty regarding the threaten that free walking monsters in the city may bring.

Observed skills : The man has a good control on the audience room, he listened to the chaos hunter advice with some degree of respect, thinking objectively on those remarks and having a good skill in handling the law, he saw thru the use of Protector Merrit for the ruse of the Chaos hunter, so the man had  the ability to understand the use of the resources for the better administration of results.

Status :  Dead

Protector Aesthir Stargazer

*Atached to the file there are some Paperwork

Lance Stargazer

Re: For the sake of Law. - Aesthir Journal.
« Reply #29 on: August 30, 2012, 04:08:49 pm »
Weaknesses , allies , and liabilities

The time keeps going on and the chaos hunter path seems to be giving good results so far, it never has been easy and the scorn that is felt by even my own brothers in faith its not something that would feel good, but has been long past since that mattered anymore, that has been my burden since the day my Lord set me on this path, and now its far late to care about what the rest of the spineless think. Its after all my place to do what they can't, to keep their precious shoes and armors clean, isn't it?  But not as much as their conciences, Its is the way it is.

I've found a home again, not one that i could use as the previous one i thought, but this one has to be shared, so the plots have to be reduced to the minimum, It may bring somehow a liablity, but for once i don't care, This will allow me to have advantages, some kind of leverage into my enemies even if the oportunity has been under the provervial sleeve.

Marion, has left towards Western gate, one has to learn to let go as well, I wonder if this was how Equitus felt when i left, its something odd, cause i know that she may work to get a place in the faith, a chaos hunter has to be extra careful since the rest of the chaos hunter's eyes are upon us, So she is still under my tutelage, and yet she began her own quest of learning where i can't lead her anymore, She and Wana'hs daughter will be at Western gate studying now,. that probably be able to make Wana'h a bit more calm regarding Gracie.

The chaos hunter has seen the dark alleys of Co'rys now, I've been wondering to put that old plot 57 of the Dragonheart Cur to the test, it may prove the way to test his alliegance and to study his actions a bit further, yet the critical condition of the team right now doesn't allow such comodities at the moment, yet another ace under the sleeve may be into play soon, One that once belonged to our ranks and that now may serve the gold in a very different way, we'll see if he is able to see beyond the ordinary.

I met the cur herself in Center alongside the fruit of the sin and corruption and Wana'h, she was her usual bashing self, I'd wished she'd tried to do anything really, to see how far can she reach once the rest of the rofirenites in Center may catch her, and being taken to Wayfare ... for good. Or who knows maybe we'd be able for her to be banished of Brelin as well?  Maybe she is out there for a record ... Who knows what the miind of that woman stands for.

As for Wana'h she was her usual self, explaining and yelling proudly about her honeybuns, and her exquisite ablity to cook, at least it was something else to hear over the babbling that the cur and that elf with idiotic words to share to hear..

Things are playing just as expected,  I just wait to see if that Daniel Benjamin doesn't show now to try to see "beyond my intentions" on this operation.

Lets the game continue.. chaos we'll see how will this end and who holds the upper hand.

*As he start to move towards the stable , locking the door of his study on the Vehl's temple*

Lance Stargazer

Re: For the sake of Law. - Aesthir Journal.
« Reply #30 on: October 14, 2012, 10:33:35 am »
The curse that brought a kingdom to its knees.

Its funny now that I am heading back to Western gate how this venture ended, I am sure that the bards will make sure to sound way more impresive than what it was really like, but that is usually how this kind of things go, the ancient enemy curse is gone, and Rofirein has done somehow this a matter of meditation, the end of the curse was on the hands of the very perpetrators of it, which is somehow ironic.

I've seen so much good qualities in Maximilian De'Lourney, the kind of attributes that make him an intresting subject for observation, he reminds me a lot of Aeronn, somehow i felt a nostalgy I had not felt in long time, the price for coming to my age I take, still this would not cloud my objective thinking, I can't believe that I am actually missing to return towards Fort Vehl to my duties on the guard, but the bickering of the politics and the unruly people there pale to the mistrust and poor judgement the ones in charge of this mission was, and yet the gods acts in a mysterious ways, I do think that somehow perhaps Rofirein saw this chaos to prosper so we fail to retrieve the neckalces and put cities in danger, in fact perhaps we were meant to be the means for the enemy self -destruction, which somehow troubles me on that.

I find some disappointments during this trip as well, I see that this man I worked before Aden, is not really worth to be trusted alongside the goals of the Chaos hunter, he seemed too subjective to think on the verge of his leaderess Jill, which of course came to me as a sentimental angry woman, Perhaps its a personal vendetta for the accusations done towards her now dead husband, its something that I got used to, at least i am glad that Sir Maximilian and Naldin were on this crusade.

Now i am heading back towards Western Gate, need to keep an eye upon Wana'h's gril and upon Marion on their new stages of training, That Gracie insist on the dancing, and yet she'll learn in time. Everyone does.

For now the world can breath at peace.  Lets see how long it last this time.


Lance Stargazer

Re: For the sake of Law. - Aesthir Journal.
« Reply #31 on: February 01, 2013, 12:34:14 am »
Weakness.. Dismay... Tricks. .. past .

*The man sit on the side of the lake on the Belinarean path from Hilm to the Siphe principality , he had to stop for camping and was looking to the deepness of the lake *

- So he is back -*he pondered in his varitone voice*

* He had this conversation on how his life would be affected and yet he said that it won't be, and suddenly this was wrong, it already had affected him, she was being her as always, on that he couldn't blame her, she had a big baggage to deal with, and yet it hurt, the words said to him, the tone used, and the departure, he didn't want to leave, yet he had too, he was scorning himself, for being weak, for having let himself to be affected like this for one person, he looked angrily to the deep of the lake where he had thrown the ring about some days before when they were passing thru here,  he was a fool*

Well, congratulations Protector Aesthir Stargazer, somehow you managed to be a manipulative , heartless one, even to those you failed to keep your heart guarded. .. so be it. .  *his thoughts echoed thru his mind, he had done his homework, apparently too well, and he was hurt by it, a failure that is attachable to no one else but himself, he should reconsider things,  he should restore his path, Vehl needed him, Rofirein need him still. . there are bigger things that the petty ambitions of a man...  And yet it still hurt .....

*The moons watched as the man kept himself awake all nigth, just observing the lake*

Lance Stargazer

What are we ? *His own voice
« Reply #32 on: February 19, 2013, 11:58:50 am »

What are we ? *His own voice resounding on his mind, as an maddening echo in the silence, filling his thoughts and making him ponder and relive so many memories*

*The man stands looking at the tent and the camp near the tower of Ozlo, so many memories passing thur his mind at once, as if reliving them, so vivid, so alive, pain and  joy upon his eyes again, the recent threat made by the very man he was supposed to be serving, the very Captain Andrew from Vehl's guard, and now this.

*He looked upon his hands then towards the mithril Bastard sword that rest near the fire, the flickering quick silver reflecting the flames of the vivid campstite, and now all come to this, what to make of all this, the words of the previous night, then the events of the night,  Is he becomming soft?  Is he becoming weak?  No, he is just now putting into action Equitus teachings.

But all comes to this question, as he looks upon the woman that is resting on the tent..


- What are we? -

**He said in  a barely whisper to himself as he return to his position outside the tent, watching and keeping watch, he may return inside, but not now, not till he finishes praying*


Lance Stargazer

*On the journal, with fast
« Reply #33 on: August 29, 2013, 01:08:59 am »

*On the journal, with fast and skillfull hand the following draws can be seen  * 

Feather     Equal     Muffin


*Quick notes to follow* 

Never thought this would happen to  me, its seems to good for even think that i am not dreaming, yet dreams is not what a Chaos hunter should persue, I am failing of the path ?  Or maybe,.. just maybe there is still hope for the chaos hunter . 


Lance Stargazer

Law order and
« Reply #34 on: December 12, 2013, 03:32:34 pm »

Law order and promises.

*Aesthir sits on his office on the temple, the man is not the same as he has been, his shape leaning on the big chair, seems uneasy, the office seems as usual , but something is amiss, the usual calm and calculating posture of the man seems lacking, as if his drive has stopped for a time, he on the other hand seems quiet and in deep concentration, there are writtings around his desk, treaties of law of diferent kingdoms spread on the page, lots of marks on the pages, and his own notes on the documents , finally a sigh came out of the man lips *

- What are you doing , Aesthir? - *he spoke to himself, this at least this has not changed , its said that your worst critic is yourself, and this had proved specially true for the man in the chair, he had to be perfect, no aiming for a failure , cause everyone would take advantage of that failure, he lived up to that ideal so far, and despite an ocassional mishapp, had worked well for him, he was true to himself all this time,  ....

 .... Then why he felt this way ?

*He looked down at his journal, the notes of years of investigations, and countless of treaties relied there, on his journals, yet this time he had devoted pages to write about himself, the chaos hunter has to measure himself even harder than those he tries to measure, cause in the power of acting reside the responsability and it carries the lure of corruption, as power usually brings, he read again his notes, he saw the drawing of the feather that had drawn on the side, making a visage out of form and order for his usually tidy and clean reports, he frowned a bit to himself, but then keep reading,  his eyes stopped on a paragraph he wrote in the middle.*

- If we act as the enemy, what make us better than them?  What difers us from criminals if we use the power to get our way, the fear and the strenght, isn't those the weapons of the ancient enemy?  Is this the way you want to be known , Chaos hunter?  What example I am  giving  to those he was teaching? Is this the world I want to create for her ..... ?

*The paragraph ended there, the feather was close to this paragraph, drawn with expert hand and practiced movements, he remembered during the last days most cases on the past, that mercenary in Dregar, the one who carried the massacre and was left to her own design to be dealt by the authorities on Boyer, the cases on the misted Village, he removed his sight from the journal, and turned the chair towards the widow, the silvery light from  Ausir reaching thru the window, sleep won't come easy tonight as well .  . . . 

There is no rest for those who fail themselves  ....*



Lance Stargazer

*The image of the woman
« Reply #35 on: December 13, 2013, 04:06:00 pm »

*The image of the woman smiling, the simple life on the farm in a time that doesn't seem to be even real*

*Sudden change to the rigid face of a  male dwarven , the man he knew as Equitus *

*Then the flames over the farm, the same passage but all destroyed, the body of Leon falling in the ground, and the last look to his sister*

*The mountains range, where he learned*

*The landscape as he left Western Gate the first time, and the strange cloud that he swore looked lika dragon,. ... Suddenly at this image,, the dragon vanishes and his vision got clouded, all blood on his eyes.*

*The man wake up violently, as the dream transpired , another of those nights, He had lived on the last days in constant remembering of memories, good and bad mixed in a collage of images and feelings, his past, present and what seemed to feel like a doomed future came to him over, he then look down at his hands, there was blood on them, he took a jump back at the realization, for a moemnt the man lost his cool and gave himself a luxury he had not in long years .... to have fear. *

The moment didn't last long, as he regained his focus, something was wrong, and somehow he felt off balance on his own beliefs, he didn't felt good at all with himself right now, and he had to do something, he was no weak man to stay idle upon this, this was a test, it was a well know beliefs and something that his father told him so often . Faith is not for when miracles are abundant, it is for when there seems to be lacking of them, he had to stand up and do something about this, he felt lonely, the great power behind him, had withdran some support, alas,  Aesthir was aware, that it was not for power that he did what he did in the past, not this kind of power anyway, he was still a protector, until the trail comes out at least, and he have to beheave as one.

He rose from the bed and walked thru the hallway, he moved and heard the laughter of his many rivals, and yet he stood proud, then stopped, he heard Marion's voice behind him?

- Master is there posible that you don't learn anything?  -

*Aesthir turned out, but there was no one there, as the echo of the voice keept sounding on the room , the man frowned, and resumed his walk towards the tub, he lowered his face for a moment, heavy sweat falling from his forehead, as he turn around the corner , he saw a very recent image, laying down there badly wounded, the very Cur Tyra Dragonheart, wounded and ready for the coup de grace, he saw himself as he approached with the blade out and ready to strike the final blow, under the vengeful and stern look of the woman, long ago tried to kill him, he remembered the scene quite well, he didn't know why he didn't stroke the final blow, he instead pulled out a potion, and drop the contents on the wounded body of the woman, during all this time he thought he had an agenda, making the woman owe him, for the humiliation of it, and cover his back if something wrong went with the switch, but, .. what if it was not that, .. what if he just rationalized such .. .

- You should be a paragon of honor and virtue -

*The disembodied voice again, this time with a diferent ring , the voice of the girl known as Gracie, the daughter of Fleur that one who always called him uncle, and now. . well now was complicated, the girl had taken the studies of the dragon and now , was comming for teaching him, he stopped right there, again no body seemed to be the owner of the voice, he frowned and leant on the wall, taking his hand to the head, his breathing seems calm, and normal, his body temperature on the normal range on the close inspection he did, everything was apparently good, maybe something he ate, one of his enemies had poisoned him*

- Looking for enemies everywhere, you will lose the chance to find any friend , you know? -

*This time the merry voice of Fleur came as if spoken to his ear, he turned around his eyes concerned, as he finally spoke*

- Show yourself ....  I am not affraid .-

*The silence that followed didn't help the attitude of him, he felt challenged , but at the same time slowly the weights of their words was falling into his mind, he felt empty, he walked forward, and then he saw the shrine to the Dragon he had on his room, the sight usually gave the man some solace, and yet this time , he almost could have sworn, that the dragon frowned at him, he kept walking, but the shrine didn't seem to come closer, he started to run, but to no avail, the dragon seemed to be farther and farther as much as he tried to reach ... 

*He heard something on his back, as he turned the three women were standing there*  You are not affraid , and that is what doesn't allow you to see ? What use is for a chaos hunter if he can't see his own flaws, you are too proud to accept your failures, yet you feel them, and you can't lie to yourslef, or to ....  *the image changed into a majestic huge Gold dragon, which start to soar up in the sky, and going away *

* Yet again the man wake up on his bed.. . sweating badly as the dream ended, for first time in long time. ... Aesthir silently cried*

// This is just the representation of Aesthir subconcious, there is no actual characters or divine intervention intended on the course of this thread, it was just aesthir mind giving understanding forms to an idea on his mind


Lance Stargazer

Guilty!!! *The voice was
« Reply #36 on: December 20, 2013, 07:54:00 pm »


*The voice was heard clearly, each sylabe a stab on his heart, he knew whose charges were put on him, at first he acted without hessitation, but now..... *

*The ceremmony was proper, the Rofirenites would bring a fair judgement and yet a fairer punishment, he never thought to see himself into the predicament he was now, yet he couldn't deny the truth that he was living and aching at this very point, it was noit the fact that he had acted deliberatelly actiong against the rules, it was more the fact that he had broke his own way of living, he had no excuses, he had betrayed himself and all what he represented, and above all things ... he betrayed Him, his lord Rofirein*

*Good will and redeemption he thought to himself, he thought on the betrayer that was Delacroix and how he put his faith on him, "for the right thing",... so foolish... Serves him right for trusting and misreading people, and now it was him who had to deal with the consecuences, he was not affraid ... or was he? ....*

*The sound of the audience came with the veredict, like a dream he listened, for those observing him it was the same Aesthir, calm and precise, his eyes focused on the task, always the perfect posture, yet it was more the force of habit, his mind was blurred, at least part of him, he heard the voices muffled and blured as in a dream, one dream that can wake you up with the strenght of a log hit on your head*

And so he heard the words. ..  Guilty.

*He didn't needed to listen it from the voices of the jury to feel about the consecuences, yet now the cycle was closed, The word was heard for second time, Guilty, he closed his eyes for a moment as he heard the punishment, somehow what he expected, alas something rekindled his interest leaving aside all the succor his soul felt.*

*An Alternative ... . it was said. . .The man listened with atention, for one moment the old Aesthir returned to his self, he was somehow amused the oportunity at his disposal, he started to think on stratagems, and tactics, yet the heartache came again.....*

He had been given time to think , his mind and heart repeated the words that Reus had shared with him,

- You must find a way to right your wrongs, but above that you must remain true to your lord, even while doing that-

*The words brought heavy meaning into the man, 10 years would be a lot of time, but if he doubt he'll fail, he smirk a bit to himself, almost as if mockering to the irony of the situation,  thinking on how he would have acted with someone other on his position, at that moment he became his worst enemy, his worst critic again, but alas. ... Soon he realized that maybe ... just maybe. . . The Dragon in his wisdom had given him a way of learning. ....

- Things happen for a reason ,*he whispered to himself, he gently took both of the papers that were sit on his desk, reading them, creating mental scenarions, his hand trembled ... the voice of Reus again on his head.. he closed his eyes and prayed, with steady hand holding both papers, he read, over and over , there were not many words, but both papers offered on themselves two diferent paths.. two lives .. diametrally diferent than the others. . .  which would be the path to honor and maybe. ...Forgiveness? . ... To be purifyied by fire and reborn, purer than before , and hence forth stronger. .. . or more failure and disgrace on his lord and name ... he closed his eyes again,... the time flown away as he was in deep prayer, and measuring of the options ... he opened his eyes, his choice , his future, and the chances that become better or worse, was in front of him. .. .  *

**He looked again at the both documents ... and then he made a choice .......*


Lance Stargazer

*The mood was tense, as the
« Reply #37 on: January 02, 2014, 03:35:00 pm »

*The mood was tense, as the man recieved his new Armor, the work was exquisite, looking dull and dark as he felt during this days, as if rust was covered over the other times shining colors, he had seen the plates woked in good painitng and arrangement, he was of course to represent the guard on the best of his abilities, and had to show the pride of doing it, alas,  its not the choice he would have put, but its the choice he has to do. *

*Aesthir looked at the door as he hears a sound, upon waiting for a moment he stood and with calm expression he spoke*

- Come out to sight, you have no reason to hide as a thief would do -

*After a moment the small figure of one young initiate, came out to the the frame of the door, the boy by name Ryan was on his 9th year, and had arrived to the temple for training that very year, Aesthir had a record for him, as he did with the rest of the young recruits, nothing was particularly brillaint about this one, another soul looking the soothing light of the dragon, or another who choosed the service as a way of living, only time will tell, but for now it was interesting to see the young frame of the boy there at his door. Ryan admitedly didn't want to be there, he was at the moment wondering if comming after all was a good idea, but he was there and now he had been seen, a strong desire to run was invading his body, Aesthir reputation was not that good after all, it was said to him that being assigned to him for training was a punishment, obviously this was an exageration, since the man had no rank or file to get training on the temple during that season*

- What we got here ? -

*The man asked in his usual cold way, he enjoyed to put this wall beetwen him and people, looking maybe at times unfriendly, he was not requered to have friends, his path was darker than others, he was there to find justince where others find only the desire to save, ... or was he?  That was what he was being taught , that is how he grew,  but at that moment, looking upon the armor with the corner of his eyes, he resumed his inspection of the boy, which stood there waiting, the man for a moment, changed his attitude, and come closer, he lowered himself to the height of the young iniitate and looked at him eye to eye, he forced himself into a smile*

- What can do for you, young Ryan?  Its there anything you need? -

*The young boy did half step back as the man approached, once he had his attention, there was no way to go away now , the man looked at the boy and remaned in the same "friendly" looking way *

- Sir, Its true that you are leaving the temple?  -  *The boy asked hessitantly *

*Aesthir was taken off guard by the question, he certainly didn't expect anyone to come and ask this, yet he didn't show any emotion change on his face , he lower his face a bit for a moment, catching up the meaning of the question and the weight on his reply, then he looked again at the boy*

- I am on leave yes, but not leaving the tennets and the oaths if that is what you mean,  Our lord teaches us to do what is right, that is why I need to get away of the temple for the time being, Its like a kind of special training, you see? But that doesn't remove the thoughts of our lord from my head or heart,  the temple is just stone and people, what is true about our lord are His teachings, those are not carved in this walls, but they should be carved here  - *Aesthir placed his hand upon his left side of the chest, where his heart is supposed to be *

*The boy looked at him with an odd look, and daringly faced still his fears and continued with the questioning * - Sir, you don't mind to answer this questions right? , I got told that if i come and ask you things i'd be punished, Keeping the shield up for hours , and such - *The boy finished the questioning  and instintively looked towards the hall, as if examining the exits and the fastests ways to get away , the situation needed it *

*The man listened to the boy, sincerity, he thought , refreshing sincerity upon what it was expected of him, the reputation he had build in the temple, and being seen as over righteous, he is a chaos hunter, what could be wrong in that? , The people didn't understand , the shield over your head, the discipline learned from it and how it helps to build muscle, and resilency, he discarded all his thoughts at the moment and returned to the boy*

- You may ask as you wish, do it now while i am still here, maybe later you don't have the chance , Punishment as with the real life, comes from a misaction or lack of action, it comes with a responsablity and we should take it with joy, since its a way to learn and work our duties, Its the nothing else than the consecuences of our actions, the same as a reward for that reason, and If you conduct yourself and your questioning in a way that doesn't breake any law or fail to respect to me, or the gold there is no reason for punishment, instead you may get rewarded - * the man kept his "smiling face" to the boy despite himself, he had listened to his own words there and wondered if the Gold sent this boy to remind him of something, course not , it was a coincidence , but he somehow was thankful of this coincidence.

*The boy looked up and did a step forward once the ghost of punishment was gone,  yet still doubtful he returned to the questioning*

- Why is that you are leaving then ? , You are a full protector now, isn't it?  Do you requiere more training? , Who is teaching you? -

*Aesthir looked down at the boy, he knew that he'll have a hard time ahead, his will and oaths will be tested by each passing , month day and hour for the next years, a test for sure, and upon watching the boy inocence , he replied sincerly *

- One never finishes one's learning or training, remember that, and there are worse tasks that lifting a shield upon one's shoulders, but every task and learning conveys wisdom and make us more complete, closer to what we are meant to be, at times redefining us, at times putting it us on the right track, In the end it depends on ourselves to use this training and do the choices,  I leave ... because i have to , and I need to relearn about myself and service,  I leave because its the right thing to do.. and that above all is what Our Lord teaches us, We can at times fall in pride, and that pride make us blind to our mistakes, yet choices come and test us, we have to do what we think its best , and at times that is not enough, on days like that is that we have to stand up to soar in even higher reaches, to reborn in a way.  That Ryan is why i need to leave for sometime, To Reborn and relearn what is life, A test that is willingly taken, but not without some hessitation or maybe some fear - *The man replied  *

*The boy tilted and looked at him eyewiden*  You. ..  are you affraid ?  *he asked with an incredulous tone on his voice*

*The man smiled and closed his eyes as he thought of what he just said.  an opening on his charade, and yet a perfect chance to teach and at the same time , let go a burden long held on his heart , silently he was thankful to this boy*

- We are supposed to be brave , Ryan, but being brave is not , to not to have fear, fear is natural , being brave is to overcome this fear, to do the right thing despite of it, To not let the fear defeat you, Its nothing wrong to be affraid - *he said that , and the words of that echoed into his mind, as if he had just said this to himself* But I need to get ready now Ryan, and don't want you to procastinating any more of your assigned duties, its kitchen this week isn't it?  *the man stood as he said this last part and moved back where his things were *

*The boy jumped in his place upon realizing that the man -knew- * -Er. . yes ... yes. . I am sorry Protector, I promise that i did an advance enough to take this time, it  ... *Aesthir raised a hand to the boy as the continaul excused came ,then asked the boy*  - Would you be so kind to tell me why is that you decided to come today ? -

*The boy looked at him, and was hessitant to speak, then looked up*  - The boys dared me to do it, they say that i was not going brave enough to come and speak to you, and they said that i would end the rest of the week with a shield upon my head - * the boy replied honestly, fear again filling his eyes*

*Aesthir nodded without turning his face, Ryan could see the tall protector from one side, as he kept putting order to the table in front of him, a smirk appeared in Aesthir's face*  - Honest, I like that, good. Be gone Ryan, return to your chores and think of what happened today, *The boy turned around and start to move, fast, the kind of fast you do when expect someone doesn't change opinion, but the voice of Aesthir stopped him on his tracks * Ryan. ...  *The boy stopped , cold sweat running thru his back *  ... Thank you *Aesthir said as he returned to his tasks*

**Ryan was surprised by the reply* ..... You welcome .. *He managed to reply before running off the halls, he had no idea why he was being thanked, but better get out of there as his luck lasted *



Lance Stargazer

*The words were spoken
« Reply #38 on: January 07, 2014, 06:28:46 pm »

*The words were spoken gently, the forest breeze singing on their ears *

.....  I want to talk with you *The woman said patting the soft ground beside him*

* Never a good sign, the man thought, women .. such fickle and emotional things, the most hard puzzle when comes to understanding, and its usually bad when they want to "talk" *

*Aesthir mind was wondering on the reasons, he had enough changes in his life at that, and somehow this love thing never had been his strong points, he was not affraid , or was he?  He had been affraid too much for his own liking on the past month, his dreams had continued as his position in the guard had started, to be able to be out of Velh like in those scarce moments was at times a good chance to get air, as one can take it*

...  I want to speak with you about the posibility to move to Vehl or Hempstead ...

*The man heard the words, and somehow a myriad of scenarios came to his mind, his initial thoughts were .. no way .. he was not going to get her or his daughter on danger. .. but suddenly he realized he was falling again on the old mistakes, nothing on his exterior showed this doubt, he was used to measure his thoughts and not show any of them while remaining his neutral posture, he looked at her and just asked to her*

Why ?

*Fleur replied with her usual smile ... Aesthir noticed the way she beheaved not really worrying about any of the percieved problems that Aesthir may see* Cause it would be easier to met .. its going to be long time you'll be in Vehl ... that way we'll see you often ..

*Aesthir couldn't deny that the train of thought that she brought had some logic,  there was no single argument he could do speak against that pattern of thought *

I'd rather choose Hempstead that Vehl  *That is the only thing he managed to say *

*She nodded with a smile, the song that the forest keep whispering thru the leaves left those two doing plans for the housing, he had to contact some people, and arrange some things ... but definitely doable. .. Time will tell the consecuences of the said actions. *