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Author Topic: Aya Reid's Journal  (Read 60 times)


Aya Reid's Journal
« on: June 04, 2010, 12:18:59 pm »
Andrew Reid
Twin Dragon's Inn
Leringard, Mistone


I have packed all of my belongings in a small leather pack and am ready to leave for the docks.  The dockmaster said the journey should take several weeks, as Port Hempstead is quite a distance from Tilmar.

I am leaving the little bit of coin I saved over the past 5 years here with the family.  Vanessa needs stability and Robert and Miyu can give her a life that I am only hindering by being around and involved in her development.  Vanessa didn't cry too much when I told her that I had to leave, but maybe that is because she is still too young to really understand.  She'll take it better than mother and father when they find the letter on the kitchen table.  On one hand, I feel awful since mother welcomed me back home even after all that I had done, and on the other, she should have seen this coming.  She's the only one that understands that I never liked the business, I never will like the business, and I need to be doing something else with my life.  

I will be wearing a dark red coat, one of my favorites from my past life, and one of the only things I am bringing with me from that time.  This is my new life Andrew and I am happy you are willing to forgive me and be a part of it now.  I'll see you in Port Hempstead.

With love,