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Author Topic: Gwendolyn Flowers - Path of the Al'Noth  (Read 200 times)


Gwendolyn Flowers - Path of the Al'Noth
« on: September 19, 2010, 06:15:59 pm »
Gwen has returned home after a long period away in her new role as Protector. She tells her mother and father of the adventures she has been on, what she has observed, and how they all come back to the Al'Noth. On one occasion she traveled deep under ground to catch a glimpse of a Beholder. It was a sight to see for sure, and it had a mastery of the Al'Noth that was very adept and unusual. Unfortunately, when it turned it's many eyes on Gwen, her group had to fight for their lives killing the beast.


Gwendolyn Flowers - Path of the Al'Noth
« Reply #1 on: September 20, 2010, 02:27:33 pm »
After catching up with her parents, Gwen gave her mother an update on her studies of the Al'Noth.

"To be honest mother, I have not made much progress. My patroling takes most of my time, and making time to study all those books is very difficult for me." - Gwen said

"You must try sweetheart. The Al'Noth provides many things and understanding it, will make you a happier and more productive person." - Gwen's mother said.

After their conversation and a bite to eat, Gwen's mother took her into her library and began to help her with her studies.


Re: Gwendolyn Flowers - Path of the Al'Noth
« Reply #2 on: October 05, 2010, 07:05:27 pm »
Gwen's  mother took her into her study in the back of their small home. The study was crammed with old books from floor to ceiling. They were all very well organized and clean. Gwen loved the order of this room. She use to come in here as a child and marvel at the index system. She would count for hours dragging a finger from one binding to the next. She was much more interested in how the books were organized than what is in them.

"Here have a seat Gwen. I am going to start you with a primer on spells, how they are created and how you memorize them. Read this and let me know when you are done". - Gwen's mother said

Gwen sighed and reluctantly sat down in front of the book. She opened the first page and began to read.


Re: Gwendolyn Flowers - Path of the Al'Noth
« Reply #3 on: October 19, 2010, 09:42:36 pm »
[CHAT WINDOW TEXT] [Mon Oct 18 20:30:36] Gwendolyn Flowers: Sehky, can I ask you a personal question?
[CHAT WINDOW TEXT] [Mon Oct 18 20:31:02] SehKy: sure?
[CHAT WINDOW TEXT] [Mon Oct 18 20:31:55] Gwendolyn Flowers: What do you know of socerery?
[CHAT WINDOW TEXT] [Mon Oct 18 20:32:25] SehKy: I know something of it..why do you ask.
[CHAT WINDOW TEXT] [Mon Oct 18 20:32:42] Gwendolyn Flowers: Well I have been studying the arcane with my mother...
[CHAT WINDOW TEXT] [Mon Oct 18 20:32:54] Gwendolyn Flowers: She is a mage in the followers of Lucinda...
[CHAT WINDOW TEXT] [Mon Oct 18 20:33:06] SehKy: a wizard?
[CHAT WINDOW TEXT] [Mon Oct 18 20:33:13] Gwendolyn Flowers: and I am struggling. Yes a wizard
[CHAT WINDOW TEXT] [Mon Oct 18 20:33:29] Gwendolyn Flowers: Yesterday, the threw her arms up...
[CHAT WINDOW TEXT] [Mon Oct 18 20:33:34] SehKy: what are you struggling with?
[CHAT WINDOW TEXT] [Mon Oct 18 20:33:49] Gwendolyn Flowers: and said you must be the child of a sorcerer
[CHAT WINDOW TEXT] [Mon Oct 18 20:34:39] Gwendolyn Flowers: It's just I can't keep all the symbols in my head all at once
[CHAT WINDOW TEXT] [Mon Oct 18 20:36:05] SehKy: you can't keep the symbols in your head... for the memorization of a spell?
[CHAT WINDOW TEXT] [Mon Oct 18 20:36:21] Gwendolyn Flowers: That is correct. They just seem to float away
[CHAT WINDOW TEXT] [Mon Oct 18 20:36:43] SehKy: and you believe your mother that you must be a sorcer?
[CHAT WINDOW TEXT] [Mon Oct 18 20:37:25] Gwendolyn Flowers: No, just that I could not be her child....
[CHAT WINDOW TEXT] [Mon Oct 18 20:37:44] Your character has been automatically saved.
[CHAT WINDOW TEXT] [Mon Oct 18 20:37:51] SehKy: can you read?  *looks all about him mischievously*
[CHAT WINDOW TEXT] [Mon Oct 18 20:38:19] Gwendolyn Flowers: I can read, yes. But I have never been a very good student
[CHAT WINDOW TEXT] [Mon Oct 18 20:38:52] Gwendolyn Flowers: Yesterday, I got so frustrated I threw one of her books up against the wall and pounded the desk
[CHAT WINDOW TEXT] [Mon Oct 18 20:38:53] SehKy: then you can't be a sorcerer ... sorcerers can always beguile others to read to them so they never bother *grins*
[CHAT WINDOW TEXT] [Mon Oct 18 20:39:39] Gwendolyn Flowers: Right, and when I pounded the desk, one of the candles nearby came alight
[CHAT WINDOW TEXT] [Mon Oct 18 20:39:55] Gwendolyn Flowers: That's when she made the comment
[CHAT WINDOW TEXT] [Mon Oct 18 20:40:11] SehKy: *looks at her thoughtfully*
[CHAT WINDOW TEXT] [Mon Oct 18 20:40:31] SehKy: Gwen you know I have studied the Al'Noth...
[CHAT WINDOW TEXT] [Mon Oct 18 20:40:39] Gwendolyn Flowers: *nods*
[CHAT WINDOW TEXT] [Mon Oct 18 20:40:44] SehKy: I was you
[CHAT WINDOW TEXT] [Mon Oct 18 20:41:02] SehKy: learned the theory
[CHAT WINDOW TEXT] [Mon Oct 18 20:41:20] SehKy: studied the language of the Alnoth
[CHAT WINDOW TEXT] [Mon Oct 18 20:41:54] SehKy: I also learned other things...special things..the most wizards do not learn
[CHAT WINDOW TEXT] [Mon Oct 18 20:42:09] Gwendolyn Flowers: *raises her eyebrows at that*
[CHAT WINDOW TEXT] [Mon Oct 18 20:42:20] SehKy: Would you like to see?
[CHAT WINDOW TEXT] [Mon Oct 18 20:42:54] Gwendolyn Flowers: Of course
[CHAT WINDOW TEXT] [Mon Oct 18 20:43:44] SehKy: *Selects an arrow from his quiver and holds it up*
[CHAT WINDOW TEXT] [Mon Oct 18 20:43:55] SehKy: a normal arrow yes?
[CHAT WINDOW TEXT] [Mon Oct 18 20:44:07] Gwendolyn Flowers: Yes, I think so
[CHAT WINDOW TEXT] [Mon Oct 18 20:44:29] SehKy: look close
[CHAT WINDOW TEXT] [Mon Oct 18 20:44:33] Barter cancelled
[CHAT WINDOW TEXT] [Mon Oct 18 20:44:34] Gwendolyn Flowers: **nods*
[CHAT WINDOW TEXT] [Mon Oct 18 20:44:38] Gwendolyn Flowers: Yes, very simple
[CHAT WINDOW TEXT] [Mon Oct 18 20:45:26] SehKy: *holds it and watches her and the arrow as it becoms filled with the Al'Noth"
[CHAT WINDOW TEXT] [Mon Oct 18 20:45:50] SehKy: *till is floats and spins in the breeze*
[CHAT WINDOW TEXT] [Mon Oct 18 20:45:59] Gwendolyn Flowers: Wow
[CHAT WINDOW TEXT] [Mon Oct 18 20:45:59] SehKy launches arrow.
[CHAT WINDOW TEXT] [Mon Oct 18 20:46:07] Alazira has joined as a player..
[CHAT WINDOW TEXT] [Mon Oct 18 20:46:13] Gwendolyn Flowers: My goodness. Lucinda does bless you
[CHAT WINDOW TEXT] [Mon Oct 18 20:46:24] Gwendolyn Flowers: How did you learn to do that?
[CHAT WINDOW TEXT] [Mon Oct 18 20:46:28] SehKy: *smiles* and the Lady Archer
[CHAT WINDOW TEXT] [Mon Oct 18 20:46:44] SehKy: it was very difficult to learn..
[CHAT WINDOW TEXT] [Mon Oct 18 20:47:22] SehKy: something that could not be taught...but learned from the inside
[CHAT WINDOW TEXT] [Mon Oct 18 20:47:47] Gwendolyn Flowers: The inside? You taught yourself?
[CHAT WINDOW TEXT] [Mon Oct 18 20:47:56] SehKy: All the rules of the Al'Noth that you have learned apply of course
[CHAT WINDOW TEXT] [Mon Oct 18 20:48:19] SehKy: the the theory is applicable...
[CHAT WINDOW TEXT] [Mon Oct 18 20:48:42] Gwendolyn Flowers: *nods* Then perhaps my destiny with the Al'Noth is different as well
[CHAT WINDOW TEXT] [Mon Oct 18 20:49:39] Gwendolyn Flowers: Perhaps there is another way, other than the traditional path of the wizard
[CHAT WINDOW TEXT] [Mon Oct 18 20:50:01] SehKy: *nods* I learned to be a wizard first , not a very good one....
[CHAT WINDOW TEXT] [Mon Oct 18 20:50:32] SehKy: I learned from the best I could the Tower Academy of Hempstead..
[CHAT WINDOW TEXT] [Mon Oct 18 20:50:46] SehKy: perhaps you can find help there for you?
[CHAT WINDOW TEXT] [Mon Oct 18 20:50:59] Gwendolyn Flowers: Of course. That is a good place to start.
[CHAT WINDOW TEXT] [Mon Oct 18 20:51:25] Gwendolyn Flowers: I just hope they don't ploop my down infront of a stack of books
[CHAT WINDOW TEXT] [Mon Oct 18 20:51:27] SehKy: *nods* I can make intros for you
[CHAT WINDOW TEXT] [Mon Oct 18 20:51:31] Gwendolyn Flowers: *me down
[CHAT WINDOW TEXT] [Mon Oct 18 20:51:58] SehKy: heh they didn't do that to me for some reason....but they did to Breanna **grins mischievously*  she is always reading
[CHAT WINDOW TEXT] [Mon Oct 18 20:52:07] A new day dawns upon Layonara, it is now Jular 1, 1472 years since The Great Cataclysm.
[CHAT WINDOW TEXT] [Mon Oct 18 20:52:15] Gwendolyn Flowers: Are there Sorcerers there?
[CHAT WINDOW TEXT] [Mon Oct 18 20:52:29] SehKy: I think so...
[CHAT WINDOW TEXT] [Mon Oct 18 20:52:44] Your soul is bound at Town of Hlint, Bindstone in Hlint.
[CHAT WINDOW TEXT] [Mon Oct 18 20:52:44] Your character has been automatically saved.
[CHAT WINDOW TEXT] [Mon Oct 18 20:52:58] SehKy: I only know wizards but I hear they have a druid..and others
[CHAT WINDOW TEXT] [Mon Oct 18 20:53:13] Gwendolyn Flowers: Hmm, I have heard there is one in the followers of Lucinda that might be good to start with . His name is Connor
[CHAT WINDOW TEXT] [Mon Oct 18 20:53:41] Griff Silversand has joined the party.
[CHAT WINDOW TEXT] [Mon Oct 18 20:53:49] SehKy: I don't think I know him...  I know Storold though he is in the Tower
[CHAT WINDOW TEXT] [Mon Oct 18 20:53:50] Tod Fellow has joined as a player..
[CHAT WINDOW TEXT] [Mon Oct 18 20:54:14] Gwendolyn Flowers: *nods* We all know Storold. He is a beacon of light for us
[CHAT WINDOW TEXT] [Mon Oct 18 20:54:41] Gwendolyn Flowers: Or beacon of the Al'Noth *smiles*
[CHAT WINDOW TEXT] [Mon Oct 18 20:55:04] SehKy: **smiles warmly*
[CHAT WINDOW TEXT] [Mon Oct 18 20:55:16] Gwendolyn Flowers: Well thank you Sehky, this was helpful
[CHAT WINDOW TEXT] [Mon Oct 18 20:55:41] SehKy : [Party] Lets head to Creedo...
[CHAT WINDOW TEXT] [Mon Oct 18 20:55:45] Gwendolyn Flowers: **nods*
[CHAT WINDOW TEXT] [Mon Oct 18 20:57:21] Tod Fellow has left as a player..
[CHAT WINDOW TEXT] [Mon Oct 18 20:57:28] SehKy : [Party] we can take the portal to Arnax then boat to Corsain then a boat to Creedo
[CHAT WINDOW TEXT] [Mon Oct 18 20:57:32] Gwendolyn Flowers: You have given me much to think on Sehky. I will take my leave now and do so.
[CHAT WINDOW TEXT] [Mon Oct 18 20:57:46] Gwendolyn Flowers: Goodbye.
[CHAT WINDOW TEXT] [Mon Oct 18 20:57:58] SehKy: Farewell Gwen