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Author Topic: Amireana Mandrine - Journey's of a Fighter  (Read 631 times)


Re: Amireana Mandrine - Journey's of a Fighter
« Reply #20 on: December 16, 2008, 01:35:10 pm »
She slowly opens the dusty pages of her tome noticing how long it has been since she has written within the pages. She carefully takes out a quill and begins to write after blowing of the dust from the pages.
 Dearest Father, it has been sometime and my life has taken such a direction I never expected since leaving home. I have watched trials where justice has been dealt with great care and with much thought behind it. I can not completely understand the logic behind such decisions but I do feel they were done with good reason.
 I have seen dark elfs that have been taken as squires into the folds of the Toranite church, and I can not say I am happy about it but I still wonder if my own blood may not carry that of which I would deny, were it to be so. Where we to meet on the street, would I pass judgement on this dark elf as so many have been ready to do without a second thought? Should they be given the chance to prove their worth or in doing so are we allowing ourselves to be open to betrayal?
 I have seen a druid elf placed on trial for killing another, a sun elf who was trying to protect an innocent life. So should elven kind be trusted at all, or is it our very emotions that betray us, regardless of race and our failure to find balance that makes us judge another without knowing them or to act and react without thought or care to the damage we may cause another life?
 How can we begin to judge another if we fail to understand what sets us apart by our own experiences, and that each beings experience very vastly, to a point we can not comprehend the whys of why a choice is made. We may know a little of history based on rumors and stories told, books written and criers telling of recent events, but do we understand the greater scope of things and where we fit in?
 Each story, a perception unto its own by the teller, given coloring to guide us into seeing things their way. It seems that each side needs to be listened to, and various perceptions explored to truly understand and dispense justice fairly, or for that matter form our own perception of friendship or whether one would be called an enemy.
 I have found that those appointed to the position of Judge, are there because they have a greater wisdom, than I myself possess, and I am as of now only worthy to serve as a protector under my Lord. This is my calling to serve him infinately and without question, because this is the path set before me.
 I pray that your wisdom will be shown to me My Lord Protector, and I may serve you as your will commands, for eternity.
 Amireana Mandrine
Elohanna Min A'Litae, Priestess of Aeridin
Breanna Shadowraven, Wizard/Rogue of Folian S'pae
Cord, Bard of Ilsare
Melaa A'nadivian, Ranger of Folian S'pae


Re: Amireana Mandrine - Journey's of a Fighter
« Reply #21 on: February 25, 2009, 01:31:33 pm »
I can not truly understand him, or why he says he loves me. I know that I feel around him as if I have found my soul mate, someone who understands me. He encourages me, and does not judge me. He guides me though as I have for him once. I can not say that I will ever settle down though. My life has lead me down a path that is unending and unsettling. Perhaps just share with others parts of who I am, to share a bit of my own perceptions among them. I am not sure if anyone ever truly listens but I do not think my Lord Protector would give me a voice for no reason. So I will continue to share my thoughts as the occassion arises to those willing to listen.
 I am also most baffled by Emwonk, He apologied to me for what happened so long ago, yet in the same token he gave me letter that he forgives me for hurting him. I don't understand and he has me quite confused. His tone almost sounds as if he blames me for what happened between us. I can't see though that in anyway it was my fault for being willing to open my heart to others. This truly bothers me if this is how he sees things. Though I admit maybe I am misunderstanding him. It has been awhile since we have spoken and I admit my ability to wrap my mind around his speech grows more difficult as I grow older.
 65 years old. I can't believe that so many years have passed by. It has been quite some times since I have seen Calvin as well, and while I hope is alright. I fear that the distance between us has grown to wide and it may be that he himself has found another. Razariem says I should talk to him, and I want to but without seeing him, I do not want to say what must be said in a letter. It is not proper and is not the way a true warrior resolves conflicts.
 There is much to think about and with the impending battle coming soon against Mistone, these are thoughts that should be the furthest from my mind and better tucked away in my heart, to remind me why it is my Lord Protector needs me in his folds now, more than ever.
 Amireana Mandrine
Elohanna Min A'Litae, Priestess of Aeridin
Breanna Shadowraven, Wizard/Rogue of Folian S'pae
Cord, Bard of Ilsare
Melaa A'nadivian, Ranger of Folian S'pae


Re: Amireana Mandrine - Journey's of a Fighter
« Reply #22 on: June 25, 2009, 08:51:37 am »
Five year have passed since i have wrote in my diary, five years of events that could level a giant with the complexity. Amgine and I are to be wed, my hearts desire to be loved and understood, to be appreciated truly. It has not been an easy road though, as I know a part of his heart loves another, as I love Calvin, I had to ask him to make a decision that I know still pains him, that he must choose between Miss Zarianna and myself.
 My fear is that should he not commit to one or the other, the love may be betrayed and an even deeper pain caused. I was willing to let him go if he had decided his love was more true for her. I insisted that he speak with her, because to cause such pain for either of us, when love was not true is easier to push past, than if we had married and there was betrayal between us.
 I am 70 years old now, I am not getting younger but I do understand that commitment between hearts and my own is solely and happily committed to Amgine for the rest of our lives. I can not explain to anyone that our love is true and unending and unyielding, and age between us does not seem to matter. I know he is half my age but his wisdom is beyond his years, in most respects.
 There is no doubt in my heart that it has taken us to meet each other for me to finally understand that I can give my heart to another besides my father, and My Lord Protector.
 I know my father would love Amgine and count him as a son of his own, were he not already sheltered by my Lord Protectors Wings.
 My Lord Protector please watch over my beloved when we are not able to be together and keep him safe from the mother of souls.
 Amireana Mandrine
 It seems also that Amgine has asked that Miss Zarianna create a dress for our wedding and thought it is hard between us knowing we both care and love the same man, she has poured her soul into making the most beautiful wedding dress I have ever seen. I am greatful to her for doing such a kindness for me. I shall have to find away to repay her soon.
Elohanna Min A'Litae, Priestess of Aeridin
Breanna Shadowraven, Wizard/Rogue of Folian S'pae
Cord, Bard of Ilsare
Melaa A'nadivian, Ranger of Folian S'pae


Re: Amireana Mandrine - Journey's of a Fighter
« Reply #23 on: July 27, 2009, 10:36:13 am »
Finally we were able to meet his family, through the help of Brother Daniel, Samuel Stormhaven, Zarianna and Razariem also. Amgine's family is beautiful and their hearts right away embraced me. I can only be relieved and grateful that they are as kind and loving and without judgement as Amgine is. Though the trip was not as easy as I thought it would be. Gwen, his sister almost lost her beloved Jimmy, and had action not been taken against the Necromancer in their town, it may have had a devestating effect for good people.
 We still have yet to set the wedding date, and we need to. We already know where, but the date seems to be a bigger trouble to us. I don't think we can continue to wait for to much longer though. My heart desires to be bound in My Lord Protectors eyes, and as one to Amgine, and I think that within the year, or perhaps a year to give us time, would be appropriate for our wedding.
 I will have to speak with Amgine, and tell him my thoughts.
Elohanna Min A'Litae, Priestess of Aeridin
Breanna Shadowraven, Wizard/Rogue of Folian S'pae
Cord, Bard of Ilsare
Melaa A'nadivian, Ranger of Folian S'pae


Re: Amireana Mandrine - Journey's of a Fighter
« Reply #24 on: August 17, 2009, 08:50:38 am »
Written in different ways on various pieces of the parchments her name is displayed, as Amireana Lanif, Miss Lanif, Miss Ami Lanif and so on, until its as if she realizes what she is doing, and begins an entry into the journal.
It has finally happened, our wedding day could not have been more beautiful, and perfect situated just outside our home, 173 Blackford Castle. I wish that you could have been here father. I admit that is probably the most difficult to accept but I am confident that you are with our Lord Protector and are as happy as I am at this moment.
It was a simple ceremony, beautiful, and with those closest to us attending.  Sir Argos, Miss Aylana, Brother Daniel, Sir Ben, Miss Alazira. Though truly the best part so far has been Amgine holding me closely as I have never felt before and showing me how deeply loved I am, and showing him how much I love him.

 I enjoy our life together, before and now after our wedding, our honeymoon and I am sure many more days as Amireana Lanif.
Elohanna Min A'Litae, Priestess of Aeridin
Breanna Shadowraven, Wizard/Rogue of Folian S'pae
Cord, Bard of Ilsare
Melaa A'nadivian, Ranger of Folian S'pae


Re: Amireana Mandrine - Journey's of a Fighter
« Reply #25 on: September 02, 2009, 12:20:17 pm »
My Dearest Amgine hurts so much, taken upon himself the burden that the events in the Path are indeed his own fault. Surely he must realize that the choice to go ahead sealed his fate, and that the fact no others followed him are not his own. Every one made a choice, we have no choice but continue to prepare ourselves for the future of what may come.
 I know that since our wedding we have spent much time together, enjoying each others company and being a couple more than we had before. I know that there is a pain within us both we must admit or it will surely drive us apart.
 I love my Amgine more than my own life and I want to spend time traveling with him, and getting to know him again, because there are things we barely know of each other.
 I did admit to him that I do still have a problem with miss Essa, though she has promised him and apologized to him for the hurtful things she said about me, she has not apologized to me, and this still puts me out of sorts.
 My Beloved Amgine, wishes the best, wishes me to be more apart of what is happening, and not to keep myself away so much. I know he loves me and only wants to see me happy. I would be happy to travel with his friends, if it would not cause such conflicts among them.
 If it would not mean that I would have to endure the persecution from them for who I choose to follow. Rofeirien is my shelter the holder of my heart. He will see justice prevail, maybe that is all I need to remember. That though they may be cynics of his ways, ultimately justice will prevail.
 I will bide my time and bite my tongue and stand up on my own two feet and show them that despite their arrogance and criticism, that I am not afraid to serve The All-Seeing.
Elohanna Min A'Litae, Priestess of Aeridin
Breanna Shadowraven, Wizard/Rogue of Folian S'pae
Cord, Bard of Ilsare
Melaa A'nadivian, Ranger of Folian S'pae


Re: Amireana Mandrine - Journey's of a Fighter
« Reply #26 on: October 29, 2010, 10:35:01 am »
A Knight in the Making -- The Knighting of Lady Amireana Lanif

 In light of recent events in Rael and indeed other hotspots around the world the need for Knights has become all to real.
 Through the encouragement of Brother Daniel, who is also up for the consideration of such honor, I found myself accepting the challenge myself to stand and be found worthy of becoming a knight in service to our Lord Protector, and to be recognized as more than just a believer in my heart, but a sister with the courage to stand up and do what is right to protect those who need us in this trying age.
 The ceremony begins as potential applicants step forward, Justice, Daniel Benjamin as well as many others, to pledge their hearts to the Great Gold. I am no exception as the questions are asked.
 The life of the Wyrm is harsh, the eyes of Justice ever on you. Your mettle will be tested, will you be found wanting?
 "I will never be wanting of the virtues of Our Lord Protector. I know that within me lies a heart always ready to serve with dedication that has been my calling all my life. I strive each day to serve his will, not just from this day forward but because this has been my calling with or without title."
 We are the divine law on Layonara, the words of the pantheon of truth and wisdom embodied in steel and bone. Our bones may break and our life spill yet law remains. Do you stand willing to give life as testimony to the Laws of the Gold?
 "I have always stood willing to give my life should that be what is called for, to see the laws upheld. This will always remain so."
 You have affirmed belief and sacrifice, affirmed that life is held in the laws of the land as set down by the Great Gold. A knight's way is to emulate that light ad calls those not always of the orders to service. So before you enter the temple before you and call on the judgment of the Greatest of the Gods, use insight wisely.
 Find reason in your desire to serve and answers to your own heart and duty for if you have none of your own accord, the Gold cannot supply it for you.
 Devotion comes from within, worthiness from above. Rofrein shine on you as you decide to enter the doors before you, or turn away now to seek what is lacking.
 What lies within is the highest mystery of the God of Justices that will need to be answered in accordance with your own heart. Each path is free to take at your choice.
 "I, Amireana Lanif, stand before you ready to answer before Our Lord Protector and choose to enter, knowing full well the virtues that are required of any of those in his service, reside in my heart. I am ready to proceed."
 Once you enter the Temple you find before you a curtain of light and behind it stands a Warden of the Principium, Sir Breten Parth who is the Mistone Divisional COmmander and High Justicier Reus.
 Sir Breten Speaks:
 "Gathered here today are those who shall be both comrades and brothers and sisters if the Gold decrees it. We stand to uphold law and protect all those who shelter under our wings. Our service ends not in life, and perhaps not in death either.
 We are the Knights of the highest order and as such our vows carry us far beyond those oaths made by most, we make vows that bind the soul and not just the flesh.
 You are presented before us now. Do you wish to proceed with the trials and find the path?
 As I stepped forward through the golden curtain of light to confirm my beliefs and my intent, the instructions were clear.
 "Place upon you the Helm of Justice and reside within the light to take your test."
 Inside the helm I could hear the voice speaking to me, and me alone, as if looking into my soul.
 "It is the duty of those in service to Rofirein to always look to laws to ensure a Justice, superior to out of hand Justice is available when necessary. What is the highest responsibility therefore of a Servant of the Great Dragon?"
 All I could do was answer from my heart the way I felt, how I had been taught and the path that I had chosen to pursue long ago, not just because it was my fathers, but because I had it a path worth pursuing.
 "The highest responsibility of a Servant of the Great Dragon is to have faith and trust in you My Lord Protector, and to protect those you hold dear. To be fair and just and to show compassion, reason and courage and bring order unto lands that have fallen into chaos. I am your servant My Lord Protector, as I have always been and I promise with all my heart that I always will be."
 "What is proportional Justice and how is it carried out?"
 "Porportionate Justice is usually carried out by the High Justicar or Judges. What it is though, is the idea that the punishment should fit the crime. An Eye for an eye, sort of speak. It means that someone who might steal a loaf of bread is not sentenced to life imprison, or that their life is taken, but more appropriate sentencing, of perhaps a type of community service may be judgment."
 Amireana offers with an air of confidence, clearly though speaking from her own mind and heart, her own interpretations.
 Under the guise of the law of Gold, who are they that such laws protect, that we stand for and shelter under the wings of the Great Gold. Who is it that we stand to protect through word, action and deed?
 "We stand to protect all people from the evil of our world. We stand to protect everyone regardless of who they may be. We do not just pick and choose who is worthy. Even if we may not agree with their beliefs, if is the will of our Great Lord Protector that we protect all so long as their deeds are in obedience with the law. It is for all the people, commoner and king alike."
 Seeking the true path of Justice requires vision and belief, act now to bring about clear vision in service to Rofirein, the protection of the common Law and through that peace and harmony for all people.
 As I removed the helmet, Sir Breten stepped forth taking it from my hands, before he turned to speak to me. His words warm and welcoming, and bringing joy to my heart.
 "You came here today as called, to accept roles given, judgments based on clarity of thought and understanding of the deeper mysteries of Rofirein. As your first deeds in the service of Rofirein will be recorded, so will all your deeds in his eyes."
 He motioned me to turn to face and kneel before him, drawing his blade, and then he placed it on my shoulder while he spoke.
 "In the light of the saints of our faith, saints such as Sir Drais and St Arnuthen, in the wisdom of the Great Gold and in the sanctity of Justice and the Law, I dub thee, Knight of the Wyrm, Lady Amireana Lanif. Arise."
 The applause and shouts of encouragement echoed through the temple and when Sir Breten asked for quiet speaking for the final time.
 "It is in these times of trouble that the brightest Spirits shine forth from our legions of Justice. before me is just what I see. Remember this day for it marks an era upon which you touch others. It marks the coming of souls meant and destined to make a change for the better. In the name of the Great Gold, Be His broad shield, Be His eyes, Be His Justice! And we shall be blessed for the better. In the name of the Knights of the Wyrm, I welcome you, long life and service to you."
 Again the temple filled with applause but in that moment I could feel my fathers watchful eyes upon me, and I knew he was more proud of me and would have been proud of me regardless for taking up the calling of our Lord Protector that I had been taught to embrace, since I was a little girl, learning what fighting for the Lord Protector meant and who he was. I was now and forever to be known as Lady Amireana Lanif, Knight of the Wyrm.
Elohanna Min A'Litae, Priestess of Aeridin
Breanna Shadowraven, Wizard/Rogue of Folian S'pae
Cord, Bard of Ilsare
Melaa A'nadivian, Ranger of Folian S'pae

