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Author Topic: Lili Hrathen's adventures  (Read 1491 times)


Lili Hrathen's adventures...................
« Reply #20 on: December 22, 2009, 12:06:35 am »
She looked the huge dead ogre to her feet. That had been a really hard fight. She had embraced shadows many times before her tiny daggers where able to fell that mighty beast. Using arrows would have been lot of easier, but she had been eager to test how her melee sneaky style worked one on against bigger opponents. She looked ogres great axe lying in the ground and her inner-self shivered. That crude and deadly blade had came really close couple of times and embracing shadows have been only way to avoid getting hit. But all that time she had been confident that her sneaky style would get her out of the trouble. The whole fight she had been calm, calculating and fearless. Her inner-self shiver was replaced by excitement of victory. But she had done it. She had used only to her daggers to out fight such big enemy. The secret seemed to be to stab, slash and poke to bigger enemies vulnerable feet while all the time moving fast really near at her enemy so they could not hit her. Her careful planning had worked. Poking that soft spot behind the knee seemed to be really efficient. She should take her time and think it all though what had happened now as it till was fresh in her memory. Her beaming inner-self nodded agreement. There was so much to learn here and it intrigued her mind what she might find out to improve her combat maneuvers. Her tiny shadow silently darted towards the safe camping side in the lake.


Lili Hrathen's adventures...................
« Reply #21 on: December 24, 2009, 12:32:07 am »
She watched over the low hills of Goblin Wastelands. She had met someone special today. A kin of her spirit she believed. A person whose abilities where very similar as hers. A person who had much better understanding that she could became. Better understanding than even what she got, at least that is how she thought about it. That person was far beyond her current abilities but she was glad to see a glimpse what she might achieve one day.
In red-light caverns she had met Halfling named Tod. Amazing thing was that Tod was flowing in the shadows much like she was, but even more grace and elegance. He had been sooo amazing. In the combat he had just knockdown to enemies providing easy targets her to practice. She still felt thrilled the whole spectacle. He made is all seem so effortless and.. and.. Her inner-self grinned as for once she was lost off words. It all seemed to come gather now. Now she knew she was in the right track. Those weak spot could be used with devastating results when combined with sneaky maneuvers. She felt privileged to have such rare opportunity to practice under so experienced and wise person. In battle Tod had provided her practice ground that she would probably ever again have in her life.  Her inner-self shook her head. It was so exhilarating to see how someone with the great skill unleashes his full potential in battle. She still thought over what she had studied. She had to memorize it all and keep it constantly close in her mind. Her inner-self nodded solemnly.


Lili Hrathen's adventures....................
« Reply #22 on: December 26, 2009, 03:52:47 am »
She was sitting in the comfortable spot near the lake. Looking past couple of week she had fought many different creatures. She tried to short all of them out in her mind. Lizardmen, Will-o'-the-wisp, knolls, renders, giants, umber hulks, goblins, kobolds, ogres, werewolves, cockatrices, spiders, bugs the list was so long. She got problems with jellies, living vines and undeads. Those did not seem to have a weak spot. Even a though of undead made her skin in goose bumps. She did not like hunt those. It was way better to stay out of the sight or run away. She still preferred the latter as most of those undeads looked really gross and smelled even worse. She felt so powerless against those creatures. Her arrows and daggers where ineffective against creatures that felt no pain and had now fear. She tilted her head idly. That reminded her something that she had heard before. What was it? She could remember that some had said there was something non magical that harmed undead.  Was it silver? She better find out was that silver really hurting undead. If it was true it might be handy to buy silver daggers from somewhere..


Lili Hrathen's adventures.....................
« Reply #23 on: December 28, 2009, 09:19:52 am »
She silently scolded her poor memory. She have not even relished that she have met her lasts adventure party members before she had seen Fehriel that had joined them quite bit later. Somehow he had left deeper impression on her. There was something in him that she just could not put her finger on to it. Maybe it was his wolf helmet?
In a way it had been funny as they did not remember her either. All those introductions. Talia and Glitch'nich Amthrmil. She felt amused. There had been so much familiarity in it like in the first time. Now that she had made the connection she remembered their first encounter quite well. She had actually had problems with that hard elf name in the first time too. She should have been able to recognize Glitch'nich Amthrmil. She still struggled with that name a bit. No wonder the other just called him as Glitch. And she had both times she commented about how hard his name was to pronounce. Lucky for her, he did find that offensive and only laughed about it. Two times she had done it. Her cheeks felt warm.
She could hardly blame her hard training and that she had met so many new people lately, there was no excuses for it. Her memory should not been so selective. Her inner-self nodded. For now on she would pay even more attention to other people. She should not end up like that self-centered lady Anwyll had fought against in the arena. All this reminded her about the warning commander Jennara had given. Jennara warned about the unfairness and weakness of the people who only wanted to fight against weaker opponents to ensure their own victory. But there had been more wisdom in her words. It was not just that and the ones incapability to learn in the fear they might lose to someone. In a way it was warning about coming too self-centered and not to really notice or care other people. Her inner-self nodded grimly. She would not come that single-minded in her training. It would not be worth to be consumed by her goals that she would not notice other people anymore. Her purpose was to help others not ignore them. This time it had been honest mistake and partly even funny lapse of memory as both sides had not remembered their first encounter, but it was good to recognize her own blunder now and make sure that she would make such embarrassing mistake again.

