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Author Topic: Addison's Journeys  (Read 252 times)


RE: Addison's Journeys
« Reply #20 on: May 15, 2006, 04:17:52 pm »
I got to give Cole that box of eggs and scrolls that I crafted for him!  He was so happy... I do hope it helps his scribing.

I finally got the nerve to tell Cole that he is going to be a father.  I am not positive how he took it... he seemed happy but appeared to be in denial or disbelief.  I hope he lives long enough to see his own child.. it will only be a few more months until birth.  He asked me not to see the oracle as I wished to determine if it was a boy or girl, but to instead wait for the suprise.  I will honor his wishes.  We are still thinking of names... possibly Claire if it is a girl and Calvin if it is a boy... but there is still plenty of time to discuss before making any final decisions.

In other news, after years of together coin, I have finally purchased my own home in Pranzis.  Mother can finally move from the house in Fort Hope and be somewhere beautiful and peaceful.  The house is even on the water, so mother can just sit and relax, spending less time worrying about what I am doing.  When mother finds out about the child, I fear she will completely lose her mind, so I will keep it a secret as long as possible.  The only other person that knows about my pregnancy besides Cole is my dearest friend Treana... and I am certain she will not speak a word of it to anyone.  She truly is my sister.

The wonderful silk outfit that she [Treana] made for me has got nothing but rave reviews and comments from all that I meet.  She certainly is a master of design!  Cole even wanted one crafted for him which is similar in fabric and style... I shall commission Tre the next time I see her... and surpise Cole with it the next time we are together.

Just have to start decorating the house!  I can't wait to put my own special touches on it and invite people over for a small party and some entertainment... I better book Freldo early to be my musician!   Although, he probably doesn't get much work as is... *smiling*

Speaking of Freldo, he is still with Rhynn as far as I can tell and is becoming a bit more useful as a travelling companion.  We managed to mine a small bit of gold for ingots and scored some Feldspar and Garnet from the bugbears, who were not too keen on giving us any.  In fact, not many things are keen on giving up the things they protect... there is always more... they need to learn how to share.

My cooking has slowed considerably, but with the child starting to slow me down I should get back to my crafting as I won't be doing too much adventuring soon!  I need to start collecting the materials so I have something to do besides sit around lonely praying for my Cole to return home safely.  Perhaps I should consider a deity... no time like the present.

- Addi


RE: Addison's Journeys
« Reply #21 on: May 17, 2006, 02:56:05 pm »
Having never had any reason to believe in a deity before... perhaps recent events require a change.

I have counseled with several clerics over the past few weeks and have determined that Aeridin, the giver and protector of life, should be Cole's protector as well.  I shall pray to him daily to watch over my love and ensure that he safely returns from his journeys.  Maybe with the power of a deity behind us, his life will continue onward and we will be able to grow old together.

My child continues to grow.  I fear people will notice my small amount of weight gain soon.  It will not be too much longer until the time has come for me to cease adventures and focus on the child... I want to prolong that as long as possible.

I made some nice mahogany scrolls recently which improved my ability to make pies.  If I had known how much better my baking would develop... I would have been making silly paper long ago!  I shall continue to collect ingredients for pie making and will make a wonderful batch soon.  *thinks as she writes a small list*


I must go to the temple now and ask for acceptance into the church of Aeridin.  Quite a busy day.


RE: Addison's Journeys
« Reply #22 on: May 24, 2006, 11:34:00 am »
Several weeks have passed without word from Cole.  I am starting to worry.  I want him to be here for the birth... surely this is an important event to him...  It is mere months away.

The last time I saw Cole he was travelling with myself and a small group including Freldo, Ryhnn, Rawkwin, and Emerald.  I broke off at Pranzis to rest since I think the pregnancy is starting to slow me down (much to my disappointment).  They were entering the Forest of Mist to get some fire opal and silver.  I have seen some of the group since that time... he must be around somewhere.  They surely would have told me if something happened.  Wouldn't they?

I shall search the forest for signs of him and ask around all of the towns and cities in Southern Dragar.  *smiles*  He does stick out like a sore thumb in public places.


RE: Addison's Journeys
« Reply #23 on: June 08, 2006, 01:19:39 pm »
To never feel his touch on my arm again.  
To never see his gaze as it interlocks with mine.
To never hear his chuckle or his voice again.
I wish I could just die.  His child is the only thing keeping me from taking my own life.

I remember our last day together as if it was yesterday.  It was sunny and beautiful outside, with the birds chirping in melodic tones as we walked in the forest.  We kissed for a moment near the Outskirts of Castle Raxswell and he told me he’d be home soon.  I watched him joke and laugh with the others as they walked away, never for a moment thinking that this would be the last time I would see him alive.

I am empty inside.  How could I have been so careless… why did I ever leave him that day?  How could I possibly trust others to protect him? I should have been the one there by his side.  I am guilty of his death.  It will consume me every day.

Freldo brought over a small chest of his belongings for me to treasure and hold.  I sit there crying for hours reading the old letters we sent to each other.  Some of them are tattered and weathered through and through… as if he had them tucked in his armor and read them often.  It makes me happy to think that he kept them with him.  Some are blood stained, others are neatly pressed into shapes, some are just simply folded.  There are his old armors, dented and worn.  His swords.  Some ales.  The inks he made from the box of eggs I crafted for him.  A glimpse into the mind of a man.  A crazy merc.  A crazy merc that was so much more...  I had so much left to know… so much I never will.

I will seek his past.  I know Freldo knows much of it through his letters and journals.  I shall start where he started… at the orphanage in Leilon.  But now I need to heal.  To be allowed to grieve.  To be left alone until I am ready to continue.  I swear I shall never love again.


RE: Addison's Journeys
« Reply #24 on: June 19, 2006, 01:36:16 pm »
So much has happened lately but I have been very uninspired to write anything in these pages.

Most recently, Cole's funeral was held at the Tomb in Willow's Weep.  It was a lovely little intimate ceremony with many of his friends and companions in attendance.  A very nice complement to the remembrance held at the Leilon Arms a few nights prior.  There was full military honors, with a processional guard and a small ceremonial band.  A cleric of Aeridin proceeded over the burial and it was a true honor to be able to put closure on Cole's untimely death.  We all had a drink of wine and placed some small trinkets on the casket to be eventually placed in a small case next to the tomb.  In Cole's honor, Sniverous, Bjornigar, Treana, Jade Willow and myself all headed to the firesteep mountains to wake up Fisterion.  It was a nice trip and reminded me of my time together with Cole.

To put it lightly, my personal life is a complete and utter disaster.  The loss of Cole has obviously confused me to the point that I convinced myself I was in love with Treana.  I mean, I loved Cole immensely.  I still do.  I couldn't possibly have feelings for another...  Could I?  When the feelings started I was still with Cole.  Do the feelings I have make me unfaithful to him?

I feel personally responsible for the break up of Talen and Treana.  It was apparent to me that Treana was not happy with him because they always seemed to be fighting and mending but perhaps I was wrong and it was just their way.  I told Treana she should never settle... that she deserved the very best.  I then told her of the secret feelings I have always had for her... then a few weeks later she had left him.  She tells me that she could never return my feelings... that she could only love me as a sister.  I understand and I am happy the way things are now.  She is my true sister of heart.

Freldo is still Freldo.  *sighs as she closes the journal*


RE: Addison's Journeys
« Reply #25 on: June 27, 2006, 04:55:12 am »
Time passes and things change.  What I thought could never be anything has now become the most important thing in my life.  My sister of heart has become much more than a sister, she has become my love.

It happened very suddenly in a moment of tears sitting in North Point.  I had just returned from a journey to the firesteep mountains without taking the ship (again).  This used to be my normal mode of transportation back to North Point from Firesteep and I never had to buy a round trip ticket.  *smiles as she writes*  I was sittting there with Treana, another piece of soul heartlessly taken from me by the soul princess.  *written in the margin here is "I use the word princess in jest because I don't want to write what I truly wish to name her."* I told Tre that I was to retire, gave her a bag of coin, and told her I was applying for the town idiot of Hlint position if Freldo wasn't already the incumbent.  *laughs*  I went on to complain about how horrible a mistake I made and since I had so much more to live for I had to be dearly careful with my further adventures.

I told her of my future job intentions and how I was an even bigger fool for still being in love with her.  Then she kissed me.

Since then it has been a non-stop whirlwind of emotions.  We are observing her traditions from the old culture and she presented me with an elaborate set of silk clothing called courting garb which I dyed and now wear when not required to be in armor for protection.  The period lasts one year and at the end we can marry.  However, the relations of two women are not covered in the traditions and she may have to adapt and create new traditions for us.  There is also a possible problem with the church of Toran.  A paladin of Toran, who happens to be engaged to Ireth, was questioned.  He stated that it should be alright, but since he was not a priest of Toran, he may not be correct in his statement.

I have travelled everywhere with Treana since our engagement and she promised to raise Calvin together with me into a strong man, just like his father.

Proudly, I served alongside Rhizome at the defense of the Great Oak.  It was breathtaking to view the Great Oak with my own eyes and it was even more awe inspiring and powerful than I could have ever imagined.  When standing close to the oak, it's power enters into you and you feel alive, like one of the forest.  Simply amazing.  I am truly blessed to have seen it in my short life here.

My house in Pranzis is still there and I have moved my livestock and trusty horse, Nightmare, back to Hlint.  Pranzis is occupied and the areas outside of the city have dangerous protectors.  Treana and myself made it into Pranzis under the protection of a Greater Sanctuary spell and were able to collect the few things we needed from the house before setting up at an inn.  All the decorating we did could be for naught, even our own little dining grotto.  It saddens me to even think what may happen to our home.

My eyes grow weary and I must retire to sleep.  I shall write more about the great battles to protect the 'Heart of Layonara' soon.  I also will tell Bumblebee of the great battles for his newsletter.

- Addison


RE: Addison's Journeys
« Reply #26 on: July 04, 2006, 05:38:19 am »
Life still continues, Pranzis has seemed to settle for the moment.  The troops are gone and an undead dwarf has proclaimed himself emporer.  Just another normal day.

I miss the city I loved, the city in which I chose to make my home.  There are scorched buildings everywhere you look and some of the walls are collapsed.  Weeds grow where there was once beautiful cobblestones and the merchants are still missing most of their wares, yet they seem to hold their heads up high and continue business to survive.

Treana is becoming an incredible jeweler and my love for her continues to grow every day.  We are to wed in just 7 months time and I count each day as they pass.  I worry for her when I am not by her side.  If even it is to be near her, to reach out and heal her with the belt I wear when she is injured... I want to be her protector and guardian in additon to her lover and companion.  I wish we could just retire for good and live happily in Pranzis, raising Calvin... I just don't know how to convince her yet.


The battle at the Great Oak.  A large party had gathered in Arabel to attempt to stop the forces of Blood from reaching the Great Oak and destroying the heart of Layonara.  In the outskirts of Arabel at lake Marisus, Master Rhizome and Brisbane received word that one of the armies of Bloodstone was marching North and headed directly for the Great Oak.  Brisbane was to take a large force to thin the armies ranks from the rear, effectively snatching the beast by the tail and weakening the forces which would finally reach the Great Forest.  Master Rhizome was to take a small scouting party ahead to organize the defenses at the Oak itself and prevent the army from ever reaching the Oak.

Brisbane had a formidable fighting force already with plenty of clerical support and Master Rhizome needed a capable fighter to help with his scout party and I readily volunteered for the task.  It was going to be a true honor to fight alongside Master Rhizome as well as being directly responsible for the protection of the Oak.  Master Rhizome reached his hands into a tree near Lake Malisus, parted the bark like a curtain, and we stepped right into the tree itself.  Magically, we became part of the forest and travelled through the roots and trees themselves and stepped out onto the soil in the forest nearby the Great Oak itself.

Master Rhizome walked us through the defense plans for the Oak.  We had a multitude of defense forces we were able to utilize as well as some strategic chokepoints we intended to use if we had to fall back to the Oak.  Master Rhizome was also able to contact his mentor, the scariest treant I had ever seen, named Dark Father and his betrothed, a guardian of the plane of Arborea.  She was quite formidable with her swords, as expected of a planar guardian.  We set our defenses not a moment too soon, as winged demon scouts descended from the skies on our position, testing our defenses and tactics.  Luckily, none of them survived to make any reports back to the army that was rapidly approaching our position.

The waves of demons and troops were endless, barely time for us to recover during the small amounts of time between them.  To pass the time and settle myself, I spoke to Ireth about her wedding, not telling her of my new love, and her plans for the future with Geldar.  I am so happy for her.  We hoped that Brisbanes small army was able to slow the advance and thin the army, as our small force would be no match for an entire horde of demons and who knows what else.

Finally, after many battles, Brisbane's force arrived and we had effectively cut off the entire army... Master Rhizome's scout crew slowing the head as Brisbane's army devoured the body.  In the final battle, the Gold Dragon, Ozlo landed to help us and was killed in the final throes of battle by a terrible demon.  We stood there in awe, blood and scorched earth as far as the eye could see, in disbelief of the Gold Dragon which lay dead before us.  We sat in silence for a long time and the dragon's scales seemed to melt away and left a man in the impression in the ground.

Master Rhizome then took us to see the Great Oak itself and allow us to bask in it's glory.  It was one of the most incredible moments of my life.  He then gave us a beautiful pendant, the Oak Heart, for defending the tree and saving the Heart of Layonara.


Addison's Final Journey
« Reply #27 on: July 14, 2006, 07:19:45 am »
The evening air was crisp and clean.  Sitting on the shoreline behind her home she shared with Treana in Haft Lake, she had made the decision to go on the adventure.  

"Treana told me to live and I know I can stop after this... I would have seen it all.  Then I could have all the time I need to raise our new family.  I can finally meet the men and women of legend.  The greats of Layonara.  The heroes of tales and lore."

She examined her katana, sharpening the blade with a small stone, making sure everything was perfect.  Her armor flawless, small dents removed with care, dings and chips repainted.  Everything was perfect.  She placed a fresh baked rhubarb pie on the small chest in Treana's room.. the room that used to be the guest room.  Now the one they shared as a couple.  They were truly married in her heart, the wound on her hand from the dagger still red and fresh from the cut.  The ceremony would only be a few months more, but she didn't want to wait any longer.  She was so glad they could proclaim their love.

Just in case, she had taken her money from the bank and placed it in chests throughout their home.  She also put her will and testament and some legal paperwork granting full custody of her son to Treana should the unthinkable happen in the chest.

"I hope I don't need this stuff.  I will tear it up when I get back and we will have a good laugh about it."

She unloaded most of her packs into chests, put her katana securely in it's scabbard and slipped into the night.  Destination: Arabel.

The heroes were gathered when she arrived.  She stood side by side with people she only knew through stories and heresay.  They prepared for the long journey to Miratrix.  Upon arrival, the rest of the people were gathered and ready to move onward.  Once again they warded and set off on foot towards the Northern reaches of Xantril.  Finally, after what seemed like a week, they arrived at the hatch.  The secret hatch into the unknown.

The party quickly descended into the darkness, the screams of the tortured echoing through the gloom.  It was a cold and dark place, the evil seething from the walls themselves, and the welcoming party was more than willing to greet them.  The Mu Spores and Stone Colossi converged on them quickly, their powerful magics harming the warriors and removing their magic protections.  The fight was over quickly, the colossi just rubble, and the Mu Spores burning in piles.  This was just the beginning.

They travelled further, reaching drow war parties, and an entire drow city.  Ozymandias wanted to sack a drow temple, so in the gates they went, expecting to be immediately met with resistance and death.  But the drow allowed them to enter, the commoners ignoring them altogether.  The party continued onward.

Blasting through more drow, they had reached their first destination, the titanium mines.  Driders and mindflayers threw themselves at the party like chaff, attempting to protect their precious metal.  The driders failed.  She reached for her pick, feeling the smooth handle in her grip.  This pick had been with her from the beginning.  Sure it had to be repaired about 300 times, but it was still her trusty pick.  It had served her well whether it be mining copper in the red light caves or mining adamantium outside the doors of Fisterions temple.  Now it was to strike titanium.  There was only one more metal more precious than this one, and she planned to see it soon.  The titanium shattered easily, and she stuffed her packs with the ore.

Deeper they went, fighting more driders, devastation spiders bigger than the biggest Bebelith, and devastation beetles.  Deeper still, they continued.  Finally they reached an area of mindflayers, their scouts quickly disposed of by the warriors.  But ahead of the party lay an entire city of them... CthoKrl.

The party pushed on the gates and walked inside, expecting the unknown.  Xiao went in first, gaining the attention of a large amount of Illithid.  He was quickly overcome.  Seeing the commotion, Addison acted on reflex, coming to his aid and attempting to attract their attention.  The tentacles lashed at any of her exposed skin, searing the flesh.  She felt them trying to get in her mind and yet she continued to fight.  It was too much, she started to flee.  Running as fast as she could back to the party, the attacks still plagued her mind and quickly drained the life from her body.  She fell to the ground, her life draining from her pores.  She was bleeding to death.  Her eyes could barely stay open, the life gushing from her quickly.  Can the clerics not see her?  There was still time to save her... do they not care?  The healing came, but it was far too late... she was already gone.

The mother came with the harvester to collect her last thread.  She did not beg for her soul back.  She did not cry.  She merely accepted it.

"At least I lived.  To the fullest.  I have seen things others can only hear and dream about.  But I was there and experienced it all.  I defended the great oak when she was in danger.  I gave love unconditonally to two brave warriors.  I gave birth to a beautiful child.  I do not regret anything I have done.  I will be waiting for you Treana.  Do not hurry."


Last will and testament of Addison Scarlace

I leave the following things behind for others to use and enjoy.

My precious metals of adamantium and titanium I leave to Kavil.  You were always there for me and I always loved you like a brother.  Our friendship was unmatched.  We must have collected well over 1000 platinum nuggets and 400 mahogany branches with just the two of us.. we were the best team.

The red rose with the electrical 3 enhancement** I leave to Freldo.  You too I love dearly and always appreciated everything you did for me, even if it didn't always seem that way.  You were always a friend when I needed it most and never let me down.

My adamantium katana with the cold 3 enchantment and no silvering I leave to Kyle.  Thank you for supporting my relationship with Treana, even though I know deep inside you never really approved.  Grow into this weapon.  I shall miss you.

My mahogany compound longbow and father's iron katana I leave to my dear mother, Caniel.  I Know you didn't approve of Treana while I lived, but accept her after my death.  I have made it easier for you by granting full custody of Calvin to her.  If you wish to see your grandson again, you will accept and love her as a daughter.

My home (our home) and all my other belongings I leave to Treana.  I am sorry for leaving you.  We had so much left to do together.

Addison Scarlace

//** haha that red rose hits for 1d6+7 +1d6 electrical (lvl 11 req just to hold it)  It has to be the most expensive rose on Layo (lens price is like 11,000).

// I will truly miss the relationships and friendships that Addison formed with so many people the most of all.  The character is replacable and easily duplicated.  The material possessions are replaceable.  It is the people behind the interactions that matter so much to me and are not and never will be replaceable.  Goodbye Addison.

Killed By: Ulitharid
Killed On: 2006-07-11 08:44:34
Killed At: Underdark - CthoKrl