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Author Topic: Fymwal Irilanam - Notes  (Read 576 times)


Fymwal Irilanam - Notes
« on: March 01, 2011, 07:06:52 pm »
Center is one of a few surface settlements without walls. It is vulnerable in that respect, but a common stopping place for adventurers. It's a crossroads of sorts, which makes it a valuable asset for all sorts of filth. Taking it might prove difficult, but worthwhile perhaps.

I met a fellow highborn there, Nastor. He offered work. Not herb gathering, real work. Ambition is heavy in his voice. Keep an eye on him. Could be useful, likely dangerous.

Keeping my greatsword sharp with magic, but I may trade for a weightier iron blade than this light copper. Need better armor--can't get darksilk here on the surface. Can't concentrate in this studded leather sometimes, or gesture right. Need to focus more on casting despite stiff joints.

Sun doesn't hurt anymore.


Re: Fymwal Irilanam - Notes
« Reply #1 on: August 17, 2011, 04:27:29 pm »
Magic weapon keeps the edge on the blade sharp--makes it better for rending armor. Darkfire heats the blade, burns the flesh it cuts. Look into more sword techniques.

Bull's strength enchantments before battle make vengeance all the easier. Cut through armor, through bone.

Casting seems easier in the leathers. I have only a low failure rate. Now working with plated armor. We will see how this goes.

Dark elves reported in Silkwood.
Find Nastor and see what he knows.
Maybe useful.


Re: Fymwal Irilanam - Notes
« Reply #2 on: August 27, 2011, 03:42:09 pm »
I tortured a traitor today with applications of spikes and acid. The spikes were metal, but the acid was a concoction. I cast it while wearing plates. The acidic arrow was but a small spell, but it is a first encouraging step towards casting more intricate magics in armor.

Nastor is not one with whom I should trifle. His compound was most well concealed. I think it should prove useful, and perhaps even safe, during my empowerment.


Re: Fymwal Irilanam - Notes
« Reply #3 on: August 27, 2011, 06:13:48 pm »
Rain turns to steam on Fymwal's fired blade, and he laughs over the body of a kobold.

I have succeeded in battle, in armor, to enchant my sword. This is most appealing news; it was my hate for the living kobold that brought this. The fire is vengeance. Ha!

Fymwal runs the searing edge along the kobold's skin. It singes and coils into smoke.


Re: Fymwal Irilanam - Notes
« Reply #4 on: September 15, 2011, 10:35:35 pm »
Mercenaries the scourge of the land? Ha! How easily the humans can be tricked into killing their own kind. That Kal is very trusting indeed. He may prove useful.

Ni'haer spoke of an upcoming sacrifice. I look forward to it. Look forward to smearing the blood in power circles on my skin and armor. These glyphs should help my casting in armor by weaving the Al'Noth through the blood.

Another success in sharpening my blade through platemail while mowing the 'Children of the Earth'.