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Author Topic: G'orks scruffy notes  (Read 807 times)


G'orks scruffy notes
« on: March 14, 2007, 08:01:24 pm »
*all of the entries are written in dwarven*

It has been a while now since I first left the regions of Lor, and since I have left, there has not been a single day I have found myself mining, yet each, I find myself training with many different creatures, lots of the small ones it started with, just kobolds.

As my confidence grew, I began travelling about more, and started finding ways of getting people to help with things that I knew I wouldn't be able to do alone, in a way, I lead a lot of people on to thinking I am stupid, but it seems from most of the adventures I've been on, I am one of the regulars on the return journeys.

People seem to stare at me oddly all the time, I think it's my axe, I've even had guards ask me to put it away...'Ofcourse, let me just grow a pouch that can shrink it down for you' I feel like replying, so I try my best to keep my mouth shut, I've only just arrived here, I don't want to gain a reputation in town yet. Supplies here in Hempstead are cheap. I intend on being able to get them that way too.

The axe though I am getting used to, and after having it replaced with the iron one, it feels a bit more solid, and weighted, far better than before when swinging, the extra weight really helps cleaves through things.

A little while back I actually began practicing some other things I could do with these blades, and when I came up against a formidable opponent, I took him to the arena to get some well needed detailed practice in.
Alright - I admit, I picked the orc with a spear, he reminded me of my captain.
One day I expect his clan to come looking for me, and I bet they will have I was fighting the orc, I noticed he was a lot stronger than me, but I was able to actually avoid a fair amount, but when he didn't miss, I regretted being there.
Noticing I was able to find more openings than he could though, this reassured me, as I get more used to this weapon, I am sure those openings I'm finding will lead on to faster, stronger swings.


Re: G'orks scruffy notes
« Reply #1 on: March 26, 2007, 08:25:57 pm »
I've found my aim getting better, and more and more often, I find my axe making whoever happens to be on the end of it, get less than a moment to react, as it renders them life less...., and then I swing the other end around to make sure...

These city people are quite suprisingly stupid, despite what they say, or assume about me due to my lack of knowledge of the common language...

Some Half-Giant made some comment that angered me a lot outside Hempstead, being outside the gate, and being quite confident, having slayed all those ogres just a few hours before, I decided to give him a taste of my axe...and he tried to show me what he could do with his. What a fool.

I took a step back, used that trick I brought from that mage in Hempstead, and watched him bleed. When he finally looked weak enough, I effortlessly stepped a bit closer, and took a swing at his legs, watching him fall to the floor, before finishing him off. I flicked my axe, watching the blood fall upon the fresh grass. And just smiled to myself as I walked off, feeling even more confident about my skills...


Re: G'orks scruffy notes
« Reply #2 on: March 26, 2007, 08:32:11 pm »
Theres this dwarf Jaldaric, only person I really seem to travel with often, and doesn't get on my nerves after opening his mouth, he keeps quiet, and when he speaks, it's to say something useful....normally.

A new addition to the list, some excuse for a mage that travelled to dregar with us, cast a death spell causing a couple of us to fall, I will never forget that day, and if I find myself near him again, he better have his precious hands ready to cast, it may be the last chance he has to use them for anything.

I've started learning to hook things with my axes now aswell, it helps a lot with pulling things bigger than me down to the ground so that I can stomp on them, and cut them up with relative ease. Theres still more to learn, and I know with more training I'll get faster, and more efficient with every blow....


Re: G'orks scruffy notes
« Reply #3 on: April 01, 2007, 08:29:22 pm »
I was about to write about how I'm beginning to hate wizards, but I already do, so I guess I just hate them more now. I had this gnome right under my foot, and my axe was pinning his arm, he was gagged so he could not utter any spells, yet some how escaped.

Besides that, recently I've been training myself hard day in day out, using my axe, and I feel that I am now able to chip off a couple of limbs, before a lot of enemies have a chance to do much at all. Sometimes I find it easier to give them a shock, to open them up for the next hit, with a simple shunt to the throat using the shaft of my axe, or spitting in their face. You can't fight when you can't breath or see, or move after you take the targets legs off.

I slayed some goblins outside Hempstead too not long back, both were frustrating me so, both jumping at me with his hands shouting something, I booted him in the lake outside Vehl the first time I met him for doing the same....obviously he hadn't learnt. Then his friend appeared, and said something that I actually found quite offensive coming from some one so puny. So I simply used just one of the blades from my axe to deal with them both, and that didn't take long, didn't give the mage a chance to cast, like I would risk it.

I've become faster, and know my attacks are getting stronger after each swing. I watched the other fighters I was with on dregar, noting some of the tactics they used, and even some strikes, that I managed to vary into my own way with my axe.

My poisons are coming along quite well too, I find them useful when fighting the ogres on dregar, it saps their strength quickly, leaving them easier to bring to their knees, just the right height to lose their heads. I need to collect some giant heads thinking about it. So thats what I'll go do.


Re: G'orks scruffy notes
« Reply #4 on: April 04, 2007, 06:54:02 am »
Hempstead seem to be tightening their rules, I have to travel disguised which isn't easy when you're carrying a huge double axe, but so far when passing through I've been under a mages concealment.

Myself and some others went accross the dragon isles slaughtering pretty much anything that got in our way. In the end, that included a stupid fool of a human who had made idiotic remarks to me earlier on, the urge to cleave his head off was too great, but I hadn't been paying attention to who was carrying the coins, and I couldn't be bothered to gather spilt ones. So I let it go...however after reaching the docks, Jal turned to him, because of a comment made shortly before about making him listen to what Jal said. So I watched the human get cut up, and then we took our coins leaving.

I went to the arena in Vehl on my own, to practice against the targets there again, since I had last been, I seem to have progressed a lot, I can deliver each blow swiftly with power, more importantly, can maintain the momentum built up through swings, gliding the axe up and around into the next hit, instead of slowing down, it helps make the blows quicker, and they never slow to lose power. It's like I heard that monk said long ago, combat is just lines and circles. I never understood the remark, I'm beginning to now.

The axes are now beginning to just feel like something that should be on the end of my limbs arms, when I have set it down next to me to rest, I feel slightly paranoid the dwarf will come back to get revenge for how brutally I murdered his children. I should have thought about this better. Maybe I should go finish him off before I give him a chance to do the same to me.

When the axe is back in my hands, everything feels like it is where it should be, and more and more techniques I'm becoming aware of each time I get to use it. Hooking under legs, over the backs of necks, using one blow to set them up to block it, and then quickly bringing in the other end to cleave into their ribs, or whatever has been opened up to swing the blade into.

Yet, I am not happy enough with my skills. I need to practice a variation of a few attacks I've seen others use, to cleave through every opponent around them. For now, I'll just keep trying from the middle of a pack of ogres, until I get it right.


Re: G'orks scruffy notes
« Reply #5 on: May 22, 2007, 06:02:30 pm »
Another day passes, and another few dents in the armor, after getting hold of that adamantium axe, I seem to find cleaving through things, far easier, it has no problem cleaning cutting people in two.

Since the authorities have tightened security, I've learnt a lot about being light on my feet, and can actually manage to sneak up on some people, the jobs I keep getting paid for seem to need this a fair amount, a useful skill besides the axe over my shoulder, although it was still there, if I failed to hide, ready to tear apart anyone that may draw a weapon on me.

I grow tired of most I travel with, a few of the people I work with I do not have problems with, if it will remain I don't know, but for the sake of living, I'm going to work with them, and do what needs to be done, so long as I get paid.

As I sat cooking a bear upon the fire at camp, watching the path many use to pass through the desert, I saw a strange creature, or thought I did in the distance, I left the boar to roast while I went to see what it was....if anything.

The light plays enough tricks on my eye, but realising I had actually come literally, eye to eye with a....floating eye. I jumped back, not really knowing what they were, and saw it begin to cast, quickly drew the axe, and a quick few slashes accross the eye's...eye dealt with it quickly enough. I picked up some remains, and head back to camp. The next day, returning to Hempstead, to sneak through to the docks, as I went in, noticed a sign offering a reward to the one who killed the 'beholder' in the desert, I looked at the remains, got some passer by outside town to grab a guard, and claimed my reward....

Need to find more work like that, quick, easy, and makes use of what I do best.


Re: G'orks scruffy notes
« Reply #6 on: December 11, 2007, 05:24:42 am »
*after taking rest in one of his usual spots in the forest, G'ork finds himself looking down at the spot he dropped his journal several days before hand, picking it up and dusting the dirt from it, he simply opens to a page and begins writing quickly in dwarven*

People know what I've done. I need to shut them up, using people to try and find out who they are....that little drow has told me one name, but I want them all. They all need to be silenced.


Re: G'orks scruffy notes
« Reply #7 on: December 22, 2007, 08:09:53 am »
After a long day of mining, G'ork returns to his home and begins hanging up his equipment ready to be worn the next day.
He snarls looking in the mirror, catching a glimpse of all those scars left upon his body all those years ago. Lash marks littered across his back.

"Gork going to get yous all soon and make yous pay, Gork keep hims word"

He moves into another room, full of maps, marked with various locations, names, and throws a dart to a location already torn to pieces from him clearly having done this before.
He pulls the darts out snarling and slams the door going into another room. Looking at the bloodstains in the room, his gaze scans across to a table, riddled with various small sharp bones and nasty looking tools, aswell as various dry food stuffs such as nuts, or bread. Picking up an object that bares a resemblance to a pair of tongs, he then picks out some poison, covering one individual loaf in poison. Using the tongs, Gork places the bread into a small pack and tucks it away into a pouch hanging from his leathers on the wall.

Gork walks back into his other room, locking the doors behind him, and sets himself down on his bed heavily, not having any trouble sleeping from the exertion he faced.


Re: G'orks scruffy notes
« Reply #8 on: January 01, 2008, 08:45:48 pm »
Looking upon the corpses of orcs around him, he grins and spits blood from his jaw to the ground, taking three steps, each lacking grace and clunking to the stone floor with his heavy greaves

Leaning over the corpse of one in particular, he kneels down and checks the tatoo upon the orcs right arm. Dropping the arm without hesitation, he stands up, the grin now even bigger upon the Half Orcs bloodied face.

G'ork takes out a crumpled list and begins searching for his quill, shruging he dips one of his own fingers into the orcs wounds, and crosses off a name.

'A promise be a promise' G'ork says to himself, most pleased with what he has done.

G'ork turns around to his companions and nods to them in turn, and they begin the walk back through the dark halls.


Re: G'orks scruffy notes
« Reply #9 on: January 03, 2008, 06:12:28 pm »
Within the forest not far from Leringard, G'ork was gathering oak on his trip gathering materials for arrows, when a rolled up parchment bound in leather drops at his feet.
He looks up to see a bird flying away, and lights up a torch to read the parchment. Looking at it, a smirk appears on his face, he rolls up the note again tucking it away, and carries on chopping the oak branches, gathering them up, and departing into the night.

'G'ork going to enjoy this one'


Re: G'orks scruffy notes
« Reply #10 on: February 17, 2008, 07:52:49 am »
*G'ork dips his quill in some ink and begins writing in dwarven onto a page of parchment*

Things in recent years been going wells, money is becoming easy to come by, through jobs, or selling items I've aquired on my travels and from my crafts. I am  at the point of needing to find a group able to help me get more Ores that are no easy to come by.
A few sucessful trips up into the Fire Mountain have proved very useful, I've stocked up a lot of expensive ore now.

A priest named Voon sold me the greatest gift I've seen. I hope one day my weapons are as finely made as the Mithril Double Axe that I know carry upon my back. It's proven useful at the worst of times, cutting straight through most things my other axe couldn't.
And the light weight of it has enabled me to make the most of the speed I did not realise I had before. I can strike swifter and now seem to find my way into openings of the enemies guard much faster now.
It's does make me smile when I manage to slice off my oponents arm before they have actually managed to even raise the shield to stop it, but seeing them still try with nothing to guard themselves with, just leaving themselves open for the otherside to cleave them in two, the shock upon their faces is most satisfying.

Recently I've entered into the Crossed Blades Tournament, there are some very talented warriors in there, some I am glad to say I have worked alongside in the past. Knowing a few faces that stand out there, and knowing that I could rely on a couple. A rarity but something I have learned is having allies can prove extremely useful.

I've still got a few jobs to take care of, and I look forward to performing them. A couple are going to definitely be worth completing. I need to find that blonde elf, see if she wants something I found up in the Thunder Peaks.....wonder how much she'll be willing to pay...*G'ork seems to lose his concentration for a moment, his jaw dropping slightly as he day dreams, then suddenly dipping his quill in the ink again and carries on writing*
Better be worth its.

*G'ork sets off from his home and heads to the docks to sail to Leringard, upon arriving he is met with a great deal of anger, people shouting at him all around, G'ork then remembers that the town is currently being attacked by orcs and swiftly makes his way through the streets to leave the city as fast as he can, shoving those that get in his way, and ignoring the shouts and various things being thrown at him, eventually reaching the gate where the guards seem to block the way back in for him, each archer on the top of the gate just stare down at him, arrows knocked and ready, G'ork angrily but quietly moves on into the forest.

Growling and muttering orcish cursewords he pulls out some equipment, and makes sure his orcish tatoos are revealed on his arms, as he goes into the woods to gather Oak. G'ork avoiding most contact with anything besides a few spiders, gathering their poison glands and quickly cuts down the few trees he carefully selects, before making his way south again.

Upon reaching Blackford, G'ork finds himself being shot at by arrows, and gets one right in the shoulder of his arm as he reaches to pull out his shield.
Struggling and now fumbling with the shield he scurries under it, raising himself to his feet, taking shelter still under the huge piece of adamantium above him, G'ork angles it towards the direction of the Castle wall and quickly distances himself from it, beginning to use the trees as cover aswell, reaching the cliff face, he takes cover behind a tree strapping his equipment onto his back and pulling out a few ropes along with some smaller picks, arrows land around the large tree G'ork uses for protection, hearing a few slam into the trunk of it.
G'ork attatches the bag of branches to some rope to and throws it off the cliff into the water below, whipping the other end of the rope around the tree as not to expose himself, he ties a knot and checks it several times, he grasps the rope in his hand, and turns his wrist so that the rope loops over slightly, allowing himself to loosen his grip and rely on the rope gripping against his arm, Suddenly with a grunt he runs fourth towards the cliff and swings himself over, taking another arrow into the same arm. Which at the time was holding the rope. His grip weak and him sliding down faster than he had planned, scrapes against the face of the cliff, bouncing around a little as he does, managing to slam his foot into a small hole to stable himself for a moment.
Dangling by his wrist G'ork quickly grabs the rope with his other hand, allowing his wrist free, which has been badly cut by the rope in question, snarling, he loops his free foot around the rope and uses it to help stablise himself as he just slides down the face of the cliff, he looks up to see the arrows have stopped, and once in the water, holds onto his pack full of oak and uses it to float further away from the castle, before heading back to land south of the castle. G'ork ends up floating for longer than he planned, he was dazed and tired from the ordeal, plucking the arrows from his wounds and seeing he is finally at the Zainge River, G'ork hauls himself onto land, and just rests for a while. Muttering one sentance.

'G'ork need long drink'

The Half-Orc lays there, bleeding from his shoiulder for a few hours, before staggering to Krandor's Inn to get some proper rest.


Re: G'orks scruffy notes
« Reply #11 on: March 01, 2008, 05:06:17 pm »
*G'ork steps into his room, laying his equipment out in order upon a table, obsessively looking back and fourth making sure everything is perfectly in place, his head turns as he takes a breath with one of his usual grunts, to exit the door and across into another room.

The room is lit better than most others and to one end a glass table can be found, well polished at that. G'ork makes his way casually to the side of the room and steps behind a counter, turning to face a cabinet full of different ales and wines. Once again, he turns to face the counter, kneeling beneath, he pulls a few vials out, chcking them underneath the light from the candles hanging above.
With a nod G'ork tucks the vials into a pouch and makes his way back accross the hall to the room opposite, setting the vials amongst the equipment, again lining them up clearly obsessing over the position of everything upon the table.
With but a few more steps, G'ork lays himself upon a bed, drifting off into a slumber.*


Re: G'orks scruffy notes
« Reply #12 on: March 20, 2008, 04:43:20 am »
Another job dones. This one went better than could have predicted, G'ork thought Brian was going to take easy option out, could have cost own coin, but he just tried to runs, so had to cut him down as he dids. Not even get paid for it, atleast G'ork know that he made atleast several people pleased.
G'ork looking forward to telling Korie he managed to hunt down human bound in shadows.

Tracking him through forest taught G'ork one thing, never rely on mages, he had seen us long before I realised he was aware of our presence, whatever concealment the mage used failed to hide us from his sight. Could have caused a lot of problems, fortunately not.

G'ork saw Krys up in peaks while backs, said he had job offer to get rid of some vampire or somethings. Was very nice reward being offered, so G'ork speak to Tobias bit more to get a plan to go on.

G'ork also met couple of half orcs while back, one of thems G'ork can see becoming very usefuls, G'ork could use double to draw attention away from himself, he even wear similar armor. G'ork make sure to try and make his next set.
Finally learnings to dodge bit more now, and when not manage thats, just take hit and normally carry ons. Though bandits in valley seem to stab right underr arms making G'orks swing weakers.

Things going well, business smooth, making steady money from armors and equipments found in peak, and hopefully lot more money from next job.
For nows though G'ork need more adamantium and platinums for armor.

*throws the notes ont oa a pile and leaves the room, grabbing a pick axe as he does, slinging it over his shoulder*


Re: G'orks scruffy notes
« Reply #13 on: December 07, 2008, 07:49:23 pm »
*still written in dwarven*

So many things have changed since I last wrote anything down at home. I've met many different faces, and seen many fall never to stand again. Since last noting anything down I've completed a number of contracts, and have found myself without the worry of needing to scrape together every last coin found to get food.

Some things I have found in my life I cannot believe, and as hard as I have found it to believe, I can now trust a certain few people, though some others I assume think they have earned my trust, where I actually feel the exact opposite.

It's been so long since I've set foot in this house, but it brings back many memories of a time that is now gone. I still find it hard to believe one of the warriors I fought alongside in the Thunder peaks before the war has fallen.
He was an outstanding fighter, and a master craftsman. Forged the very helm I use to this day. Goldwin was his name. Myself, him, Gravas, and Tobias used to spend so much time cutting down giant kin up there, but since the war with Essrantor, I have not really seen much of them at all.

I still see a few people I've worked with in the past very often, Hardragh being one of them, glad he is still around. Others I've worked with have changed in their ways, and attitudes, and my opinion of them fallen far from wanting work with them ever again. I just hope they don't get in my way, as I wouldn't hesistate in cutting them down if they do.

Lies have been spread about, rumours escalating to scales I had not expected. Banned from Lor now due to putting a knife to Storold's neck, among killing a dwarf who was quite willing to kill me if I didn't.

Though through it all two unexpected people have stood by me, one of them who I would go to the end of the world just to see them one last time.
*laughing while writing the next bit*
Both of them being elves suprisingly.
Ami and Emie.

It's most strange how things turn out, but I know I can trust them both, and I hope they both realise they can trust me. Though Ami doesn't approve of how I handle every situation, she usually understands the reasons of why things happen as they do.
Ami is the only person who has taken an interest in my life fully, I feel like she knows me better than anyone. When I first met her I just thought she was one of the s from the caring hope inn, I even asked her something along the lines of 'How much for the night?'. Ofcourse she was offended by it, but how was I supposed to know any better? It's usually the only reason a woman approaches at an inn. After talking for a while though I found myself laughing at the irony of it, as she is quite the opposite of what I had assumed, I think I even ended up beating up some other half orc who was annoying her. But even this that I write, was many many years ago now.

Shes the only person I really enjoy talking to.

Again since my last entry, things in my mind have changed a lot over the years, I've gone from doing small low paid tasks, to refusing most unless they are worth the payment in return. I found myself not long ago sorting out a situation which was about to go badly wrong and had to put my skills that I have worked on all of my life, using stealth and the quick innovative thinking to resolve it, ofcourse that usually means putting a knife to some ones neck if the situation is quite a volatile one. Fortunately it all went very smoothly from that point. And against my advice people wanted him unharmed, but I respected their request, but the words needed to be said, you tend to get a lot more information when some one is begging for mercy.

I've aquired many scars from battles, and one in particular that is a constant pain, the dragons claw upon my chest, thanks to being mislead into stealing something from Fisterion, without getting any form of reward thanks to some idiots I was with who just handed over the tear at the first chance. Fisterion then hunted us down and tried to sink our boat, marking all of us with the same scars. Since then we managed to retrieve the tear, again, the idiots didn't listen to my words, and we are still stuck with the scars. A few wanted to try taking the tear to Shadrixil, others wanted it for themselves. I just want to be rid of this scar. But I do have my plans for when I next speak with Fisterion. I do not think my work with him is quite yet finished.

We will see.


Re: G'orks scruffy notes
« Reply #14 on: December 08, 2008, 03:27:53 am »
*again, written in dwarven*

Wielding my axe over the years has helped me in many ways, and keeps most people at a distance I've found. Though some people I occasionally seem to find myself near, that... I would be lying in a pool of their own blood.

It is a strange thing that throughout my years of not being a slave I have become one again, this time to a dragon that I have been told is going to be playing a big part in the war soon to come. What my place will be in it? I do not know just yet, but I plan on finding that out in the days soon to come.
I need to find out more about certain things, but in order to do so I must seek out a few people who have ended up on the wrong side of my blade in the past. Storold being one of them most likely, unless I can find out the details I need from some one else.
Hardragh's information has been invaluble over the years, a lot of it helping me along my path. It still feels like it was only a few days ago that we were digging to find some ruins with him, Tobias, and Kali, though that was all really brought to an end when the dwarves turned up trying to claim land that wasn't even theirs. Though I can't say I didn't enjoy wiping the smile off a particular dwarves face, and watching them all turn and run was a sight to see. Though since that day most of the dwarves have heard of this, and look upon me as if I am smaller than them, which is quite a thing to imagine really, as they crane their necks up to give me that look of disgust, some turn their heads to spit on the floor, all I can say is they should consider themselves lucky they haven't been within range, I don't even need to move my head to do the same.
There are very few dwarves I would ever travel with and trust not to try cutting me down, the main one being Gravas. He has taught me a lot about fighting, and is incredible at holding his ground. Ever since Goldwin's passing he is barely ever around. He did join us on a trip around Belinara, and again proved his skill when we went up against the Hydra's, not even flinching briefly as they lashed out at him.

All in all though, most of the time, the only good dwarf, is a dead one.


Re: G'orks scruffy notes
« Reply #15 on: December 09, 2008, 07:31:14 am »
Today has been most strange, I've been working recently on making potions and was on one of my usual routes around Dregar collecting hops and thistles, soon I'll be ready to turn them into some very beneficial potions.

As I got to Corax lake I bumped into I've been travelling with on the occasion as of late. Phyress is her name, she is a pretty skillful fighter despite her size and choice of weapon, though I have to admit the rapier is a very useful tool to carry, it's why it's one of the weapons I keep on me at all times. She seems to be able to deliver some very accurate strikes with it I have seen, bringing enemies far larger than her to their knees, and then simply finishing them off with a quick jab or slice to the chest or neck.

And I actually didn't mind her coming along really, helped me sort out the giants quicker than I imagined really, though some are still stupid enough to hit one end of my axe then fall into the other not to ever move again, shes interesting though, and shares quite a few similar views towards certain people, like the toranites.
A few days I bumped into them as I was about to gather some iron and platinum from Haven mines, she told me about how she had seen most of her group fall to some gnolls because of the lack of tactics taken down there. Stupid if you ask me, but she escaped with her life, atleast she had the right idea of how to handle the situation. Which is the most likely reason she survived. I was about to head down anyway when some little blacksmith came along for some reason thinking we were window cleaners...I kept my mouth shut but couldn't help but think how many window cleaners carry double axes. Idiot. Anyway, he was offering some coins to go mining at a place within the spirit dunes, I wasn't even aware of any iron veins there, even when I used to camp there most nights after arriving from the Dwarven village Lyn. I thought it would be an ideal opportunity to get some practice with my shortswords however, and thought I may aswell get some coins to cover the next few batches of boat tickets I'll need in the future, so agreed to go along...
As usual the toranite and the rolfi held things up, we moved slower, some were struggling with the heat of the desert, but I had brought plenty of water and other drinks to keep myself going. What did they expect in the desert? An inn every few miles?
Eventually we found a hole into the mine and stupidly some one went down in full armor, nearly breaking their legs, despite my heavy pack I managed down without any problems, neither did Phyress, I can't remember how the others coped, nor do I care, they were just slowing us down.
Plenty of giants were in the cave, and I scouted about until several giants blocked my way, I wouldn't have been able to get by without trying to move them, so went back and told the others what to expect. After passing many giants we found the first vein, with a corpse and a pick axe, some drawing kept on the corpse aswell, either he was a terrible artist, or it was something his child had made him. For a moment though while I was mining I couldn't help but feel like a slave again, but getting paid for something I do with such ease. I don't even remember receiving a thanks from anyone for doing so. I didn't really care anyway, I was getting paid, I did hope to figure a way of leaving some of them behind and taking their shares, but it never happened.
Shortly after finding another vein and taking all the ore, we left and went back to Haven.
Phyress and I had a couple of previous meetings to this, having to deal with plenty of giants on one occasion, and it was just us two left to hold an entrance to a village that was left deserted not long before the giants headed that way, easily done, though at one point one of the giants cracked his weapon over the back of my head and left me vulnerable as I tried to bring my guard back up. It was at this moment that I realised Phyress had probably helped keep me alive by taking advantage of the giants that were too focused on trying to bring me down. It's that moment where she earned my respect as a warrior. I think she still needs to work on a few of her tactics and ways of handling certain situations however, I had to jump in holding my knife to the leader of a group of pirates once her talking did not do us too much good, and they were about to draw their weapons.
Though I think she learnt a lesson that day. I hope the others watching did too.
Sometimes the subtle yet forceful approaches, turn out to be the best ones.

Yet again though I find myself missing Ami, her voice soothing, whenever I see her smile it washes away all my thoughts and just leaves me in awe of her beauty...the talk we had recently in Miritix seems so long ago now, yet it's another memory she has given me to bring a smile upon my face.
Some things she says to me confuse me so much, and for some reason I don't care about why they do. I just enjoy being near her.

I should get back to work however, I've written too much and need to fix up my armor a bit which a guard in Sharawood managed to pierce through the other day, in more than one place.
I guess the orcs were right in the fact the most dangerous of weapons, are sometimes the ones with the longest reach.


Re: G'orks scruffy notes
« Reply #16 on: December 13, 2008, 12:28:38 pm »
*G'ork wakes up in the early morning in miritx as the sun appears on the horizon, blinking his eye a few times and smiling down next to himself, seeing Ami lying there, letting out a deep sigh, he begins shuffling through thingsin his pack, taking a piece of charcoal and some parchment, he begins writing things down in dwarven*

It's strange how I am feeling at this time, so many problems, but so few on my mind at this moment. Even though they should be, I don't seem to care in the slightest about them right now.

Not long ago I was in Corsain with Hardragh and a few others, Argali was there and began arguing with us, Hardragh decided to go to the inn, where as I continued to argue, not long after guards arrived, and Argali told them who I first they didn't seem to realise, but then asked me to remove my hood. I felt anger just swell up inside of me and felt like just stabbing the dwarf there and then, but that would have been stupid. I went to pull my hood down and rendered myself invisible, then quickly making my way for the docks, as I got there, the town bells started to ring.
I swore under my breath as I saw the gates close shut, but fortunately I was already outside of them, and made my way around the cities outskirts, to find riders going through the forest. It's been decades since I've travelled through the country there. I've not travelled through the Dragonsong Dominion in so long I could not even remember anything about the place I was in, I made my way through the forest, being careful not to leave any obvious trail behind me, but kept moving North East, it was the only direction I really knew I had to head, once I had made it to the Lake of Dreams, I realised I had reached the Driran Kingdom, and was a lot safer, a few long hours later I found the Grey Tower, and was able to by myself a passage back to Dregar.

I had no idea if Hardragh would be struggling, but he's not stupid, I knew they wouldn't be able to catch him easily. And a few days later I found him at the crossroads near Dalanthar.

Days passed and I travelled my way back to mistone, only to hear there was a bounty on me from a few various people. Disappointed it was only 10,000 true, I wonder who will be the first to try taking me, though after seeing an exchange of coins from one hand to another, I think I might know now, although I can't be certain.

I've travelled a bit more with Phyress, she's definitely not like most people I know, in a way I know I can trust her blade at my side, instead of having it dug into me. She will be a useful person to have around I can tell. After I lost my temper with one of her friends, she even joined me and we had an opportunity to talk and learn more about eachother. Nothing like Ami though.

Ami and me got to spend some more time together recently, we helped some one through the cave in gloomwood, though I was angry at the fact she had a small part of her soul taken from her when this stupid girl we were helping charged off and ended her life, stating the words 'Speed is life'. Ironic speed ended it too. Then Ami raised her with a scroll, which caused the damage...I wish she would have said something so that I could have done it instead of her. After this girl was back on her feet, she tried to press on, after Ami had told her we needed to go back, she tried to continue so Ami just bound her in some magic so that she could not go any further, clarifying the situation again. Eventually we managed to venture back into the caves after a short rest and cleared the rest of the place.

A few days on, I found Ami near Hempstead and we walked through the forest towards Haven, I wanted to tell her some things that were on my mind, and shes agreed to help me with a minor problem which could escalate if somethings not done about it. The rest of that evening was so special. I'll never forget it.

*he lets out another sigh still grinning, stroking the hair out of Ami's face and behind one of her ears*

I gave her a tour of the house finally after that. Funny how things have changed since the first time she set foot in there, so scared and worried I remember, now I couldn't scare her if I tried. And I did try, but she just growled back at me. I gave her a key and said she was welcome to stay whenever she wanted.

We then travelled south and met up with some others at stormcrest, I don't really trust any of the people particularly well after the incident with the tear. I was still angry they were so willing to put Ami and Emie in so much danger. It took them so long to decide, Ami ran off to gather some Honey from Alindor, though when I tried to catch up I could see the boat leaving. And got on the next one with the others. Eventually I found her and we travelled to Katherian and then on to Arnax by boat.

We ventured around as a group for a while, Emie found us on the outskirts of Arnax heading to Fort Thunder, after a while though in nightfall woulds me and Ami decided to go our own way, and went to Sharawood, it still amazes me how skillful she has mastered her magic, I'd get torn up there going alone, though I bet she could without even feeling hesitant about doing so.
Even with her though I still took a few hits, and needed to rest after having my armor, yet again, pierced by those weapons they have there.
Ami helped patch me up in Miritix, loosened up my shoulders a bit too, I was just content with her being there. We made our way to the fire down near the waterside afterwards just to relax, and just gazed at the stars together...

Now though it's time to gather some food for a breakfast, she needs a good meal after all that running around.

*he folds up the parchment tucking it into his pack, then gathers up his bow and fishing arrows, skulking along the waterside with his eye upon it*


Re: G'orks scruffy notes
« Reply #17 on: December 18, 2008, 07:32:38 am »
Life is complicated. A statement I heard a wiseman say before he died. I couldn't agree with him more.

The other night I found myself sat beside Highpass lake with Ami. I enjoy her company so much, though I was frightened when she turned into a dragon without me realising what had happened, I thought she had been crushed, or eaten, or maybe even ran. Wish I could have seen my own face.
As we arrived at highpass she had shown off a few other shapes and I tried wrestling her to the ground when she was a golem, ofcourse I beat her, but then she just picked me up, like she was playing the whole time.

I cooked her some fish I caught along the way there and we ate, just watching by the lake, after a bit of talking I got up and massaged her shoulders, she fell silent for a while, and then suddenly got up, seeming extremely uncomfortable. I still don't know what caused the sudden change, But she said she had to go...I let her and she just ran towards the town.

I'd be lying if I said it didn't hurt, thinking about what went wrong. I just sat there watching my reflection for a while, then began my way back. I decided to take out my mood on some bandits in a cave, my footing was awful. I ended up quite wounded and just couldn't focus on anything. So I just went home.

Along the way there, about a day and a half later, I walked by a postboard, it stated under the news about my warrant that my head was turned in to the authorities in Corsain, west gate. With a hand I checked I still had my head, and then I felt a bit better, knowing that some one had potentially got me out of the public eye once more. The funny thing is it said Hardragh was going to be trialed for murdering me...He wouldn't have been stupid enough to hand in my head to them, especially knowing what they would do...It must have been some one else, but I don't have a clue who would help me, and want to put him in trouble instead. Maybe they didn't want to help me and just wanted the true. I don't know.

So I used the opportunity to disappear, wearing new clothes and a cape, hiding, and using the name I came up with. Trent. After my favourite guard.
As I got home I decided to do a bit more training, and drank myself to sleep remembering what had happened with Ami.
The morning after I decided to get some work done, as I was sorting out my pack I heard the door swing open. At first I thought it might have been Phyress coming to get her iron, but suddenly I saw Ami, but her eyes were red rimmed, and she looked in a state. She ran up hugging me....

How does she do it? I felt awful only moments ago because of her running off, but now felt like everything was fine again. I had wanted to speak to her so much, and my dreams were haunted by the reasons she ran.
We spoke for a while and she said something about her emotions being everywhere, I didn't really understand what she meant though, and she wouldn't tell me what she felt. She didn't know if I was dead or not, but she said that she thought it was very odd because of Hardragh's name being mentioned. A few more words were spoken, and I went to do my mining, leaving her there to rest. I hope she soon feels better.

Before I returned back home I ended up mining, making and selling some weapons, and then headed for dalanthar, it was nice to be able to walk through a city without getting dirty looks. Though sometimes those looks make me feel good about myself. It's a strange feeling.

Phyress was near the merchants and I pulled my hood back a bit so she could see my face. She laughed and said that I looked stupid in white. Not that I cared really, just wanted to look unlike myself, white being a good colour to start with.
I took her to the thunder valley as I said I would, and we went into the misted village, it was all going very well, I told her a few things she should work on trying, and told her to watch her footwork at points. We reached the bottom of the bandits hideout, and I remembered why it used to be a dangerous place, when in large mobs those bandits were dangerous. Though as soon as I began to shelter from arrows behind my shield, I was able to slowly cut them down one by one, Phyress right next to me, stabbing them in the sides making quick work of the remaining ones.

I enjoy Phyress' company, she doesn't argue about stupid things, or talk about them, she accepts advice I offer without snapping back some insult for things I don't do properly. And she helped me think through a couple of things I had on my mind about Ami. She said that perhaps Ami's feelings had grown, but she doesn't know her, and I doubt I would ever be lucky enough for that to be the case.

After arriving back at the crossroads, I travelled north with Flynn into the peaks. He has got much better than when I last saw him, we made it into the ice caves, but I said we should turn back once we got fairly wounded because of those  mages. So we went back.

*he looks up from his writing to see Ami stood in the doorway infront of him and pushes the parchments aside*


Re: G'orks scruffy notes
« Reply #18 on: December 21, 2008, 12:49:53 pm »
Again, a moment of being completely content, and at ease with everything going on. Spoiled by a group of  dwarves and that Sasha.

I'm going to make them pay for what they have done. Each of them will be dealt with in a unique manner when least want to. I will watch and wait to strike as I have always trained. They will beg for mercy before I am done.

I'm sorry Ami, and Emie, that you both got mixed up in my mess. I won't rest until you are both free of those idiots that call themselves honourable. Why couldn't she just have listened to me when I said to get herself somewhere safe? I could have handled it. Now they are both probably sat in a cell waiting to be put on trial.
I tried to free them but there were too many...Stupid Sall, why was he holding Emie! She could have cut Ami loose to get away....I am going to have more than a few words with him this time...Why didn't he stand up to them? The  coward.
Marcus a priest who I don't know all that well was there...Perhaps he will help me do something about what has happened.

So many thoughts raced through my head as I sat on the ledge looking to the water rushing down the falls near the crossroads. Sat there contemplating my next move. Should I sneak in to free them? Should I burn a temple to show my hatred for what they have done? Maybe that will teach them not to anger me....Maybe I will just string up the next follower of that  gold dragon and watch them swing from a tree near their precious city.

This is far from over. I will have my revenge.

*G'ork leaves the tent he set up in thunder valley, his eye sore and red rimmed, still breathing heavily with rage he gathers his things together, and storms off with determination towards Dalanthar*