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Author Topic: Em's Thoughts  (Read 75 times)


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Em's Thoughts
« on: January 20, 2008, 10:56:44 am »
*Emmalee sits down under a tree and takes out her journal. She pauses for a moment, stares up at the sky, then with a delicate smile on her face she starts writing*

[SIZE=16]Well, I'm finally here. It didn't take as long as I had anticipated to get to the temple in Fort Vehl. I stopped by the temple to find Jasper, but as I'd feared, he wasn't there. I cant wait to see the look on his face when he sees what Ive become... although I'm sure that word of my conversion has already reached him. I'm also sure that father has realized that I'm gone. It scares me to think of his anger. Thats one thing father had plenty of.. anger. I feel a bit sorry for not saying goodbye to him, but I knew that sneaking out was the only way. He would have never let me go. He used to always tell me that no matter how old I got I was always going to be his baby--and boy did he treat me like it.. *sighs*..And now his baby is gone...*ponders a moment* Who knows, maybe his anger will be overcome by sadness at losing two of his precious children and farm hands in the same week--not that father being sad pains me more than seeing him angry... just a matter of choosing the lesser of two evils.*sighs again*

I didn't stay in Vehl very long... I checked in, got what supplies I needed, and then headed on the road to Port Hempstead. Its kinda pretty here. Big. Lots of people. Everything I'm not used to. I spoke with a guard  in Hempstead about any needs of the city and he promptly informed me of a Kobald situation. I felt excited inside... Not about the problem the city was having, but I'd finally have a chance to use my beloved bastard sword on something other than sparring with my brothers. I hastily headed towards the encampment of Kobalds, not really thinking clearly, overcome by excitement and adrenaline, and attacked the first one I saw. He was tougher than I thought and almost as quickly as I started, had me running back towards town... bleeding. *cringes at the memory of all that blood*. I thought I was safe so I slowed down to a walk, light headed and feeling the full impact of the pain. I came across a group in the road having a conversation and one of them healed me. If it weren't for him, I would have died. I'll have to find out his name so I can show my proper gratitude. One thing I didn't realize was that the Kobald followed me and he had to fix that situation too. *sighs heavily*

On another note. I made two friends today. One of them I was destined to meet sooner or later. Caighd. A fellow brother in the service of Lord Protector. He was very nice and quick to help. Him, along with another named Crizzan, took me back through the encampment.. actually prepared this time.. and we were able to clear the area and take the item back to the Guard that he was looking for. Easy enough... I almost nearly died one or two more times. *chuckles to herself*. Caighd told me  before he left that he would be working on some better armor for me. He is very nice. I blushed a little out of embarrassment the way he winced when he saw what kind of weak armor I had on. I cant wait to see him again. He will surely be blessed for his goodness.

Crizzan was telling me about some sewers nearby that needed some attention. He didn't go into it much further as he decided that we needed some more help than just the two of us. It was getting late after all. I decided I needed to rest, so I bid him good evening and we parted ways. Perhaps tomorrow then...


I learned two very important things today--
Lesson 1 learned: Don't wander around on unfamiliar territory alone.
Lesson 2 learned: Stock up on healing potions before I take on any more jobs.[/SIZE]

*She folds her journal closed. Stands and Stretches, and begins to walk back into town*


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Re: Em's Thoughts
« Reply #1 on: January 21, 2008, 11:05:59 am »
I'm pretty much settled in. Its a relief too. Im learning my way around the area and familiarizing myself with the the different towns, the people, and their needs. Its nice to feel helpful and needed.

Ive spent quite a bit of time with Caighd the last few days. Mostly helping people with their problems. We helpd a woman rid the sewers in Port Hempstead of a pipe clogger. We helped a man named Friar with an undead problem in Vehl right near the Rofirein Temple. We also went to the Gloom Woods and dispatched the Zamin. His head was retured to the little halfling man in the encampment there. VERY exhausting work. Before we went there, however, I was instructed to interrogate a man that lived by the docks. Im not sure if he knew exactly who I was and what I represented, but he spoke freely of grave robbing, his need for corpses, and his need of help to get them. Training to be a doctor or not, he is in the wrong and I will have no part of it. He will be reported. Caighd said that he is already being watched but the information I gathered would be added to the existing report.
Caighd delivered on his promise. After we returned to Vehl from the Gloom Woods and a quick detour to the swamps, he presented me with my new armor. He has much talent--its beautiful. I felt instantly secure in its plates. He also made me a new tower shield.. this one made of Bronze. It will be more sturdy than my old one and he has promised that when we meet again he will put the symbol of Lord Protector upon it... Just like his. I hope we meet again soon. I enjoy his company and he has helped me improve my skill with my bastard sword much. He pays attention to the smallest details. He is quick to offer advice, but never in a nagging way. He makes a wonderful Teacher.

I still havent caught up with Jasper. A temple attendant said that he has been out doing the Lord's work elsewhere. He's needed, and I can be patient until his return. Caighd said that he would inquire for me next time he was there.

Im sore and Im tired and I am greatful for this break I have to sit, relax, and write. Putting thoughts on paper is very theraputic for one's soul. I think I'll take a nap now...


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Re: Em's Thoughts
« Reply #2 on: January 28, 2008, 10:21:19 am »
*Emmalee sits on the floor with her journal in her lap, leaning against her bed and writes*

Not much has been happening as of late. Nothing out of the ordinary anyways. I've been spending time practicing with my blade. I've been running the occasional patrol to keep the pesky kobald population down. Not to mention keeping an eye on that foul man who had the nerve to ask me to body snatch for him... Thankfully I havent seen him bother anyone since me. Oh, and naturally I've been running away with my thoughs. Father used to tell me that daydreaming was what I did best *grin spreading accross her face as she writes*But whats a girl to do?
I dreamed about him again... I just wish I knew who HE was. I must remember though... patience is a virtue....

*She folds her journal closed, slides it under her pillow and locks the door to her room as she leaves for the temple-- anxiously anticipating some much needed prayer and meditation*


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Re: Em's Thoughts
« Reply #3 on: February 03, 2008, 11:54:13 pm »
*Emmalee sits under a tree in the Port Hempstead Fields polishing her armor and cleaning her sword. Never does she neglect her equipment. Once satisfied with her efforts, she sets her things aside and pulls our her journal and begins to write*

My how time flies. The last few days have been so busy. Much has been accomplished. I provided some pest control to the local kobald encampment and did some exploring too. Im learning the lay of the land. I am much more confident when I travel alone these days. Confident, but still cautious.
I was blessed with some more training with Caighd. Together we aided some Hlint locals with errands-- a guard who was collecting ears of the goblin scouts.. and a young lady in the tavern who had lost her necklace in a cave. I was glad to assist her, since it would have been most dangerous for her to attempt that herself. Then we made our way to Haven.....
What happened in Haven was honestly the last thing I expected. Caighd bore his soul to me. He told me the beautiful story of his life. I cannot even put it into words, as I fear that even writing down what transpired that day in my most private journal with my most private thoughts... might betray his confidence in me. Few have heard what he had to say, and I am blessed to have been one of them. I felt a bond form that day, and I will leave it at that.
Once we left Haven, he introduced me to someone very special. Hope. His beautiful and mighty warhorse... His gift from Lord Protector. What a magnificent beast. I cannot wait to see Caighd upon its back.

*chuckles a bit to herself and she continues to write*

I also had the pleasure of meeting Sister Tariana. What a delightful person to be around. Her and I ventured into the very same cave where I retrieved the Bard's necklace to do some copper mining. I am most disappointed in the craftsmanship of the pick axes and gem chisels that we purchased. Such poor quality. They broke almost as quickly as we began using them. In spite of that, we did manage a rather large load of copper (which I destroyed most of trying to make ingots. Note to self: Ask Caighd to teach me how to smelt). On the way out of the forest, Sister Tariana and I happened upon her husband who had come looking for her. I cannot quite find the words to describe that man. Odd comes to mind. And he had some nerve to insinuate that Sister and I were crazy for our devoutness in following Lord Protector. I suppose it would be impossible for him to understand the feeling involved in serving something other than coin... as Sister put it. Shame on him for putting such value on coin. She says she will convert him. I have faith in her that she can do the job. All I can do is pray that his eyes open and he sees the beauty and fulfillment that ensue from giving one's life to following The All-Seeing and being guided and sheltered by His Great Wings.

*She folds her journal closed and stretches out in the shade provided by the tree. She closes her eyes, takes a deep breath of the fresh air, and drifts off to sleep*


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Re: Em's Thoughts
« Reply #4 on: February 05, 2008, 11:37:58 pm »
Today was wonderful!!!! I met up with Caighd in Port Hempstead today..near the water fountain. He had a present for me... THE best present ever, might I add. I had no idea what on earth to expect. He carefully unfolded a beautiful cloak. First I saw the gold color of the fine material.. then I saw the detailed symbol of Lord Protector stitched onto the back. I immediately put it on. I could barely contain my excitement... and I think I may have even giggled like a little school girl.
Following that.. I reminded him that we had a date in the fields. We walked together until we were out of the way of too much commotion and foot traffic... Then he called Hope. He was going to ride her for the first time... and I came with bandages prepared, just as Id promised even though I knew he was going to be fine. Its important to note that during all of this, it was raining. Caighd mounted Hope and sat there with his eyes closed and hands firmly gripped on the saddle. He looked magnificent sitting in that saddle... his beautiful dark skin contrasting against the white of Hope. It took quite some time for him to actually let Hope move, but just him sitting atop her was accomplishment enough. Satisfied that he had stepped out of his comfort zone enough for the day, he began his dismount. He um, well.. theres no delicate way to say this.. but he kind of crashed to the ground. I rushed over to him and tried to turn him over to his back, but I wasn't quite strong enough. He picked himself up a bit and there we sat in the mud. I wiped a piece of grass and some dirt off of his cheek and had a chuckle... Then we decided to head back to town and find some dry clothes and some warmth.
Before we parted ways Caighd took me in his arms and hugged me. It felt so good and honestly... I wish it didn't have to come to an end.


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Re: Em's Thoughts
« Reply #5 on: February 07, 2008, 04:34:23 pm »
*Emmalee winces as she brings herself to a sitting position and attempts to write in her journal*

Im not sure that I can write much today. Im still in quite a bit of pain--but I'll get to that later.

Caighd and I met again in Hempstead. We were approached by a strange "white mage" and a man with a hook for a hand. Remembering the conversation we'd had with Drexia in regards to a duel in the craft house, the man with the hook fit her description perfectly. So did the strange mage, except he wasnt dressed the way Drexia had described. I took Caighd aside to speak to him privately and Anna joined us soon after. That Mage was speaking to someone sitting on the benches loudly enough for us to hear--taunting us--Speaking vile and insulting things about Lord Protector. He had some nerve, but I kept my cool and refused to lower myself down to his immature and foolish level. It makes me angry to replay his blasphemy in my mind and I really should be saving my strength--not wasting it on another mans ignorance.
Caighd and I set out walking--unsure of where exactly we were going and were joined yet again by Anna. She is a delightful person and I am glad we had the chance to meet. When she left us to return to Krandor at the crossroad, we decided to head that way as well. There was a little girl running around the Cemetary that had been chased by a skeleton who stole her grandfathers ashes. We agreed to help her get them back, as it would not be safe for her to venture in there again. Caighd took the opportunity to give me some lessons with my new sword. He corrected my grip and reminded me that I needed to keep my elbow loose. He sure knows what hes talking about. It helped a great deal with my comfort and efficiency. I was doing okay until we got to the very end. I dont know what happened--as it all happened so fast--but the next thing I knew I was bleeding everywhere and my leg hurt very bad. Caighd applied bandages the best he could given our location--just enough to stop the bleeding until we could get out.
Once we made it out we went to the Inn where I was given a room. Caighd finished binding my wounds and set the healing process in motion. He has a very gentle touch and took great care in tending to my wounds.

*she readjusts her sitting position*

Also.. I shouldnt forget to note that I made a fool of myself. I spoke without thinking (from the heart) and left Caighd and I both red in the face. I will leave it at that.

*She chuckles to herself and folds her journal closed. She tucks it under her pillow and decides that some rest is in order--Hoping that when she wakes the soreness will be less.*


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Re: Em's Thoughts
« Reply #6 on: February 26, 2008, 03:29:45 pm »
*The last few entries into her journal are tear stained beyond recognition. Ocasionally a word can be made out here and there. She takes ahold of the pages and rips them out, crumples them up, and throws them into the trash*

*She then begins writing on a fresh page*

Closure is a wonderful thing. I have been blessed with much heartache as of late. I say blessed, because it has made me stronger... and the inner strength I speak of is truly a blessing in itself.

I have said my final goodbyes to Sister Tariana. She is resting under the wings of Lord Protector now. It was a very emotional day for all that were present. I returned her child to the Temple following her service.

I have also reached a point of closure with Caighd. There isnt much more for me to say about that... except there is something about those Brendimeere men.
*she sighs* I was fortunate(?) enough to meet his nephew. He stirred something inside me... Something I thought I would never feel again. Strange, indeed... and inexplic---.

*She abruptly stops writing mid-thought. She folds her journal closed and immediately goes out for a walk, hoping to clear her mind*

