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Author Topic: Gilli Overdale - The adventure of a lifetime  (Read 510 times)


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    Gilli Overdale - The adventure of a lifetime
    « on: September 02, 2006, 12:58:27 pm »
    I recently left my home town of Liken in the northeast of Mistone, and have ended up in Hlint somewhere closer to the center of the continent. So far the people I have met are very friendly and willing to help those new to the area.

    The first person I bumped into was a dark elf named Miriel. At first I didn't know she was a dark elf as she was wearing a hood drawn far over her face. She showed me around Hlint a little, and offered me a lot of help. The two of us left the walls of Hlint for a cave infested by goblins so that she could gather salt for her hide tanning. It was in that cave that she first removed her hood and I saw what she truly was. I was quite shocked and a bit frightened at first. She told me that even though she had been nice to me, I should be careful around others if her kind. I will certainly keep that in mind.

    After leaving the goblin caves, she introduced me to some wild growing cotton, and when we returned to Hlint, got me started in the craft of tailoring. She gave me a couple of tailor's needles, a trade journal, a set of cards for the tailor's table and dummies, and even donated some gold for me to purchase a crafting certificate. In the crafthall she introduced me to Praylor Falcus who also donated some gold to get my crafting certificate.

    After crafting the little cotton that we had collected, Miriel needed to sleep, and Praylor helped me in finding and returning some tax records for the local accountant. On our way out we bumped into a fella named Lance Merrick who was also looking for the tax records. After returning them, we returned to the goblin fields and hunted for some more ears of goblin scouts. Quartermaster Talon pays well for them.

    Upon returning to Hlint, there was a goblin named Grib trying to eat rocks. He told me about a 'little' named Wymdir who controlled the 'straw demons' that Grib kills. I'm not sure what he meant. Not too long after, an elven fella and a lady named Akki showed up. The elf chased grib around for a while trying to chase him out of town. I also met another halfling named Piper, she was a bit strange. Said she has this dream about marching taters with pitchforks and gnome hats or somelike. I guess she is a wizard of sorts.

    Leastwise, I've enjoyed my stay in Hlint so far. There's a bard in the WIld Surge that lost a necklace in the Sielwood forest cave. Perhaps I'll soon find someone who can escort me out there to help find it. Then I will need to find other work and continue advancing my sneaking skills. I already feel a little more skilled than when I left home, but I have a long way to go before I am very good.


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      Re: Gilli Overdale - The adventure of a lifetime
      « Reply #1 on: September 03, 2006, 12:36:37 am »
      Has been another busy day in Hlint for me. I've made a few more small trips to harvest cotton for my tailoring, broken a few tailoring needles, and made a few bolts of cloth and patterns. According to the journal that Miriel gave me, I've reached the second circle of tailors. That alone made the day great.

      I also feel that my skills of stealth have improved slightly again. I still cannot sneak past the rats in the undercity, but they are not too large a challenge. In light of that, I have gathered another handful of mushrooms and sold them to Miriel. She says she will buy all I can find.

      The strangest thing happened: a small group were loitering by the bank, and left [seemingly] good pie on the ground, right in the walkway of the Captain. I still don't know why they did it, but they disappeared into thin air while they were watching it. I thought it some kind of trick, but another dark elf ate a piece of it and had no ill side effects. Why would they waste perfectly good pie?


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        Re: Gilli Overdale - The adventure of a lifetime
        « Reply #2 on: September 04, 2006, 03:04:51 pm »
        I met an aspiring wizard this morning, name was Stygian. He says the art he studies is very dangerous, and is 'more akin to weapons' was the way he put it. Not sure what that means really. Anyhow, he said he had an appointment with a lizardman and would see me some other time.

        Not long after he left, I was able to have Roy and Daniel Poetr escort me to the Sielwood forest to find both a boar's pelt for Johan, and a lost heirloom necklace for Ragrian at the Wild Surge. It was a very productive afternoon, and I feel my skills have increased just a little more. Daniel and Roy even told me to keep all the gold I collected! They're very nice people to travel with.

        While I was returning Ragrian's necklace to her, I spotted a large creepy guy in the Inn. Erag's the name, seems he needs a lesser darksoul taken care of deep in the crypts in Hlint. I'll have to find someone to help me with that next.

        Oh yes, postmaster wants me to go to a place called Fort Himlad to deliver a letter since I did so good with the one to Systrian in Hlint!


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          Re: Gilli Overdale - The adventure of a lifetime
          « Reply #3 on: September 05, 2006, 08:37:49 pm »
          Today was another productive day in Hlint for me. I made a few trips out to gather cotton north of town, and was able to do enough work to advance to the third circle of tailoring. I wish I knew how that magic journal keeps track of that information...
          I was also able to gather some of the mushrooms from Hlint's undercity for Miriel. I didn't see her today, but she should be pleased when I finally do get them to her.

          I saw Stygian again today. About the time I was asking him to accompany me into the crypts for Erag's request, Praylor overheard us talking and offered to give us a hand. Yet again I was amazed with his skill in battle. He is even more formidable against the undead, as he is somehow able to drop a handful of them all at once. And it looks as though it is effortless for him to do it! Needless to say, I was able to recover the darksoul's essence and return it to Erag.

          Along the way I collected alot of knuckles from the skeletons. I asked Stygian what they were good for, and he said that a witch in the swamps would buy them from me. I was interested, and he took me out to meet her. I was told the area was rampant with lizard men, but I didn't see one the whole time. Stygian was also a little confused by their absence. Aside from the gold she paid, the witch also gave me an amulet made of bones. Maybe it was even made of the knuckles I brought her. I'm not sure, but it is still just a little too powerful for me to wear. She told me it would help protect me from the attacks by undead creatures, so I am looking forward to being able to wear it.

          After returning from the swamp with Stygian, I talked to Ronus again. He finally feels I am capable enough to help him out! Apparently the goblins in the red caves where Miriel took me have been attacking his supply trains. He wants me to kill the goblins and bring back the head of their chief as proof that his supplies will be safe again. I told him I would do the job, but I will need others to help me for certain. I dare not enter those caves alone.

          I almost forgot! I have been collecting animal pelts for Johan as his wife has fallen sick. So far I've collected one of each [with the help of others]: rat, bat, badger, boar, and deer. The next pelt he requested is that of a cougar. I think this one will be quite a lot more dangerous than those before it. I may have to wait a while before attempting it.


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            Re: Gilli Overdale - The adventure of a lifetime
            « Reply #4 on: September 06, 2006, 09:08:02 pm »
            *This entry looks as though it was written in a hurry. It is a bit sloppy, even compared to the others*
            Well, had a tiring day in Hlint. Did a little more cotton harvesting and cloth-making, and saw Miriel long enough to sell her the mushrooms I've collected. Praylor was headed to goblin caves to mine copper, and since Ronus asked me to kill a goblin chieftain there, I went along. Praylor also invited another halfling he called Desi, who mined a little copper also. I feel more skilled than days past, maybe soon I will be able to sneak past all the rats in undercity while gathering mushrooms for Miriel. I have also gotten better at attacking enemies from behind while they are distracted, causing extra pain than a normal attack.


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              Re: Gilli Overdale - The adventure of a lifetime
              « Reply #5 on: September 07, 2006, 09:12:35 pm »
              *another hastily written entry*
              Miriel and Praylor showed me the beginnings of the gemcrafting today. We gathered malachite from the Sielwood cave, and greenstone from the goblin caves. I feel I am also nearing a small breakthrough in my tailoring.

              While gathering, I pulled off many of my sneaky backstabs, both with darts and my trusty shortsword.


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                Re: Gilli Overdale - The adventure of a lifetime
                « Reply #6 on: September 09, 2006, 02:13:18 am »
                I finally made that fourth circle of tailoring! It is now very easy for me to make bolts of cotton, but I am learning much less with each successful attempt. Soon I'll have to start sewing other things.

                Let's see here, what else did I do today...

                Oh yes, I accompanied a fellow sneaky halfling and an elf into the gobbie caves. Ronus asked Alisia to get the head of the new chief. I put my stealth skills to work, and did my best to function as an advance scout. It was a successful trip, but Eghaas [the elf] had to cast a spell on us each to make us invisible so that we could make it back out alive.

                A while after returning from the caves, I saw Piper again. She was with some other halflings, Kori, Jennara, and Acacea. We ate lots of pie and had lots of chit-chat all over town. There was a fledgling ranger new to town that required a lot of bandaging from Jennara. First from the rats in the smelly sewers, then from the goblins on the hill outside town.

                Oh, how could I forget: Beware the Bulbous!


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                  Re: Gilli Overdale - The adventure of a lifetime
                  « Reply #7 on: September 10, 2006, 12:43:43 am »
                  After hearing from a couple people that there might be some work in Fort Llast, I made a trip up there. Sure enough, the new lieutenant needed some weapons gathered for the militia. Although I spent a little more gold than I earned, I learned the road well as I made many trips between Llast and Hlint. The lieutenant also gave me a helmet that can enhance me with a magical armor for a certain time.

                  So, it seems that Miriel and Praylor have been doing more than simply being nice in helping me with my crafts: They have been priming a new team member! The two of them have been pooling their efforts for a greater outcome, and now I seem to be a part of that pool. I will have to double my efforts and increase my skills to a worthy level, while also increasing my own personal skills as a stealth specialist. Yes, I like that term, stealth specialist. It sounds... official.

                  Miriel also had some items for me: A ring that enhances my appraisal skills, a shortbow made of oak, and a set of jaguar leathers that enhance a few of my skills. She says the leathers are good practice for her, though I do not know where she acquired the other items.

                  I'm quite pleased to be part of their team, I hope I do not disappoint them. For now, I must rest for the next session of craftwork.


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                    Re: Gilli Overdale - The adventure of a lifetime
                    « Reply #8 on: September 12, 2006, 09:03:26 pm »
                    I have reached a good point in my tailoring skills: Today I successfully made two cotton cloth cloaks and a set of padded armor. I wasn't sure what I was going to do with them since they are perfectly good items, and didn't want to just throw them away. Luckily, I bumped into Lady Jennara during a discussion she was having with a few people regarding the situation in Pranzis/Prantz. Afterwards we spoke a little, and I told her about my accomplishment. She asked if I needed them, and told me that they could be used for the survivors in Roldem still braving the cold. I gladly donated them for the cause, and offered to make more cloaks for them. I will have to find a way to collect a lot more spider silk to make the thread necessary for their construction. Aside from helping the people of Roldem, it will be good practice for me and they will not go to waste.


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                      Re: Gilli Overdale - The adventure of a lifetime
                      « Reply #9 on: September 16, 2006, 01:54:22 am »
                      Today was a good day all in all. Quite eventful I suppose.

                      First thing when I bumped into Miriel, she had a beautiful panther cape for me. Again she chalked it up to good practice in her tailoring. The cape is heavy and very dark black so as to help me creep silently through the shadows. Not long after seeing Miriel, I bumped into a man named Rain. He was looking for someone who had previously inquired about a shortsword made of iron, and thought it was me. I told him it wasn't me, but that I was indeed interested in such a blade. After making a trip to Haven, presumably for iron, I bumped into Rain again and we made the transaction. It's a very fine blade indeed: balanced better than my old copper one for increased accuracy, and a keener edge to allow for increased injury to my foes.

                      After purchasing the new blade, I had an excellent time of testing it out. Lady Jennara agreed to take me and Dean to a couple areas for collecting spider silk for sewing thread. First we rounded up what was near Sielwood cave, and then made our way to Rilara to another cave the she knew about. In Point Harbor we met up with a new dwarven friend named Gimli, and then continued to the cave. I  believe it was in a forest called Wolfswood. There were indeed a lot of large spiders, dire spiders as Lady Jennara called them. Enough silk was collected that I made four spools of thread. Ultimately I would make two more cloaks to donate to the people of Roldem.

                      Lady Jennara is concerned about the situation in Pranzis. It seems the dwarf who is in charge setup a fake trial in order to have some nobles killed that he felt was a threat. Along with that, she is concerned that a Citadel is no longer following the wishes of the "Lord Protector." She thinks it has a lot to do with the Dwarf, but is unsure how to solve the problem.

                      After returning from Rilara, Dean and I helped Gimli to find the darksoul essence for Erag. I always forget how fast Dean can bust up those skeletons! The trek to the bottom of the crypt was a success, but Gimli had a bit of a time finding Erag again when we surfaced.

                      A little later the three of us and Praylor accompanied a few fresh arrivals into the gobbie caves for the chieftain's head. One of the new arrivals fell on the way out, but we were able to easily return him to the spot. Since we had to return, we checked up on the new chieftain and took his head as well. Gimli was able to turn that back to Ronus.

                      By the end of the trips today, I felt I've learned a great deal and improved my skills. I'm a little better able to travel unseen and unheard, and my skill with the shortsword has increased as well since I have started using it exclusively.

                      To finish the day out on a quiet note, I set to work on those cloaks for Lady Jennara and the people of Roldem. With the four spools of thread I made, I was able to sew two cloaks. It isn't much, but it helps to improve my skills. Hopefully I'll see Lady Jennara again soon to give her the cloaks. Well, not only to give her the cloaks. I enjoy the conversations we've had so far. And there's something about those eyes, they almost seem to be glowing in some way...


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                        Re: Gilli Overdale - The adventure of a lifetime
                        « Reply #10 on: September 17, 2006, 02:10:54 am »
                        *scribbled hastily*
                        Killed some lizards with Styg, Gim, Hrothgar, and then some gnolls. Gave two more cloaks to Lady Jennara. Praylor showed me and Hrothgar how to fight some ogres at Haven.


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                          Re: Gilli Overdale - The adventure of a lifetime
                          « Reply #11 on: September 17, 2006, 03:48:13 pm »
                          Went on a long trip with Sallaron and the Explorers. Fought some mean Kenkus and wandered to Karthy. Nice day aside from meeting the soul mother for the first time.


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                            Re: Gilli Overdale - The adventure of a lifetime
                            « Reply #12 on: September 20, 2006, 07:57:03 pm »
                            I started working on a bit of tinkering lately. It's tough work shoveling all that clay, but when I get better there are some things I can make that'll be good. Praylor says sometimes people will buy boxes of casting molds, and I need to make some platinum wire for a pair of gloves I think I'll be able to use.


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                              Re: Gilli Overdale - The adventure of a lifetime
                              « Reply #13 on: September 24, 2006, 04:28:23 pm »
                              I've done well lately. Made the fifth circle of tailoring, and getting close to the third of tinkering. It's tough work, but I 'relax' by getting out of town and adventuring when I can. I've seen quite a lot since coming to Hlint, and I'm sure I'll see much more as time goes on.

                              On a recent trip to Haven mines, we were a very large group. More of a raiding party it would seem. After returning to the top, I overheard Roy speaking with Nixx [a brownie] about the size of the party. Apparently with his way of fighting, the trip can be accomplished with only a small group of four or five and more tactics. This interested me quite a bit, so I will have to speak with him about it when I can find the time.

                              Well, I'll be making a short trip back home to see my parents, so I'll be gone from Hlint for a few days. Maybe a week if the visit is extra nice!


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                                Re: Gilli Overdale - The adventure of a lifetime
                                « Reply #14 on: October 01, 2006, 01:13:28 am »
                                Well, the visit home went well. Nothing out of the ordinary to report, other than eating lots of pie. Haven't gotten much accomplished since I got back to Hlint.


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                                  Re: Gilli Overdale - The adventure of a lifetime
                                  « Reply #15 on: October 05, 2006, 06:09:06 pm »
                                  I still haven't done much since returning to Hlint. I had been toying with the idea of learning to properly wield two weapons at once, but I have dismissed that as it would only tempt me to move closer to the front lines of battle. Perhaps I will focus on my skills with the bow, or even in making arrows. I haven't decided yet.

                                  One thing worthy of note, today Gimli and I were travelling a bit, and Gim got a message bird from another dwarf by the name of Thrain. Thrain needed a hand delivering some hill hound hides to the Ulgrid King. Upon making the delivery, the King told Thrain that he would be... Oh wait, I better not write that down. He said to keep a tight lip about the days happenenings. I would hate to anger the Ulgrids. I did get a nice looking pair of gloves out of the trip though. I can't wait until I'm able to use them!

                                  I do feel like I am nearing a breakthrough in my personal skills though. I wonder if I should continue to develop in my current path, or if I should take more focus in bandaging and/or the use of magical items. I have studied them a little, but am not proficient enough to use any scrolls that I've found so far. I will of course continue my sneaking skills, and likely the trap-springing. Aside from that, I still have some thinking to do.


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                                    Re: Gilli Overdale - The adventure of a lifetime
                                    « Reply #16 on: October 06, 2006, 04:21:59 pm »
                                    I knew a breakthrough was on it's way! I've become more agile to the point it has become a little tougher for the enemies to hit me. And that's without any magic helmets or anything! In turn, I am also able to wield my shortbow better as well as swing my shortsword better. I'm not hitting any harder, but am a little more accurate in my attacks.

                                    I have also been studying magical items a bit more lately. i haven't tried to use any of the scrolls i've collected yet, but I feel good about the chances of them working. Maybe I'll test something on the skeletons in the Hlint crypts later on.

                                    I bumped into Gimli as I was leaving Fort Valensk today. As we made our way back toward Hlint, we stopped in Krandor. There's a little girl there who lost her grandfather's ashes to a skeleton while trying to place them in the crypt. She asked me to retrieve them for her, so I will be looking for some help with that.


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                                      Re: Gilli Overdale - The adventure of a lifetime
                                      « Reply #17 on: October 10, 2006, 08:39:45 pm »
                                      Well, the ashes at Krandor were taken care of. I let myself play the bait for the deadly cloud spells the undead were spewing. That way everyone else didn't get caught in the middle of it. Praylor thought it was especially brave, but I dunno. I'm quick and agile, no reason I shouldn't do stuff like that.

                                      Anyhow, I'm running low on some of the nicer oak arrows that I've been given, so I started asking around for prices. Well, at nearly 1000 coin per quiver, I decided it's time I learn to make my own. I'll only have the hickory ones to start with, but eventually I'll make the oak ones. Ah well, better to keep my coin in the bank than someone else's pocket! Styg and Gimli have been helpful in gathering feathers, and Styg has made some tanning oils for me. I figure I can make bolts for them for the help they've been. And they don't use a ton of 'em, so more material for my arrows *grins as  he writes this*

                                      I've also made a few deliveries for Freya of Krandor. So far, I've delivered to Larry and Curly. I have one for Mo. The names sound familiar... perhaps they were famous bards or entertainers of some sort.
                                      // I wonder... three stooges? coincidence? Hmmm

                                      I've also done a little work with poisons. Ferrit will still have to make the tougher poisons until I'm more proficient, but I'm learning. I just wish there was a way to permanently poision weapons. Ah well, such is life.


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                                        Re: Gilli Overdale - The adventure of a lifetime
                                        « Reply #18 on: October 15, 2006, 08:17:36 pm »
                                        I've only done a little more of the arrow making, and have since run out of the small stock I made. I have plenty of feathers left, and made some more arrowheads today. Guess it's time to chop some more branches.

                                        Lots of adventure today, mostly in the Dragon Isle. It was another trip of the Explorers organized by Sallaron. Funny thing- he organizes the outings, but never wants to take the leader's position. Perhaps he simply likes to observe everyone else like me. I'm sure I seem quiet to most, But really I'm just taking people in, getting a feel for them.

                                        Speaking of Sallaron, he was also able to supply the oak shortbow that Officer Kit needed to fill her weapon closet. The new Helmet she gave me is quite helpful. Somehow it has been infused with the ability to cast barkskin [and the preivious mage armor] like the mages do.

                                        I feel I am coming much closer to being able to wield an enchanted iron weapon. I've been toying with some vials of alchemist fire provided by Styg, and they make my attacks much more potent. I have not had many chances to use the poison vials however, they deserve a bit more, oh, discernment in their usage.


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                                          Re: Gilli Overdale - The adventure of a lifetime
                                          « Reply #19 on: October 19, 2006, 04:57:23 pm »
                                          Got a few more bolts and arrows made today. After toting around the arrowheads for a while, I finally stocked up a little hickory to make shafts from. Totaled about a quiver and a fifth of stirge-tailed arrows, and about two-thirds a quiver of bolts to split between Gimli and Styg. This little production spurt bumped me into the second circle of woodworking as well, so that's exciting.

                                          Gimli asked me to make him some jewelry molds as he's been toying with gem crafting lately. It's no problem for me to make 'em, and he gives me stuff from time to time and helps me out getting copper for arrowheads, so I don't mind doing it for him. Speaking of jewelry though, I need an amulet to match my two silver and topaz rings. Praylor said he's about 50/50 making silver jewelry, so we'll have to plan a trip to the silver cave soon. He said it's in a place called Saudiria. Dunno where that's at, but I'm sure it'll be a long trip.

                                          I've been thinking lately that I need to learn to use a shield and learn the ins and outs of battle a little better. I do pretty well with my bow, and a little with my sword, but I think I could use some more training by someone more knowledgeable. At the same time, I'd still like to stay in focus with my other skills of hiding, sneaking and the like. I think those ranger, woodsy types are kinda along the same line. Maybe one of them could teach me some things. oh! Maybe I can learn to talk to the animals too, that would be fun! I could try to talk to all the cats around Hlint, and maybe some of the animals in the forests. Oh, and Falon when she turns into a bear, or a bird, or a cat...

                                          Where was I... Oh yeah, learning from the rangers. I'll have to put up a flyer at the inns and see about getting a tutor for a while.