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Author Topic: The Diary of Buppi Fallenleaf  (Read 146 times)


The Diary of Buppi Fallenleaf
« on: January 26, 2006, 11:54:52 am »
Today I felt the chill breath of death...I know I've felt death before, faced it with my friends and together we've defeated it, but this was different. It was as if a shadow of darkness lay upon me for a short time, a foreboding, an omen maybe. I looked to the east fearful for a moment, but that was not the place of its birth, scared now I looked around frantically terrified that Blood had found another path, but me search was fruitless. In dispair I sat down under a tree and as a fitful sleep came upon me I saw through half closed eyes the many shadows around me. I deamed...I was in a world of shadow yet it was full of light and I realised that shadow cannot exist without the light and where ever there is light, there is shadow. I awoke and I saw the shadow between the trees, between the grass beneath my feet and I realised something else too, without shadow we could not see the world around us. It is the texture of the world its taste and substance...bringing reality from the blinding light, dividing light from the hungry dark.
  I walked back towards head spinning all around me the world was as if I was seeing it for the first time. I will have to think on this some more.


Re: The Diary of Buppi Fallenleaf
« Reply #1 on: March 18, 2006, 10:43:17 am »
There is life in the shadows...a multitude of life, concealed from the light and protected from the dark.  Though there is no sharp dividing line between the two opposing forces as I once thought.  Rather it is a causual blending of shades of shadow...until almost impreceptably true light or true dark is met and embraced.  How do I know that life dwells there, within the peaceful shade?  Why...I have seen it.  With my own eyes I have watched the figures dance and play...through half closed eyes whilst mediating in the woods.  I know that there are some amoung my friends who share in this life, who dance the shadows between the worlds.  I should talk to them...why are they revealing themselves to me now, why?

