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Author Topic: Gods Come With Strings  (Read 87 times)


Gods Come With Strings
« on: March 16, 2007, 02:02:01 pm »
Today was the darkest day ever.

It was just brutal. Something was wrong with everyone today. Every single person was on me today like they knew everything.

I still have to find that woman or 'suffer his wrath' as they said. It is idle, I think. I hope at least. So long as they fulfill their promises too.

It is my eighteenth birthday today. I am all by myself.


Re: Gods Come With Strings
« Reply #1 on: March 20, 2007, 01:50:41 pm »
Well, I'm working on the second chapter of my book now. I'm starting an inn with Rhynn. I'm still looking for that woman, elusive as she is, I will find her. I'll probably have to do something to prove myself as well. There's nothing I hate more in the world than doing stuff.

I want the inn to be a profitable venture. I figure, if it has a bed and a bar in it, and people show up - I won't have to go anywhere. Not to mention having a soon-to-be-priestess of the darkest spot on Toran's rear and a mage who can make anything fake into a reality all sitting in one spot serving up booze and good times can never go wrong.

Hooray, I say, for run on sentences.

As I was saying, dear journal. My life is as follows...

A book!
An Inn!
Some woman!

What a life I live.


Re: Gods Come With Strings
« Reply #2 on: March 29, 2007, 04:33:08 pm »
Generic, that's who I am. Generic. I am a peon and nothing else. I hate it! Why, why oh why do they not understand the beauty of being free?

Risk His Ire, I may, but I will not be bound by the will of crusty old soon-to-be-skeletons who will move me around a board until I overpower them or no longer serve a purpose.

It isn't fair, but life usually feels that way. I want to drink but I am sleeping on hay and plugging holes in a canteen filled with water - water! The worst, most boring, unexceptional thing in the world.

Nobody buys my dresses either.

Nobody really gets the book.

Nobody cares about the Inn.

Am I destined to be the strange girl in town or will people finally see me as their better and start bowing to my will all ready.

It's getting old fast. And so am I! I am three months late all ready. If I don't find her soon they're going to come looking for me.

I told someone who I am today. It was nice to know that I can trust her without having to put a gaes on her throat.

It was nice.

I'm sorry, dear journal, this is all over the place today.

