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Author Topic: The Journal of Creighton Dallorius...  (Read 1795 times)


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    Re: The Journal of Creighton Dallorius...
    « Reply #80 on: November 24, 2006, 12:46:13 am »
    *comes in late...moves quietly through the house...finds his wife asleep...checks on his son to find he too in peaceful slumber....smiles a bit...goes and takes up his journal*

    I have told my tale.

    T'was not something I wanted to discuss, but with good friends about, and one of them being one whom would have the strongest judgement, I could not do otherwise.

    After traveling about with Pyyran a bit, I met with Ash.

    I was daunted, knowing full well the anger she must have with me, and I was not disappointed...but she wanted to hear my story, so for the first time, to hers and Pyyran's ears, I related fully what happened in my absence.

    *sighs, choosing his words*

    Emotion overcame me; the words spewed forth without control once I began...and I feared the harsh judgement from my friends that I have levied upon myself...

    But it did not come.

    Pyyran, the noble soul that he is, despite his reluctance to admit it, told me that I was a hero, no less, and that even though the cost of my deeds was high, that I should be proud nonetheless.  I cannot say that I can be proud, not knowing what I gave up in order to do what I did, but it did my heart good to hear another say it.

    Ash...oh gods, the walnut...said something to me that still puzzles me upon the completion of my story.

    "Creighton," she said, "You are truly a man."

    *pauses, re-reading that line several times*

    I know not why she would say this....indeed, I do not agree.  I have so much regret for the time I lost with my wife and child...

    *sighs deeply*

    Indeed...the only one whom I hope can forgive me, can understand that all I wish is her love and happiness, is the one who now sleeps in our bed.

    *looks down the hall*

    She works so hard to fulfill her dreams...and I fear that she sees me as an obstacle...

    I do not wish to be so.  I want to help be a support for her efforts....

    *tears well up in his eyes*

    And to be a part of her dream.

    *reads that last bit again...pauses...looks about the house...feeling down, he puts the journal away*

    "Gods, please let her understand." he speaks aloud, his eyes closed, "Let her see that I don't want her to change anything, save letting me be a part of her life; a helpful part, a supporting beam...something she can cherish and be proud of."

    *he walks to his son's nook...kisses the boy gently on the forehead...makes his way down the hall and quietly undresses and climbs into bed...again, she reaches for him in her sleep...he takes this as comfort, and hopes that it is a reflection of how she truly feels....sighing one last time, he drifts to sleep in her arms, and she in his*


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      Re: The Journal of Creighton Dallorius...
      « Reply #81 on: November 24, 2006, 11:32:19 am »
      *tosses in his sleep, reliving the conversation he had earlier with Ash and's so real, as though he were there again, sitting in front of the Orc Basher's shop...they had just sit down, Ash and Pyyran asking him of what kept him away for so long....Pyyran curious....Ash, demanding*

      Pyyran: **He sits up slightly, listening.*

      Creighton Dallorius: *sighs*  Very well then....*eyes look faraway*...I...I have told no one else this tale.....only Ty knows parts of it........

      Ash Willo: Spit it out then lad.

      Creighton Dallorius: *clears his throat...the words difficult....grins slightly at Ash* In the weeks after Ty became with child, she and I spoke often of dreams....

      Pyyran: **He makes a small gesture for him to go on, nodding with a faint smile.*

      Creighton Dallorius: ...the one thing she always talked about was the parents she she did not even know if they still lived, or really, where they may be....

      Creighton Dallorius: ...I set about gathering knowledge....spending a great deal of my coin....talking to ship captains, bards, and oracles....

      Ash Willo: **nods and stretches out on her bench*

      Creighton Dallorius: *looks strained* I was determined to do this for her....I wanted so badly to make her happy.....

      Creighton Dallorius: *takes a breath* Finally, real word reached me....something solid.....and I set off.....

      Creighton Dallorius: I....I thought the trip should take me merely a fortnight, perhaps two.....I wanted to bring her parents home to see their grandchild born.....

      Creighton Dallorius: ...but I told her not of this, in case the information yet again proved unreliable....

      Creighton Dallorius: *eyes tear up for a moment*

      Ash Willo: *looks like the old unsympathetic Ash*

      Pyyran: **He watches Creighton silently, a look of compassion on his face. However, he says nothing and remains still.*

      Creighton Dallorius: *sighs and continues* I traveled by ship to the southernmost point of Voltrex....a small village between Laeral and Yath M'Lana.....

      Creighton Dallorius: There....there I saw it....the small keep by the sea, as Tyrian had so often described it to me...

      Creighton Dallorius: *speaks excitedly now* I...I was overwhelmed with joy!  I was so thrilled that I had found something of penultimate value to she whom I loved so dear...

      Creighton Dallorius: *sighs* I went rushing to the keep, I was so happy....

      Pyyran: **His right hand drifts up to the shock of white hair behind his right ear, but it drops again when he notices the movement.*

      Creighton Dallorius: Only to be taken prisoner almost Dark Elves....they had taken the keep...........they and....and the others......

      Ash Willo: Damn drow.. You can never trust 'em.

      Creighton Dallorius: *looks angry*  It seems that with the fall of Blood, factions once under his command wished to take advantage of the confusion to further some of their own aims...

      Creighton Dallorius: ...and the Drow and the Sauhaugin together conspired to disrupt the Council of take the continent of Voltrex for themselves...

      Pyyran: **He nods slightly, his expression going grim as he touches a cloth-wrapped rod in a loop behind his belt.*

      Creighton Dallorius: ....the village was a staging area....*his expression grows sour*....they....they used the people as slaves.....and the fish-men used some*chokes*

      Ash Willo: It's only cannibalism if you chew though.

      Creighton Dallorius: *pauses....his eyes tearing worse....looks up at Ash's comment with disdain, then continues*

      Pyyran: **He nods again.* I've known of many societies who eat their enemies... But it's no less horrifying to most of us.

      Creighton Dallorius: As I'm sure Ash will agree, I was a naive young former paladin....high on ideals and low on wisdom....

      Ash Willo: Not really. You had a good heart.

      Creighton Dallorius: *smiles weakly at Ash, then continues* I was taken to a dark, wet dungeon, where by coincidence, I met Tyrian's mother....

      Pyyran: **He speaks quietly.* Good heart, strong ideals, little in the way of worldly wisdom... **He smiles faintly.* That sounds like many an adventurer to go forth for the sake of any cause...

      Creighton Dallorius: ....she is a strong woman....a wise was through her words that the evils were largely kept to a minimum....but she was so sad......

      Creighton Dallorius: ...her husband--Ty's father--a powerful wizard, was being forced to aid the enemies.....

      Creighton Dallorius: ...preparing for a drive further inland...

      Creighton Dallorius: ...T’was the use of his power that their presence was hidden....

      Creighton Dallorius: ...I saw such horrors then....such....such....*stops, unable to bear some of the memories*

      Creighton Dallorius: *holds his face in his hands a moment*

      Pyyran: **He can only watch silently, his expression one of sympathy.*

      Creighton Dallorius: *looks up, his eyes confident once more*

      Creighton Dallorius: Through her mother's cleverness, and the cooperation of some of the others, I aided in the engineering of an escape.

      Creighton Dallorius: We...we retreated to the forest, where some wood-elves helped us to hide....but.......

      Creighton Dallorius: ...the Drow's search was many trees burned, so many elves gave their lives.....

      Pyyran: **He whispers, mostly to himself. *Such is war...

      Creighton Dallorius: *grits his teeth*  It was those noble people who, having lost so much, still risked all to help us rescue Ty's father....

      Creighton Dallorius: *smiles despite the sadness in his eyes*  He was such a remarkable elf.....despite all I had heard of his stoicism.....

      Creighton Dallorius: ...he reassumed leadership of his strong was the aura of command about him....t'was like nothing I had ever experienced....

      Creighton Dallorius: *looks at the ground again* It was at this time, camping in the forests with these noble folk, that a dream came to me....

      Creighton Dallorius: son....was born......

      Creighton Dallorius: *holds his head*

      Creighton Dallorius: I.....I looked about.....I saw the faces......these people.......

      Creighton Dallorius: T'was nothing like I thought.....nothing that I trained glory or honor or triumph in this struggle........they fought for something as simple as the right to live....

      Creighton Dallorius: *gets a little loud, as though he agrees with what he says, but does not want to* How could I leave them?  How could I turn my back?  I was trained to fight!  These people were largely farmers....

      Ash Willo: Well, yeah. Voltrex is covered with rangers...

      Creighton Dallorius: *pauses....tears now flowing freely.....he's given up trying to stop them*

      Creighton Dallorius: There was so little time!  The enemy were slaughtering people by the score, day by day, and promised it would continue until Tyrian's father gave himself up!

      Pyyran: **He speaks quietly.* You did what you had to; the only thing you could. When none will fight to protect others from harm... **He shakes his head.* I have heard it said that evil prevails when good men fail to act. To a degree, that's true... But good men cannot always triumph over evil. There is no dishonor in this, no shame so long as effort is given.

      Creighton Dallorius: *sighs, trying to get his composure back*  Ah, but triumph we did.....Her father was a master strategist.....with what help we could get from the Rangers, and the simple folk who took it upon themselves to defend their right to live, we drove the enemy away....

      Creighton Dallorius: *begins to sob*....but it took over two years.....two years from the love of my life.....and the son she bore us.....

      Creighton Dallorius: and I have the gall to ask her forgiveness..........when I cannot even forgive myself.........

      Creighton Dallorius: *begins to cry....unable to speak for a moment*

      Pyyran: **He pats Creighton's shoulder, unsure of what to say.*

      Creighton Dallorius: She....she believed me dead.....she moved can I expect her to love me still?

      Ash Willo: Forgiveness.

      Creighton Dallorius: What I did was, to some, a noble thing.....but what it cost....

      Creighton Dallorius: *sits*

      Pyyran: Creighton... Ash is right. Forgiveness... Time has passed, aye. But...

      Creighton Dallorius: *crying now* What it cost is unforgivable.

      Pyyran: Nothing is unforgivable. Nothing, Creighton.

      Ash Willo: Trust me, Nepp has screwed up worse and I forgave him.

      Pyyran: **He struggles to keep a look of disdain off of his face at the mentioned of Nepp.*

      Creighton Dallorius: *arches a brow through his tears* I’m sorry Ash...the shock of seeing you robbed me of my are Nepp and the children?

      Ash Willo: Doesn’t matter at the moment, deary.

      Creighton Dallorius: Your children always matter...........though some would say I had forgotten that, I never did..........not once.  *begins to cry again*

      Ash Willo: *pats Creighton on the head* Well... I need to seek forgiveness too. Let’s try something together for once.

      Creighton Dallorius: *looks at Ash, odd sight, through the tears* For what do you need forgiveness?

      Pyyran: **He sits back, looking at Creighton for a moment, then sighs, fumbling through a pouch at his side and pulling out a tiny blue bag. He hesitates to open it, though, watching the two.*

      Ash Willo: It's a long story...

      Creighton Dallorius: *wipes his eyes* Know this, Ash...though you and I had our....differences *offers a weak smile*...I was always proud...indeed call you my friend.

      Pyyran: **He puts the tiny bag away, looking a bit relieved.*

      Creighton Dallorius: *glances at Pyyran....his eyes red, but dry*

      Ash Willo: I was just testing you, actually. I needed to make sure you were worthy of my little sister.

      Creighton Dallorius: *sighs sadly* Then it seems I have failed you as well.

      Ash Willo: Nope. I woulda stopped you a long time ago if you did.

      Creighton Dallorius: *arches a brow, curious*

      Pyyran: **He speaks again, still quiet.* The only way to truly fail a test of one's worth is to stop trying.

      Ash Willo: I agree

      Creighton Dallorius: *huurumphs* One thing I could never be accused of is stopping trying....even when I probably should have....

      Pyyran: Then you pass.

      Creighton Dallorius: That....*he looks at Ash* up to the tester.

      Ash Willo: I would have set you on fire by now if you hadn't, dear. You know that.

      Pyyran: **He shrugs slightly.* If the only way to fail is to stop trying, and you never stop trying, you pass. And there's that. **He smiles a bit at Ash's comment.*

      Creighton Dallorius: *smiles weakly* Aye....I would count on you for that.

      Ash Willo: *smiles faintly* I sure hope so.

      Creighton Dallorius: *sighs, looks back at the ground* But what now?  Ty knows not how to take me....she's found her independence, and I would never ask for her to give that up....I don't wish her to, but how to make her understand that I just wish to love her, help her, and be there for her....her and Chaynce....

      Pyyran: Were there a way to capture your words just now and give them back to her, I'd have done it, as that's what you need to tell her.

      Creighton Dallorius: *smiles at Pyyran*

      Creighton Dallorius: Words from one who has committed the ills that I have, I fear, would mean little.

      Ash Willo: You are truly a man Creighton.

      Creighton Dallorius: *looks at Ash, incredulous*
      Ash Willo: Hum... well.

      Creighton Dallorius: *tilts his head at Ash, listening*

      Creighton Dallorius: *sighs if his soul were unburdened* So....that's what happened.  That is why I missed the birth of my son....and made my wife think herself a widow.

      Creighton Dallorius: 'Tis no excuse, I know....*glances at Ash*

      Pyyran: Well, you went off to make yourself a hero to your wife, and ended being a hero to a huge group of people. When you tell her, I'm sure she'll understand.

      *he awakens in a sweat...tears in his eyes....he looks to Tyrian, still slumbering beside him...he goes instinctively to his son, who is also still blissfully sleeping....he sits at the kitchen table and laments...wondering what path his life will take...he finally returns to his bed, and his wife...settles in beside her, staring at the ceiling....

      ....but sleep does not come easy*


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        Re: The Journal of Creighton Dallorius...
        « Reply #82 on: November 27, 2006, 10:52:12 pm »
        *comes in from training with Drogo to find his beloved asleep in a chair...looks at her sadly; he too has heard the news about Ash Willo, and bears his own sorrow for the loss of one he held so dear...he thanks the gods that he was able to speak with her and tell her both his tale and what he thought of her before the end came...he picks his wife up gently, she does not awaken, so exhausted she is, but even in her slumber she puts her arms around his neck as she is lifted...he smiles his half-grin at this, happy that the two of them have made their peace...he carries her to the bed, gently placing her on the mattress and making sure she is covered and warm...he goes to his son and makes sure that HE is covered and warm...kisses the boy on the forehead, and, as always, finds himself standing for long moments, just watching the child...finally, he takes himself away...stokes the fire well (the small "camp fire" they have placed beneath the hole in the roof that WAS the chimney), then himself goes to bed, taking Tyrian in his arms both to warm her, and simply to feel her touch to know that she is real...she nuzzles up to him, and he drifts to a peaceful sleep, knowing that the muscles in his chest and shoulders will be sore in the morning from the workout Drogo has put him through...but he is grateful for it....*


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          Re: The Journal of Creighton Dallorius...
          « Reply #83 on: November 30, 2006, 05:51:50 am »
          *takes his journal from under the edge of the bed after she has drifted off…uncinches his small leather bag and takes out the ring she gave him long ago…one he hasn’t used in a long time…smiles as the faint light illuminates the pages before him…takes a quill from the bedside table and gently gets up so as not to disturb her, sits on the floor and writes*

          I know she worries for me.

          One more meeting with the Soul Mother will be my last.


          My foolish youth...*stops writing along this line of thought*

          That matters not now...what matters is that I will find a way...I will not leave her and our son again.

          *thinks of his training with Drogo...feels the stiffness in his chest and shoulder muscles*

          I have good friends who teach me new ways to fight...ways that will help me to survive...

          *looks at the glittering belt that now hangs with his gear*

          Oh, Ash...I'm so sorry that the world is now without you, but I think I hear your laughter in the whispering breezes of the forest...


          In fact, I'm sure of it.

          *Ty turns in her sleep, and he stands and makes sure she is covered*

          My love.  *he smiles, remembering their conversation before retiring for the night*

          My love, know that I believe in you.  Know that the foolish fears that I have had have been banished by the love you have shown me.

          Know that my love for you is one that is unquestioning and I believe yours is for me.

          Do not worry...all will be well....and I will never leave you again.

          *puts the book and his ring away...goes to check on his son, making sure the boy is covered, and standing to smile at the child for a few moments...returns to his bed, climbing between the covers...she curls next to him, laying her head on his chest...he runs his hand gently through her hair, a contented sigh escaping through his smile as he drifts off to sleep*


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            Re: The Journal of Creighton Dallorius...
            « Reply #84 on: November 30, 2006, 09:18:11 pm »
            *busies himself repairing the furniture that he and Chaynce have broken this evening...Ty will never forgive them for the palm tree, he thinks, but then remembers her sleepy smile as she scolded them....the chair is easy enough to fix.....Chaynce sleeps peacefully now, he checks on him, making sure the bruises aren't too bad...checks his OWN bruises, and decides, with his half-grin, that they are WORSE...

            *he regrets not going out for his training session with Drogo tonight...but his son so wanted to play this eve, and he simply could not refuse him...Drogo will understand this, he thinks...

            *sighs with a grin at his wife, asleep in the chair once again...he feels a pang of guilt that he did not go with her to help with her duties in the aftermath of Ash's death, but he knows it's something she would want to do on her own, and she'd rather him be here with Chaynce, anyway...

            *thinks again of the boy, looking to his room...perhaps...perhaps it may be time....

            *shakes his head, not wishing to think about that too much right now...picks Ty up gently, she stirs only slightly...he carries her to the bed, taking care to cover her up against the chill in the air despite the fires...returns to check on the boy once more, the memories of this day spent together bringing another smile to his face...he returns to his wife and, climbing in the bed next to her, takes her in his arms...she sighs a bit, and he can almost swear she smiles slightly before he drifts off into a happy slumber.....*


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              Re: The Journal of Creighton Dallorius...
              « Reply #85 on: December 04, 2006, 04:47:37 pm »
              *The days have run together for him, he so caught up in playing with the boy...he knows he neglects his training and his friends...but the joy of time spent with this child has so long been but a dream to him that he can only hope they will all understand...he has noticed Tyrian's gentle smiles as she has watched the two of them together...she has not even complained much at the furniture they have destroyed in their games...he knows that at least for now, this is where he is short, and he wishes as much with Chaynce as the gods will allow him...but the time to get back to making a living for himself, his wife, and his child ever presses to be administered to...

              *This in mind, and after much joyous time spent, he wakes one morn with the boy smacking him with a wooden sword, that he knows the time must be now...while time is still on his side...from his seat at the table, he calls the boy over to him*


              The boy, all smiles with his wooden sword still in hand, comes over to the table.

              "Yes, Waazk'ah?"

              Creighton smiles at the Dwarven name.

              "Have you any idea what a "father" is?"

              The boy's features squinch up a bit.  "A father?  Isn't that like a mother, only a man?"

              Creighton smiles.  "Aye, little man, that he is."  He takes the boy onto his lap where he may look him eye to eye.

              "Have you ever wondered about yours?"

              The boy sits a moment...looking from Creighton's face to the tabletop...then looks to the man with a curious expression.

              "Mommy never spoke of my father...she always spoke of you, though! She said you were her "hero"!"

              Creighton manages a grin.  "Aye lad...did she tell you of how her "hero" went away while you were yet unborn?"

              The boy grins...a half-grin remarkably like Creighton's own.  "Yes!  She said you went away on some valiant help someone in need....*the boy's features sour somewhat*...she was so very sad sometimes, though...she cried alot."

              Creighton sighs, his heart saddened a bit.  "Yes, Chaynce...I know she was very sad."  He clears his throat.  "I had to journey to a far land...I went...*he chokes a bit*...I went to find your mommy something very special..."

              "A present?" the boy's eyes alight. Creighton manages a half-grin of his own.

              "Yes, Chaynce...a that your mother told me would be the most precious thing to her."

              "Did you find it, Waazk'ah?  Did you find it?"

              "Yes lad," he says slowly.  "I did.  Your mother wanted with all her heart to find her parents...your grandmother and grandfather...and find them I did."

              The boy looks quizzical.  "G-grandfather?"

              Creighton pats the boy on the back.  "Yes, my boy...your mother's mother and father."

              "I have more parents?"

              A sigh escapes Creighton's lungs.  "Yes, Chaynce.  You have a Grandmother and a Grandfather." He smiles.  "And I was able to help them, or they helped ME, to make their lives their own again.  You see..."

              *Chaynce listens, wide-eyed and curious*

              "You see, they were in a bad place...bad people had tried to hurt them, and use them to do bad things...when I found them, I was able to help took YEARS...years for us to gain the freedom that they had lost...."  

              *Creighton's eyes tear up, his voice shakes...Chaynce puts his hand gently on Creighton's cheek*

              "What is it, Waazk'ah?  Why do you cry?"

              Creighton tries to gather himself, but is only partially successful.  "That is why...Chaynce...that is why I was not here....*begins to stammer*...that is why...why...I was gone for so long...*

              *The boy eyes him with compassionate curiosity*

              "Chaynce..." words fail the man.

              Chaynce puts his hands on the man's shoulders, the wooden sword falling forgotten to the floor.

              "What, Waazk'ah?  What is it?"

              Creighton struggles with the words, so much he wants to say them, but so hard they come.


              *the boy's eyes are without malice, only concern*

              " your father, Chaynce."  Tears flow freely, now.  "I am the man who, along with the love of your mother, made you, my son..."

              The boy looks confused for a moment, his brow furrowing.

              "Y-you?  You are"

              Creighton nods, no words possible.

              Chaynce seems to consider this for a moment...for a terrible instant, Creighton wonders if perhaps this was a good idea; perhaps he should have waited, perhaps he should have NEVER told the boy...

              ....but then, Chaynce's eyes alight, and he embraces the man."

              "Hoorah!  Hoorah!" he shouts; Creighton is dumbfounded as the boy continues.  "I have so many nights, since you came, wished that you could be my father!"

              Creighton's tear-filled eyes widen, incredulous.

              "I..." the boy hugs him tighter.  "I am so happy!"

              The former paladin stammers "I...I thought you would be angry..."

              "Angry?" Chaynce says, smiling. "Why?"

              "I...I was gone for so long...I...I lost so much time with you..."

              The boy smiles a smile beyond his years.  "But you DID come came back for mommy and me."

              *tears again well up in his eyes, his heart overflowing...he embraces the child...his though for the first time*

              "Aye, my son...and I will never leave you again...this, I swear."

              *The two share a few moments together...questions are asked and answered...then they agree to play one more game of Dwarven battle before the father must leave to find the mother*



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                Re: The Journal of Creighton Dallorius...
                « Reply #86 on: December 05, 2006, 01:50:22 pm »
                *Wakes in the night...not alarmed, but somehow curious...recalls the fading dream of...of Ash?  

                *She had scolded him.."You can't be stupid, Creighton", she had said.  "I understand why you left my sister before...can't say I'm happy about it, but I do understand...but you listen to Drogo and the winds, and stop the Dwarven ways...don't make me come back and smack you around...stay with them...they need you."

                *The dream had seemed so real...he rises and walks to the window, looking out over the forest...was that a faint glint in the foilage?  He smiles...looks to the bow that Drogo gave him...looks out the window again, knowing what path he must take...he looks to his beloved, sleeping soundly after such a trying evening...thinks of his boy, and how he will soon be moved to this home with them...*

                "Watch my back, Ash." he mutters softly toward the trees.

                *he returns to the the warmth of Tyrian in their bed...trying to convince himself he imagined the words in the familiar voice that he heard whistle through the windowsill*

                "Yeppers...that I'll do."


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                  Re: The Journal of Creighton Dallorius...
                  « Reply #87 on: December 06, 2006, 02:53:06 pm »
                  *Awakens to find Tyrian already gone...this early and she sets about her work...he smiles, thanking the gods yet again for his fortune to love and be loved by one such as she...he rises and dresses, grinning his half-grin when he sees that she has arranged his equipment for him where he so hastily dropped it last night...he feels compelled to go out...out of the city, into the forest...

                  *after walking for a time, he finds a small clearing with a stone in the center...he looks about, finding a dead piece of wood of a fairly large size, and, with his sword, cleaves it so that it will have a flat end...he sets this upon the stone and makes his way back to the treeline...he moves about slowly, quietly...studying the log and listening to the wind...

                  *...suddenly he draws an arrow and lets fly, just the way Drogo taught him...the arrow strikes home with a satisfying "THUNK", rocking the log but not toppling it...he moves quickly and somewhat quietly (for HIM, anyway) to another position and repeats his actions...he does this again and again until he has let loose a score of arrows...he then makes his way back to the log, and grins as he sees he has only missed with three...

                  "I shall have to do better," he grins, "but not bad for an ex-paladin."

                  *he retrieves his arrows, only one of them was broken in the exercise...thinks that perhaps this path will not be so cumbersome as he thought...although he misses somewhat the fire of close combat, if THIS will keep him close to his wife and son, then this is the way for him...*

                  "You betcha."

                  *he turns, looking to the trees...did he really hear that?*

                  *he smiles, making his way back to the inn and his and his wife's room...he leaves her a bunch of wildflowers he picked along the way in a small vase on the dresser, then heads out to make his way to Dregar...

                  *A broad smile asserts itself on his features*

                  "Today," he says through his joy as he walks out of the gates of Leilon into the woods,

                  "Today, my son, you come home."

                  *He continues on, a certain spring in his stride, though somewhat quieter than in the past*


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                    Re: The Journal of Creighton Dallorius...
                    « Reply #88 on: December 10, 2006, 06:25:15 pm »
                    *laughs as he talks to his wife, taking his journal from the shelf*

                    "I was NOT lost...I was....well...bewildered for a while", he smiles to her, as he begins to write.

                    For the record, in spite of what my wife may say, I wasn't lost on Dregar, I just wasn't exactly sure where I was for a time...but I found my way back, so that must count for something.

                    *He grins...knowing in his heart he still has a lot to learn*

                    I must see Drogo again...I still  have much that I need to learn from him.

                    *thinks of the time he has spent with his son these last few days...the times on the docks, watching the ships move in and out...the times in the forest that they have spent togehter...they have been some of the brightest days of his life*

                    Now, if we could just get his mother involved in some of our outings...*he writes, then smiles, watching her go over her books and ledgers*  

                    ...But I know that she is busy, and has more to do that watch over her "boys" all the time.

                    *he grins as he writes this line*

                    I shall suggest some family time together to her...I'm sure she will be in total agreement.

                    *he puts his journal away, grinning, and, with Chaynce in tow, goes to help Tyrian prepare their dinner for the night*