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Author Topic: grasshopper  (Read 454 times)


« on: December 20, 2007, 09:13:28 pm »
*a barrel chested battlescared dwarf sits in a tub of steaming how water and sighs, his muscles hurt from all of the jumping toby had put him through the last few days.  he takes a sip of whiskey and just lets his body relax. he has me jumping to rocks, its easy to make the jumps, the problem that am having is the landing, the heavy armor throws off my balance and i keep falling.  but like anything else, i will get the nack of it.
he chuckles to himself thinking about toby's expression when he got the handcuffs off so fast. i surprised myself at how easy that was. but i have been watching toby for years work on locks. i guess some of it rubbed off on me. he sure was fast, got the cuffs on me before i knew what he was doin.
the dwarf drains the last of the bottle and closes his eyes.


Re: grasshopper
« Reply #1 on: December 22, 2007, 05:51:58 pm »
*looks around the mess of his destroyed room and chuckles as he takes a well deserved sip of the bottle that he finally managed get out of the locked box. that toby is a crafty one, he stole all me spirits and put it in a locked chest, of course he left a note tellin me what he did, says the only way to get to it is to pick the lock. this lock wasn't as easy as the cuffs he stuck on me, took a long time, 3 chairs, 1 table a footlocker and 4 holes in the wall before i was calm enough to get the lock undone, **takes another long, well earned gulp of his favorite spirits** as he looks around he wonders how much it will cost to hire a carpenter to fix the walls*


Re: grasshopper
« Reply #2 on: December 30, 2007, 09:59:48 am »
*i walked into the house today after a long, exciting and wonderful day exploring the worlds gift of sand and what do i see on the recently fixed table,
a bag full of locked locks. toby wants me to practice opening them.*


Re: grasshopper
« Reply #3 on: January 06, 2008, 09:23:33 pm »
*toby stuck a strange tubeular paper whatchamacallit on my thumbs today, it took  near half the day before i figured out that all i had to do was push it together*


Re: grasshopper
« Reply #4 on: January 06, 2008, 09:24:51 pm »
*in my spare time i've been trying to move a gold coin from one knuckle to the next on my hand to help with my dexderity, am just plain bad at that, don't think i will ever be able to be good at it*


Re: grasshopper
« Reply #5 on: January 19, 2008, 07:09:39 pm »
for the last month toby and i have done almost nothing but spar, in the beginning i couldn't touch him, it seem like everytime i swung my hammer at where i thought he was he would either jump over, under to the side or just seem to jump behind me, very frustating it was, but recently i've had alot more success against him and have actually knocked him down a few times, it seems that he is hitting me less but even then it hurts bad. i've got bruices where i shouldn't have them, and it hurts in places that shouldn't be mentioned in mixed company


Re: grasshopper
« Reply #6 on: January 19, 2008, 07:14:30 pm »
hardy took me out and has been tryin to teach me how to find traps.
if it wasn't for my boots i wouldn't have been able to find any of them.
*shakes his head while looking at the terrible condition of his boots*
he says i've the best step on the trap technique that he has ever seen *sighs*
i'll figure it out someday i guess, hopefully i will still have boots left


Re: grasshopper
« Reply #7 on: January 23, 2008, 08:47:09 pm »
toby brought me a set of cougar leather armor last month and i've been wearin it when am not in the field. just practicing moving around in it, the last week or so i've started wearing a set of malar leather armor, its more comfortable then the cougar, am not as good as toby but am starting to get the feel of movin in it, tryin to be quiet,


Re: grasshopper
« Reply #8 on: January 23, 2008, 08:48:58 pm »
jump, roll, leap, jump, roll, leap, jump, roll leap, turn, spin, jump, roll , leap turn, spin, dive, *shakes his head* toby calls it tumbling, but it makes me feel like one of them people in the traveling carrie shows, but am out there in my leathers jump, roll, leap, spin, dive, turn,

