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Author Topic: How to make a living?  (Read 252 times)


How to make a living?
« on: January 09, 2010, 02:33:18 pm »
The dwarf bard Rockhead Howling Wolf sits in front of his fire as the last embers burn out and the cold sets in.  He fingers his purse and feels the small coin stuck in its corner and begins to ponder lack of fortune, wealth, fame and power.

"mmmmmmm"      *he strokes his moustache and a huge grin forms on his face*

* he dashes off to a large chest in the corner and finds a small bag filled with colured pastels, theatre wax and a variety of odd clothing*

Sometime later in downtown Leringard............................

,,,,?????????  POW! BANG!   THUD!

The merchant Barnaby Pickles, purveyor of fine spices, potions and tonics steps of the boat in Leringard. He makes his way to the fountain and sets up a stall.

He sings a ballad of the days of old when thing were better for all and prices were low and people had no cares for the world or its hardship.

A crowd gathers.....................

"Now then my dears, ave i got a surprise for you today. Look upon me tables here. There be wonders to behold before yous. At a price yer can buy yer wildest dreams all nicely parcelled up or contained in the smallest drops of liquid.

Yerve sufered hardships yer have but I'm here ter help yer. Dont go them churches of Toran or them Rofies, what'll they give yer but laws and pain. Doe sthey ease yer woes on a daily basis........i ask yer does they?......I cant hear yer.....does they?   the answer is no!

*holds up a bottle of brown liquid*

Now this here is Barnaby Pickles' famous Health Restorative and Tonic. Its all the rage in Western gate but I've managed ter hold on ter a few bottles for the folk of Leringard. Now it retails at a hunnerd true at Western Gate but I aint asking yer fer a hunnerd true"

*gasps around the crowd*

" I aint asking yer fer eighty true and i aint asking yer fer seventy can i do better than that missus i hear you asking.....well i'm here to say i can.....just fer you....just today.....i'm not asking fer sixty true, im not asking fer sixty-five true, fer you just today yer can this cure all for the measly sum of fourty nine true and whatever coppers yer have in yer pockets. Now i cant say fairer than that can ? 'm practically given um away today, me wife will kill me when she hears!

 Now who's gonner be first, just line up here and I'll get right ter yer...

*perform check equals 62*

* they form and queue and an hour later he packs up his empty stall and runs*


attached are a few shot of this newcomer to Leringard,  please ignore any illusions of names that you may see floating above his head, you've had to much of his tonic!

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