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Author Topic: Lilis “not so idle” pondering.  (Read 471 times)


Lilis “not so idle” pondering.
« on: December 31, 2010, 05:06:41 am »
Was she worshiping Prunilla when she baked pies or crafted traps or arrows? How about making chores? Well she mostly hunted and wandered around the wold lately just helping people and getting rid of those nasty nasty bandits and other creatures threaten good peoples lives. Could those even call as chores?  Well she always know that she would not be a farmer. Looking something to grow just took way too much time especially when there was not any thrill on it. Not in the beginning, not in the middle and not in end. *she whole though to it made her yawn*

How about baking then? She really liked pies. She loved baking them almost as much as eating them. Was that worshiping Prunilla? *She shook her head* It could not be. Lots of people baked pies, even better pies than she ever did and they did not worship Prunilla. Not that it was competition. She know she was getting side tracked *shook her head more furiously to get she thoughts back on the right track* The point was that just making pie could not be worshiping, there had to be more.
She know her ignorance was result of not listening what her parents had told her. She never was that interested about her religion as that time it seemed just to be another endless list of chores after chores. Most of them something boring stuff like planting the seeds, uproot the weeds, plow the fields. *she smiled her head* Those rimmed so good to getter, maybe she should compose a song from them. Later maybe.. *she frowned* Where was she.. Oh right! When she had peen back in her village then she had had more interested though in her mind like hunting. *that bought wide smile on her lips* Oh, it felt so long a time. Like different memory. She eve not seen her parent ever since. She did love them but she did not miss them. Love! That was big sister Annwyl say it worship her goddess Ilsare was it not? Wait! Does that meant that she did worship Ilsare too as she loved so much all of her big sisters? ... No that would be same as that pie making thinkie she already thought trough. *she sniffed delicious scent that came form the oven* Oh. Her lovely pie would be almost ready! She could not wait any longer to get to eat it!


Re: Lilis “not so idle” pondering.
« Reply #1 on: January 01, 2011, 01:39:33 am »
Soooooo... so far she had come to a conclusion that proper worshiping could not be simple thing you just did because you liked it or other general things you just did to your self or to others. Maybe it was more tied how you did it, like showing proper respect to you goddess?
When she made her arrows, traps or pie what did she thought? *she frowned* If she was doing to something to other like those rings to her dear sisters she tough warm though about them and but full efforts to items making sure she did them at the best of her ability. *her frown deepened* Nope, no goddess there. How about arrows and pies she did mostly herself? Hmm... Nope, even pies did let her down. Her only though was to make as good arrows as she could and most delicious pies she could muster. No thoughts for her goddess there either. *she scratched her head, cleared her mind and continued making her silver tipped arrows*


Re: Lilis “not so idle” pondering.
« Reply #2 on: January 04, 2011, 12:25:36 am »
Heyyy! *she yelled suddenly as it hit her* Maybe it was that conducting thinkie that clerics do!
//Argos tried to explain Lili how “cleric magic” worked aka. Argos was conducting his deity power.
It had to something like talking.. err.. or maybe just listening you deity and let he or her work through  you? Like that is how she understood that they must some how communicate with their deity so they would know that like.. like they could not give blessing so some one against their deity will.
//This is how Lili sees it. It has nothing to do how it really works.
Like some of  those times some of clerics seemed almost like they where sorry that they could not.. umm.. do the conductive thinkie for her saying something about their deities do not get along or something. And once Argos had looked really devastated as first he felt so guilty what happened to Lili and mostly because the second as he had against that conductive thinkie helped her.. That was really long ago, but overall she had seen that lot on her travels. Clerics going against your deity will? *she frowned and shook her dead* Clearly there was something more in there, something she did not really understand. So far what she have come to conclusion that Dorand, Rofirein, Toran and Vorax did to get along with Prunilla. *she sad frown* What a shame. On her travels together she had discovered them to be really good persons and some she would even dare to call as good friends. Just shoving how good they where was that they did not look down to her just because their deity had a .. err.. quarrel? *she blushed to her own boldness*  
//Note: This is only Lilis perception.
Not that every deity clergy where nice, not now that she though about she really could not remember meeting any Prunillas cleric on her travels. *she could not hold back a small grin* That was probably because she was mostly spend adventuring and that did not include working on the fields.
//Again note: This is only Lilis perception.
Again see was getting side tracked. The conducting thinkie. Maybe every one even with out conducting thinkie could hear their deity ..umm..  instruction or advise? Not that she never ever though she have hear anything like that. Or even hear that her parent that  had tried to even implied that even they have heard about that. Well, truth was that she never had even listened her parent teaching too closely so she might have just missed this tiny bit of information. And so far she had not really ever thought to try listen her goddess. *She concentrated closing her eyes*...  ...  ...  ...  Well, this only made want to rub her itching nose after a while. Oh, so it must be clerical stuff then..  All thins thinking make her sooooo hungry she leaned towards her tiny campfire and look if her dear roast was ready. Oh great!


Re: Lilis “not so idle” pondering.
« Reply #3 on: January 07, 2011, 05:13:22 am »
*as she was moving in the shadows idle thought wandered on her mind* Would that really matter that beginning of her adventuring days she have actually struggled to said her goddess name correctly for few first persons who asked it?
How did she had blushed then when those people had corrected her. *thinking back now made her only grin widely* How about when some one asked about Prunilla? She was not able to give any good answers so she had said something vague and tried to move on or tried to change subject. Has she tried to ever learn more about her goddess, after her blunders? *she shook her head slightly keeping her eyes on the target* She really did to even give much though about Prunilla. She did not really ... care? *she jumped from the shadows and strike her tiny daggers behind bandit knee making him fall backwards*


Re: Lilis “not so idle” pondering.
« Reply #4 on: January 10, 2011, 07:54:40 am »
Why she felt so troubled lately? It not that she had pondered her belief this way like..... *she frowned* like for ever. So why it bothered her so much now?
*she resisted slapping her hand to her forehead as she realization suddenly hit her* It was not actually her belief on her religion that bothered her. It was what to answer people who did ask her about her believes and wanted to know more about her religion. In her home village people did not ask that question as everyone in her village worshiped Prunilla. So far she had answered what she thought was right.. Well, to her it was more what she had been taught to give as right answer.
So, if people did ask her now about her belief what would she answer? *she peered inside her* No she could net answer Prunilla that would be a lie...
“What god do you worship Lili?” *she heard herself utter softly* “Umm... I do not know.. No one I guess.” *she whispered herself keeping her eyes in the group if giants she had been tracking*
It felt like she had right answer. What would other think about her not worshiping any of the gods? *she shrugged* Well, it was their problem, it was not that she would start lying just to make other feel more comfortable. If they did not like the answer then they should not asked it in the first place. *she nodded to herself* Phew.. She was glad to get that out of her mind.
Oh.. There was lone giant separating from the bigger herd. It was time to start her hunt! *she darted forward she bow ready, smiling widely*