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Author Topic: Drnii Khuiedr Tyhuekyra  (Read 1823 times)


Re: Drnii Khuiedr Tyhuekyra
« Reply #20 on: July 07, 2012, 07:35:54 pm »
The journeying is wearying at times, back and forth from Mistone to Dragonsong but I continue it stoicly. Besides often my journeys to Mistone coincide with Samantha's visits to report in to the temple there and they are worth the effort just to see her smile. I was very pleased last visit that she agreed to come to Dragonsong soon and meet my parents and also to catch up with her own mother. I am sure it will all go well.

In the meantime I am currently writing this as I sit aboard ship travelling to Audiria in Sederra. All part of a mission to seek out the a potential counter to an artifact believed to be held by servants of the Ancient Enemy. They are potentially using its power to create a burning fever that consumes those affected. My group and I were present in Westergate when there was an attack made on the very Cathedral itself. Such an affront could not go unpunished and now my comrades and I travel towards potential confrontations with the enemies of my Faith. I look forward to this.


Re: Drnii Khuiedr Tyhuekyra
« Reply #21 on: September 24, 2012, 05:23:15 pm »
It is light outside, just. I've been awake now for just over an hour. A terrifying dream assailed me in the night and as bad as it was I can only sense that He is sending me a warning, that this mission cannot fail. To prevent the outcome fortold in my dream I will go to any length the Dragon allows to accomplish it.

I just wish the path before us was not so cloudy, that we could see they way to step. Although, perhaps it is a test, to put my faith and trust in the one source I know to be true and let it lead me. I sense that we are making some progress but that the progress is somewhat hampered by the ulterior motives of those we travel with. I believe I can trust Naldin and Protector Aesthir, although I dont always agree with the later mentioned methods. The Huntsmistress I feel is also reliable and dependable. I am disappointed in the Toranite, Sir Hector. His mood swings and somewhat lacksidasical attitude at times gives me pause, I really could not say that if it came down to it he would support us in what needed to be done.

I have prayed several times now to clear my mind that what I did in the Pyrtechonite hideout was what was required of me. The sense that I got when I ended the life of the Pyrtechonite servant gave me some pause at the time. I am hoping in time that feeling will become more apparent. I do not regret what I did, I vowed to Rofirein himself that I would hunt down and destroy any and all followers of the Ancient enemy wherever they may be and i will undertake that mission faithfully.

So now we sit in Highpass, now an empty shell thanks to the efforts of the Pyrtechonites and plan our next move. We cannot hope to prevail against the Pyrtechonites directly without the Life's Tear, the amulet of power that will provide us a means of countering the curse they possess. Once we have that then we can act more directly. The dream was right in that, this assault by the Ancient Enemy on this world must end...and soon.


Re: Drnii Khuiedr Tyhuekyra
« Reply #22 on: October 07, 2012, 02:37:29 am »
A single entry out of order as if the writer found a page to write on not realising there were several blank pages in between.

I as summoned into the mayors office again yesterday. This has been occuring on a regular basis as of late as my tenure draws closer to its finish. I was asked to submit some of the training documents for his perusal and later I found out that the Mayor and the senior officers in the city had had an inspection of the training facility and spoken with a number of the recruits and their senior personnel. Men and women I had personally trained for some time now to take over the training when I was done.

I was suprised to find in attendance with the Mayor one of the officers of the Military assigned to Westerngate. Lord Kel'tain was in charge of all the cities military affairs and had close ties to the Cathedral and the Mayors office. The mayor spoke very highly of my training regime to the Lord who then questioned me about my stint in the military in Tyr Song and what training I had received with the Rofireinites. The meeting went for some time and was quite thorough.

I was then asked to accompany Lord Kel'tain to another office. Here I was introduced to a Protector of the Code, General Keegan, an old retired officer also based in Westerngate and highly thought off in official circles. The retirned general explained some of his role to me and the importance of the code to the people of Dragonsong and closely aligned it was to the Rofireinites own dogma. We spent some time discussing the similarities in the two beliefs before he handed me an official looking document. When I red the contents I was humbled greatly. It seemed the Mayor had recommended me to the Protector based on my previous methodologies and instructions for the recruits in Westergate. The document was signed by the Dominus himself and granted me the honoured position of Instructor of the Code. The Protector then instructed me on what my duties would entail and my obligations under such a title. I was offered a more permanent position not to the Mayors office but to the service of Dragonsong itself through the office of the Code. When I spoke to one of the High Protectors at the Cathedral and also my new ssection commander in Westerngate they approved the role indefinitely. In fact the High Protector saw it a perfect way for the Rofireintes to repay the people of Dragonsong for their support of the faith. Rofireins ways and methods truly never cease to amaze me.


Re: Drnii Khuiedr Tyhuekyra
« Reply #23 on: November 02, 2012, 04:07:42 am »
I cannot believe how much has happened in the last few months since the attack on the Cathedral in Westerngate by Pyrtechonite agents. I found myself caught up in an intensive investigation into finding an ancient artifact that could bring an end to the Pyrtechonites curse that they had unleashed on the unknowing populace of Boyer.

It proved to be a very difficult journey by sea and then by land eventuating in the large mountain village of Highpass in Boyer. Sadly a good many of Boyers citizens fell to the curse before we were able to bring an end to the situation.

What we discovered was that a Pyrtechonite by the name of Calvin had activated a deadly curse and was intent on putting an end to any chances of the good forces stopping him by destroying the only chance we had to counter his own magic.

He would have been successful in his mission had not fate, or as I believe, Rofirein, had not stepped in. The group I travelled with and I had acquired the amulet we sought that could stop Calvin's plans. We assumed it was our mission to use it to destroy Calvin and end the curse but that is not how things eventuated. We failed to stop him and instead many of us fell on the field of battle just short of achieving our mission. We learnt later that Calvin himself tried to destroy the good amulet and succeeded in destroying himself. I cannot but think that this is what Rofirein had planned all along. Either way the final outcome was achieved, the contagion plaguing the land appears to have halted and is clearing up, the kobolds of Firesteep retreating back across Boyer and to their mountain fastholds on Molten Isle.

The Ancient Enemy has been quiet for some time before this assault, we will have to be more wary in future.


Re: Drnii Khuiedr Tyhuekyra
« Reply #24 on: November 23, 2012, 04:03:16 pm »
Life has been extremely busy in the last few months after returning to Westerngate. First of all there was the obligatory visits to my parents and Samatha's mother. All was well with them. Then it was back to work in the Mayors office preparing the final briefs that we would take with us when we travelled to Tyr-Song and Yalian before eventually taking it to Fort Dragonsong and handing over the program there to the Guardian of the Code. I am not sure yet if I will be part of that group but it would indeed be an honour if I was so allowed.

Whatever happens, I shall perform my duty as Rofirein wants me too.

Sadly I have not seen much of Samantha in these last few months, she returned to Tauren. She has informed me however that she has requested a posting closer to home, possibly even in Westerngate for once her mission is over. Surely they will grant this given the dedication she has shown her duty so far.

On another note I have finally finished putting the last few touches on the house in Westerngate. The package I requested has finally arrived and I feel in my heart the time is near to determine out future together. Now I just have to find the right place and moment. I am going to see her mother in the next fortnight just to set everything in order before I proceed.

Thankfully, at present, apart from my hectic work schedule there does not appear to be any major events arising that require my attention. This will give me a window of opportunity to prepare these few very important matters properly.


Re: Drnii Khuiedr Tyhuekyra
« Reply #25 on: January 01, 2013, 07:39:04 pm »
I wanted to take a moment to record some of my latest findings from the vault beneath the Mayor's residence in Westerngate.

I have not had a great deal of time to go through the many volumes of stored scrolls, tablets and writings there until recently. With Samantha away in Tauren, the Pyrtechonites dealt with for the moment I had some time to delve once again into those archives.

Thankfully several Lorekeepers have begun cataloguing the documents there but it will take many years before everything is gone through. I did find one document that interested me. While it shed no light on the Draconic language it did however provide some insight into why such recordings are few and far between.

The information I speak of was contained in an old Aragenite priests diary, a man called Astrinomicus. When I say it is old, it must be several hundred years old at least. Anyway the diary referred to the priest having read a text called 'Of Dragons and Tongues' to my knowledge no such text exists today and the priest himself refers to it as an ancient text so I imagine at this point in time it is lost to us.

The priest faithfully transcribed one passage from that book into his diary before the text apparently vanished from his possession. Whether it was destroyed, taken, stolen, I have no way of knowing.

I have decided to transcribe the written section here myself.

...and thus upon the fourth morn did the dragon rise and seize the man who dared speak the word stolen from its kind and dashed him down upon the rocks until his life was no more. Then it proceeded to destroy not only the building and library in which he worked but burned the villages and the lands around it to satisfy its own self that none should learn to speak the tongue of dragon kind. Thus is ever their ways, for knowledge of their tongue is power over them and this they will never stand.

That was the only reference I could find in the priests diary except to say that he refers to the dragon in question, a great black dragon, but without a point of reference I can only assume he means The Black plague, but then after the Dragon Cult wars it may be there are other dragons of that ilk dotted around the world still undiscovered.

One thing is for certain, I would love to find and search those ruins mentioned in the diary.


Re: Drnii Khuiedr Tyhuekyra
« Reply #26 on: February 08, 2013, 03:50:18 am »
It is done. My Wisdom and Joy, Samantha Merritt, has agreed to be my wife.
I could not say who was the most overjoyed or relieved that the moment had finally come. For myself the moment is one of those that defines your life. I felt the same way when I committed myself to Rofirein and then when I took the path of those Blessed in his name and then again when I joined the Knights of the Wyrm.

I know Mrs Elaine Merritt and in fact my own mother have been waiting for this moment for some time. I guess I have been waiting for this moment my entire life.

Now comes the planning of the wedding. I am sure that our mothers will see that it is suitably grand. To be truthful I would be more than happy to marry Samantha in a small chapel in the Cathedral with a few guests but that will not be the case I am sure. As long as it happens I guess it doesnt matter how it happens. I just want Samantha to get everything she deserves.