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Author Topic: Greycloak journal  (Read 1114 times)


Greycloak journal
« on: January 26, 2013, 04:17:57 am »
Well I bid my parents farewell and sailed on a dirty, smelly ship to Fort Vehl. Thankfully the seas were not too bad and the wind fair so we made good time. From Fort Vehl I spent the last of my coin for passage with a caravan heading to Center. I thought that might give me a reasonable start and a better chance for some work.

It certainly was a lot busier than I had anticipated. Not as busy as Fort Vehl but very busy. There were a lot of adventurers too and some were very odd. My first employment was to go into some catacombs under the crafting hall and kill rats and other odd creatures. I was standing down there in the dark when a creature of nightmare appeared. A huge orc bearing a mightyaxe. I tried to use the shadows to hide but its vision must have pierced the darkness and it spied me there. It must have sensed my inadequacy for it ignored me and moved in killing rats and beetles. I followed in its wake and it seemed to accpet me being there or to my luck it ignored me but allowed me to follow it. Once we merged however it left without a word.

I was fortunate enough then to be greeted by a priestess of Lucinda. I was pleased when she offered to aid me in some of my tasks and somewhat concerned when that included two odd companions of hers. they appeared harmless enough after a while but I could not feel comfortable with them.

On another note I am finding many new places to hide and am getting better at sliping into the shadows to sneak upto the few opponents I have come across.


Re: Greycloak journal
« Reply #1 on: January 27, 2013, 01:49:46 am »
What a strange and fantastic place Mistone has turned out to be. There are so many dark and hidden places that it may take me years to explore each one in depth. I must learn to survive the creatures within them first however as that is proving quite difficult. Luckily my skills at hiding in the shadows and dark corners of the places is proving to be very useful. Why just the other day I managed to fool a goblin into thinking I had run down a passage way when in fact I was standing right next to him in a cleft in the rock using the shadow created there to its best advantage. I was so nervously excited I had to put my hand over my mouth to stop giggling as the goblin walked this way and that way and eventually gave up and ran back to where he had come. I know it was a close call and that the goblin could have ended my life if it had seen me but it didnt. I lived and it ran away. The shadows are my friend as to are the dark places that I seem to have a natural affinity for finding.

I must continue to seek out these dark places, to explore their hidden depths and experience the wonders they possess.


Re: Greycloak journal
« Reply #2 on: January 30, 2013, 07:02:04 am »
I have spent several days just exploring the coastal caves near the township of Center. They go on for miles under the ground and the bottow levels fill with water at high tide. This brings out all sorts of creepy crawlies. Its fascinating to watch. I spent an hour hiding away around a corner, using the shadows in the caves to the best advantage that I could. The water rippling effect on the walls from the lichen in the place too helped to hide me. I watched some of the denizens that live there eating a couple of the large crabs that can be found there.

The best thing about it was that I crept very close to where they were eating and none of them saw me. I did panic a bit at the last minute and withdrew but I went back again just to prove to myself that I could do it.


Re: Greycloak journal
« Reply #3 on: February 08, 2013, 03:37:54 am »
The few adventurers I have found seem more than willing to aid me in finding the deepest darkest holes we can find around Mistone. Why not long ago I met with an orc that claimed to be an adventurer. I must admit he was vicious but that dangerous aspect of his character seemed to thrill me even more. Especially trawling a cave full of spiders and seeing him move through the near darkness like a huge battering ram. Personally I stuck to the dark crevices and shadows of the place, darting out where I felt the need to strike at a smaller spider. I am proud to admit I reached the passage to a deeper level before I succumbed to my first spider bite.

I retched all over the place after being bitten and was weak from dizzyness. The orc lay me on the ground near that lower passage and stayed while I fought through the period of poison affects. He didnt have to do that and as I slowly faded out to rest I thought that he might eat me when I was asleep.

Thankfully when I next woke up my muscles and body felt stiff and sore but the poison had passed through my system and I was ready to continue. The Orc suggested we head back to Haven from where we had started and I had to admit that it was a good idea. I wasnt prepared to del aproperly with the denizens that lived lower based on what we encountered just getting to the passage. So, he battled his way out and I watched from the darkest patches of shadow I could find. Oddly enough I should have been afraid to go to those places as thats where the spiders would most likely stay. but they seemed intent on attacking the orc intruder and ignored me completely. I thanked the Gods for shadows and darkness when I realised.


Re: Greycloak journal
« Reply #4 on: February 13, 2013, 04:18:21 pm »
Some people see darkness and shadows as frightening places, these are the placs where nightmares are created, shifting through our subconscious and weakening our resolve. I dont see it that way at all. These places are a mystery, a place waiting to be discovered, a secret place where one can be alone with ones thoughts, a place where one can hide from the world.

Sure, sometimes you are not always alone, other...things, share those places, but even so you know they are just the same as you. Hiding, seeking the darkness for protection or solitude or to watch the world go by and choose what to take for themselves.

I met an elf he other day who used the shadows to hide as I do but he didnt seem to have the same affinity for those places that I feel. He used them as a means to an end. To me, those places, the shadows are an extension of myself, or maybe its a reflection of my nature and thats why I feel such an affinity with them. I am not sure. But I am sure that I have always felt this way about those places, even back as a child when I played hide and seek, still my favourite game.


Have you ever played hide and
« Reply #5 on: March 03, 2013, 01:34:06 am »

Have you ever played hide and seek with an orc? I did, the other day. The creature, I dont know his name, only Orc, appeared in Hlint again. I grabbed him straight away and dragged him into the mountains near the town. We fought the gnolls for a while they went into the caves where the spiders are. I must admit I hid most of the time when he was killing them because I could barely touch them and he just killed them in one sweep of his axe.

Anyway, long story short , we collected the silk of which there was a paltry sum and decided to go deeper and explore. I was thrilled by this but I could tell the Orc wasnt so sure. Still, to his credit he came with me.

We ghosted along the passageways deeper and came upon a chamber full of earthern elementals. I hid straight away and wandered amongst them using the shadows they cast on the ground beneath their huge bulks to hide. The orc was not impressed by this as he couldnt move for fear of them seeing him. I spent a good time hiding amongst them causing the Orc no end of grief. He too had lost sight of me and I guess he figured I'd abandonded him because eventually he attacked them.

He was pretty good I must admit but they had him fair and square within a short time and pummeled him into the ground. He didnt want to play with me after that, cant say that I blame him. I'll give him some time to cool off then we'll try another cave!