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Author Topic: Tyrian Baldu'muur... Letters Never Sent  (Read 1917 times)


Re: Tyrian Baldu'muur... Letters Never Sent
« Reply #120 on: October 24, 2007, 06:09:23 pm »
*enters the Inn and begins cleaning the kitchen for something to do. She sighs, wondering if her son is alright, and returns to cleaning to occupy her mind*


Re: Tyrian Baldu'muur... Letters Never Sent
« Reply #121 on: November 29, 2007, 02:32:30 pm »
*Tyrian enters the Inn and lights the lamps in the shop. She begins to inventory the store and prepare to open for business.*


Re: Tyrian Baldu'muur... Letters Never Sent
« Reply #122 on: January 16, 2008, 01:20:47 am »
*she returns from a day in the swamps and opens her journal*

I pen this note, to be safe, to know that the tax collectors shall not take my Inn should anything happen to me. Mylindra seems to be so occupied with her children that she does not have time for it, and my son, well... the lad is on his own after the note he left, I must trust that I raised him well enough that he can find his way in the world.

Tis my final will and testament for the moment, until I get to speak with a few people.

I need to speak with Miss AnnaLee, Miss Jennara, and Omer, before I make my final desision on what happens to my property and coin, but for now...

I leave everything I own, my Inn, my Trues, my shop inventory, my equipment to the one person who I feel will make sure it goes to the people who need it most in the world. I leave it to the one person I trust more than any other to make sure my legacy is a good one.

I leave everything to Miss Jennara Creekskipper to do with as she sees fit.

Tyrian Baldu'muur

*she sighs and heads to wash up leaving the book open so the ink drys*


Re: Tyrian Baldu'muur... Letters Never Sent
« Reply #123 on: December 06, 2009, 12:56:54 am »
*smiles as she opens the book for the first time in years*

Twas a nice day at the Inn today. We had a charity event for the orphans. If I heard correctly we raised over 30,000 trues. I also have hired an animal handler for my horse and oxen. He is a friend of Chaynce's named Alton. He would only agree to come if he could bring Fred, Pat, Mark, Lilly and some other folks... He said they'd live out back.

*scratches her head*

I hope the city doesn't get on my case for having a tent city out back.

//has no idea that Alton is talking about chickens//

Well was a good night for all except for Ben who got kicked in the shins several times.

*laughs and closes her journal as she climbs into bed*


Re: Tyrian Baldu'muur... Letters Never Sent
« Reply #124 on: January 17, 2010, 10:05:52 pm »
*opens the book*

*she quiets down reflecting on the donations*

175000 Trues worth of equipment donated to Hempsted today. Armors, helms, wands, leathers, and weapons. I hope they will be used to keep bloody Rael out.

*closes the book and sleeps*


Re: Tyrian Baldu'muur... Letters Never Sent
« Reply #125 on: February 01, 2010, 12:17:10 am »
*writes a few things before she falls asleep in her big bed*

Been a busy time around the Inn. Lots of new renters about.


Perhaps I need to start roasting some more meat.

*closes the book and drifts off to sleep*


Tyrian Baldu'muur... Letters Never Sent
« Reply #126 on: September 17, 2010, 02:23:01 am »
*blows the dust off of the book*

Life has been well. Tis nice to settle into a happy and comfortable life style. I still travel about a bit but most of my time is consumed with the Inn and it's daily needs.

Alton seems to be doing a good job with everyone's animals. Andrew even left his dog for Alton to train. Seems The Twin Dragon is becoming a zoo!

The Arm's is reopening soon, and one of the events is to come see the memorial that Argos put up by the door, in memory of the children. I expect fully that it will be a solemn event. I will have food and drink available though for any in need.

*stands from her glass writing table and blows on the ink softly before snapping her fingers, making the candle go out and stretching out in bed*


Re: Tyrian Baldu'muur... Letters Never Sent
« Reply #127 on: December 22, 2010, 09:23:30 pm »
*opens her ledger and writes in a 20,000 True sale*

Alton has become quite the little salesmen. He sold all of the scions and dragon stones that have been gathering dust for sometime. I gave him a nice ring in return for his commission. He seemed happy enough.

Though I do wonder what the dwarf wanted with all the stones.

*she closes her ledger and returns to sweeping the backroom*


Re: Tyrian Baldu'muur... Letters Never Sent
« Reply #128 on: August 25, 2011, 02:17:19 pm »
*opens the book after blowing the dust off of it*

I have been busy lately. The Inn has been my savior this last year since my son, passed away. Through all accounts he died valiantly on the field of battle at a place called Hilm. I should like to visit there sometime and see the spot, the spot where my boy died. He never was the most wise man, but I feel I raised him well. He cared for his comrades in arms, and protected those he thought worthy.

Alton was there with him during the battle. Alton will say little about the events that day. I think the little guy feels responsible in some way. I know he would have done everything in his power to save Chaynce.

Daniella stopped by many months ago to offer her condolences. I threw her out of the Inn. Perhaps I was a bit harsh as I know she loved my son and grieves just as I. But I shall not forgive her church for leading my son on a path to death, just as I shall not forgive the Toranites for taking my husband. I should like to speak with her someday though, and at least let her know that I am sure she did all she could to save him.

At least he died defending the innocent and in the company of his love and his best friends.

*few tear drops spot the page*

