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Author Topic: Helper's desire  (Read 221 times)

Yar Ydnar

Helper's desire
« on: August 07, 2011, 02:46:18 pm »
How do they do that?  I mean.  I can see them and then I can't.  It's not magic there is no waving of the hands.  No incantation.  They just fade away and return to attack again and again.  Those vile creatures knew not what was tormenting them so.  Is it something I can learn?  I'm good at hiding. Very good in fact yet I cannot just hide on a whim.  I need space.  I require unprying eyes.  How do they do that!?  I must find out.  I must.  

 - excerpts from Helper's journal after witnessing two Shadowdancers battle Trolls in the Sinister Forrest -

Yar Ydnar

Re: Helper's desire
« Reply #1 on: August 12, 2011, 12:19:12 am »
From Helper's diary.  

I must get to know these persons who pass themselves as shadows.  But how?  They stay within their group.  Rarely have I noticed them consorting with any others not their own.  Is it a matter of trust?  I must continue to observe from the shadows while keeping distance.   If they have noticed me they have not indicated so.  So I am inclined to think they have not.  I must ... arrange a chance meeting.  Befriend them.  Party with them.  Learn from them.

Yar Ydnar

Re: Helper's desire
« Reply #2 on: August 16, 2011, 07:38:53 pm »
From Helper's diary.

Last eve I blundered in with a group in the home of the long legged ones and, as of lately, the Dark ones.  Unspeakable actions by the Dark ones against captured Toranite warriors spurred us on to clean out the den of evil.  It took fearless action by all and the odds at one point in the final battle seemed to have turned against us.  But in the end we prevailed and rescued one tortured soul who steadfastly insisted we were illusions sent to inflict forlorn hope upon him.  Some in our party finally talked sense to the man and we left ere the long legged death return.  During this entire adventure I had the luck to act alongside someone named Rory.  She was able to blend with the shadows at will.  I watched closely and I do believe I I've learned a thing or two.  Well, some anyway.  I asked her after we were safe from the caverns how it was she came by this ability.  She smiled and told me that another in the party, Enzo I believe, taught her well and with practice she honed her skills.  Her skills are impressive indeed but I really think I've discovered a smattering of information from my observations last eve.  Now I must put it to the test.  It may take some time but I am determined. Rory said practice is key.  That's what I shall do.  Practice,  Practice.  Practice.