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Author Topic: Tara's travels  (Read 742 times)


Tara's travels
« on: December 01, 2009, 04:38:08 pm »
Is all so exciting. I went with Kye to Port Hempstead as he promised. Father wasnt happy about it but he let me go. Unfortunately when we got back there Kye had to go back to duty immediately cause of the damage that had been done from the Tsunami. I didn't mind, it gave me a chance to finally ahve a look around the big city.

It was a bit sad though, I ended up wandering around helping people out where I could, I looked after some children at one of the orphanages doing tricks for them and stuff until they could go back into the building. Inspectors were trying to see if it was safe or not before they let them go back in.

The damage was pretty bad, I saw Kye once the other day in the city, he looked all important in his guard uniform but he looked tired. I ran into some kids near the docks who were throwing rocks at birds in the water. It was bad down there too, wreckage everywhere. I got to talking to them and discovered they were part of some sort of group, at least thats what they said. I spent the rest of the night sneaking around the city with them, getting into places that most people can't or wouldnt want to anyway. I think i suprised them with how good I was at hiding in the shadows and moving along without making a sound. I left them in the morning since I was tired and really the sorts of placesd they found exciting were pretty yucky and smelly. I needed a bath.


Re: Tara's travels
« Reply #1 on: December 08, 2009, 02:29:54 am »
What have I got myself into! I can't believe just how stupid some people can be. Kye told me to get off my but and get some coin to pay for our room so I joined a group supposed to take some documents to some freezing cold place called Krashin. I mean it was so cold I thought I was going to freeze my **** off. And the company was just weird, a silly dwarf who was a major downer, a freekin dark elf, my dad used to tell me freaky stories about them when I was growing up and here I see one first thing. All the dwarf wanted to do was some nasty stuff to him. There was a seemingly nice fellow called Edron who just couldnt help himself but get caught up in the mess going on. I stayed out of it. I didn't want no trouble.

What I did get to do was test out my skills in the wilds. There were a few other folks with us who were pretty good at sneaking and the dark elf was especially good. I got to watch them and mimic how they did it when they werent watching. Its pretty different to walking beams and climbing ladders in the barn I can tell you. I killed my first kobold to. Snuck right up to it using the shadows of some fir trees and stuck it good. I felt sick at first but when the others congratulated me I felt good. I watched Edron fight and hes not bad but the kobolds beat on him something shocking. I much prefer sneaking up to them and hurting them before they get me. I'll keep working on it.


Re: Tara's travels
« Reply #2 on: December 21, 2009, 03:44:43 am »
I have never been so cold in my life. Sitting up in the mountains in Black Ice Island waiting for the Lucindites to make up their mind what they are doing! It's enough to drive a girl to tears!

At least I survived the ruins they have found up here. The place was full of Yeti and shades, probably the original inhabitants who went all icky. It was a great chance to test out my sneaking skills, I feel so much safer moving about when no one can see me. I think already I have surpased both Aunlyn and Shadowleafs skills in that area. I think only Ar'dreth and Tergi have been able to match me for silence and ability to use the shadows to their full advantage. Even so I think I understand them better, the shadows that is, how to blend with them, how to move within them without creating a disturbance. Its almost like Im trying to hide from my brothers, at least thats often what I am thinking as I do it. I seem to operate on another level or mindset. Its hard to explain, but I know what I mean, I'm really starting to enjoy it and the challenge and power it gives me. I'll keep working at it.


Re: Tara's travels
« Reply #3 on: December 26, 2009, 08:11:54 pm »
Well, I found out the hard way that using the shadows of trees and rocks, bushes and foliage can be just as useful as the darker patches within caves and houses and the streets of a village or city. Interesting how as I get in more practice and get around places more I find myself automatically looking for spots of the best concealment, where I could hide and strike from, where I could hide and not be seen.

I went back to Port Hempstead from Fort Vehl by ship recently after helping out in the Gloom woods against an undead attack there, I enjoyed the trip and convinced one of the young sailors to let me climb throgh the rigging with him and to sit in the crows nest. It was great fun. I had to draw the line though when he wanted certain payments for his tour. I offered not to throw him from the crows nest after using the shadows to conceal my climb at night to the nest when he was on duty. He got the point after that. I even snuck into the captains cabin just to have a look and test out how well I could use the shadows of confined spaces to move about. I seem to be getting this sense of affinity for the dark places, its almost like a place of safety or comfort. I don't have my family around anymore, I don't have Kye protecting me anymore, its all me. I have to look out for myself and I dont want to get hurt, the shadows provide that haven of safety for me, that security.

When I finally got there I sought Kye out, he didn't seem impressed by what I had done and kept trying to tell me to be careful and that I shouldn't go far from him as he can't protect me. He didn't understand how I felt, he didn't understand how I have already changed. All he could see was his kid sister who didnt know anything except what he had shown me.

It's odd but I've not been away from my family or Kye for very long and yet I feel it was another life already. One thing I am certain of is that I'll not go back and marry who my father wanted me to marry. I just have to figure out a way to tell him that and Kye, well, he's got his work to keep him busy. Me, I'll do whatever I like, I have new friends, I have some coins and a whole world to explore, and I have the shadows to keep me safe.


Re: Tara's travels
« Reply #4 on: December 29, 2009, 08:28:37 pm »
I have found myself back in Krashin.  Why do I always end up in that freakishly cold place!  I am thankful for the time I have spent on the farm - at least I am used to being cold to the bone!  

I went there with Edron.  Our paths are seeming to cross more and more.  Its difficult to describe what I think about him yet.  I guess he is -nice-.  I feel safe when I am around him, like he can protect me or something.  Although half the time when we go into battle he comes off second best.  I seem to be able to come away with barely a scratch, mostly anyhow.  This time though Edron left me in Krashin, he said he had to get back to Port Hempstead quickly.  I am not sure what he meant, but I was left there - stranded.

I took the time to have a good look around the buildings there.  It is really difficult using the shadows to get around unseen when the snow reflects the sun into pretty much every corner of the landscape!  It wasn't long before I was spotted, by a snotty little goblin!  Thinking about it now I guess this goblin is, well, different.... kind of special.

I thought about slitting his throat but when the stinky little creature moaned so pityfully I decided to let the beast live and now he is like a pet.  Except for when he weeed on me to mark me as part of his territory he is not bad to have around.  Oh did I mention he can shape change?  I was amazed at how he changed into a large cat and hunted the kobolds in the snow like he was playing cat and mouse!  I think Frakk is more useful to have around than not.  

While I was getting to know the goblin another adventure came along us.  He kinda reminded me of Edron.  He introduced himself as Cardin.  Now this is a useful one to have around!  He calls storms!  Wow.  I love the way the lightening looks right before it disintegrates the creatures we are fighting!  Plus he has this way of stunning the enemy.  So I was able to practice using the shadows to get close and then - wham- stick em once they have been stunned.  

I feel like I am dancing rather than fighting.  In and out of the shadows with my rapier twirling around me.  Its like there is this music that only I can hear and my body moves without me even having to think.


Re: Tara's travels
« Reply #5 on: January 09, 2010, 06:20:52 pm »
Light, dark, light, dark, light, dark, light, dark, light, dark, blurring lines, less distinction, shadow, hidden.

Tara stared at the back of her hand as it moved in and out of the sahde of a large overhanding tree she was sitting under. The bright sunlight made a line in the grass bordering the tree and Tara idly ran her hand back and forth in and out of the slowly crawling shade. Do it enough times she realised and your mind numbed and your perception altered and it was as if she had no hand in the shade. This must be what its like for those viewing someone using the shadows to their advantage. They see someone who fades from sight using the shadows and darkness available to them, look away or get distracted for the moment and its as if they were never there. It's almost like magic, maybe it is magic? or maybe it's just messing with peoples minds. Tara wasnt sure which one it might be just yet. She was getting a much better understanding of how it works, how you blend, how you mask yourself.

Idly she went back to moving her hand back and forth, back and forth, studying the change, willing her mind to look away and for her hand to disappear. Wait till she showed Kye this little trick!


Re: Tara's travels
« Reply #6 on: January 10, 2010, 06:24:53 pm »
My parents are going to kill me! Kye is going to kill me! I have no idea where I am at the moment, just that we are in a whole lot of trouble. We've got demons running around trying to kill us and celestials trying to kill them without killing us at the same time, its all messed up, way messed up. Whats worse is that no matter if I hide in the shadows here everyone can see me..for some reason I feel violated in some unusual way. The shadows are mean't to be my sanctuary, my safety net and here they are totally exposed to their blazing fiery eyes.

I'm not sure whats going to happen, what we are going to do, I feel like we are stuck in the middle of something greater thats going on around us, we are just trying to survive at this point in time. The Celestials have put us in some sort of prison I guess, its dark in here which suits me but the suspense and wondering at what they are going to do to us is almost too much to bear. I almost wish I could fade so far into the darkness that no one could see me at all, how good would that be. But those eyes...they see everything, everything, its not fair.


Re: Tara's travels
« Reply #7 on: January 25, 2010, 06:39:30 pm »
I figure while we are sitting here doing nothing waiting for the Celestials to arrive I might as well write. I was thinking about how shadows actually work. I know shadows need light to actually exist. So basically there cannot be light without shadow or shadow without light. My brother Kye would think I am being all intellectual now. But its true. There has to be a light source for there to be a shadow because the shadow forms from an obstruction of light. So that means as long as there is light there will be somewhere I can hide. Unless of course they have magical eyes that see everything which as I said is just not fair! Of course even in darkness there is light, unless its magical darkness and then its just dark...which suits me fine. I can deal with that no problems at all. Its getting to the point now that when I use the shadows no one in the group can see me at all which can be great fun at times. The only one with eyes good enough to see my now and then is Tergi. He's pretty cute and fun so I dont mind. We've almost turned it into a game now as he is pretty good at using the shadows too. I wish these celestials would hurry up.


Re: Tara's travels
« Reply #8 on: February 06, 2010, 06:38:38 pm »
"an entry out of sequence to the previous ones"

To date I've found no one else who feels that the shadows are a part of them, that there is safety in their embrace and its just somewhere to be me. The closest I've come is the odd bounty hunter called Leisa. If you blinked you'd almost forget about her so often she just blends into backgrounds or merges with shadows. Even when she's there its almost like she isnt. She just fades from view. I think thats how she likes it too. But in saying that I dont think she actually likes anything in the sense that we like. She is very odd, she says emotions are weakness and stuff like that. I dont get a lot of what she says. But, she is ready to give advice, honest truthful advice, the sort of advice that pulls no punches and can hit you like a block of iron to the guts. But one things for certain, you listen and you change what your doing. For some I think its just so that they wont cop her comments. I've been on a few 'training missions' with her testing my skills and merging in and out of shadows as required, thats what she calls them anyway. Leon and I went on the last one and had a lot of fun btu I dont think she appreciated our sense of fun, actually in saying that I don't think she really cared either way. She told Leon to keep talking so she could train her mind to ignore him. It was pretty funny at the time and we thought she was joking but I think we all realise now she wasnt, it's just the way she is. I couldn't imagine going through life thinking like that. At least she is helping me with my silent movement and shadow work.


Re: Tara's travels
« Reply #9 on: March 01, 2010, 06:34:28 am »
I can't believe what I've got myself into! Kye wont believe it either! He thinks I'm just off having fun somewhere. I've been all over the bloomin place! Now I find I'm in the middle of some bloomin demon verses celestial war or something!

Now we got to get to Nel and stop the demons from getting some portal and stop them from getting access to other worlds all at the same time we are trying to stop them taking over our world!

Im still a virgin for goodness sake! Now I'm being dragged into some war! How does that work! Best thing I can hope for is to hide for most of it and hope it passes by.  I'm getting really good at that now hardly anyone in our group can see me anymore and I'm pretty chuffed about that.

I just got to hope the shadows don't fail me when we go up against these demons! Tell you what...I'll be using everything I've learn't so far when that happens I can tell you!


Re: Tara's travels
« Reply #10 on: March 27, 2010, 06:49:16 am »
I am so nervous right now I cant tell you. I found a nice little dark nook in the ruins the people of Nel have shown us where the portal is. Everyones running around making preparations so Im hiding. I feel so much better being hidden away from everything going on. The shadows are my haven.

I am starting to feel now that I have almost mastered the art of using the shadows to my advantage, they are almost like a physical thing that I can pull around myself and manipulate to suit my intentions. I guess thats not really the way to describe it but thats how it feels, to me anyway. It actually cheers me up to see people moving back and forth around me and just not seeing me. Comforting really, my safe little haven, away from prying eyes and the like.

A shame the demons can see right into the shadows, there is no safety in them then, even when I duck away and seek to hide they see right through them as if they are not there. I guess thats why people say a demon looks right into your soul and tries to steal it, there is no hiding from them. I just hope Edron and the others can get the thingy that powers the portal and get it far away from those demons until the Avarial can come and clean them up. Time will tell now, the hour is approaching when we get to go in and do whats got to be done. At least at the moment, safe in my corner wrapped safely in my shadows I feel a bit more at ease.