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Author Topic: Rissa's Writings  (Read 551 times)


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Rissa's Writings
« on: August 08, 2006, 12:24:21 pm »
[SIZE=13] Larissa sits down by the pond in Hlint munching on pie and reviewing notes from her first Elven lesson with Tyeaan. She had always wanted to learn what the elves were always yammering on and on about. Now was her chance, so she took it with happiness. [/SIZE]
  [SIZE=13] "Elwaa," no no, "elliwawwa," oh gods no. She attempts to pronounce words over and over, but they never seem to come out exactly right. "Elwaaw! Indeed. Ve-fa. Err.. Veeeeeewfaaaa. Veewfaa! Iraacce. Ir-a-cce. Iracce. Wow, where's an elf when you need one? OH! The woods are crawling with them!" She picks up her things and writes a few quick notes in a navy leather bound book.[/SIZE]
  [SIZE=13]Elwaaw-indeed. Veewfaa-Goodbye. Iracce-Hello. I hope those are the correct spellings, I should ask Tyeaan. [/SIZE]


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RE: The red headed halflings Doings and Writings
« Reply #1 on: August 14, 2006, 02:32:59 pm »
Larissa looked up at Tyeaan walking down the road in Hlint, smiled, and did her routine Elven greetings, with some Eleven she had picked up along the way added. She scribbled down the spellings of each word, as Tyeaan spelled them out for her, carefully noting the resembances in words and syllables.
 "Iraail! E’s (ils) Cilmelalail. Iream ilma (Iream’ma) aey? Oela, tyailnyira, veew, amacc.
  Cynyelwil anira Amailela. Anemilleanala ilma filmsa eo nyeymlaa lae ilma selaan.
  Tyilcil- tytyililcilcilwella. Tycilwella. Ira! Amirilan’la il veew anmety ameanireyan il Irilcocelv?
  Lela eo nyeymlaa!
Ils, ela, ilma, amilla, amama, Amire, amirilan, amirama, amiral, amira,Which is, Heya! I’m (am) Larissa. How are (How’re) you? Fine, peachy, well, good. Lucinda, the Weave.
Toranites are barmy, of course so are most. Paladins.. Hey! What’s a good trip without a Halfling?
None of course!"
   Larissa stummbled over the Elven words slowly,
 but still managed to pronounce them.  She picked up her quill and turned to the Diary part of her journal.
  Man have the past few weeks been hard on the brain! This Elven thing is hard work, but I really like learning it.
  Oh and I've been counting the halflings I've seen! I'm at five, and a goblin.
  But the ones who really stick out in m mind are a pair named Tribs and Acacea/Windy. I met them down in Haven
  And wow can they rip thru those ogres like.. liiiike.. like a fireball thru a wood elf! They seemed to be up beat,
  funny and loved pie.OH! I've had a bunch of pie recently. My favorite is blackberry.. Mmmhmm!
  Larissa looked up at Tyeaan, as he tapped his foot. She giggled and slipped her writing gear into her pack.


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RE: The red headed halflings Doings and Writings
« Reply #2 on: August 23, 2006, 06:15:45 pm »
Larissa smiled as she held her new kukri, though not properly. She bought one, just to look at, and maybe learn how to actually use one. Maybe even learn about the shadows. It was another quiet day, something she was beginning to like. A time when rogues were out doing their bidding and digging dirt while everyone else was sitting in Hlint, just not talking. Larissa could always change that by running up to someone and saying something like, "Helooo! I'm Rissa!!" and not refusing to quiet talking, or being halflingy for that matter. She could always go ask around for blackberry pie, maybe some ale to go with it too. But yet, she chose to stay and play with her kukri and listen in on what conversations there were that quiet day. Maybe practice her Elven, which was actually coming almong nicely. Once she could see a word on a page, she could pronounce it pretty easily.
  I can almost read a children's Elven book now! I might copy a page or two out of one later. And I really hope I can figure out this kukri; I've always wanted to learn how to use one like my uncle did, but I was always taking care of the children or washing the dishes. Maybe now I can finally figure it out!Oh,rogues are fun people, sneaky and always have dirt on people!


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The ramblings of a halfling
« Reply #3 on: November 29, 2006, 05:56:31 pm »
I got to spend today with my cousins in Spellgard. They wondered what it was like being a "dragon called hero." It's like being all grown up and helping out where you can... and occasionally getting arrested by dwarves because of your chaotic nature, I told them. I went on to tell them about the Soul Mother and Hlint.. Hawky and all the halflings I had met. They want so much to grow up and be like me instead of their mother, who wasn't as pleased to see her niece back, like I would seriously stay with HER again. I do wonder about the welfare of her children, all five of them. Since I've been away, whose been there babysitting them? I know I didn't have a childhood and I should be concerned with the "big" picture right now, but they need attending to and raised right or they'll turn out exactly like me! And we do NOT need anymore Rissa's in this world.
  A few weeks ago, Gilli, Uilliam and I were sitting by a fire in Hlint while it poured down the snow. Uilliam explained his idea for a halfling civilization, a place we halflings could call our own and Gilli and I expanded on it. Later, Uilliam and I took a trip to survey the Barbarian Isles, where Uilliam had suggested building on, as it hadn't been much inhabited yet. It was SOOO cold, but it had a natural beuaty most halflings could appreciate I think. Now it's all in place. A meeting time hasn't been set yet but I'll be there if my life depends on it. I love the idea of a real home.
  I found an elf that I hang with a lot too. His name's Hawk, he's a priest of Shadon, but a good guy. I just wish he wouldn't comment on my arse, though. It creeeeps the Baator outta me. I think he should tell his own elfie kind that sort of thing.. not a halfling, especially not me. Either way he's nice but totally 'crushes skullz' too much. I guess it's his way of "fun."
  The days grow colder and life gets harder, but yet, we find hope and love in hidden, yet obvious, places.  


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Boo and the Baroness
« Reply #4 on: December 03, 2006, 05:53:59 pm »
I showed up for this meeting in Wolfswood with Rhynn, Karn and Hawk. Our group, lots more showed up, decided to go to Imjam castle and consult the Baroness about the painting. I was all jumpy the entire way, the Kingdom of Erylin has seen better times; the crops were tilled but not growing, you could see the horses ribs from the road we travelled on for about half a day. Once we got there and got in the castle, we didn't get much out of her for Hawk causing trouble and Boo showing up. (Notes: Boo is a half giant shadow dancer with a big sword, and he's after a horse for some reason.) The Baroness asked us to aid her and her kingdom and we accepted. Around that time Vin and Hawk left the castle and started travelling. All in all, we didn't find out much about the painting... before we were escorted out as well. We had to find them, so we started heading for Bone Hill, all we had to do is chat to Milara... then thank the gods Vin showed up and told us he found some Vine members near there. When we got there and saw them, we discussed some tactics and plans, but Maev charged ahead and forced the rest of us to follow her. We ended up running like a demon was at our tales, but they ended up capturing Maev and are now holding her prisoner until we give them twenty thousand trues. Now we must figure out a way to get her back, and find out why the Vine members were camping outside of Bone Hill. Sooo many un-answered questions.  
  In other news, I'm getting stronger and more powerful. My spells are getting more effective and I can sense the Weave a good bit better. I think I might start singing and doing bardish things again, I've found happiness and inspiration in someone, just gotta take it one thing at a time though, I'm not in a rush. As I always say, great art isn't rushed, neither are great battles... even in the heart.


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Rampage of Halflings
« Reply #5 on: December 09, 2006, 10:43:57 am »
We fiery halflings finally all got together and sorted things out about having a home for everyone. As we know it now, we should be able to live along side the Sandcallers, a settlement of halflings that is basically in ruins right now in the Blood Desert. Tribs explained we wouldn't be driving them out, but living beside them. But, of course, we would need to rebuild a bit and find the water hidden under the mounds of sand. The Pruni's can help migrate the scorpions along and get some trees growing. Where the Sandcallers reside, is a major trade route, so we can get funds from that, but it will need to be re-built first. I really want to do because when the clouds clear out, the sunset will be amazing.
  It's a personal choice to do this, as it will take many hours of hard labor and team work to do it. I've thought it over here on Corax Lake, and I think it's a fantasmic idea. The warm sands of the desert I so often skirted while growing up being rebuilt again. We would be so near Spellgard as well. I just hope the others like it as much as I do.
  I've been trying to stay around more often, instead of vagabonding around from town to town. It's not as easy as it looks, settling down. But I think I'll manage. Seeing familiar faces does warm the heart in these dark times, specially Gilli's. Speaking of warmth, it was snowing in Hlint when I left. I might have had a bit too much ale, but thats why I came here to clear my head. It's JULAR. Snowing in Jular is like rain in the desert. But... even that I've seen once.


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Vagabond halfling
« Reply #6 on: January 18, 2007, 05:07:59 pm »
My recent travels are leading me all around Layonara. Vagabonding again. I need time to think. Err, when do I not need time to think? There's so much to mull over and scratch your head about these days. But, as if it's destiny, I'm finding my way back home. Home. I have a home. I'll never get tried of saying it. I miss my grape. I miss those long days of running all over Dregar from the tops of the mountains to the sandy depths of the desert. Maybe I'm ready to settle down. *Rissa looks up and cringes* Nah, not nearly!  
   "Oh the antagonizing pull of hope is ever tugging on my heart." I heard that one in an inn in Lorindar not long ago. I still can't figure out exactly what it means. Hope is bad? Or does hoping too much make you less believing there is some still left? Confuzzling.
  The history of the Barony is unfolding itself before our eyes. This proves that the easiest way to find out information is to ask. So we asked around, and finally all our hard work paid off. We hit the jackpot, too. It leads us to Wolfswood. I'm not sure if I can make it there in time to meet though. Loverly.
  I need to get going. Traveling at night is always the easiest, without having to look into a gray sky.


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Wandering the lands...
« Reply #7 on: February 25, 2007, 01:12:23 am »
*Larissa sits in a chair way too big for her after taking a dusty navy blue book from her bookshelf*
   It's so good to be home! Even if the warm welcoming feeling won't last long... I have to get back on the road and keep looking.. Mithral... oh what I would do for mithral. I can't wait until I find some. It would be so nice to give back to Hawky for all the things he's done for me. But then again I miss being home. Being part of something bigger is definitely one of my top priorities. Plus I'm getting up there in years, nearing twenty-eight.
  Then again, being on the road is okay I guess. A lot of time to think. A lot of time to dream. Which comes to my next question.. what do I want from life? Most of the women in my family get married off before they turn twenty-five. And well, it's not like my family hasn't always disowned me for one reason or another. Still.. do I want to settle down and go into story telling? Or adventuring my heart out? I know I will be staying around Hlint more often real soon though. You can only search the depths of so many caves...

Re: Rissa's Writings
« Reply #8 on: December 22, 2008, 09:34:46 pm »
*Larissa puffs a pipe watching her youngest cousin leave home to go see the world. She smiles to herself, finishes what's in her pipe, and puts it in her belt. She walks into the study of her little abode in Spellgard, and takes out elaborate maps and spreads them out of the floor. She twists a blue ball in between her fingers as she pours over the maps. "Time for a little adventure, for old times sake," she thinks to herself.*

Re: Rissa's Writings
« Reply #9 on: December 26, 2008, 11:41:12 am »
*Larissa sits against 249 Half Lake with a small blue and purple book reading through it and smiling every once and a while. She flips to a clean page and begins to write*

Dear Hawky,
This letter should have been sent a long time ago, before it was too late. I know I left home on such short notice, but the least you could do is keep the same locks so I wouldn't have ta stay out in this bloody rain after you got yourself so far into trouble there was no comin' back. I'm plenty trustworthy and you know it. ... And I often wonder what in the 'ells you've done with my stuff..

AND what in the name of the Trickster were you thinkin?! Messin' around with that Kinai gal and.. havin' a bloody baby! You and I both know you would never be a fitting father.

Oi. *she draws a mad looking face here* You had a perfectly good life, an' you had to go and mess it all up. I guess you forgot what was important. Havin' a good time no matter what and never lettin' serious things get to ya. That's the Hawky I knew and grew to love as my best friend. At any rate, ya left a good size chunk of me gone when I came back and found your wife and that little baby thing. I sure do miss the good times we had, but it's not like it'd ever be the same if I came back in time anyway. I will nay be gettin' close to any more elves in my lifetime.

On another hand, you'd be quite proud of me. My magical power increases more ev'ryday. Now I can do this one thing that makes everyone around me all hasty and what not. And my fireballs make quite the boom. Lucinda has blessed me as she always has, and I am still mighty proud to be a follower. My singin' is getting better as well. Oh, and I can wear that ring you gave me years back. The diamond one, though it doesn't feel quite right wearing it now that I can't repay you for gettin' it for me with my magic on our 'ventures.

I'm stoppin' here. I know you'll never get this, but it feels good to write it out.

                                                     Lots of love,

                                                         Rissy, your fiery halfler

*She takes out a nail and hammer and hammers her letter to the back of 249*


Re: Rissa's Writings
« Reply #10 on: October 21, 2009, 08:42:42 pm »
*Larissa slumps down on a bench in the temple of Lucinda, taking out a very worn little blue book, and immediately fireball's it to smithereens. She then takes out a new black book, and flips to the first page.*

Dear book,

I feel old, like the fiery part of me has long since passed. At seventy-three, I just want to mind my own business and make myself useful. Not that it's very possible when you've got these ruddy Toranites running around all ungrateful-like, refusing your magic.
I miss the old days very much. Before I left Hawk's house to go care for my family. Those were the real fun days. I found a true companion in a Shadonite, and I was not ashamed. Sure, he took things to an extreme, but he was a real friend. Or so I thought.
Then he bloody well locked me out of house and home. I wish I knew where all my stuff was. I had some nice things. Now I'm killing goblins for some pocket change to get myself by, and sleeping in inns.
You know, it wouldn't even be so bad, but then he went and got hitched and knocked the girl up. And now, even she has left the adventuring world. What am I to do, without a true friend left to count on? I have no family these days. I have only my faith, but I'm proud to call myself a Lucindite.
I would like to think this is just a depression, as I haven't felt this way but for just a few months. I'm praying to Lucinda to help me find my way. I just want things to just settle back into place. Maybe I just need some pie and ale.


Re: Rissa's Writings
« Reply #11 on: October 27, 2009, 08:50:36 pm »
*Rissa sits at the edge of the dock at Katherian looking out passed the horizon while the sun goes down. She eats a piece of cherry pie and drags out her new black book, all the while getting cherry smudge all over it.*

Dear book thing,

I guess you can sort of say that Lucinda has answered my prayers. In small ways, anyway. I've began to start crafting a bit again. A gem or two here or there, but I like cooking the most. I can't make a whole lot of stuff yet. I still burn things, but I'm working on it. Either way, it keeps me occupied.

I ran into a nice friend of mine a couple weeks ago. His name's Tod, and he's a fellow halfler. Yeah, a halfling friend instead of a dumb elf *a smile creeps across her cherry-smudged face.* We sat on one of the benches in Hempstead and talked for a while. It was nice to just sit down and talk for once, not being in a hurry to get anywhere or do anything. He's pretty charming I would have to say.

I got to take a little adventure the other day too. A bunch of us adventuring folks met up at Fort Miritrix.We decided to go through the forest knocking around the giants. I even saw a biggggg huge dire bear! What a rush that was.

*Rissa wipes her face and her book off, and puts it back in her bag, but not before cutting herself a slice of pecan for the road.*


Re: Rissa's Writings
« Reply #12 on: November 01, 2009, 09:16:29 pm »
*Rissa sits down at Rondora Lake, takes off her sandals, and puts her feet in the water.*

I feel like I have so much to say, but not enough words to say it. I've had a very, very busy past couple of weeks! Not that I'm complaining, it was really fun. I've done a whole lot of cooking in between adventuring around. And now.. *she glances to a bag overflowing with raw gems* .. I'll be chipping away at gems for a few days. *She smiles to herself and swishes her feet at the fish.*

A couple weeks ago, I ended up at Stormcrest with a good lot of other people. And after a scuffle between the tall folk, this wizard apprentice came over and sat down, looking rightly bothered. After much deliberation, we figured out that his wizard had been wrongly jailed, and the woman responsible for a spell gone wrong was still at large. Anywho, after a good three day walk to this wizard's tower, I ended up leading all the tall folk into the fight for justice. No, there were no Toranites around to moan the whole way. The tower ended up being full of undead and traps and other strange things. We eventually ran into the nasty woman who refused to come with us, and unfortunately, we had to dispose of her. But the weirdest thing happened after we killed her. .. She decomposed into a shrunken head! Talk about different.

And I guess.. the other most exciting thing has happened within the last few days. At least, I would consider it exciting. I ran into Tod again. No, no that's not the most exciting thing. The most exciting thing was that we ended up heading over to Dregar to get rid of some giants. At first, I was slightly skeptical of whether just us two halflings could safely take care of the giant infestation, but to my awe, we plowed right through them. We went through the Forest of Fog, and down into the cave, got a whole bunch of phenalope and some opals. After that, we headed to the desert. It was the first time I'd been back since Hawky and I adventured through there. It was a little sad at first, but then I remembered I was there with Tod now, and I cheered up. We got him some silver, and me some topaz and alexandrite. Now I have a ton of gems to work with. I'm sure once I get back to Hempstead, I'll be busy for days. But uhm.. *she pauses and looks out over the water* .. we ended up at Hurm. And the funniest thing happened. When we were saying good bye, I got this urge to kiss him. And so I kissed his cheek, and he turned about as red as my hair, and waved and disappeared. But I'm no Illsarian, so I don't know what that means. And I hope I didn't scare him, or anything cause. I really do like him, as a person and a friend and..

*She feels a fish nibble at her toes and jumps. She laughs to herself, puts up her book and quill, and lies down to look at the clouds.*


Re: Rissa's Writings
« Reply #13 on: November 07, 2009, 05:42:40 pm »
*Rissa sits in the sand at the ledge of the sea in Audira watching the sun go down*

Now I feel as though I have nothing to say, but like I need to say something.

Lucinda's greatness has blessed me. My power's growing, and my spells are becoming more effective. I could maybe attribute that to my spending more time in Spellgard. I miss the days where I could just play around in the temple, shooting spells at the walls for giggles. The days when I was really young and happy, before I awoke at the dragon.

Not at lot's really happened. I've been traveling around with Miss Val a lot. She's not the nicest lady, but she can be kinda amusing sometimes. Ran into Miss Nyya, who was a very dear friend of mine long ago. She was with Tod (go figure) and then a whole bunch more people showed up. After everyone else split, I apologized to Tod about what happened in Hurm. I'm not too sure what to make of how that went.

Now I'm just here, thinking about things. I might head back to Hempstead for a while.. and see what's going on. Or rather, what isn't.


Re: Rissa's Writings
« Reply #14 on: November 19, 2009, 06:40:47 pm »
*Leaning against a tree in Dalanthar, Larissa writes in her book and watches the sun go down.*

It's been a good long while since I've had the time to write anything. First things come first, so I'll start with the tsunamis. They hit a couple months ago in Karst, Krandor, and Port Hempstead. As soon as I heard, I headed.. well, rowed myself in a make-shift canoe at a certain point... the Tower in Hempstead where the injured and displaced have been staying.

Devastation is not even the word to describe what I've seen. Bodies were piled up in Allurial's square and burned for days. The foul smell still sticks in the air. Everyone's houses were smashed to bits. There were, and still are, robbers trying to break into the houses and salvage things. I've made myself useful in the Tower. I read to the children most days, and play games with them on weekends. They're truly sweet, and I feel such a pain in my heart for all of them. Many of them have lost their parents, or whole families. Others have bodily injuries that may hinder their growth and development as they get older. If I had a house of my own, I'd have to take a few in. Also, I direct the cooking on the fourth and fifth floors. We mainly have forms of soup. But sometimes I'll run to Hlint for a few days and cook up some bread and roasts to bring in as a treat.

Secondly, I've learned a fair bit about what's been going on for Layonara as a whole. Something about.. a bunch of dragons, a dragon poison, the Cult, and a path? I'm not sure how it all fits together, but I'm sure the way of adventuring will grow on me again with time. All the adventuring is making my magic grow stronger by the day. I just spent a while with Miss Sil and Mister Gorm killing off Trollocs and bandits in Thunder Valley. The catch is that magic doesn't work in there, which makes me real uncomfortable. Spellweaving is like a comfortable blanket I can always call on if I need it. Without the ability, I feel empty as an adventurer and a person.

*She closes her book, looks up at the sliver of sun left, and doses off to sleep as night falls*


Re: Rissa's Writings
« Reply #15 on: December 06, 2009, 12:10:03 am »
*She sits down at a desk in Spellgard, watching the sun go down and drinking some blueberry juice.*
It's been a while since I've written anything. Things are hectic in Hempstead with rebuilding efforts, though we have managed to hold off the second wave. We need diamonds, wood, food, metal.. everything. It's truely a mess. I've even taken up sewing to make blankets, boots, and warm clothes for those displaced and homeless. I wish so much for things to be back to normal again.

I got to go to the end of the Rift a couple weeks ago. I saw things I have only read about - golems, gargoyles... lots of icky nasty creatures. I did get to keep a diamond, which I tried to cut up for Hempstead, but I'm not quite talented enough with gems yet. I did keep the dust even though I don't know what it's used for. Note to self: Check alchemy cards.

Miss Zira held a charity event at Miss Ty's Inn for the orphans just recently. There was a pie making contest, a poetry contest (both of which Miss Jen won), and Miss Ty opened up the bar and backroom. After a while of feeling sort of awkward, I went back to the bar and sat with Miss Ty and Mister Ben. Ben got drunk off his arse and somehow insulted this pretty elven lady. They ended up getting in a fight... bad example for the children if you ask me. After the elven lady left, we sat and drank and talked about things like marriage and all that. Ben told me about why Tod probably is.. well.. how he is. And I understand now, even though I've long given up any effort to be more than a friend to him. Come to think about it, we've barely spoken in months. Mister Ben says I just need to find someone who can handle me. I had that in Hawky, but he was an elf annnnd I don't know where he is annnnnd he has a child and a wife. I know there's plenty more halflers in the Prunillan garden, though it's probably just the recognition of my old age that makes me nervous about it.

*She sets down her quill, leans back in her chair and falls asleep as night falls.*


Re: Rissa's Writings
« Reply #16 on: February 10, 2010, 01:59:58 pm »
Rissa settles down at Corax Lake in the cool evening air. She casts her fishing pole into the water, then props it up against a rock.

I've been mostly traveling lately, riding around on my pony seeing the world and such. I think they call this period in a halfling's life "mid-life crisis," but I'm really just trying to figure out what I want. Is the adventuring life really for me? In the end, you either retire completely or the Soul Mother gets you. I'm not sure I  want that to be the story I leave behind. I've been enjoying the more simple things in life... fishing, baking, sewing. Then again, I have this budding magical power. If Lucinda didn't want me to use it to protect and preserve the Al'Noth, then what else would she want me to do with it? Why would it keep growing? I know if I don't use it, then a sneeze may turn into a fireball.

I do enjoy adventuring. The only recent things I've done is travel under Huangjin. What a mistake... I was literally hellball'd to death along with probably 5 others. Death slaads (un-crunchy salads) are some mighty creatures.

Oh, and I went to Lan's Port with a bunch of others to the Shindalerian temple. I heard this long spill about some dragon poison needing a cure, and talking to mer to get the last reagent for it. However, the mer don't like land folk very much.

The pole begins tugging, and she drops her book back in her pouch.


Re: Rissa's Writings
« Reply #17 on: April 02, 2010, 09:15:11 pm »
The small, red-haired halfling arrives in Spellgard, dismounts her white pony, and walks into the Lucindite temple. She unpacks her bag, and slips into an empty cot.

Over the next few days, she is seen milling around the city quietly.

