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Author Topic: Jereth's Pocket Book  (Read 483 times)


Jereth's Pocket Book
« on: April 12, 2010, 01:16:59 pm »
*Jereth sits in his rented room in the Wild Surge Inn. Wine stains paces of this page from his visit of the bar.*

[SIZE=13][SIZE=16] Satari, Jenra 14, 1464

         Father wrote in his journal during his travels, he said many adventurers did so I decided that I would obtain one as well. Although I feel a little lost on what im supposed to scribe here. *Jereth pauses for a moment before refilling his quill, after some few moments an idea pops in his head* "Ah hah!" *he begins writing more.*

         ever since I snuck out that night I thought this adventuring thing was going to be difficult getting coin and such, but to my surprise I have already had much aid in my quests, and now have a pretty ample amount of gold, I think I'm starting to like this adventuring ordeal.

        I wonder what father would say, following in his shadow.

*Jereth finishes writing his entry. and looks over it momentarily and smiles with satisfaction*


Re: Jereth's Pocket Book
« Reply #1 on: May 02, 2010, 12:55:19 am »
*Jereth sits on his bead, book with quill in hand. His writing appears to be a little scribbley as if he was shaking while writing this entry*

Threas, Novlar 26, 1464

The Hooded Figure in the Redlight cave still haunts my conscious, I cannot eat nor can I even blink an eye of sleep. Its voice is still in the back of my head. and I cant help but think over and over, Why it wanted me.

Could it of been related to the Lansing Family?


Re: Jereth's Pocket Book
« Reply #2 on: June 03, 2010, 06:14:54 pm »
*The page is littered with sticky apple stains and mushy pie crumbs*

Mai 13, 1466

       Recently, I have joined the tower mages guild in Port Hempstead, I am quite eager to begin my lessons in their teachings. I also raided the pantry...Best pie Ive had in a long time. This will only last for the moment, I will enjoy this day to its fullest.

then I sha-l ta-e m-
*The rest of the sentence is scribbled out completely*


Re: Jereth's Pocket Book
« Reply #3 on: July 04, 2010, 02:37:53 am »

         [INDENT][/INDENT][INDENT]Jereth sits in a small study somewhere in the labyrinth of book shelves in the tower academy
Library. Crumbled papers filled with notes ans ripped paper surround the little halfling in his study.
He stares blankly at the book, attempting to take a short mental nap. nearly feeling overloaded with
all the knowledge he is nearly stuffing inside his brain..."maybe its a spell that's making me feel like so..
now now, no time for excuses." I still have much work to do on this chapter." then he says in frustration
"Oh fiddlesticks this is only a *chapter* this isn't even the entire book?!" The Librarian nearly appears
out of air close to right next to him and with an extremely agitated face puts one finger to her lips then
immediately walks quickly to some destination as if she had something very important to do. Jereth now feels
nervous and frustrated and begins to chew on his quill pin and looks about his area. He notices another student,
a young and beautiful elf woman. Jereth decides he shouldn't be a hermit forever, while walking by, Jereth gives
her a friendly smile, but she instead wrinkles her nose and keeps on walking. Jereth frowns with his head down
for a moment then pops up, "Oh dear!" he says and he searches for a mirror in his traveling bag, he finds his
small mirror shard and smiles realizing that he has black ink all over his teeth "Popycocks!" he says in frustration
as he looks for something to remove it before it permanently stains his teeth. he immediately grabs his small cup of wine
and attempts to swoosh it but accidentally sneezes making him spit wine all over his book page. he panics and grabs
another crumbled sheet of paper from his study and attempts to wipe off the wine. instead ending up smudging the ink and
the wine all over the paper. Jereth freezes, "well at least Ive already read both sides" looking about for anyone nearby
he grabs a corner and begins to slowly rip the page out, there is still alot of ink and with ink sloshing around on the page
he attempts to do it as quietly as possible the firs.....The Libation pops out for ma shelf to look at Jereth, Jereth immediately
panics and closes the book with a slam then realizing what hes done to those two pages he pulls his hair in frustration and goes
to take a nap for the day. the next day he returned to his book borrowed to him by his instructor Chakar, he slowly opens to
see his damage. two of he pages are stuck together. Jereth decides to ignore it and go on with his study's. many many
more countless days of studying, sometimes not sleeping very long at all. after his many days of studying the first volume
Jereth begins to feel like he understands what hes reading somewhat.


Re: Jereth's Pocket Book
« Reply #4 on: October 01, 2010, 02:42:48 pm »
Jereth, after a few days of rest (and some scrubbing of the ink) returns
to his studys of his book entitled to him by his instructor. Although he hasn't
slept relatively well for the passing days, Jereth still feels greatly under
pressure, causing him to feel a little ill and greatly fatigued.The sky is dark
and the air is cold. The halfling shivers as he endures the cold.  His eyes are
heavy as he gazes into the book of magic, the basics Al'Noth, that was indeed
entrusted to Jereth by his honored instructor for extensive research and study.
Jereth indefinitely takes his education in the matter magic very seriously and
in his determination he will succeed through the long night. [INDENT] Jereth in
deep in his studies,
his eyes are getting to him again when, suddenly, he is rudely interrupted by a
scurrying little rat. The creature has caused him no apparent harm so Jereth
proceeds to solve the problem ever so cautiously not to injure the rat. He slowly
moves toward the rude creature. He gets a hold of a near by broom accidentally left
on one of the tables near the rat. He keeps loose and agile. Jereth knows how fast
these creatures can move when they are startled. Jereth whispers, "Be still little
pest," as he raises the broom just a little higher, but not too much. The idea is to
capture the rat and release it outside. He brings the broom down quickly, SUCCESS!
The creature has been captured and all is well as he travels down stairs to the
first floor and releases the rat out side, no longer distracting him. [INDENT]
After his little adventure, Jereth returns to his studies. The hour is extremely
late, the moon is a crescent, and the stars are not very visible from the window
across from him. Jereth looks out into the sky and sees that there is an abundance
of clouds outside covering the stars and, soon, the moon. It almost looks to be a
storm. Jereth realizes he still has studding to do and returns to his book. But,
after a few minutes, the the wind picks up and rushes in through the open window
blowing his papers and the pages in his book. Jereth rushes to the disturbance and
uses his entire body weight to close the doors and lock it for the wind was very
fierce. The rain started to pound on the tower, Jereth could hear and see the heavy
 rain drops hit the wooden doors that he had just locked. Now Jereth was left,
cleaning up and putting together the mess left by the fierce wind.
"No more...distractions," Jereth uttered in a weak and fatigued tone,
"I must...continue." Now the halfling's eye lids were weights over his eyes,
unbearable. He was tired, in desperate need of rest, but he needed to keep studding.
 A drop of saliva came from his hanging mouth and dripped onto the table. "Maybe after
 a little rest I'll feel better," he tells himself. As he sleeps, Jereth's mind wanders.
Jereth finds himself on the ground. His vision is quite fuzzy. After a little stumbling
around, he finds himself on the floors of the Great Library. He is bewildered when he
realizes he is indeed the size of a rat. He spats out, "What trickory is this." He hears
a snister voice answer him, "No, no, this is no trickory." It was a gigantic rat dressed
in his own attire. It almost reminded him of the very rat that he had released outside,
earilier.The Rat slowly moves toward Jereth. He picks up a near by broom accidentally left
 on one of the tables near the rat.He keeps loose and agile. The Rat whispers,
"Be still little pest," as he raises the the broom just a little higher, but not too much.
He brings the broom down quickly onto Jereth, smashing. You could almost hear his bones
crunching. Jereth suddenly awakens to find everything is alright; there's a pool of saliva
on the desk, there are no rats to be found, and he is returned to normal. It was all but a
dream. His mind was wandering and now it was time to continue studding. Jereth felt better
the short rest, even though he had a most interesting and terrible dream. after a long while of studying
Jereth finaly finishes the second volume and begins to feel a basic grasp of what hes learning and is
ready to tackle the final and no doubt the most challenging tome.

