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Author Topic: Eredel Thelanor...Memoirs  (Read 72 times)


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Eredel Thelanor...Memoirs
« on: September 11, 2006, 04:03:02 pm »
The other day I traveled throughout the land of Dregar.  The rolling hills still have crazy people running rampant.  Stay away from them!  While heading further south I found my way into the Forest of Mist.  I was prepared for battle as giants seem to overrun certain areas of the forest and sure enough I ran into a dozen or more of them.  They were feasting on the remains of bones and such.  They caught sight of me and began slinging various objects at me and my, called upon, celestial being companion.  Using a technique I learned from Elrend Starfire not too many moons ago, I dispatched the lot of them.  Once the battle gave way and my heart ceased racing I came upon the remains of a beloved friend and mentor Elrend Starfire.  My heart sank within my chest.  Apparently, these giants slayed him in this very camp which I found myself.  The soul mother has shown him no more pity.  I took little pride in knowing that I dispatched the very giant clan that claimed his life, but it did give me some hope.  Perhaps once I reach the inn tonight I will drink a brew in memory of our lost friend.  To Elrend a brave and fearsome sorcerer!



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RE: Eredel Thelanor...Memoirs
« Reply #1 on: September 13, 2006, 12:48:07 pm »
Opened up my little shop of goods and my scribing services.  I have had some success with this.  Many satisfied customers and already repeat business.  I hope to, in the near future, complete my book of spells and create a name for myself as a reliable merchant for those seeking such knowledge.

Our long lost friend, Robert Hearth, has made is way back to Mistone after a long sabatical.  A grand reunion we had.  We have since reopened discussions of starting up a guild to advertise and sell our specialties we have been working on so diligently over the years.  As of now, Robert Hearth, Silverhand, and Cymeran Vrinn are in our circle, working together for a common cause.  We still have the task of finding a reliable 5th member to join our group so that we may have the approval of the queen to establish this venture.

