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Author Topic: Iron Oxide's Big Book  (Read 1235 times)


Iron Oxide's Big Book
« on: October 05, 2013, 12:12:29 pm » this with a dwarven accent in mind)Day one after leaving Ulgrid:Well... I made it to this little hovel called Center. I chatted with some folks at Fort Vehl when I came out of the mountains and they said Center was a good, busy place to find work. T'was pretty quiet when I got 'ere, but I did find a bit of work clearing out basements and crypts and delivering letters. 'Tisn't much, but it'll pay for a room and food. With the extra money I earned I purchased some copper weapons for a guard up in Llast and he gave me a pretty nice helmet! HA AH!A few days have gone by and I worked with a gnome women named Fern and a human fella who called himself Deverain who 'ere collecting Bodak teeth. They also took me to Krandor and we helped a girl who had lost her grandfather's ashes in the defiled crypt. Seems like the crypt is 'ere them ashes supposed to be...*grumbles* Later that day I'as hunting Goblins just west of Hlint, 'n a mysterious little halfer lass riding a pony cast some fancies on me. They made me feel pretty strong so I picked a bit of a fight with a goblin warlock. He hit me jus' as I hit him and I learned what happens when ya dies. It was none to good. I made the trek back and reflected on my loss of life and the mysterious halfer was still there. She said her name's Charm. She needed to collect greenstones so we headed into the cave together after she cast all sorts of fancy Al'noth stuff. She fights well for such a small lass wearing only cloth and we cleared out the entire cave! HAR HAR HA! I collected the leaders head and brought it back to Tagnar in Center.


I was asked by some gnomes to
« Reply #1 on: October 06, 2013, 01:15:33 am »

I was asked by some gnomes to head to the clockwork accademy with some folks I met in Center. I suppose my foster pa, Widmer Weinhard, must of put in a word about me. Not tha I'm ever gonna understand tinkering. He graduated from the accadamy himself  a'fore b'coming the tinkerer for Ulgrid Fortress and raising me up. It was an odd situation fer sure, some talking golems from some other plane or some such and some creatures the gnomes called gremlins. I volunteered to take up the rear guard at first and the fights were none to tough so I eventually gained my courage and moved to tha front line. Unfortunately something got in me head and I went running straight inta a trap that knocked me out cold. Even if I could figure out my lineage, surely they'd never accept me in Ulgrid as a Defender if I get scared from a giant bone golem and go running off inta a corner and get killed...



Well today was a bit better.
« Reply #2 on: October 06, 2013, 01:25:16 am »

Well today was a bit better. I took the head of some fish creature and delivered it to an elf outside of Fort Wayfare and I delivered all of Freya's packages. Oh, and I picked a bunch of plants for a alchemest in Center too. I also managed to get back a locket lost by a halfer bard in Hlint. Later I purchased a new iron axe, iron kite shield, and a ring and some gloves that make me stronger with Vorax's blessings.

Later as I was headed past Fort Vehl, a water elemental sprang outa tha lake and attacked the gate guard! He dispatched it pretty quick, but told me to warn Ulgrid and Center. When I got back to Center I ran into Deverain in the crafting hall and he said the candle flames came to life and attacked him too! We decided ta head up into the Brech mountains to warn my clanmates. On the way we 'ere followed by a rat looking monkey and jus' afore we went inta Ulgrid it bit Deverain on the hand. He tried to clean it out best he could, but then all of a sudden, he turned inta a monkey thing! One of the Ulgrid clerics said it was a case o' lycanthropy or some such. So lucky Dev 'ad some silver in his pack, cause we needed some scrapings and we had to go pick some belladonna to make some potion. Lucky we ran into that monkey again and we used it's blood in there too. Dev the monkey drank it down and writhed around a bit, but became himself again, so that was good. I think with all the monkey buisiness we forgot to warn Ulgrid about the elementals...



Well, I met with a roferinite
« Reply #3 on: October 12, 2013, 11:36:29 am »

Well, I met with a roferinite in Vehl along with a few dwarves and a few others about the elementals that have been plauguing Mistone as of late. I went thinking it was a meeting about the pumpkin heads that been attacking folks. I've smashed at least a dozen of em wit mine own axe in the Dapplegreen woods and Even in Center.

Afterwards a dwarf by the name of Kurn offered to give me some training with giants as we thought they might have had sompen to do wit the elementals. We headed over to Dregar and fell giants in the forest and in the desert and in the caves. I learned a lot about battle tacticts. Eventually we ventured into the Rift a bit and I died... I awoke under the bind stone in Center and after that bit o an experience I had ta call it a day.



The strangest thing happened
« Reply #4 on: October 21, 2013, 09:22:06 pm »

The strangest thing happened to meh the ot'er day. I was chipping away at a copper vein down in some sea caves just sou' o' Center, an' all o' a sudden I was standing on this stone platform in some void wit some other folks. Some ol' chap come along outa thin air and tells us we gotta play his game and puch buttons. Well I stuck with some Rofie folks and a halfer while the darker sneaky folks ran off. Firs button we pushed was just a pin prick, second hurt! But mysterisously my gold pouch got heavier with each one. Wierd thing was we could feel or sense in our heads when some other bugger pushed a button and on one of em I keeled over dead! Luckily one of them Rofies brought me back up ok and we trudged on. We pushed a third and it knocked us out almost dead. Thanks again to that Rofie, we were fine. After that we decided not ta push em no more, or at least I did. Later we found a portal and was back in Center fine.



I met a bunch a folk in
« Reply #5 on: December 07, 2014, 11:53:25 am »

I met a bunch a folk in Center last night an den a bunch a cattle went berserk and tried attacking us! Some un said it was a green cloud dat caused it. I was so angry myself! I allmost pulled out me axe and whacked on dem elves meself! //failed a few will checks.\\\\ A human named Jo helped keep me on me feet till we figgered we'd head ta Hempstead to see what all the commotion twas aboot. Ran ina some more dead cows on da road. Figured a ship called the Wavebreaker was causing all it. I was ner aboot to go aboard but the o'ers did.

Eventually some sailors ran ashore, tried to tackle one o dem, but dem sailors is frisky. Guess the half orc got one but he din know much but some word aboot a gnome and some yetis I heard. Guess the folks I's wit had enough ta go on so we headed North ta da mountains near Hlint looking for Yetis. I checked da rocks at da entrance of da cave and lots a wind been blowing by to erode the rocks. Not far in da cave a fierce wind came blowing down a corridor chasing dat halfer scout and it knocked me right over dead! Dat was the first time I died dat day. Da gnome wit us named Fern got me back ta my feet. Did a bit 'o fighting folks in robes and I guess we was fighting da wind itself some more. We rounded a corner and I was holding back a bit letting them elves and tall folk do da work cause I can a even stay standing when da wind blows! Anyway, a huge blat 'o da Al'noth happened I guess. I know it wan't da wind dis time but again I died. I guess dey whacked down dat gnome and destroyed his green gas making stuff but der was word aboot a elf dat got away... At dis rate I guess dem other dwarves back home was right. I'm ne'er gon be a defender...




I got to test me mettle in
« Reply #6 on: February 03, 2015, 02:16:10 pm »

I got to test me mettle in battle again today. I'as just sitting at the fire rummaging through me bags and a lad by da name a Callaman walked up all beat up and bruised. Turns out the Soul Mother was kind and let 'im return from dem red light gobbo caves near Hlint. He asked fer 'elp an I obliged. Said he had been working with a young lass named Lola and lo and behold she appeared at dem portal stones as we was headed North from Center. She seemed a bit shy or well... Certainly had a opinion of me from da get. I tried to allay her fears that I wasn one of dem dirty Grey Dwarves. but that I wasn't a sissy Sun Dwarf niether. It was a long slow walk North but the las was able to add some strength to the lad at any rate.

Despite her insolent words about my kind I figured I shouldn't let da lass fall in de fight so I made sure to put me shield in between her and dem gobbos as much as I could. Her fancy Al'Noth was best from back der anyway. We whacked em all pretty good and in da end I tink she maybe changed her mind aboot us dwarves a bit, but not much. Dat lad reflected good on the spot he fell too so da'twas good ta.




I met a couple of halfer
« Reply #7 on: February 06, 2015, 03:23:35 pm »

I met a couple of halfer lasses dat wanted sum 'elp knocken down giants and mining fer coal. We headed to Dregar and wandered through the forsest and the desert near Audira. My shield proved to be good enough to defend dem little lasses and one of em was pretty good wit 'er short swords ta boot. All in all we made a good team and I was surprised by dat! I learned thar can be honor in defending all types a lads and lasses aloike. 



Biggest job yet! Holy Vorax I
« Reply #8 on: March 03, 2015, 10:37:14 am »

Biggest job yet! Holy Vorax I can't believe I'm marching aloing sidea The Griff Silversand! The Bird Lord put up notice needing an escort fer some sorta parlay wit Milara. I thoight to meself, whoi not. So I showed up and what a crowd! Har! Anyway, I kept my mouf shut and traveled with da group. Lotta bickering between em but I troid to be tough loike in case Griff might take noitice a me. With his recoimendation loike I might actually be a defener some day! Didn't haveta fight much more an a few giants on the way. In the chamber doe I held a shield wall wit Sir Daniel and dat Kurn kin and some odder fella, but we fell back and jumped inta da portal roight in time afore a mob came at us. Still canna believe it all.




Ran inta some kin in Lhast,
« Reply #9 on: September 07, 2015, 11:57:37 pm »

Ran inta some kin in Lhast, Belmir, Slag and a Highland cousin I think was named Mimir or somesuch. We decided to form a solid shield wall and fight giants in the great forest and the desert near Audra. We fought brave and valiantly! It was nice to fight alongside kin and hang wit em blow fer blow and be respected. We even ended up visiting Ulgrid, but I didn mention I was from der, didn' want em ta know I was raised by a gnome. Wasn't sure what they would tink about dat...



Did a bit more runnin round
« Reply #10 on: September 15, 2015, 07:49:02 pm »

Did a bit more runnin round with some a dem kin from the otter day. Slag and Belmir. Slag is learning new tricks from Dorand dat be a true godsend in battle! Our shield wall was tough and we were victorious over dem forest giants. We traveled through the destroyed city a Vale and Belmir told us a wat he knew of it. Found a wierd globe ting that seemed to suck da Al'noth outta da air in the forest too, but I dun know nothin of such tings so we gave it wide berth.


