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Author Topic: Irylanam eo anira Myllam (Kin'ashien's Journal)  (Read 54 times)


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Irylanam eo anira Myllam (Kin'ashien's Journal)
« on: December 04, 2006, 10:28:27 pm »
My travels have brought me to the town of Hlint in central Mistone; a natural meeting point for people coming from Port Hampshire and Spellgard in the south and Leilon in the north. A nice enough town, I suppose, but a town nonetheless. I find myself more partial to the areas around the temples on Aeridin and Katia in the forests to the north and south. Fine, clear forests with plenty of game.

I have had several fairly constant travelling companions since arriving here. I’m not certain if ‘friends’ is the right word as yet: a lovely sea elf called Blue, likely not her given name, devoted of Shindaleria, a halfling ranger named Sab and a human warrior named Kaeso. Others have joined us as well, from time to time, though few of note. One I will take the time to mention, though. A thoroughly unappealing paladin of Toran whose name I did not catch.
He joined us as we were sitting near the inn in Hlint and elected himself our leader. I’m not really sure where we were going but it started off with everyone running like scared rabbits towards Krandor, after ogres I think the plan was. I was never actually told. I just sort of tagged along wondering how a paladin would run things. Not too well it turned out. From the start there was little order, but it was sometimes comical. I had to laugh when he said of looting, “Gold? I don’t need gold. I’m smiting evil!” Oh, how the trickster in me longed to cast protection from good on the next ogre we met! The grief I would likely have received from the rest of the party may have even been worth it. During our second clash with ogres, right outside the town of Krandor, one of our number fell. An elven lass. Emie was her name I think. She fell to a magical stick of some sort with the power to make the grasses and vines at our feet turn against us and hold us in place. I, myself, was caught in its trap as well and barely escaped. That’s when it started going bad. Our fearless, evil smiting leader reaction was to try to blame the poor lass’ death on another! Saying, "Who was the one that attacked those sticks? This didn't need to happen. As if he wasn't fighting ogres ten paces from them.

 I am no general to lead warriors into battle, but even I know that any good leader, taking others into danger, must take absolute responsibility for those following him or her. I cannot follow one I do not respect and I saw little worthy of respect in him and so, at that point, I left the group. On my way back north I met a human woman who was travelling with us for a short while, she left after Kaeso snarled at her when she healed him. As it turns out she is also a cleric of Kithairien. We talked for quite a while and she told me of a temple to the Runner near the Troll Mountains on Dregar. I shall have to travel there one day. After parting ways with her in Hlint, I went north to the High Forest, made a camp, and slept.

