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Author Topic: A bundle of leather and parchment...  (Read 626 times)


Re: A bundle of leather and parchment...
« Reply #20 on: January 24, 2007, 09:00:01 pm »
From Pyyran Rahth's journal and book of stories...

I love him. Simple as that. Forty years of life, and I've only barely tasted this feeling a few times before... Never drunk deep of it as I drink of his lips... I could honestly write on for hours in this poetic fashion about how wonderful he is, but I'm beginning to run out of space in this little book. I'll have to buy another one, soon.

He's a man. Well, elf. But male, aye. I'd honestly never even entertained the fancy of loving a man; hadn't really thought it was possible, mentally or... Physically. But it's surely enough possible both ways, as Karn's taught me. As much as he teaches me about the ways of Xeen, though, we seem to be teaching each other what it's like to really be in love... And I find my actions further tempered by thoughts of self-preservation. Not for me, though, but for Karn.

I'd had plans, before - assuming I lived to old age with Soul Strands intact - of heading off into the wilderness when my body began to fail me, fighting what monsters roamed until I fell. However, my bard would be devastated by this, so that plan's out. Even as far off as I'd hope that would be, and considering my plans to retire, anyhow.

The Coup de Grace seems as far away, today, as it ever has, but I'm not worried. What will happen will happen. I found an old notebook of mine, earlier today. Another half-finished book of tales that I scribbled my own notes into. The circumstances in which I found it, though...

I came upon him in the depths of the crypts, surrounded by still and silent twice-risen remains. His face was grizzled and scarred, a peaceful expression on his apparently sleeping features, but... I knew at once that he was dead. His armor, copper scale, was obviously old, but seemed in good condition; oddly, though, the left arm ended abruptly at the wrist, a withered, twisted claw-like remainder of a hand just beyond. An old wound, long since healed... Indeed, upon examination, the fellow didn't have any wounds at all. He had died calmly and painlessly of some internal trouble after dispatching all the undead he met with.

Among his effects was my old book, which I'd though lost since a fishing trip to Lake Ibnoune.

After reclaiming my book (which seemed to have served this fellow well, in finding a more gallant end than withering in some farm), I burned everything; it would be poor service to this man to let him rise as undead in days hence.

The ordeal has left me with a sense of fate... And this now-empty bottle of wine has brought back memories of Karn, and the nights we've spent together.


Re: A bundle of leather and parchment...
« Reply #21 on: January 25, 2007, 09:31:05 pm »
From Pyyran Rahth's journal and book of tales...

Karn's going to kill me; chasing after an assassin, carrying his corpse out of the gates of Prantz, half-raising him, killing him all the way, raising him proper, and then locking myself in a room with him. I'm fine, not a scratch... Just a tense moment or two, and further mysteries deepened.

I stood in the doorway, though, blocking the fellow's path when he wouldn't tell me more. We had had a deal, but he wouldn't tell me what I wanted to know... So I didn't want him leaving. But... We had a deal. So, in the end, I let him pass. I can't so much claim professional courtesy, as I'm not in the same business, but... But, but, but.

Drowning a helpless man, even a known assassin, takes a toll on you. And I pumped the air out of his lungs to kill his half-alive body after Galen half-raised him. Then pumped the water in. There was no other choice... None that were reasonable, in any case. Yet I still wish Karn were here to hold me after all of it. All of all of it.

I hope "professional courtesy" extends to not trying to kill me, or tamper with the Guildhall. Sallaron will kill me himself when he finds out what's happened.


RE: A bundle of leather and parchment...
« Reply #22 on: January 27, 2007, 10:44:22 am »
Pyyran's Better Brewing Cards  

All recipes require 2 Hops Flower, 1 Brewer's Yeast, and 4 Empty Brewing Bottles.

Barley Wort  

Iron Hammer Bock[INDENT]2 Hazelnut [/INDENT]Black Knight Malt[INDENT]4 Blackberry [/INDENT]Big Rock Bock[INDENT]1 Powdered Limestone
1 Crushed Pearl
1 Pear Juice [/INDENT]Corn Wort  

Will-O-Whiskey[INDENT]1 Will O' Wisp Essence [/INDENT]Cherry River Lambic[INDENT]1 Cherry Juice [/INDENT]Dead Orc Porter[INDENT]3 Raspberry
3 Cherry [/INDENT]Red Crow Cream Ale[INDENT]1 Sugar Cane Juice
1 Raspberry Juice
1 Cow's Milk [/INDENT]Oat Wort  

Pig's Ear Pilsner[INDENT]1 Ear from a Red Light Goblin Scout [/INDENT]Black Horse Ale[INDENT]1 Blackberry Juice
2 Almond [/INDENT]Dark Dragon Pilsner[INDENT]2 Chicken Egg
1 Elderberry Juice [/INDENT]Tower Malt Liquor[INDENT]2 Malted Barley
2 Holy Water [/INDENT]Rice Wort  

Silver Buckle Gin[INDENT]1 Powdered Silver [/INDENT]Axe Head Amber[INDENT]1 Apple Juice [/INDENT]Firewood Lager[INDENT]2 Dust of Fire Agate
1 Stick of Charcoal
1 Cranberry Juice [/INDENT]Cracked Skull Cream Ale[INDENT]2 Skullcap Leaf
1 Cow's Milk [/INDENT]Rye Wort  

Blue Sword Swill[INDENT]4 Blueberry [/INDENT]Broken Knuckle Beer[INDENT]4 Skeleton's Knuckle [/INDENT]Wheat Wort  

Dwarf's Head Ale[INDENT]2 Chestnut [/INDENT]Jumpin' Juniper Brau[INDENT]1 Juniper Berry Juice [/INDENT]Wizard's Wheat Ale[INDENT]1 Potion of Cure Light Wounds [/INDENT]Dwarf's Sledge Draft[INDENT]6 Cranberry
1 Honey [/INDENT]Green Forest Draft[INDENT]1 Belladonna
2 Peppermint Leaf[/INDENT]


Re: A bundle of leather and parchment...
« Reply #23 on: February 04, 2007, 07:59:31 pm »
From Pyyran Rahth's journal and book of tales...

I need to speak clearer when hopping through portals... Landed myself in Arabel, and with no tickets for the boat. Ended up wandering Xantril (feh, Belinara, right) for a few days. Didn't run into any trouble, just a few planar cutters who decided to try drinking me under the table. Didn't work, and I managed to beg passage to Karthy off of them. Learned a fair bit of Cant... Not the Thieves', but the planar Cant. Chiv, cutter, chant, lann, and whatnot. Apparently I'm pretty well-lanned for a clueless primer.

Been reading through this thing, and came across that school bit, again... For my retirement. Still a bloody ways off, let's hope, but... I've ideas, aye. Can't just be fighting, can't just be art...

Got to be able to support itself, got to really serve a purpose. Needs a good location, central or northern Mistone, but not too busy... Maybe Melnan or Edal.

And let's hear it for a simple, powerful name. The Academy. Been done, I'm sure, but this one would be mine.


From Pyyran Rahth's journal and book of tales...

I sit here, holed up in a tiny cave in the Grey Peaks, sheltering from the cold outside... And yet not even the merry little fire I've managed to build can warm the chill that's settled into my bones.

Eight times, the Mother's called me to tea. Eight times, I've choked it down, forced a smile, and remembered how horrid the stuff is.

Only two strands of my soul hold me here to Layonara.

Lepus Pox and I planned, once, to track down the Coup de Grace, the legendary greatest fencing sword ever smithed, and I vowed on the poor man's grave that I'd find it. I have the skill, now, to warrant such a blade, but... Even though Ozymandias says it is simply an iron rapier, and no more, I'll have it. He's given me the name of the dwarf it last belonged to: Ironforge, of Lar. I'll head the rest of the way there, come morning. Though if I can't get past those ogres, I'll turn back.

I can't be taking chances any more.

Ironforge supposedly passed it on to someone... Gods, but I hope they don't realize what it is, or don't care to have it. Or something.

I have to have it.

And Karn can't know of this.


Re: A bundle of leather and parchment...
« Reply #24 on: February 16, 2007, 09:34:09 am »
From Pyyran Rahth's journal and book of tales...

Three letters sent, to the two I trust most at my back, and the one whose skill I need.

Nothing sent to the one I love... Not until I have it.

I'll wait in the inn for them; it should take a little while for two of them to make the journey.

It's so cold.

Below this are written two words:

Berhand Silverbeard.


Re: A bundle of leather and parchment...
« Reply #25 on: May 05, 2007, 09:58:22 pm »
From Pyyran Rahth's journal and book of tales...

Bloody dwarf... Bloody son of bloody Berhand... Dead end, no leads, bugger it all. Have to wait for the next...

But I've got his book! It's in dwarvish, which I'm talking with Beli about learning... Not that he'll ever hear about the book. If it weren't for Silverbeard's effective murder of all those adventurers, I'd feel bad about taking it.

Have to wait for more leads to come to me... Or have to wait for Sall to get it and bury it with me.


Re: A bundle of leather and parchment...
« Reply #26 on: May 05, 2007, 10:25:20 pm »
From Pyyran Rahth's journal and book of tales...

Book, timeline:
Kenson hired to get book from deal cele. lass
Kuhlat works w. us, fights live cele., kills, runs off w. book (2 yrs past)
??? Book returned?
Jennara told:
[INDENT]Book taken by Darkies from secret place (told 2 mns past)
Darkies run off, Jen's party gathered
Party tracks Darkies to Mnts, loses trail
[/INDENT]Party searches libraries, reconvenes
Party searches "librarian's" home, find like to Kuhlat in Hurm, oncover clues that "librarian" might be Kenson ("old friend")
Party goes to Hurm, corner Kuhlat, Kuhlat gets away in confusion w. guards
Party questioned, released, barred from Hurm till Red Bear's Arrival.

Notes: Rhynn and Storold not present for questioning
Kuhlat cut loose?
Rofireinites all mad (not Jennara)


I think that our chances of ever getting the book are gone, but... My Trouble-Itch tingles like there's adventure afood. I don't like it, not with the Rofireinites still about, but so long as Jennara leads, the others will follow. Unfortunately, I'm fool enough to be in the same boat. Burn my curiosity and blast my gratitude!

Too few good people among the Dragoncalled still live. I suppose the truth is not gratitude, but... Rather, solidarity. I wand to help Jennara. She's a better person than I.


Re: A bundle of leather and parchment...
« Reply #27 on: May 05, 2007, 11:41:48 pm »
From Pyyran Rahth's book of tales and songs...


Crossbow-strings winch!
Armor-straps cinch!
Up your sword, down your pikes, teeth are all clenched!
Every young lad wanting cover or trench!
Banners all raised!
Trumpets, they blaze!
All soldiers thinks this the end of all days!
Young recruits boldened by glory's new haze!

Defenders gathered, all marching from Lor,
Adventurers, sellswords and heroes of yore,
March through the night, and upon the first light
The gate are a charnel field, dripping with gore.

Blademasters fight!
Arrows take flight!
Warriors defending against Rael's foul might!
Determined to beat back the Duergar's dark blight!
Fighters, so large!
Meeting their charge,
Steel meeting steel, the fruits of the forge!
But through our lines still, do Bloodstone's men charge...

Dragoncalled blood staining cobblestones red,
Divine favors granted, saving the near-dead
But it's not enough, the fight is too rough,
To save what's remaining, the heroes, they fled.

Fall back and run!
This fight is done!
Back at the citadel, we stand as one!
Knowing our chances of holding were none.
Onward they poured!
Heading the horde:
Rael himself, fancying to be a lord
Off'ring save passage, to lay down the sword...

They lay down their banners, call quarter, do all
Accepting the price of the capitol's fall
But some remain, plot to rise up again,
Plan to reclaim Pranzis at the first call...

Many accept, now, that 'Lord' Rael does rule...
Deny reconstruction and you'll be the fool.
But is it true, good he claims to do?
Think hard for yourself, don't be commonlaw's tool!

Some still consider this tyranny's win;
I count myself one of them, outside and in.
I am very proud, and will say it quite loud,
My love of my homeland cannot be a sin!


From Pyyran Rahth's book of tales and songs...

The Scamp (variations encountered in other taverns, but the Scamp seems the origin)

Refrain (sung between each verse):

But now we come to the Scamp to drink
the mugs filled o'er with ale
And as we sip our sorrows sink
Our hearts made jolly, warm and hale

Verses (only a handful, with two of my own - typically made on the spot, typically humorous, often very wry, often raunchy, though not these)

Oh, I once loved a bonnie lass
In lands I called my home
But her clan ran me off fast
For this lass was a gnome!

I came to Hlint with heart so hot
Like so many folk
My hope was a fortune sought
But now I'm dead-flat broke!

"No-nubs" Flannigan:
When lizard-folk cut off my leg
I thought that I were done
But then I learned the truth when bears
Ate the other one!

Kendal Shortsail:
Oh I once spent six years at sea
The time flashed in a fog
The only friendly face to me
My full-up cup of grog!

When my wife's angry, as she's oft
She's strong as seven men
But I admire the smooth and soft
Hair that's on her chin!



Re: A bundle of leather and parchment...
« Reply #28 on: May 05, 2007, 11:51:06 pm »
From Pyyran Rahth's journal and book of tales...

Serendipity. What does this word really mean to most people? Luck, at least. Fate, at best. To me? To this aging adventurer... It is that which guides my every waking moment. Each choice I make seems at once a whim of chance, and guided by some deific weights in the dice that roll out my fate. When I look for adventure, the seas are calm and the roads clear and broad. But when I give up on that, and go for a drink, trouble springs out of my mug. I don't mind so much, really... I only wish that once I started a job, I could finish it.

Kuhlat. The name of the mace-and-dagger thieving scoundrel I worked with, finding that book all those years ago. Paid in diamonds, blocked by celestials, a divided group chasing after the prize. If it weren't for Kuhlat getting away with the tome, it would all be the makings of a fine tale. But... He did, and I didn't hear of it again until a few months ago. The book was wanted by the Rofireinites, led by Jennara, and I - grateful that the lass didn't have me hanged for my rendezvous with "Fred" - decided to help out in the finding. Didn't know of the connection until well into thw whole business, but that turned out to be quite the boon in dealing with Kuhlat - the connection, that is.

In trying to track down the book, we - or rather I - stumbled across him,. To shorten an infuriating story, he fought rather than make a deal, and one of Jen's underlings went off for the guards. When they showed up, the not-so-well-bound Kuhlat was able to slip away, and the rest of us are being held for questioning.

I'm more and more convinced that Luck really is a woman, pulling my strings like a puppet... And the lass loves an interesting show. Not sure whether or not I love the treatment, but I'd bloody well rather have a little satisfaction in my work from time to time.

If I meet her in the afterlife, I think I'll kiss her and ask her for a game of dice.


Re: A bundle of leather and parchment...
« Reply #29 on: May 28, 2007, 02:56:13 am »
From Pyyran Rahth's journal, and book of tales...

On one page... Is a simple list of words. Perhaps associated, perhaps not.

But rain or tears smear the ink.












Re: A bundle of leather and parchment...
« Reply #30 on: May 28, 2007, 03:15:19 am »

Pyyran sits, pale and haggard, over a desk in the Freelancer's Inn, staring down wearily at the parchment before him. Three pages of fine linen, the creamy-white surfaces crossed with tight lines of text, and sand for the blotter.

The Adventurer's hair, always stark black, save for the one shock of white earned in the Void, is now touched with grey at the temples, and the lines in his face are deep wrinkles - marks of age and hardship, beyond what would kill another man. His formerly ice-blue eyes reflect a dull slate... An unreflecting mirror, shining deep into a pit of despair and regret.

A day before, he had been discussing, in his usual way, the outlandish idea of growing with an artificial sun, with a promising young mage... But today, his task is as grim as his body is weak - the toll taken by the Bindstones greater, it seems, than ever before. He had wanted to howl, upon awakening...

But there had been too much to do. There still was - funds to gather, friends to contact, more copies of his Will made and distributed...

The weary man looks over at the bundle of his things, the innumerable magical trinkets, little tools, and materials for his hobbies each in their own little bags and cases...

And the rapier laid on top. So much...

So much like the one he will never, now, hold.

And Pyyran Rahth, adventurer by trade no more, begins to weep.


Re: A bundle of leather and parchment...
« Reply #31 on: May 29, 2007, 01:22:46 am »
{This is a placeholder for the various plans for the Academy, and the letters sent to Port Hempstead authorities and church leaders. It's too late for me to think and make it go just now.}//(N/A)//

Despite Pyyran's valiant efforts towards raising money for his grand ideas, and his somewhat-less-than-successful pleas to church leaders and government officials, the entire plan has fallen to shambles since his unexplained disappearance.

The likelihood of the Academy ever becoming a reality wanes with each passing day...

And the days pass, with no word.


Re: A bundle of leather and parchment...
« Reply #32 on: August 14, 2007, 12:43:10 pm »
Pain. Pain and loneliness, loneliness and fear.

The old man half-hobbled his way along the narrow mountain path, tattered grey cloak clutched about him for some meager warmth against the chill autumn air. Fearfully, he looked about, his ears strained for the slightest hint of his hunters on the wind. Deep in the winter ice, he hadn't needed to worry for anything but his dwindling stores, and the increasing pressure of solitude... But giants roamed the mountains, now, pursuing the man through summer and now deep into fall. The howling, bitter wind, though, brought to the traveler only the sound of its own course through the rightly-called Splintered Peaks.

The Grand Mountains loomed before him, already visible in the distance. Beyond them, if he could make his way there in the short weeks ahead, was the Fort of Last Hope... His last hope, indeed. Two years, since he had heard the sound of a voice other than his own, not screaming curses in the foul giant's tongue. Two years since a song not wrought by his hand had warmed his heart. Two years, since the misguided portal had dropped him fifty feet above a jagged slope, not three miles from Shadison's Viper.

The fall had broken his leg, badly, as well as his belt of equipment. The few healing potions left to him were enough to let him run, hide... But not enough to mend the torn limb. And the snakes... The whole summer, he spent, frantically trying to escape the serpents' run, foraging where he could and making his way west. The Roughlands, however, offered him no respite, for the snakes were everywhere... As were the fire giants, insensed at the blue-clothed sneak's intrusion to their realm. It was only at the bluffs of the Ocean Cavern that they ended their chase, when a desperate bid by the one-time adventurer of scrambling down the cliff put him well out of reach.

But winter had arrived, and Pyyran Rahth, old and tired, was forced to take shelter against the bitter, black ice.

His small cave, several miles north of the dreaded cliffs, was a welcome haven. Old and dead trees were plentiful, as were predators, lured by the heat of fire and songs of adventure. They, however, found naught but the swift silence of chilled adamantine, and became food for the prey they sought. Twice, inquisitive giants fell to the same trap, and the same fate on a spit over flames.

Much had been lost in the first fall and flight; only the most basic, and most valuable of Pyyran's supplies remained - that which he did not trust to the heavy belt upon which his life had hung so many times. Without magic trinkets, or alchemical surprises, all that remained were his books of tales and songs, the pink-and-green luckstone that so often orbited his head, his sword, cloak, and clothes, and the shell at his neck that so often became the only light in the darkness of his world. Even his lute, the hickory instrument which he had poured so much time and effort into, had shattered in that first, painful impact.

Music was all that remained to him in those dark, cold months... And a flute, carved first from a dead oak, and later, from giant-bone, held his sanity intact, even as its lure brought him what would keep him from starving.

When the ice melted, he struck west, only to find the same barrier of cruel terrain and crueler giants. His progress that summer, chronicled only by the filling of his books with songs and stories, was slow, and winter found him again in the Splintered Peaks.

But Pyyran could not make his home away from all he loved. West he forged when the chill began to fade, stumbling along on a poorly-healed leg, and still, when the chill rose again, he did not stop.

No. He could stop when he was dead.

He had been away too long, and would not get home for even longer... But stopping, hiding away from the ice and snow...

It could only make it worse.


Re: A bundle of leather and parchment...
« Reply #33 on: October 04, 2007, 02:39:21 pm »
In the Scamp's Mug, in Port Hempstead, a hush falls over the crowd as a cloaked and hooded figure, clad all in a deep navy blue, steps, limping, up onto the smallish stage. After quietly begging the temporary use of one of the regular performers' lute, the man speaks in a dark, melodic voice.

"Sirs and madames, and all assembled... This is the tale of a man stranded on Belinara, dropped by magic in the Splintered Mountains with little but a sword, a book, and a quill. He chronicled his struggles, and I... I am here to tell the tale."

With this, the figure's gloved fingers begin to pluck at the strings of the lute, the melody as dark as the shadows under the man's hood, in a low, minor key.

"From jagged peaks the wand'rer came
Through lands that fire giants claim.
He crept around, but still was found,
By brutes with more of bile than brain.

An injured leg, it weighed like wood
But he still fled as best he could.
His woodland skill kept him from ill
But those who followed were as good.

They kept him hounded, tiring not
Upon his heels, the giants hot.
As autumn waned, the giants gained
Counting the days 'till he was caught

Then winter 'pon a storm was borne
The wand'rer climbed a broken horn
Its jagged side helped him to hide
From those who chased, by light of Orn.

But trapped was he by coming cold
His aching bones, they felt so old
The caves he found, were safe and sound
As all of Belinara holds.

The age-long winter in that place
Etched lines upon the wand'rer's face.
But deeper still, seclusion drilled;
His sanity was near erased.

The wand'rer's fire inside his caves
Brought hunting giants, and yeti knaves
But yet their prey, in ambush lay,
And roasted all on wooden staves.

He missed e'er more, his hick'ry lute,
When fever his bright voice made mute.
From giant's bone, with jagged stone,
He chipped the Pipes, a grisly flute.

When winter, at last, sought its rest
The wand'rer set out once more West
He did not know, how far he'd go
To end his ever-homebound quest."

Here, the man pauses in the song, fingers still rolling across the neck and the strings of the lute... Yet after a few short moments, when the crowd begins to murmur, a flurry of notes falls from the lute, and the verses resume.

"With spring the wand'rer gladly found
His fever gone, although no sound
Would ring out strong, after so long
Of cold confinement under ground.

At first, he noticed not, the sky
Until a calling crow flew by
The sun shone clear, after many a year
And soared the wand'rer's spirits high.

The Pipes, they sang to all he passed,
In shadow; there and gone as fast.
His stiffened limb, encumbered him
But he could travel, at long last.

He traveled west, through spring so short
His aim, the apt-named Last Hope's fort
Though many weeks of climbing peaks
Were 'tween him and his lone resort.

The summer quickly killed the spring
And back his voice the warmth did bring
This boon, his song, turned curse 'fore long,
As red-skinned giants heard him sing.

The wand'rer learned his folly soon,
And hid well under two new moons
The giants wraths took other paths
Charging headlong, like buffoons.

Silent, now, with songs in mind,
He left the Splintered Peaks behind,
The Mountains Grand, the wand'rer planned
To scale before the fall's decline.

However, this was not the case
The wand'rer lost a losing race
The autumn failed as he slowly scaled
Another mountain's looming face.

Winter saw him struggling through
The passes, which were slim and few
And yet he blazed a trail, unphased
By weather other men might rue.

The wand'rer westward ever roamed,
Not stopping in his search for home
As winter thawed, he looked out awed
From 'top the highest mountain's dome."

The audience, rapt through the tale, remains silent through another pause in the dark man's song.

"Spring and summer, marked by writing
In a tome, by conch-shell's lighting
The wand'rer stirrs the heart with words
Each tale concluding with good tiding.

This story also ends with fair
News, although we're not yet there
That fall's report at Last Hope's fort
Tells of a wand'rer in their care.

In warmer months, his path sloped down
The sunset he, before him found
His steps felt blessed, as he forged west
Each day he covered healthy ground.

As mountain slopes with hills did blend
The promised fall a chill did send
A whiff of smoke brought with it hope
That all his hardships neared an end.

He came at last to Last Hope's wall
But to the ground the man did fall
His travel here, had cost him dear
Though hope sustained him, through it all.

The wand'rer woke to hearty smells
The food, it drew him, like a spell
The healers asked, as he broke fast
How was it, here, he came to dwell.

The wand'rer told them all his story,
Flecked with bits of drawn-out glory
But one exlaimed, when told his name,
"Your friends were nearly dead with worry!"

He asked the cleric what he meant;
The healer told of letters sent
Of questions hurled, around the world
All begging news of where he went.

But winter'd closed its icy grip
And so delayed the wand'rer's trip
For noone roamed the roads alone
But he was anxious to take ship.

When spring and summer once more came
The wand'rer joined a merchant's train
The road was long, but yet his song
Kept spirits up with each refrain.

He came at last to Arnax's gate
His homesickness would soon abate
On autumn's wind, he felt an end
To his lonely, wand'ring fate."

As the musician finishes the tale, the audience remains quiet; even the most inebriated of the sailors present stay hushed... Until the first of a light smattering of applause begins to ring out. It does not last long, for the man limps off of the stage, returning the lute somewhat hesitantly to its rightful owner. For a few moments, the more sober-minded of those gathered speculated that the man performing had been the very man in the song, but such talk quickly died down.

It had been nearly four years since Pyyran had performed in the Scamp, and noone remembered.


Re: A bundle of leather and parchment...
« Reply #34 on: November 04, 2007, 02:15:03 pm »
The note, found by Pyyran after going out in search of Kinai...


I'm leaving. Take the house, take the chests, take whatever's in them...As much as it saddens me to say it, I don't think I will be returning.

We both knew that, after Hawklen's disappearance, my own was close. I tried to hang in there, I tried to continue a semi-normal life... I don't know, maybe I'm missing a vital part of the human healing system. I can't seem to get over him. Even when I thought I had, I realized he was the only man I ever truly loved. No, correction, the only person I would ever truly love.

So I'm going to find him, Pyyran...Whether it means I hunt down the avatar of Shadon or leap into that portal with him, I'm going to find him. I want to do one thing right in my life to offset these wrongs, and by restarting a new life, perhaps I will be able to achieve just that.

I just can't handle living as I am now...

When you read this, I'm sure you'll think of Seras. If you want to find her, seek out Dur'Thak... Have him teach you what he taught her, and maybe he'll even tell you what I told him. If he won't, and due to his unpredictable behavior as of late, I can't tell you how he'll be, then step into my shoes and think as me. Either way, the answers will be far from comforting, and you'll probably curse my name for all time afterwards.

That's fine... Do what you think is right. I trust you more than I trust myself.

So, this is goodbye. Maybe we'll meet again in another life, but for now, this story comes to a close.

Thank you for always being there for me, however, and I'll never forget that...



Re: A bundle of leather and parchment...
« Reply #35 on: November 13, 2007, 12:45:12 am »
//To be honest and frank, I'll never really edit this to my own standards. My apologies... But at least this way you get to see the RP in true form! :) As a side-note, I cut out some ten minutes, real-time, of nothing but casting. Most of the mid-healing emotes were well spread-out.//

[attempt]Scarred and battered svirfneblin part, in the great chapel of the Temple of Beryl, for a limping man in blue. Age has lined the human's face, hardship drained his eyes and hair of colour to make them a flat, steel grey. The staff upon which he leans is, on the upper end, a tool for setting stones, and clearly of great quality... But of greater quality, still, perhaps, are the offerings in the bag he carries.

Strapped to his back is an oblong leather case.

The stranger stops before the temple's priestess, and an elf with silver hair. "Merabo... Quillwem." His greeting is loud in a brief moment of silence, but the noise of refugees guessing his identity buzzes back up, drowning out a faint, smiling mutter to himself. The man leans heavily on the staff as he bows, right leg not bending.[/attempt]

Pyyran: **He limps in, leaning on what looks to be a slightly modified gemsetter of great quality.*
Pyyran: **He bows, leaning the majority of his weight on the "staff."* Merabo... Quillwem.
Pyyran: Unless, of course, you're really Voon and you've lost a hundred pounds or so. **He smiles wearily.*
Pyyran: Right, right, not funny... **He shakes his head, smiling, and limps over to the bench, upon which he sets a leather case from his back.*
Quill: Hello Pyyran *he offers him a brief friendly smiles*
Pyyran: **He lays his staff aside, and opens the case, smiling up to Quill.*
Pyyran: **From it, he takes a beautiful lute of dark wood, the keys and frets gleaming silver, the strings as black as the body. The sounding hole is carved in the shape of a phoenix in flight.*
Quill: *looks over Pyyran with a concerned look then back to his eyes*
Quill: *quickly takes in the instrument*
Quill: Learning to play I see?
Pyyran: **His right leg is stretched out straight, as usual, the lute settled on his left thigh.* Learning? **He gives a small, impish grin.* You could say that.
Quill: *nodding to his legs* May I take a look and see how much damage has been done?
Pyyran: **Quietly, he begins to tune the instrument, quickly pleased with the sound. He nods to Quill, setting the lute aside.* By all means... Though if you mean to get the cloth out of the way, I'd ask that we retire someplace more private. **He chuckles softly.*
Quill: *bends down with a smile to Pyyran's comments and removes the boot* Forgive me if I am a little forward.
Pyyran: By all means... **He chuckles.* I've run around adventuring in less, I assure you.
Pyyran: And... Thank you, Quillwem. Thank you so much for agreeing to help me with this.
Quill: *chuckles slightly at that* I am sure we can all say that.
 Quill: **waves the comment off* I am more then glad to do it for an old friend that I do not get to see enough of anymore.
Pyyran: Starr assured me the Church would be willing to help, but... It's amazing to see it actually in the process. Almost thought I'd never be right again... It's the grandest thing anyone's ever done for me.
Quill: *glances up to him before touching his leg* I will warn you this will sting...
Pyyran: I bring thirty-six thousand True for the church... A bit less than I'd planned, but other things as-.. Hm?
Pyyran: **He scoots the lute aside a bit more, and settles his hands on his thighs, nodding.* Aye, then.
Quill: The True is unneeded as I have said you are a friend.
Pyyran: **He smiles warmly.* A donation, and a token of thanks.
Quill: *he puts his right hand on the new and with his left grabs the calf and begins to bend the knee joint* Let me know when it becomes stiff?
Pyyran: **The joint does not move in the slightest.* Er... About now, actually. **He tries, and fails, to suppress a smile.*
Quill: Hmm.
Quill: I wish I could say I have seen worse my friend *he starts to apply pressure with his fingers to the joint in the knee*
Quill: *looks up a bit to Pyyran*
Pyyran: **He doesn't show any signs of pain at the pressure.* Aye... It's rather impressive, from another's perspective. **His small, wry smile is genuine.*
Quill: And potions did this you say?
Quill: *feels around the leg until he can find out where he will need to stop in his work*
Pyyran: Well. Smashing the leg to bits did it, mainly... The potions mended it enough to hobble on, but, from what Starr tells me, they healed it as if it had been one bone, rather than four.
Quill: Very odd. In my long life I have never... **shakes his head a bit*
Pyyran: **His smile widens to a grin.* For everyone's sake, I rather hope you never do again.
Quill: And you feel no pin when you walk on it?
Pyyran: No... Not since it finished healing, if you could call it healing. Just can't bend the bloody thing. Had cramps for a long time, but those've subsided.
Quill: So mostly just muscle pain then?
Quill: **begins to feel the muscles around the used to be joint*
Pyyran: Not for a while... Only when I bend it funny; too much strain by one tendon without the movement to go with it, you know.
Quill: *rises slowly looking once more at Pyyran's leg before focusing back on Pyyran himself*
Quill: I was hoping Starr would be here. But, I believe we will have to start without him. .
Pyyran: Starr said... **He pauses for a moment.* He said it would take carving me a new knee.
Pyyran: That's more or less what the other chirurgeons told me, too.
Quill: I cannot begin to describe the pain you are about to be in.. *shakes his head.* That is a good idea but it would only be a temporary fix you see.
Pyyran: **His expression shifts to one of caution... Wariness more than suspicion.* How do you mean?
Quill: *rubs the back of his neck* You see in time the substitute knee would break down.
Pyyran: Well, I figured he meant out of my own bone... **He seems to be starting to feel a bit less sure of himself.*
Quill: Causing you years of long term pain and even more limping.
Quill: *shakes his head*
Quill: We are to carve the knee while you wait patiently bleeding to death?
Pyyran: Well... I figured... You'd be healing me the whole time?
Quill: In my best guess...
Quill: It would take two days to complete the detailed carving of a new knee.
Pyyran: Huh. Really. **He blinks.*
Quill: Aye,
Pyyran: So... This means we'll be doing... What, now?
Quill: *swallows a bit, His Emerald green eyes looking into Pyyran's* It means will will have to completely remove the fused part of the bone and regrow it with magic.
Pyyran: **His storm-grey eyes meet the emerald gaze of the Emerald of Beryl, and he simply stares for a moment, before letting out a long, low whistle.* Well.
Quill: The Good part is it will not last as long if we do it my way.
Quill: And I would give you a week at the most until you are out running around again.
Pyyran: **He speaks slowly, as if having trouble putting his thoughts into appropriate words.* I... Can't say as I've ever quite experienced that before...
Quill: Will be like a brand new knee well simply stating because it will be.
Pyyran: But... A week? **He blinks.* Hm. Well, that certainly has merits above the rest. What's a week of agonizing, mind-shattering pain next to a month of regular old agonizing pain? **He chuckles weakly.*
Quill: The Pain will go away once the healing has been complete
Quill: It is the muscles that will need to be retrained.
Pyyran: Ah, and the rest is just relearning? **He sounds almost eager now.* Well!
Quill: Or more so the mind.
Quill: That is the gift of divine healing. *he smiles a bit*
Pyyran: Aye to that... **He shakes his head, smiling.* Well... To celebrate, and while I still remember the tune... **He reaches for his lute again.* Before the rough part comes.
Quill: *smiles warmly to Pyyran*
Pyyran: And the other things I planned to give are near the entrance... The coin, and a few other things. The entire metallic spectrum of dragon stones, containing a portion of the power of all the metallic dragons' might. Pieces of both Orn and Ausir, holding some of their mystery and might.
Pyyran: **As he speaks, his fingers begin to flutter across the strings of the lute, the adamantine cords humming to produce a truly marvellous sound from the exquisite instrument.*
Pyyran: Perform Check: 16 + 21 = 37
Pyyran: These gifts, in thanks for the kindness given, the respite and rebirth offered to this old man...
Pyyran: That he can live again.
Quill: *is focused on the melody of the music and Pyyran's words nodding once every so often*
Quill: *places a hand on Pyyran shoulder* Come then old man, let us make you new again.
Pyyran: **The music seems to impart an image of deep caverns, the darkness sparkling with some unseen treasure; that great beauty for which all yearn and ever seek. The notes echo through the great temple, and finally fall quiet.*
Pyyran: Aye to that.
Pyyran: **He lays the lute back in its case, and takes up his staff.*
Quill: [Tell] * you would see a bed and a table beside i in the middle of the two holy pools. Both of them plan but you could see clean as possible for this era*
Quill: I will have to ask you to remove your clothes.
Pyyran: **He nods, sitting down on the table as he quickly and deftly removes boots, clothes, and various trinkets.*
Quill: *bows his head*
Pyyran: **He closes his eyes as he lays back, his body quickly stilling to an almost unnatural state of quietude.*
Pyyran: **Deep in meditation, he waits. Patient, mind empty, the coolness of the table as unnoticed as the faint dampness of the air... Only a faint awareness of his own body remains.*
Quill: Beryl, Mother, Guide my hands to heal Pyyran of this inflection that he so desperately needs to feel whole, to feel prefect once again.. Aid me with your infinite wisdom and bless Pyyran with your strength. Bless me mother with your inner light and let me be your vessel of your divine radiance. In your name we pray.
Pyyran: **In the darkness of his mind, a faint light glitters. Shimmering, it catches his eye, and his mind turns to it, a distant light reaching him as if striking some great, many-faceted thing. His eyes slide open ever so slightly, his breath catching at the beauty.*
Quill: *removes six lengths of rope from the table and starts to tie Pyyran's hands and feet down* I am doing this to make sure you do not recoil and fight what I am tying to accomplish.
Pyyran: **If he hears, he does not respond, his half-lidded eyes fixed on some unseen point in the roof of the cavern.*
Quill: *takes his time with each knot and only when satisfied does he move on to the next*
Quill: Do you wish for whiskey to dull the pain?
Pyyran: **Again, it seems as if he does not hear, his brow furrowing slightly as he peers up into the dark.*
Quill: *Starts a low whispering prayer as he binds Pyyran's torso*
Quill: [Whisper] Mother take away his pain take him to your centre where he can only feel the warm of your light and love..
Pyyran: **His lips move slightly, as if echoing the words...*
Quill: *Still praying, he reaches over and picks up an Obsidian dagger*
Pyyran: **He lies there, still and unstruggling against the ropes that bind him.*
Quill: [Whisper] He and I need you know Mother in we need your divine presence with us holding Pyyran's hand and leading mine.. Let Him know that he is not alone..
Quill: *close his eyes whispers prayers of healing*
Quill casting Resistance
Pyyran: **His eyes slowly open fully, a faint, wondering look in the colourless orbs.*
Quill: * holds the knife and starts to cut a line deep and long over the centre of the knee to about four or five inches down*
Quill: *looks to Pyyran as his finishes the cut*
Pyyran: **A tightness settles in around his eyes, but his body remains still... His head turns, reminiscent of a dancer, hearing music...*
Quill: *nodding to himself he quickly looks back and grabs what appears to be a saw like instrument*
Starr: *runs into the temple panting and heaving...looking up to Merabo for directions*
Starr: *waves in thanks*
Starr: *runs in breathing heavily*...
Starr: *stops and takes in what he sees*
Quill: *nods briefly to Starr* Hurry, I will need your assistance.
Starr: *calms himself and concentrates to get control*...
Starr: I see you've started then..sorry teleporter trouble from Dalanthar.
Pyyran: **He lies on the table, clad in nothing at all but the robes that bind him to the slab between the holy pools. He seems to be deep in meditation, and his right knee is sliced from the top of the knee to several inches below, deep and clean. His slate-grey eyes stare, seemingly at nothing, at some unseen spot on the cavernous ceiling above.*
Starr: *goes to the washing bin and preps then moves into position*
Quill: *nods once and starts to speak* I need you to push back the skin around the bone so I may start cutting.
Quill: Gentle as you can be..
Starr: *nods to Quill and gently reaches over and holds back the skin around the bone area needing access*
Starr: *monitors Pyyran and listens for Quill's instruction*
Quill: *leans over Pyyran and starts to saw into the bone above the fusion*
Pyyran: **The tightness around his eyes increases, deepening the lines in his face, but he hardly seems to notice the pain... Until the saw meets the bone of his leg.*
Quill: I have decided the best and fastest course is to remove the bone completely and regrow it with healing prayers.
Starr: *speaking a soothing prayer as he nods to Quill*
Starr: *watches closely keeping senses alert on Pyyran's breathing and movement*
Pyyran: **His arms and shoulders clench with tension, his jaw tightening as his eyes squeeze shut, his trance clearly broken... But, though he does not breathe, and his arms and chest strain against his bounds, his lower body remains still and limp under the deft hands of the two healers.*
Quill: *as he continues to saw he looks to Starr*
Pyyran: **Though he bleeds, it is not a gush, but merely a slow flow; the first incision done well enough to sever the flesh cleanly.*
Quill: A light healing prayer if you would...
Starr: *looks up to Quill with concern watching his motions and then back to Pyyran and speaks a prayer of healing and relaxation*
Pyyran: **With each vibration of the saw against his bone, he tenses a bit more, tiny grunts of pain escaping his mouth... But at the spell, some of the tension ebbs, the flow of blood from the incision lessening.*
Quill: *nods slowly as he finally saws through the top part*
Quill: There.. One done... *looks up to Starr* Grab some rope or use your belt and cut off the circulation in his leg
Pyyran: **Now exposed to the air, both healers' suspicions are proven true; the four bones of his leg and kneecap were fused together as if one, perfect bone. With the worst part, perhaps, over, Pyyran's tension no longer increases... *
Starr: *pulls his belt from his waist and quickly wraps around to cut the circulation off*
Quill: *he quickly moves down the leg and begins to cut again*
Pyyran: **Yet neither does it decrease. The tendons in his arms stand out, an faint, strange markings, like old, long-healed scars can be seen on the inside of his right forearm.*
Starr: *returns to speaking a prayer in a low steady monotone voice..trying to get Pyyran to concentrate on the rythm and sound and relax*
Quill: *the sawing of the lower bone is much quicker then the femur. As the final snap is hear he tosses the fused section of bone away*
Pyyran: **Suddenly, Pyyran thrashes against the ropes; Starr's prayers seem, evidently, to go unheard. He is torn literally screaming from what remained of his trance, and only a tremendous effort keeps him from straining his legs as strongly as the rest... But still, they, too jerk against their bonds.*
Quill: Steady him Star! *grabs hold of and pushes down on Pyyran's chest holding him in place*
Starr: *grasps firmly to keep Pyyran in position*
Quill: We're almost there Pyyran, fight it.. I know you can...
Pyyran: **His screams echo throughout the cavernous temple, the two healers' efforts to keep him still doing little more than the ropes. As the bear down on him, though, his thrashing slowly subsides into a shuddering, all over his body.*
Starr: Pyyran...controll can win the battle...concentrate....remove the pain from your mind...CONCENTRATE...
Quill: *he does not wait for Pyyran to collect himself but concentrates on the exposed leg*
Pyyran: **And... Eventually, the trickle of blood from his leg dripping off the table and onto the floor below, he begins to relax under their reassurances, seeming to come to terms with the pain.*
Quill: *weaving his hands back and forth, his hands glow a light blue as the healing magic of Beryl flows through him*
Starr: *maintains firm grasp working on keeping him steady*
Pyyran: **The marks in his right forearm seem to stand out more, an almost angry red.*
Quill casting a whole lot of unknown spells
Starr: *whispers to Pyyran*...almost there...he is calling upon the blessing of Beryl....
Pyyran: **His eyes fly open as the positive energy surges through him, gasping for air like a drowning man, his body tensing, but not thrashing as before.*
Quill casting even more unknown spells
Pyyran: **As the light and power of Her Perfection flow over him, the bone can be seen visibly regrowing, knitting itself together and growing apart, cartilage filling in the gaps. Tendons reconnect to bone, muscles to tendons, and slowly, the ski begins to flow over the flesh.*
Quill: *slowly the bone starts to grow.. eventually forming a new knee, the process takes many long minutes the pain slowly eases in Pyyran's right leg as the wound closely slow*
Quill casts major healing magics!
Quill: I need you aid Starr..
Quill casting major healing magics.
Quill: The bone needs to grow more steadily..
Quill casting unknown healing
Starr: *begins to speak the blessings of healing*
Quill casts unknown healing
Starr casting gnomish healing
Pyyran:Healed 0 hit points.
Pyyran: **Slowly, as both of the great healers pour the life-giving energy of Beryl into his body, the pain subsides. Over the long, agonizing minutes, his body is knit together and made whole... Whole, and perfect. The lines in his face seem less, his skin more supple... And his leg, absolutely whole.*
Quill: *The joint is fully re grown and the skin begins to heal itself, muscles start to weave themselves around the new bone and tendons reattach*
Pyyran: **And of course, Quill describes the process more slowly, working in Elven time.*
Quill: *stumbles back once the wound has fully healed*
Starr: *hunches over hand on knees breathing heavy*
Quill: *His face covered in sweat and blood, his breaths come slow and heavy Looking over Pyyran*
Starr: *looks up and speaks one more blessing*
Starr casting the final blessing
Pyyran: **As the last of the magic slips through him, he collapses down against the table, taking in deep gulps of air. His body is covered in a thin sheen of sweat, and yet all the blood seems to have been driven off the table, sitting in a collected pool beneath.*
Starr: *looks at Quill's work and smiles* the blessed Flawless Diamond....perfection be done.
Quill: *Wipes his forehead* We should release his bonds.. *he slowly stands and unties the binding so n Pyyran's left side*
Quill: *he offers a weak smile to Starr* Aye he will be done. .
Starr: *nods releasing the belt from the leg and then assists in releasing the other bonds*
Quill: *places a cloth over Pyyran*
Pyyran: **His breathing slows to deep, shaky pulls of air. For a moment, his mouth moves, as if he is trying to speak, but it soon stops, and he satisfies himself with being able to breathe.*
Quill: *he places a hand on Pyyran's forehead wiping away the sweat*
Quill: I told you.. It would be intense but the duration of it shorter then if we had to carve out your new knee.
Pyyran: **He turns his head into the touch, and slowly, as if with great effort, opens his eyes. For a moment, he looks puzzled.*
Pyyran: [Whisper] Yer na' Karn...
Pyyran: **He blinks and gives his head a little shake.* Och...
Pyyran: **He speaks quietly, slowly propping himself up on his elbows.* Quill.
Quill: *walks around the table and examines the work that Starr and himself were able to do*
Starr: *smiles to both*...Very nicely done too....I knew Quill would know the best way to perform this...
Pyyran: **He looks about.* Starr... You're here.
Starr: aye..I'm here...had to make sure you behaved yourself.
Pyyran: Knew ye'd come... **He starts to try sitting up further, but gives up the notion fairly quickly.*
Quill: He was a great patient I must admit.
Starr: aye...a little spastic at times but considering....he was well behaved.
Quill: He didn't even offer the whiskey to dull the pain.
Pyyran: **He gives it another try, and manages to prop himself up on his hands, half-sitting.* Och... Whisky? Ye offered whisky? **His words have a faint dwarvish brogue to them, strangely.*
Quill: Well, how would you feel having you leg cut open and the bone removed?
Quill: *pushes Pyyran back down on the table* Aye I did.
Quill: But I think you were too lost in prayer to notice.
Starr: *eyes widen*...what...*looks to Pyyran* to the daft....
Pyyran: **He slips back down with a quiet thud. He winces slightly as his head knocks against the table.* Wish I'd known there'd be whisky.
Pyyran: Would'n'a gone down so quick...
Quill: *chuckles*
Starr: *smiles*
Quill: Can you move your leg Pyyran?
Quill: *his eyes focus on the right leg*
Pyyran: **He looks up at Quill, blinking.* I donnae... Know.
Starr: hmpt...try...
Quill: Aye, *nods to Starr* Give it a try Pyyran.
Pyyran: **He reaches down with his right hand, tentatively feeling at the freshly-healed limb. The marks on his right forearm are clearer, now, almost like a fresh burn. They seem to be writing of a sort.*
Quill: I would be really amazed if you could honestly..
Pyyran: **Upon finding that his thigh, at least, is still there, he closes his eyes, and frowns in concentration.*
Pyyran: **His right foot wiggles a bit.*
Quill: *smiles weakly to Pyyran*
Quill: Remember what I said earlier?
Pyyran: Did I do it? **He chuckles wearily.*
Pyyran: Aye...
Pyyran: Most.
Pyyran: Which part?
Quill: You will have to retain your muscles and your mind about bending your knee.
Quill: But I assure you it does bend.
Quill: Starr.. Help Prop Pyyran up would you?
Pyyran: Aye ta tha'... Just... Figure it took so long tae learn how tae not bend it...
Starr: *reaches under Pyyran from behind and begins to push him up in a propped position*
Pyyran: Och... Aye, well... **He starts levering himself up with his arms, and with the welcome help from Starr, he manages to sit upright.*
Quill: This will be mildly umcomfortable. *once Pyyran is propped up Quill genlty grabs his right leg and slowly bends it so he can see*
Pyyran: **He keeps himself propped up with his right arm, looking down at his leg in wonder. When Quill starts to move his leg, he braces for pain, but... Then relaxes, feeling little more than the soreness he had already felt.*
Quill: I say a week or two at the most and you will be able to run again.
Pyyran: Well, och. Luck strike me...
Quill: You will not be able to run on it for long durations for probably a month maybe more.
Quill: But you must practice bending it daily once the soreness fades away.
Pyyran: **He reaches out to touch his knee, eyes full of wonder and suddenly glinting with unshed tears.* Och...
Starr: *smiles*'ll be back to normal before you know it...
Quill: Just take it easy.. Pyyran
Starr: listen to him...don't rush may be healed but it is tender...
Pyyran: **He turns his gaze to the others, the expression of wonder mingling with gratitude.* You two... Beryl... By all Luck... **A broad smile stretches across his face, and the tears begin to fall. As they stream from his eyes, own his face, his eyes... Thye glimmer blue for the first time in many years.*
Quill: And I don't want to see you back here asking us to regrow muscle next..
Pyyran: **He breaks into hearty laughter, wiping at the tears with the back of a hand.* Och, Quill, don't ye worry about that!
Starr: *chuckles*
Quill: We have a small souvenoir for you as well.
Pyyran: Aye?
Quill: Aye..
Quill: *reaches in the basin and pulls out the fused knee and surrounding bone*
Starr: *chuckles trying to stifle a hardy laugh*
Pyyran: **His eyes widen at the sight of the bone.* Och... That's what was in me?
Starr: you don't want to make soup with that...
Quill: Aye.. As I said.. It is the worst I have ever seen.
Pyyran: Not soup, nae... But... Hm. **He grins, shaking his head.* Mayhaps something else. **He puts a hand to his stomach, his grin slipping a bit.* Hrm.
Pyyran: Well, let's hope it's the worst you'll ever see... But... **He looks between the two, scrubbing at his face with the back of his hand again.* I could never ask anything greater of you, the church, or Beryl her lovely self.
Quill: Might be good for you to have it to remind you what might happen with ill proper use of potions.
Pyyran: But... If either of you has some kind of food.
Pyyran: Ill-prope-...
Pyyran: **His retort dies away as Quill hands him food.*
Pyyran: **He simply shakes his head again, grinning, and tears into the well-made fillets of fish.*
Starr: *stops from summoning a greenstone*
Quill: Lets just say, I come prepared and leave it at that?
Quill: *playfully winks at Pyyran*
Starr: that's why your the Emerald...*chuckles*
Quill: Indeed!
Pyyran: **He chuckles softly around a large bite of fish, washing it down with the joy of all joys, blueberry juice.*
Quill: If you have any problems or questions Pyyran me or Starr will be around.
Quill: Do esititate to call upon us.
Pyyran: **He nods.* Aye...
Quill uses World Leader XP Item
Quill uses World Leader XP Item
Experience Points Gained: 16000
Quill: But for now I am weak and need rest.
Pyyran: Aye... Think we all might... **He chuckles quietly.*
Quill: Feel free to rest in one of the other chambers.
Starr: aye...marvelous work Quill.....I learned a few techinques....
Quill: I will send a Greenston in here to clean up the work station.
Pyyran: Aye... **He casts about for his staff before swinging his legs over the side of the table, looking down and marvelling over his bent knee.*
Quill: *he offers Starr a sincere smile of gratitude* Thank you Starrr and I couldn't of done it with out you.
Quill: *Starr too
Starr: thank you....I think I will go check on the other patients too while I am here...
Quill: *nods to that* Aye.
Pyyran: **He reaches down, albeit a bit unsteadily, and snatches up his staff before hopping down from the table, nearly toppling over as his weight comes down on both legs. He keeps his feet, though, thanks to the sturdy gemsetter turned staff.*
Quill: My Her Perfection keep you safe friends.
Starr: Pyyran...take care of yourself....hope to see you running about back to normal before long...
Pyyran: **He sets about slowly pulling his clothes back on, and grins to Quill.* May the Flawless Diamond watch over you, and may Luck always guide your steps.
Pyyran: Do my best, Starr. Do my very best.
Quill: *with one last smile to each he tiredly turns and walks away*
Quill: I need time to rest.
Starr: *waves to Quill as he leaves* the blessed Deep Mother
Pyyran: I cannot thank either of you enough for being here...
Pyyran: For doing this.
Pyyran: If there is ever, ever anything I can do for you, let me know.
Pyyran: Though...
Pyyran: There's actually something I think you might be able to use. **He smiles.*
Starr: grattitude is enough my friend....that is all a healer realy needs...perhaps you'll pass along some good to another one day.
Pyyran: I do my best... But there is something I think you can use. You may've seen it, if you've stopped by the tradehall in Hempstead of late.
Starr: whats that...*looks on quizzically*
Pyyran: Well... When I'm back in traveling shape again, I'll get it for you. I... Think you'll like it.
Pyyran: Myself, I've got acrobatics to relearn. **He grins.*
Starr: *as he mentions trade hall, eyes widen*...weren't you looking for an infuser, enchanter?
Pyyran: No... Better. **He winks a bit, grinning.* Though I suppose one would need both... But you'll find out.
Starr: *smiles when he mentions acrobatics* long as you don't injur yourself again...don't rush it...
Pyyran: I'll be careful.
Pyyran: May Luck ever guide your steps, Starr.
Starr: *looks on puzzled*...ok...I look forward to hearing from you then...get some rest and may Her Perfection keep watch over thee...
Pyyran: And may the Deep Mother bless you as always. **He gives a rather unsteady bow, leaning heavily on the staff, and smiles.*
Starr: *waves as he heads to the healing wards to check on the other patients*
Starr: *speaks with a couple of Greenstones about healing herbs in the tea for Pyyran*
Starr: yes yes..those will help him regain his strength.
You close your eyes briefly and impress your soul upon the land.


Re: A bundle of leather and parchment...
« Reply #36 on: November 25, 2007, 02:50:56 pm »
Sapphire-blue eyes look critically over the careful craftsmanship of the piece before them, their calm, steady gaze having watched over the slow shaping of an off-white cube with barely-rounded edges. Each angle is precise and perfect, the corners square enough to satisfy a master tinker. Tiny shavings of white cover the mahogany table, giving contrast to the black-bladed dagger set almost carelessly aside.

A perfect cube. Good. The final piece of ten. Not a single mistake had been made in this meticulous effort; not a single scrap of this most precious material wasted. Even the shavings would be put to use...

The craftsman picks up the dagger again; more a tool of war than of design, its adamantine edge bites easily into the bone. Tiny divots of bone it carves from five of the cubes, little pips in age-old patterns; one, two, three, four, five, six...

These near-finished, the craftsman sets them aside for the final touch, and takes up, one by one, the last blank cubes.

The faces, he carves with intricate detail, enchanted diamonds at his fingers and throat lending steadiness to his motions, taking out tiny, fine lines and little chips, all the same depth and size. The artist, for in this, he truly is, makes a single face on each die, and takes his time to check and recheck the amount taken in each design, all the while muttering prayers to the goddesses of art and beauty.

Stars... Beryl's Geode, hardly so lovely as in its full splendour of colour, but each star in perfect place, the circle of seven traced with a fine line. The Traveler's Luck, the nine stars linked to show more clearly its shape. Ilsare's Heart and Arrow, the one pierced by the other as only so rarely occurs. The Triennial Sphere, both moons framed within. The Trickster's Toy is more carefully made than perhaps even Shadon had done, the arrows crossed and traced out in great detail.

Moons... Orn and Ausir both on each die, one with both full, one with both new, one where Orn shines in Ausir's darkness, one where Orn's darkness gives way to Ausir's light, and one where the both barely glimmer with crescents in the night sky.

Swords... Wicked, the greatsword of the Norseman. The Shadow Blade, which felled Sinthar Bloodstone. Coldfire, the iron blade of burning ice that gave a duelist his mastry. Bloodfall, the longsword forged innumerably to take back Roldem. Silence, the right-hand kukri of Kinai Ancalime, traveler through the realms.

Coins... A Diamoniar True piece bearing Kareem Waylend's face. A Voltrexian Tower in exquisite detail. An innkeep's piece, bearing a foaming mug of ale. A Queen's Coin, elegant rose with each petal in place. And a strange coin, marked with a heart and a clover...

Keys... A housekey, etched with the numbers 249. A skull-shaped key, fitting a lock at the bottom of Eon's Well. A simple-looking key, fitting the inner chambers of Storan's crypts. An aged and battered skeleton key, for the locks of a chest. A key to a tiny locket, etched with a heart.

Cups... A heavy, empty mug of dwarven design, "Silverbeard" on the side. An elegant wineglass, half-full and resting in a slender hand. A gem-studded goblet with the crest of two crossed arrows. A small tea-cup and saucer, a thorn design around the rim. A leather dicecup, with dice pouring out.

The labor takes such a time... The artisan knows not how long passes; his stomach has long been empty, throat parched for drink even as he carefully etches the shapes of the cups. Far from any window in this secluded study, his efforts have gone uninterrupted, and nothing has been wasted.

Laying the dagger once more aside, he takes up a gleaming silver needle, and pricks his wrist. A drop of blood wells up, and, careful not to let that drop roll down and ruin the dust on the table, he gathers the dice near.

With the needle and endless care, he slowly stains the pips and pictures of his perfect dice. Tireless patience see him through the drying of each face before he turns each die, and continues the painting.

His own blood staining his own bone.

And there was still enough left to do so much with.


More information here.


Re: A bundle of leather and parchment...
« Reply #37 on: March 22, 2008, 10:39:26 am »
The Four Stars Tavern.

Music rises from the slowly prospering tavern late into the Freas evening, business near its peak for the night. The staff are all at work, serving drinks and food, carrying away used plates and bottles, all like honeybees, flitting from patron-flower to patron-flower. The songs are fair, played by a young bardlet whose fine violin was on indefinite loan from the House. A few bottles rest beside him, half-gone, but with plenty of courage left within to get his fingers moving... Albeit a bit less steadily. A bent old elf, circled by children, tells a tale of his younger years, this time in hunt for a legendary golden-pelted bear which roamed Alindor's forests. A young, pretty elf lad serves drinks with the joy and flair of innocent exuberance, while...

While upstairs, a lined face looks out from a window, sapphire-hued eyes scanning the dark skies. Sixty years, these eyes have watched the world turn, from first opening upon the dying form of their source, through darkness and across great distances... To now, silently watching the city they call home.

"Worth comes from things that grow from within..."

The whispered words, drifting on the warm, Jular air, bring with them the faintest of pulsing glows. Below, hanging from a bone-beaded cord between a diamond cat's eye amulet, and an emerald clover, shines a small, simple conch shell, the softest of glows rising and falling with the steady beat of the old man's heart.

"Find your worth first, before finding that in things external."

A smile curves the man's lips as he recalls the first few years of his life. So driven, so focused on
achievement, so mindful of material gain and 'useful' skill. Trying desperately to compensate for his perceived worthlessness. It had taken a king's guidance to set him aright. This little gift of a shell...

"Then you will truly learn to love what surrounds you. Take it from me... I know."

His youth, he spent chasing dreams. In adulthood, he found them. Old promises kept, old ghosts laid to rest, and a paradigm met. Confidence found, ego left behind. Finally, at least a small measure of good sense had found its way into the man's head. But with dreams for himself fulfilled, a blade made living part of the man... As his own tale found a conclusion, if not an end, the tales of others shone bright in his heart.

"And now I'm back to chasing dreams."

Only... Now the dreams are not his own. So many live in a world just emerging from darkness. Few live whose parents, at least, were not prisoners of the shroud which enclosed the world of Layonara. So many have hopes which may never be met. And yet some are lucky enough to have garnered great fortunes in life. Many of these hide away, hoarding their wealth in their own little worlds... But a few look around, and see how their long efforts could aid more than themselves.

A fine violin of elvish make, taken back from thieving giants, aiding a bardlet's music.

Books and scrolls from the world over, put in the hands of the young and learning.

Tales, songs, and the financial clout to support an inn and multiple young, talented artisans.

Mayhap the eyes which scan the stars will see a tomb before long, but the life they have been given... The life of Pyyran Rahth will never be for naught.

Not now, he hopes.

