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Author Topic: Jacee's Journal  (Read 5076 times)


Jacee's Journal
« on: January 02, 2005, 09:23:00 pm »
*  A Neat forced script in a leather backed journal*   Well it is done. With all the men on their annual "hunting" campaign, it shall be weeks before they even notice my absence. I hitched a ride with a traveling caravan headed west of this cursed continent. It will be none too soon that I come back to these demon infested dregs again.  Eventually I came to a town called Hlint. I took nothing of my past save some hunters clothing, a practice sword and a few provisions.  Life is strange among the common folk. All the races here seem to co-exist quite well, but that may be just on the surface. I shall have to keep watch to see if this is just a facade.  I have had to limit my adventures to of all places, the sewers. If father could see me killing rats.... well I'm sure he's be happy I was killing but he's have my head for the shame of it being rats. I was able to return some records to the town, with the aid of a new compatriot, BB. A Halfling I could tuck under my arm, but a sneaky little fighter. I like him.  Well enough for now, I must find some way to earn gold, as this being poor is not entirely comfortable.


Entry 2
« Reply #1 on: October 28, 2005, 11:13:00 am »
I found a place to earn gold. The crypts…. It seems the dead of Hlint have no wish to stay that way.  I don’t know what evil keeps them restless in what should be an eternal sleep, but all to often I venture within those walls to find them walking.  I of course send them back to eternal sleep, and thus they have no need for the coin they keep in their pockets.  I have collected enough to maintain a reasonable suite at the local Inn as well as equip myself properly for training.  


Entry 3
« Reply #2 on: October 28, 2005, 11:13:00 am »
Blast it all.   I was attempting to rescue a cat from a tree and the bloody branch broke.  What was I thinking?  A woman of my age climbing trees?   The injury to my back has set my training back months.  It is a good thing I had plenty of coin saved to keep my rooms, lest I end up on the street or worse, in the sewers.  


RE: Jacee's Journal
« Reply #3 on: October 28, 2005, 11:14:00 am »
I finally feel well enough to start my training again.  My recuperation time was not entirely wasted.  I learned to cook.   I find the more time I spend with the simple folk of this land, the more I like them.  The advantages I had did not make me more than them, if anything they corrupted me.   These people need my protection.  I have listened to the reports of Bloodstones’s army.  I will do what ever I can to protect these people.   Finally I have a purpose.  It makes me sleep easier at night and something within me is less restless because of it.  I can’t explain the yearning inside.  All my life I have lived off the labors of others, I have seen abuse and terror and known it commonplace.  Now I have the means to fight back, and I will


Entry 5
« Reply #4 on: October 28, 2005, 11:14:00 am »
I had to hide in the caverns.  I saw one of his agents in town.  Blast it all.   I never thought they would even look for me.  Perhaps I am vain, and it is a mere coincidence that the courier was in Hlint.  I haven’t much skill at stealth, so I did not follow.  I had provisions to remain hidden in the caves for several days.  I finally paid a small boy to inquire at the inn after the man.  Thank goodness he had departed.  I will try to discover his business here as best I can without arousing suspicions.  


Entry 6
« Reply #5 on: October 28, 2005, 11:15:00 am »
 Katrien asked me to do an errand for her.  The timing was perfect.  It gave me good reason to be away from Hlint.  Granted, I had to barter with elves, but my court training served me well as I retrieved her book for her.  Too bad it was written in what appeared to be elven.  I should have liked to have read it.   I read many wonderful texts while waiting for those snooty elves to give me audience.  Not much else to do when you sleep in a library for a week.  


« Reply #6 on: October 28, 2005, 11:15:00 am »
No luck on finding the courier’s business, Perhaps it was a coincidence.  I cannot imagine why he would want to seek me out.  I am nothing to him.  Vanity perhaps makes me think I was the reason his agent was in Hlint.  Still I thought it best if I left the area for awhile.  I traveled to Rilara to explore a bit and lend my sword to help a group of travelers from some Drow attacks.  Drow.  I don’t abide much by elves, but dark elves are worse still.  I remember the cruel eyes and lies of the ones our family allied itself with.  Hearts as black as their skin they had.  The ones I have met in Mistone are somewhat different.  Some might even be called nice.  I trust none of them, I’ve yet had one prove their worthiness to good to my satisfaction yet.   The Drow attacking the travelers were typical of the Drow I had known.  I sent plenty of them back to their evil Gods on the blade of my sword.  


Entry 8
« Reply #7 on: October 28, 2005, 11:16:00 am »
Speaking of Gods, there seem to be worshipers of many Gods co-existing quite well in these towns.  I never felt comfortable praying to father’s patron.  I’ve listened to the rhetoric of the various priests and priestesses.   I’ve traveled with a few, and have spent several quiet evening in the libraries of some of the larger temples.  Fickle things, these gods.  It seems they squabble amongst themselves as much as children do.  Since they are gods I guess that makes it more acceptable somehow.  Some seem to be more popular than others.  I’ve seen the black and red of Father’s patron and felt the taint of his calling on others in the street.  I’ve beaten back the undead at the side of Toran’s chosen, gone into the fray of battle with Voraxians and welded my smith’s hammer next to Dornaites.  The Lucindites tend to be the spell slingers; Ilsarians the dreamers, the tree huggers follow Katia.  I’ve studied a bit of Rofirein’s dogma but as of yet, none seem to call to me.   What can or would a god do for me?  


Entry 9
« Reply #8 on: October 28, 2005, 11:17:00 am »
Alright, seeing his agent once in town might be a coincidence, but twice in the space of six months is not.  It’s doubtful a courier would recognize me in my present state.  My hair is now short to accommodate my helm, and I wear armor or commoner’s clothes now, not court dress.  Still there must be a reason he is here. I doubt much more than Kensing’s pride was affronted by my disappearance.   A vain man’s pride is nothing to trifle with, but still, no reason to search two continents and several seas away for an errant wife. He has his lands, his heir.  Unless…  


Entry 10
« Reply #9 on: October 28, 2005, 11:18:00 am »
I was never one for drink before, but I find the warmth of the ale gives me some measure of comfort.   The inn has no shortage of ale and patrons willing to share tales for the price of one.  It seems a bit devious to discover information in this manner, but I do what I must.  My sword is my other comfort.  I never really understood the attraction to the blade until I had to live by mine.   The fight is much like a courtly dance; movements that are fluid and graceful, yet driven by strength.  I find myself drawing my blade in private, moving against some unseen foe as I dance with shadows.  Here I can lose my thoughts, relax my mind.   


Entry 11
« Reply #10 on: October 28, 2005, 11:18:00 am »
I am always amazed at the sheer arrogance of wizards.  They assume because they understand the weaves of magic, that they understand all.  Today was almost laughable.  I was visiting the temple of Toran once again.  I have come somewhat frequently since aiding Quantum and Nahani in there search for the vampires and that thing they called a lich.  Anyway, a wizard was ranting to the healer that he knew the meaning of the note we had used to solve that lich mystery.  Of course he could not be told he was a little late and completely wrong in his interpretation.  Such are mages I guess.   The healer set us at vanquishing the balor and we did but not before I had to restrain myself from handing the mage is own tongue.  


Entry 12
« Reply #11 on: October 28, 2005, 11:19:00 am »
I think I am destined to cross paths with all these spell slingers.  Yet another go around with weavers.  This time I ventured into the Silent Watch with several.   The Watch has changes greatly since I was last there tax collecting the giants with Ender.  No giants and we happened upon some type of magic ritual focused on a tree.  Of course the thing blew up in the face of then mages, and showered the ground with black spores.  I collected all I could.  I gave some to Connor since he seems to be the golden boy of the Arcane Tower, or at least that’s what Katrien tells me.  Speaking of Katrien, her pregnancy still holds.  The healers say it’s likely due to the potentially magic nature of the child  
The months of hell I had to endure while carrying Kensing’s spawn were more than enough for me.  Katrien seems to enjoy this while I loathed every minute of it.   I was sick, bloated, and uncomfortable and worse I had to watch him stride around like a cock in a hen house.  He had finally managed to deal me the ultimate in demeaning blows.   That child twisted and rocked in my gut for the nine normal months of pregnancy.  My only victory it seems was that boy child lacked any look of me or these cursed abilities.   Katrien seems serene and calm with her burden.  But then perhaps it is not such a burden when the child in question is conceived in love.  


Entry 13
« Reply #12 on: October 28, 2005, 11:20:00 am »
Mobs.  I hate bloody mobs.   All these so called seasoned adventures and not one of leadership abilities.  All want to lead.  Chaos reigns.  Priests who imagine themselves great warriors when they ought to be forwarding the truly strong with the gifts of the gods.  I am so sick of battling by the side of fools that are selfish and thoughtless.  I welcome the day I can find a group of like minded to further my training rather than relying on solely my own wits to save me more form my party  than the enemy we face.  


RE: Jacee's Journal
« Reply #13 on: October 28, 2005, 11:20:00 am »
The Inn has become too dangerous, too conspicuous.  I have moved in with a delightful young commoner family.  They seem to welcome the coin I can provide their small family.  It amazes me how such small things can bring them much happiness.  I happened upon a few serviceable cloaks and boots while doing my regular rounds of the crypts.  I offered them to the family as I was feeling to  lazy to walk to the shops to sell them.  You would have thought I’d offered them the moon.  I guess my position of privilege had left me somewhat jaded in this life.  
I often find myself by the pond, reflecting about my life.  Katrien sometimes joins me when she sees me.  Sometimes we talk, sometimes we say nothing.  
It seems I have found a sister as she as well is cursed (she says blessed) with a gift that sets her apart form others.   She seems so happy; I cannot help but wonder when her bubble will burst.  She loves a Drow and the Drow are incapable of love.  They use her and they will use her child.   I cannot make her see that.  I can only hope that I can provide the strength she will need when her world comes crashing down.  


Entry 15
« Reply #14 on: October 28, 2005, 11:21:00 am »
My hostess has given birth to yet another mouth to feed.  Her husband tries, but a shop clerk cannot support such a growing brood.  I have doubled my adventuring efforts to help provide for them.  They deserve the comforts I grew complacent of. It has been weeks since I have seen any family couriers in town.  Perhaps they move on, or perhaps it was vanity after all.   I received a letter from Henri, Katrien’s trained hawk today, bidding me to come to her home in Krandor.  I can only hope all is well and that my predictions have not come true.  I will leave at dawn.  


Entry 16
« Reply #15 on: October 28, 2005, 11:21:00 am »
A child, a beautiful girl child.  Katrien brought into this world with ease alone what I labored for days to do.  Lisse’ is what she named her.  Angel she is.  My son wailed and fussed and would not sleep, while this babe scarcely makes a sound but to coo and smile.  When she does cry it almost breaks my heart.  I believe she has my heart firmly in those pudgy little hands.  
I have care of this angel until her mother returns.  Katrien is off on one of her adventures and has entrusted me to watch over Lisse’.  I am thankful my hostess is able to feed her so as I do not have to rouse suspicion in town trying to acquire a wet-nurse.  I’ve used this service as well as an excuse to increase their income.  
Katrien also left me with a stack of letters to deliver and use if necessary.  It seems she has some powerful allies.  I had known the Tower of Nature had interest in the babe, but I also knew how reluctant my friend was to let them have access to her.  It seems she has ties with several powerful guilds as well. There are two letters addressed to guild leaders.  Another, the one that puzzles me the most is to a man named Jharl.  I had heard Katrien mention him as a promising apprentice, but I had thought in her tailoring and jewelry business, not in music arts.  She wishes me to seek him out to sing to Lisse’.  It does seem the child has a natural affinity to music as my hostess sings to both children as she feeds them.  Lisse’ seems to brighten and glow when music is played or songs are sung.  The violet around those shocking eyes seems to come to life.  But I will wait a bit before finding this Jharl or delivering these letters.  After all she can’t be away from this precious angel for long.  


Entry 17
« Reply #16 on: October 28, 2005, 11:22:00 am »
Two months now and no word.  It is not like Katrien to do this.  She generally sends Henri if she’s going to be delayed and each day I search the skies for him to no avail.  I went to Krandor and quietly asked about town for her in the guise of wanting to purchase something from her shop.  No word there either. Connor too is not back and that in part eases my mind that she is at least likely to be with strong friends.  I sat at the inn and watched the house all day. No sign of her, just that Drow woman and her shifty friend.  No sign of Lar either, but that is no surprise.  He is not seen unless he wants to be.  Hard to tell if he’s there or not. I hope he’s out looking for her.  I hope.  
Lisse’ grows each day and she misses it.  I have kept a journal of her accomplishments, but that will be a small compensation for Katrien.   I will seek this Jharl to see if he has heard word and to fulfill my friend’s wish.  The babe needs sound.  


Entry 18
« Reply #17 on: October 28, 2005, 11:23:00 am »
An instant bond between the two it seems. Katrien was right, he is a talented musician.  Not as talented as she, but good none the less.  He also seems to have a good heart and is worried by her absence.  He was shocked to see Lisse’ but the lullaby he sang her would melt the hardest of souls.    
Katrien also delivered him a gift it seems in her letter.  A song of protection he called it; a song to weaken the resolve of the enemy and give allies an advantage.  When he began to chant the strange sounds, shivers went up my spine.  Those sounds… they were somehow … familiar… *large blot of ink* I have heard that tongue before, but I don’t know where or when.  


« Reply #18 on: October 31, 2005, 04:49:00 pm »

  Katrien’s hawk appeared on the window ledge this morning, a note curled in that little cylinder on its leg. She’s alive, thank the gods.  I’ve grown so attached to this little angel I don’t know what life will be like with her gone.  Perhaps I can convince Katrien to stay with us for a while.  Here has got to be more pleasant than with that shifty pair.  I’d even hold my tongue at Lar if it meant having this little one stay just a bit longer.  The note says her ship should dock in Port Hampshire in about a week.   I so look forward to seeing my friend again.  I hadn’t realized how much I missed her companionship by the pond and our talks at the inn.  I hope she is well and this trip has not overtaxed her.
  I will hire a cart and take Lisse and the rest of the family to the city.  I’ll even take Fred who I believe misses Katrien greatly even though he spends his time grazing about the ox pen, clearly enjoying his vacation.  The group traveling should not arouse much suspicion.  I hope.
  I should inform Jharl of her return as well.  His regular visits to the house have really delighted all the children, not just Lisse’. It is Lisse’ however that coos and beams when he holds her and smiles her toothless grin when he plays or sings. His ax might be a welcome addition to my sword should we encounter any trouble.  He can also keep the boys in line with his tales of the red hawk and the small weaves of light he conjures for their amusement.


Entry 20
« Reply #19 on: April 06, 2006, 03:25:28 am »

  At long last I return to this tome. Where has the time gone? My little Angel is now almost a young lady. Ellen and Nathan’s children are half grown; the older boys now have respectable apprentice positions and can help out the family financially. My aid is not as sorely needed as it once was, so once more I grow restless. My sword arm had become unpracticed. It was time to train again. I do wonder of the fate of my own son. He would be a young man now, impressionable with the vitality of youth. I lay awake at night sometimes and wonder if I did the right thing. There is no way I could have made my escape without him, and he did so much seem to be one of them. I had little contact, even as his mother. Lisse’ is much more my daughter, Ellen’s boy’s more my sons than he ever was. Still I wonder. Turning to training, I found that practiced routines returned easily and to my surprise I made some quick progress to my skills. My sword is much keener, my stance better at both using the power of my arm and attack and my wits in defense. I have offered my blade in service to around town. I find that I can get to some things much better than they. Copper, Tin, Oak, these resources I provide. Jharl has been talking me with him when he mines the iron in Haven. He introduced me to a new weapon. I had thought of axes for chopping only, but he showed me how to heft one at an ogre and knock him out cold. I am better with the axe than I am with a bow, so I have taken to not only carrying some around, but also in constructing my own supply. Another quality I noticed in Jharl was his ability to focus pure rage in battle. I asked him about this and he shrugged it off as something he and his tribe (that’s what he called them) have always done. He said something about this red hawk and it’s tenacity in battle. It is an interesting technique that I think I will explore. The strength he draws from the rush of battle is impressive, but I also notice it leaves his defenses down and open to more hits. Just something to consider. Katrien and Lisse’ moved to Hlint. I am glad about that. She has a new beau; an austere but somewhat stiff mage. He seems pleasant enough though I can not be comfortable around him. Katrien’s happiness is important to me, but I fear my friend thinks more with her heart than her head sometimes. The lout Lar has not been seen in years. For that I am glad. I hope to have my skills to par to run the treacherous oaf through should I encounter him. We still meet, Katrien and I, for our moonlight pond chats, though not nearly as often as before. Her maturity reminds me so much that I am getting old too. So much to do, so little time; I will endeavor to keep this blasted journal more to date. On a final note, I have not seen them in town for at least 2 years. Either my husband and father grow weary of Hlint or they have now have faces unknown to me. I would hope for the former, but I fear the latter.

